RINAPE :: Volume #2

#171: A Liu Nian family education day of (Middle Part)

In the Renmin cafeteria, Liu Nian hit a vegetarian dish, wanted a steamed bun, Li Mu looks at somewhat to feel sad, but also wants to order some meat dishes to eat with him together, but slightly one hesitant gave up, oneself also went to order vegetables and a steamed bun, was then abundant one bowl of cafeteria free cleaning a pot water soup, faced to sit with Liu Nian. 人大的食堂里,刘念打了一点素菜,要了一个馒头,李牧看着有些心酸,还想点些荤菜跟他一起吃,但稍一犹豫还是放弃了,自己也去点了一份蔬菜、一个馒头,然后又盛了一碗食堂免费的刷锅水汤,和刘念面对而坐。 Liu Nian saw Li Mu to hit such few things, hastily asked: Brother Mu do you enough eat?” 刘念李牧就打了这么少的东西,急忙问道:“牧哥你够吃吗?” Li Mu shows a faint smile, enough, little eats to be good to the body in the evening.” 李牧微微一笑,“够,晚上少吃点对身体好。” The camera has photographed in nearby stationary position, Li Mu and Liu Nian this food eats quickly, two people do not have too to talk, but finished eating quickly, Li Mu asked Liu Nian one: Ate to the full?” 摄像机就一直在旁边固定位置拍摄,李牧刘念这顿饭吃得很快,两人也没太多交谈,只是快吃完的时候,李牧问了刘念一句:“吃饱了吗?” Liu Nian nods, said with a laugh: Ate to the full, my capacity for food is small.” 刘念点点头,笑着说:“吃饱了,我饭量小。” Li Mu nods smiles, two people set out together, attains in the dinner plate the entrance special barrel, then goes out of the campus shoulder to shoulder. 李牧点头一笑,两人一同起身,把餐盘拿到门口专门的桶里,然后并肩走出校园。 Has the school, to wait for the public transportation, to sit the public transportation, the photographer entire journey with the racket, the machine has not stopped one time. 出学校、等公交、坐公交,摄影师全程跟拍,机器一次都没有停过。 Got down the public transportation, Liu Nian takes the paper that wrote the opposite party home address, looked at the index plate in the roadside, after walking almost 500 meters, found a named knowledge spring neighborhood of Nanli. 下了公交车,刘念拿着写有对方家庭住址的纸条,在路边看了看指示牌,在步行了差不多五百米之后,找到了一个名为知春南里的小区 Entered the neighborhood front door, Liu Nian started somewhat anxiously, said to Li Mu: Brother Mu, you said what to do, if when the time comes the student or the parents don't approve to my enrolling in supplementary lessons?” 进了小区大门,刘念开始有些紧张,对李牧说道:“牧哥,你说如果到时候学生或者学生家长对我的补习不认可怎么办?” Li Mu spoke thoughtlessly to say with a smile: Your college entrance examination tested for more than 670 points, so long as you leave, to display anxiously oneself grasping to high school three years of knowledge node, the student and guardian must approve.” 李牧随口笑道:“你高考考了六百七十多分,只要你别紧张、把自己对高中三年知识点的掌握发挥出来,学生和家长不可能不认可。” Liu Nian laughs foolishly, said: I am feared that others are unsatisfied, applied to refund money directly, I in my father eyes, really became dream of a fool.” 刘念傻笑一声,道:“我就是怕人家不满意,直接申请退款,那我在我爸眼里,就真成了痴人说梦了。” Li Mu patted his shoulder, said lightly: Relax, you can.” 李牧拍了拍他的肩膀,淡淡道:“放心吧,你可以的。” Two people found the main house gate mouth of employer, Liu Nian made several deep breath in the entrance, later according to making a sound the doorbell of opposite party. 两人一路找到雇主的家门口,刘念在门口做了几次深呼吸,随后按响了对方的门铃。 Before coming, Li Mu with has passed to Fang Family long ditch. Inquired whether they are willing to coordinate to make this topic to photograph, the opposite party agreed very much simply, at this moment, their family of three are waiting for visit of Liu Nian, Li Mu as well as two TV Station staff. 来之前,李牧已经跟对方家长沟通过。询问他们是否愿意配合做这个专题拍摄,对方很干脆的同意了,此时此刻,他们一家三口都在等着刘念李牧以及两个电视台工作人员的到访。 The doorbell rang two. The door was then shoved open, one about 40 -year-old aunt sees entrance four person and the pitch-dark camera, hastily said with a laugh said: Aiya, is Schoolmate Liu Nian and Schoolmate Li Mu? Please enter quickly come in quickly.” 门铃响了两声。房门便被人推开,一个四十岁左右的阿姨一见门口的四人以及黑洞洞的摄影机,急忙笑着说道:“哎呀,是刘念同学和李牧同学吧?快请进快请进。” Liu Nian hastily bows to say slightly: Aunt hello, I am Liu Nian.” 刘念急忙微微鞠躬道:“阿姨您好,我是刘念。” Li Mu also bows slightly: Aunt hello. I am Li Mu.” 李牧也微微躬身:“阿姨您好。我是李牧。” The aunt said very much politely: Comes in quickly!” 阿姨很是客气的说:“快进来吧!” Two people first pass through the gate, two reporters later, passing through the gate, the Male lead person on sofa then set out to welcome, another 17-18 male student was somewhat tense, looks at the camera, hastily turned the face one side. 两人先进门,两个记者随后,一进门,沙发上的男主人便起身迎了过来,另外一个十七八男生有些紧张,看了看摄影机,急忙把脸扭到一边。 Nearby the Male lead person draws own son to arrive, said with a laugh said: Xiao Yu, greeted with senior(s) quickly, you wholeheartedly do not want to test Renmin. These two are your Renmin senior(s).” 男主人拉着自己的儿子走到跟前来,笑着说道:“小宇,快跟学长打个招呼,你不是一心想考人大吗。这两位都是你人大学长。” Xiao Yu obviously to some lens round of being afraid/painful, awkward smiling, such as the girl said equally shyly: senior(s) is good.” 小宇明显对镜头有些发憷,尴尬的笑了笑,如女孩一样腼腆的说:“学长好。” Li Mu said: Actually today TV Station is to make a track to photograph, uncle aunt also has Xiao Yu, we leave are too anxious, naturally that's alright.” 李牧说:“其实今天电视台就是做一个跟踪拍摄,叔叔阿姨还有小宇,咱们都别太紧张,自然而然就行。” The photography with Chen Lei said with a laugh that has not spoken has said: Yes uncle aunt, later Liu Nian to Xiao Yu enrolling in supplementary lessons schoolwork time, we only need to photograph several lens that's alright.” 一直跟着拍摄没说话的陈蕾笑着说道:“是啊叔叔阿姨,待会刘念小宇补习功课的时候,我们只需要进去拍摄几个镜头就行。” Aunt said with a laugh said: Okay good, first sits the little while, to drink water on the sofa!” 那阿姨笑着说道:“好好好,先在沙发上坐会儿、喝口水吧!” Liu Nian looked at the time, said: Aunt. The time was up, I thought that I go to his room enrolling in supplementary lessons with Xiao Yu directly together.” 刘念看了看时间,说:“阿姨。时间差不多了,我看我直接跟小宇一起去他的房间补习吧。” Xiao Yu also wants to get rid of the shooting range of camera as soon as possible, then hastily said: Liu Nian senior(s), please come with me. We go to the study room.” 小宇也想尽快摆脱摄影机的取景范围,便急忙说道:“刘念学长,请跟我来。咱俩去书房。” Two people went to the study room, Chen Lei has not then followed to disturb, but said to this Male & Female Lead person: Uncle aunt, while the time that the children learn/study, we give you two to make a visit.” 两人去了书房,陈蕾便没有跟着去打扰,而是对这家的男女主人说道:“叔叔阿姨,趁着孩子们学习的工夫,我们给您二位做一个访问吧。” The Male lead person somewhat has stage fright, asked in a low voice: What can also interview our Ah? to interview?” 男主人有些怯场,低声问:“还要采访我们啊?都采访些什么?” Chen Lei said: Actually is some simple small issues. For example why you will choose in 3321 give the child to look for university to live the family education, you to live the family education the matter how to see wait/etc to university, you do not use anxiously, all replied that's alright actually.” 陈蕾说:“其实就是一些简单的小问题。比如您为什么会选择在3321给孩子找大学生家教、您对大学生家教的事情怎么看等等,您也不用紧张,就一切照实回答就行。” ...... …… Next day evening's 10 o'clock, Yanjing in the evening the news will begin broadcasting. 翌日晚上十点钟,燕京晚间新闻开播。 Li Mu and other bedroom five brothers ran to look for a theater box that had the television ate meal, ate while looked, for did not make Liu Nian awkward, this time has not looked for Zhao Ziqiu the female student in their bedroom together. 李牧和寝室其他五个弟兄跑出去找了一个有电视的包厢吃饭,边吃边看,为了不让刘念尴尬,这次没有找赵子秋她们寝室的女生一起。 In the evening the news just began broadcasting, Host introduced main contents of next today's news, 3321 in third, the description that Host uses is: „The online family education fiery/popular Capital City, 3321 nets inquired about that university lives the concurrent job new direction.” 晚间新闻刚开播,主持人介绍了一下今天新闻的主要内容,3321在第三个,主持人用的描述是:“网上家教火爆京城,3321网探寻大学生兼职新方向。” After the official content starts, everyone waited for roughly the 7-8 minute, finally arrived at this Liu Nian special news. 到正式内容开始之后,大家等了约莫七八分钟,才终于到了这次刘念的专题新闻。 After the Host guidance said that the picture cut the Renmin University dormitory, at this time Liu Nian and Li Mu were just about to go out, China on aside tip of tongue with similar the tone, said on and on: 6 : 00 pm, Renmin University 01 freshman Liu Nian tidied up oneself backpack, under sleeping together the roommate Li Mu's companion, prepared to conduct own came to enroll in supplementary lessons for the first time, he in 3321 website on the shelves 20 class hours, the rate is each class hour 43 Yuan, after a week of end of course, he will obtain more than 800 Yuan reward, this price may be on first hearing astonishing, but the reporter learned, 3321 online mark king, the rate achieved each class hour 588 Yuan.” 主持人的导读说完之后,画面切到了人民大学的宿舍,这时刘念李牧正要出门,旁白用一种类似“舌尖上的华夏”般的语气,娓娓说道:“晚上 6 点,人民大学01界的新生刘念收拾好了自己的背包,在同寝室友李牧的陪伴下,准备进行自己的第一次上门补习,他在3321网站上架了20个课时,成交价是每课时43元,一个星期的课程结束之后,他将得到八百余元的酬劳,乍一听这个价格可能会让人吃惊,但记者获悉,3321网上的标王,成交价达到了每课时588元。” 18-year-old Liu Nian, from the mountain village that the Guangxi south-west state-level poverty stricken county manages, because the geographical position unenlightened and economic development cannot keep up with and other reasons, the Liu Nian family yearly income only then probably 3000 Yuan RMB, before tonight, he has a dream has not thought that oneself can find for one one week more than 800 part-time employments, a while ago, he also hopes that can in the Renmin campus, looks for a working and studying post of school authorities, latter's pay is per hour about three Yuan, although is higher than the lowest pay standard of Yanjing city, the pay of but actually compared with Liu Nian on 3321 attaining low ten times incessantly.” “18岁的刘念,来自广西西南部一个国家级贫困县下辖的山村,由于地理位置闭塞、经济发展跟不上等缘故,刘念的家庭年收入只有大概三千元人民币,在今晚之前,他做梦也没有想过,自己可以找到一份一个星期八百多块的兼职工作,前段时间,他还希望能够在人大校园里,找一份校方的勤工俭学岗位,后者的薪资是每小时三元左右,虽然高于燕京市的最低薪资标准,但却比刘念在3321上拿到的薪资低了十倍不止。” In Liu Nian Li Mu, is the founders of 3321 nets, this is a special service lives in university with the high-school student and platform of high-school student guardian, its operation core lives to recommend university to the high-school student makes the family education, in the past week, 3321 had become a noun that the Yanjing high school student guardian most cared about.” “在刘念身边的李牧,就是3321网的创始人,这是一个专门服务于大学生与高中生、高中生家长的平台,它的运营核心就是把大学生推荐给高中生做家教,在过去的一个星期里,3321已经成了燕京高三学生家长最为关心的一个名词。” At this time, in the picture Li Mu and Liu Nian had had the bedroom. As soon as the aside ended, the picture then switch over in a movie studio, Li Mu sat on a single-seat sofa, the yellow spotlight hit in his surface. The back is empty, seems very prominent. 这时,画面中李牧刘念已经出了寝室。旁白一结束,画面便切换到了一个摄影棚内,李牧坐在一张单人沙发上,黄色的追光打在他的面上。背影虚黑,显得非常突出。 Li Mu in picture has the smile, said: Making 3321 this website is an accidental/surprised turning point presses, at that time......” 画面中的李牧带着微笑,说道:“做3321这个网站是一个意外的契机促就的,当时……” Li Mu in television, said probably had a vacation initially. Saw when Liu Nian that falls ill is the matter of concurrent job working worries the situation. 电视里的李牧,大概说了一下当初自己放假回来。看到生病的刘念为兼职打工的事情犯愁时的情形。 I thought at that time hard to accepts very much, said no matter how, can pass into the Renmin student, the university entrance examination result is absolutely best, they learn a high school three years of knowledge reach a high degree of proficiency can make such outstanding progress in the college entrance examination, why can only attain each hour less than three Yuan concurrent job pay? Therefore I decided to make such website at that time, making them find own life value.” “我当时觉得很难以接受,不管怎么说,能考进人大的学生,高考成绩都是绝对拔尖的,他们把高中三年的知识学到炉火纯青才能在高考中取得这么优秀的成绩,为什么只能拿到每小时不足三块钱的兼职薪资?所以我当时就决定做一个这样的网站,让他们找到自己的人生价值。” The reporter who has not made an appearance also inquired Li Mu founds 3321 sources of funds, the Li Mu direct reaction is in the family/home supports. 没有露面的记者又询问了李牧创建3321的资金来源,李牧直接回答是家里支持。 The reporter then also inquired Li Mu, bidirectional collection 5% commissions of 3321 between parents and student, this commission was what goal. 记者接着又询问李牧,3321在学生家长和学生之间双向征收5%的佣金,这笔佣金到底是何目的。 Li Mu also elaborated own motive again: Deducts 3321 normal operation funds. The remaining all profits, will be used to establish the university assistance fund.” 李牧也再次阐述了自己的动机:“扣除3321的正常运营资金。剩下的所有利润,都将用于成立高校助学基金。” The reporter also asked: We consider as finished probably, 3321 first week profits surpassed 150,000, supposes it after gaining the earlier invested cost, every week 50,000 net incomes, then every month is 200,000, this was a very big great sum of money, served as the university assistance fund naturally is the big good deed, but was this money controlled by whom? Is 3321 establishes the assistance fund, donates the charity on society this sum of money?” 记者又问:“我们大概算了一下,3321第一周的盈利就超过了15万,假设它在赚出前期投入成本之后,每周有五万块的净收入,那么每月就是二十万,这是一笔非常大的巨款了,都用作高校助学基金自然是大大的好事,可这钱到底由谁来支配呢?是3321自己成立助学基金,还是把这笔钱捐给社会上的慈善机构?” Li Mu uses the extremely serious tone to say in this issue: 3321 is a platform of public welfare nature. We will be public all profits, welcome people from various circles come to conduct the verification supervision to our public data, this point, has no charity to achieve at present. Therefore our net profits, will be used to establish oneself assistance fund, and implementation fund transparence, each income and each donate, we will announce on our website.” 李牧在这个问题上用极其严肃的语气说道:“3321是一个公益性质的平台。我们会把所有的利润公开透明,也欢迎社会各界来对我们公开的数据进行审核监督,这一点,眼下还没有哪个慈善机构能够做到。所以我们的净利润,将用来成立自己的助学基金,并且实施资金透明化,每一笔进账、每一笔捐助,我们都会在我们的网站上公示。” Afterward, the picture switch over Liu Nian to be interviewed. The reporter inquired Liu Nian: Before Yanjing, you have thought after here, can do to hold concurrent jobs to work and study?” 随后,画面又切换到了刘念接受采访。记者询问刘念:“在来燕京之前,你有没有想过到了这边之后要做兼职勤工俭学?” Liu Nian slightly one silent, raised the head saying: Came the night before Yanjing I think one all night, later is also thinking that every day this issue, was only my physical quality is too bad, was also too short, the general concurrent job did not want me.” 刘念略一沉默,抬起头来说道:“来燕京的前一晚我想了一整夜,之后也每天都在想这个问题,只是我的身体素质太差,个子又太矮,一般的兼职都不要我。” The reporter also asked: Before has thought makes the family education?” 记者又问:“之前想过做家教吗?” Has thought that but without the way, the parents will not come university to look for us, we do not know where goes to look for the parents, can only write a paper to arrive around neighborhood to paste a post, but probably also nobody will ask.” “想过,但没有途径,学生家长不会来大学找我们,我们也不知道去哪里找学生家长,只能自己写点纸条到附近的小区贴一贴,但好像也无人问津。” You felt, why university lives to paste the paper looks for the employer on own initiative the time nobody will ask, can on 3321, actually become the employer to tender to hire university to live on own initiative?” “那你觉得,为什么大学生贴纸条主动找雇主的时候无人问津,可在3321上,却成了雇主主动竞价雇佣大学生呢?” Liu Nian smiles, said: Brother Mu had told me this issue, I do not dare to imagine itself to initially give the high school student to make the family education, because the disparity of age is small, is important, I am not very self-confident, actually is not only I, other university live is also same, everyone makes the family education is quite more to the junior high pupil generally, such pressure is small, but Brother Mu heard, scolded me is a fool, scolded me not to realize own biggest advantage at the college entrance examination, to high school three years of knowledge node grasping.” 刘念腼腆一笑,说:“牧哥跟我说过这个问题,当初我不敢想象自己要去给高三学生做家教,因为年龄悬殊小,又事关重大,我不够自信,其实不光是我,其他的大学生也是一样,大家一般都是给初中生做家教比较多一些,这样压力小,不过牧哥听说之后却骂我是个笨蛋,骂我没有意识到自己的最大优势就在高考,就在对高中三年知识点的掌握。” Saying, in the Liu Nian eye is lightening several points of ray: Was he realized our these first-year university student freshman values, realized our advantage to the high school student, was he transmits this advantage to the parents, the parents then started to approve our first-year university student freshman exceptional value truly, therefore they will tender to hire university to live on 3321.”( To be continued.) 说着,刘念眼睛中都闪出几分光芒:“是他意识到了我们这些大一新生的价值,更意识到我们对高三学生的优势,也是他把这种优势传达给了学生家长,学生家长这才真正开始认可我们大一新生的特殊价值,所以他们才会在3321上竞价雇佣大学生。”(未完待续。) ps: Third delivers, thank In silence depressed Hundred Yuan Reward! The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第三更送上,感谢【在沉默中消沉】的百元打赏!手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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