RINAPE :: Volume #2

#170: A Liu Nian family education day of (First Part)

Facing the accusation of father, Sun Tan unable to respond. 面对父亲的指责,孙坦无言以对 The family members truly do not know oneself in the school using the matter that Assistance Group makes money, because just does not know, they will support, hall uncle Sun Yong has also been finding the way to be Assistance Group provides various preferential policies and convenience, because at present make money to be exposed by the student using Assistance Group, they disappointed and accusation is also inevitable. 家里人确实不知道自己在学校利用助学帮赚钱的事情,也正因为不知道,他们才会鼎力支持,就连堂大伯孙永也一直在想办法为助学帮提供各种优惠政策与便利,眼下自己因为利用助学帮赚钱而被学生曝光,他们失望与指责也是不可避免的。 However, the vitality/angry turns over to the vitality/angry, matter if wants the means to solve, Sun Tan at present the best outlet is 3321, if Li Mu can in 3321 give him the space, that draws support from the enormous influence that 3321 will soon welcome, oneself can certainly pass the crisis safely, only pitifully, Li Mu this boy works too certainly. 不过,生气归生气,事情还是要想办法解决,孙坦眼下最好的出路就是3321,如果李牧能在3321给他一席之地,那借助3321即将迎来的巨大影响力,自己一定能够平安度过危机,只可惜,李牧这小子做事太绝。 Sun Tan worries for this reason, his father Sun Lianqing is also same. 孙坦为此犯愁,他老子孙连庆也是一样。 Sun Lianqing sees the son to be silent, has not continued to blame him again, but is the ponder moment, said: Relates with that Li Mu again, 5 million account for he 25% stocks, if he wants, immediately can receive money, if not want, made the enmity with us.” 孙连庆见儿子沉默不语,也就没再继续责怪他,而是思考片刻,说:“再跟那个李牧联系一下,五百万占他25%的股份,他要是愿意,立刻就能拿到钱,如果不愿意,就是跟咱们做上仇了。” Sun Tan nods, 5 million account for 25%, this was to the Li Mu's 3321 estimate values to 20 million, if this boy has not accepted, that may really rush is being hatred/enemy to come. 孙坦点点头,五百万占25%,这是给李牧的3321估值到两千万了,这小子要是还不接受,那可真是奔着做仇来了。 Sun Lianqing also said at this time: Your uncle telephones at noon, making you prepare a related Assistance Group material, what he meant was that makes you push the responsibility as far as possible outward, strives in school leader there, decides a regulatory ineffective nature to you.” 孙连庆这时又说道:“你大伯中午打电话来,让你准备一份有关助学帮的材料,他的意思是让你尽量把责任往外推,争取在校领导那里,给你定一个监管不力的性质。” Said that this saying, Sun Lianqing stands up , actually hesitant, stops the footsteps, said earnestly: At this time needed enough person to come out to take the rap, carries the more better.” 说完这话,孙连庆站起身来,正要走,却还是犹豫了一下,停住脚步,认真说道:“这时候需要足够的人出来背黑锅,背得越多越好。” Sun Tan said immediately: I understood the father, you feel relieved.” 孙坦当即说道:“我懂了爸,你放心吧。” When spoke this saying, what he thinks is Wu Shuai. 说这话时,他心里想的是武帅 That has an accident registers the bastard who the trumpet pretends non-involvement the responsibility immediately, since you install innocently in 0001751 9/11, the father throws filthy water before the school leader to you! 那个出事就立刻注册小号撇清责任的王八蛋,你既然在@0001751911@装无辜,那老子就在校领导面前给你泼脏水! Immediately, Sun Tan turns on family's computer immediately, compiled a mail. In the mail, he enumerated Assistance Group exposed that several money-making projects, in view of the explanation of each project, he conducted twisting of very big degree. Aiming at pretends non-involvement own relations as far as possible, throws Wu Shuai and others filthy water. 随即,孙坦立刻打开家里的电脑,编写了一封邮件。在邮件中,他列举了助学帮被曝光的那几个赚钱项目,针对每个项目的说明,他都进行了很大程度的歪曲。意在尽可能把自己的关系撇清,把脏水都泼到武帅和其他人身上。 With emphasis is Wu Shuai! 重点就是武帅 Not is only Sun Tan has discontentedly to the Wu Shuai heart, therefore lists as the key point him, what is more important, Sun Tan also knows that is less suitable than Wu Shuai for the person who oneself take the rap, a lot although are plans, to provide the channel, to take the big end. But Wu Shuai is under the hand person who takes the lead, Assistance Group a lot is he has acted to propagandize, on 0001751 9/11 also has the post that he published at that time, these are very good evidence. 不光是孙坦武帅心有不满所以才把他列为重点,更重要的是,孙坦也知道没有比武帅更适合替自己背黑锅的人了,很多事情虽然都是自己策划、自己提供渠道、自己拿大头。但武帅一直是自己手底下的出头鸟,助学帮的很多事情都是他出面去宣传,@0001751911@上还有很多他当时发表的帖子,这些都是很好的证据。 As the material more writes, Sun Tan is also at heart getting more and more relaxed, all exposed things, was too easy to frame by planting stolen goods on toward Wu Shuai on, these materials that oneself prepared if simple delivering school leader there, Wu Shuai definitely can also write one to push the responsibility to own material comes up, such wrangled not to have the meaning mutually. The key is, oneself have hall uncle Sun Yong to help, has a look at Wu Shuai again, does he have an egg? 随着资料越写越多,孙坦心里也越来越轻松,所有被曝光的事情,都太容易往武帅身上栽赃了,自己准备的这些资料如果简单的送到校领导那里,武帅肯定也能写一个把责任都推给自己的材料上去,那样的相互扯皮没有意思。关键就在于,自己还有堂大伯孙永可以帮忙,再看看武帅,他有个卵? Lying down that the Renmin campus at this moment, Wu Shuai is bored to death on bedroom bed, withdraws from Student Council and Assistance Group to be exposed, he Student Council cadre who exalts from the people, reduced by the campus profiteer that the person despised, suffered a disastrous decline in the position of school simply, bedroom several good brothers to start deliberately to maintain the distance with oneself. Look in the weekend they went out to play, remaining refrained from speaking in the bedroom. 此时此刻的人大校园,武帅百无聊赖的躺在寝室床上,退出学生会助学帮被曝光,他从众人追捧的学生会干部,沦落到了遭人鄙视的校园奸商,在学校的地位简直是一落千丈,就连寝室几个好哥们都开始刻意跟自己保持距离。这不,周末他们都出去玩了,剩下自己一个人在寝室里闷着。 However Wu Shuai will also rejoice when sighing woefully, no matter what. Oneself can also continue to keep Renmin to go to school, the lead who Assistance Group event is Sun Tan, hatred overwhelming majorities of student also centralized on his body, he evaporates from the school now directly, some people of gossip said, this Sun Tan held the big basket and school leader to be extremely discontented. It is estimated that his uncles cannot preserve him. 不过武帅在哀叹之余也会庆幸,不管怎样。自己还能继续留在人大上学,助学帮事件的主角是孙坦,学生的仇恨绝大多数也都集中在他的身上,以至于他现在直接从学校蒸发了,有人八卦说,这次孙坦捅了大篓子、校领导非常不满。估计他大伯都保不住他。 Is indulging in flights of fancy, homeroom teacher gives Wu Shuai to telephone suddenly, Wu Shuai sees the electricity prompt, immediately quickly grasped the meaning of something to crawl from the bed, connected the call then to ask: Teacher Chen hello.” 正胡思乱想着,班导忽然给武帅打了个电话,武帅看到来电提示,顿时一个激灵从床上爬了起来,接通电话便问:“陈老师您好。” Wu Shuai, the school is investigating the Assistance Group matter now, something need to ask you to know the situation, when do you have the time today?” 武帅,学校现在正在调查助学帮的事情,有些事需要找你了解一下情况,你今天什么时候有时间?” Asking of Wu Shuai surprise: „Isn't Teacher Chen, today the weekend?” 武帅诧异的问道:“陈老师,今天不是周末吗?” Teacher Chen un, said: Now investigates importantly, in the weekend must work overtime.” 陈老师嗯了一声,说道:“现在调查最重要,周末也得加班。” Wu Shuai exploratory asking: Teacher Chen, how that side the school says Ah? before now me, is the Assistance Group member, won't school accountability, investigate on me?” 武帅试探性的问道:“陈老师,现在学校那边怎么说啊?我之前是助学帮的成员,学校这次问责,不会追究到我头上吧?” Teacher Chen comforts saying: Do not think now, after all you are not the Assistance Group founder, is not biggest those with vested interests, in the afternoon comes to talk clearly Assistance Group these things, my here will strive with the school, if the situation is optimistic, the master is a circular criticizes ; If not optimistic, most also records a serious offense.” 陈老师安慰道:“你现在也别多想,毕竟你也不是助学帮的创始人,也不是最大的既得利益者,下午过来把助学帮那些事情说清楚,我这边会跟学校争取的,如果形势乐观,爷就是个通报批评;要是不乐观,最多也就是记个大过。” Wu Shuai relaxes slightly, the homeroom teacher words were clear the worst aspect that oneself must face, the demerits, in the although file some were not quite attractive, perhaps but the Wu Shuai also reference appendix National worker, this affected is very actually big to him, what he most feared was dismissed by the school, at present looks like, oneself did not need to be worried about this. 武帅稍稍松了口气,班导的话算是把自己要面对的最坏局面明确了,记大过,虽然档案上有些不太好看,但武帅也没准备考国家公务员,这个对他来说影响倒不是很大,他最怕的是被学校开除,眼下看来,自己是不用担心这一层了。 ...... …… 6 : 00 pm, Liu Nian tidies up own backpack, walked from the bedroom, he had been occupied by one in the 20 hours of class hour of 3321 on the shelves in nearby parents bids successfully, his class hour deal unit price was 43 Yuan, after the opposite party paid for the overall cost to 3321, he then must start oneself concurrent job family education profession. 周六晚上六点,刘念收拾好自己的背包,从寝室里走了出来,他在3321上架的20个小时课时已经被一名住在附近的学生家长竞拍成功,他的课时成交单价是四十三元,在对方支付了全部费用到3321之后,他便要开始自己的兼职家教生涯了。 Today somewhat unusual place. 只是,今天有些与众不同的地方。 Companion Liu Nian is preparing to make the family education, three people. “陪伴”着刘念准备做家教的,还有三个人。 In these three people, one is his sleeping together Li Mu, another two, are Yanjing TV Station in the evening the reporter and a photographer of news column. 这三个人中,有一个是他的同寝李牧,另外两个,是燕京电视台晚间新闻栏目的记者和一个摄影师。 Xie Tingfang wants to make Li Mu provide a student model as the core figure of special coverage, Li Mu is hopes can make this 3321 mark king, Yanjing Han Bowen make this topic, but Han Bowen rejected in the telephone, some reason rare and beautiful flowers that he rejects, because the rate of his each class hour achieved astonishing 588, week and expenses of 20 class hours are more than 10,000, in other words, if maintains this situation, he will become the monthly salary over 40,000 Yuan super gold/metal to lead university to live, therefore he thinks to be lower-key, does not make an appearance on the media. 谢婷芳想让李牧提供一个学生典型作为专题报道的核心人物,李牧原本是希望能够让这次3321的标王、燕大韩博文来做这个专题,但韩博文在电话里拒绝了,他拒绝的理由有些奇葩,因为他每课时的成交价达到了惊人的五百八十八块,一个礼拜、二十个课时的费用就是一万多,也就是说,如果保持这个态势,他将一跃成为月入四万元以上的超级金领大学生,所以他想低调些,不在媒体上露面。 Li Mu in the bedroom worries, Liu Nian volunteers. 李牧在寝室里犯愁的时候,刘念自告奋勇。 Li Mu does not comply from the beginning, does not want to make others feel oneself are spending the Liu Nian financially strapped student status and special home background, but Liu Nian thought that this is a very meaningful matter . Moreover, he said that he telephones at noon today the sales store in village, the father answered the telephone, he excited telling father in telephone, he makes the family education to others this week, can gain to more than 800 Yuan, will wait to receive this sum of money next week, he will give in the family/home to hit 600 to go back. 李牧一开始不答应,不想让别人觉得自己是在消费刘念的贫困生身份和特殊的家庭情况,但刘念却觉得这是个很有意义的事情,而且,他说他今天中午打电话到村里的小卖部,爸爸来接了电话,他在电话里兴奋的告诉爸爸,他这个星期给别人做家教,能够赚到八百多块钱,等下周拿到这笔钱,他就给家里打六百回去。 A week gains 800, to the Liu Nian father simply is fantasy story, he not only does not believe, instead urged Liu Nian to learn/study well, do not worry about money the issue, repeatedly told him, in the family/home could supply on him university. 一个星期赚八百,对刘念的爸爸来说简直是天方夜谭,他不但不相信,反而叮嘱刘念要好好学习,不要操心钱的问题,反复跟他说,家里供得起他上大学 Liu Nian said, their village brigade has a color television, including a pot cover satellite antenna, in the family/home did not have the villagers of television to pass to watch the television every night, he had seen the Yanjing satellite TV there, he wants to participate in this news topic, is hopes that in the family/home can see and can believe and can be gratified for oneself. 刘念说,他们村大队有一台彩电,连了一台锅盖卫星天线,家里没电视的村民每晚都会过去看电视,他曾经在那里看到过燕京卫视,他想参加这个新闻专题,也是希望家里能够看到、能够相信、能够为自己感到欣慰。 The words hence, Li Mu has not then rejected again. 话已至此,李牧便没有再拒绝。 A press woman who named Chen Lei Yanjing TV Station comes also said that leading character who Liu Nian is suitable to make this news topic. 燕京电视台来的一个名叫陈蕾的女记者也说,刘念非常适合做这个新闻专题的主人公。 The reason is Liu Nian is thin and small and gentle, seems like the herbivore the same as have no threat, can relax the psychological alert, audience when facing such student, cannot have the negative viewpoint and mood. 原因是刘念瘦小、文静,看起来就像是食草动物一样没有任何威胁,可以让人放松心理戒备,观众在面对这样的学生时,不太会产生负面的观点和情绪。 In addition, the Liu Nian situation is also typical, he is the child who in the standard financially strapped student and mountain walk, the family/home in the Guangxi that far place, grasps impoverished proof that the local government is drawing up, the highest score of college entrance examination arrives at Yanjing, to arrive at Renmin as the local county city this year, besides the learn/study, he must face is taking to his burden impoverished, from arriving at Yanjing that day he hopes that can find a concurrent job, but after the military training, had a sickness, making his condition drop the trough all of a sudden, until he found the good opportunity of making the concurrent job, 3321. 除此之外,刘念的情况也非常典型,他是标准的贫困生、大山里走出来的孩子,家又在广西那么远的地方,手持着当地政府开具的贫困证明,作为当地县城今年高考的最高分来到燕京、来到人大,除了学习之外,他还要面临着贫困带给他的负担,从来到燕京的那一天他就希望能够找到一份兼职,但军训之后紧接着生了一场病,让他的状态一下子跌落到低谷,直到他找到了一个做兼职的好机会,3321。 Liu Nian is willing to make this topic, but many also somewhat is at heart anxious, he hopes that Li Mu can accompany him to make this special news together, but Yanjing TV Station press woman Chen Lei said to Li Mu: You are 3321 founders, is sleeping together of Liu Nian, yourself also said that initially made 3321, was the issue that Liu Nian came across gives you to inspire, if you also made this topic together, that was good, in this case, the contents of our topic were also more plentiful and have the tensity.” 刘念愿意做这个专题,但心里多少也有些紧张,他希望李牧能够陪他一起做这个专题新闻,而燕京电视台的女记者陈蕾对李牧说:“你是3321的创始人,又是刘念的同寝,你自己也说了,当初做3321,就是刘念遇到的问题给了你启发,所以如果你也一起来做这个专题,那就再好不过了,这样的话,我们这个专题的内容也就更丰满、更有张力。” Li Mu slightly one hesitant then complied. 李牧略一犹豫便答应了。 Liu Nian wanted on the television, oneself cover-up again cannot really be justified, said again, 3321 this projects, he had not prepared to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent, currently 3321 first bidding has such awesome result, oneself also this/should sparking to go on stage, harvests a wave of belief and worship ruthlessly. 刘念都愿意上电视了,自己再藏着掖着实在是说不过去,再说,3321这个项目,他一直也没准备藏拙,现在3321的第一次竞拍就有这么牛逼的收效,自己也该闪亮登场,来狠狠收割一波信仰与崇拜了。 Therefore, he and Liu Nian together, started this special news topic. 于是,他和刘念一起,开始了这个特殊的新闻专题。 The photography of topic adopts first tracks the event to develop, latter the way of alternation aside and interview, therefore from the beginning, Liu Nian tidies up package of preparations go out, all according to the normal flow that he himself plans, this process, Chen Leihe photographer only tracks the photography and reception, does not make any interview, in the future these will perform the aside narration in the later period. 专题的拍摄采取先跟踪事件发展,后穿插旁白、专访的方式,所以一开始,刘念收拾包准备出门的时候,一切都是按照他自己规划的正常流程,这个过程,陈蕾和摄影师只跟踪拍摄、收音,不做任何采访,将来这些都会在后期加以旁白叙述。 Had/Left the bedroom gate, the camera in the speed that the front several meters places follow two people to lead the way, even retreat photography. 出了寝室门,摄像机在前面几米处跟随两人前行的速度,均匀的后退拍摄。 Liu Nian said to Li Mu: Brother Mu, first goes to the cafeteria to eat meal, the arranged time is 7 : 00 pm to 9 points, one hour.” 刘念李牧说:“牧哥,先去食堂吃个饭吧,定好的时间是今晚七点到九点,还有一个小时。” Li Mu nods, was maintained the nature by oneself as far as possible, said: Where is the home address of student at? How long in the past wanted?” 李牧点了点头,也尽量让自己保持自然,说:“学生的家庭住址在哪?过去要多久?” Liu Nian said: Lives in Zhichun Road, the public transportation were over the past 20 minutes most.” 刘念说:“就住在知春路,公交过去20分钟最多了。” Good.”( To be continued.) “好。”(未完待续。) ps: Second, has third tonight. The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第二更了,今晚还有第三更。手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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