RINAPE :: Volume #2

#169: Disliking you are dirty

Pressed down the answering key, Sun Tan then said in telephone that: Li Mu, I am Sun Tan.” 按下接听键,孙坦便在电话那头说:“李牧吗,我是孙坦。” Li Mu tone neither cold nor hot saying: Oh, does Senior Sun, have the matter?” 李牧语气不冷不热的说道:“噢,孙学长,有事吗?” Sun Tan hears Li Mu's intonation some to be not quite right, guesses correctly the opposite party to intend with oneself to maintain the distance probably at this moment, now he also no longer expects before Li Mu can continue, with agreement that oneself achieve, deliberately lowered several points of stance, said: Li Mu, the brothers encounter a problem now, if you can put out a hand to help brothers, the brothers later certain bubbling spring reported.” 孙坦听到李牧的语调有些不太对劲,大概也猜出对方此刻有意跟自己保持距离,现在他也不再奢望李牧能继续之前跟自己达成的约定,刻意放低了几分姿态,说:“李牧,兄弟现在遇到点麻烦,你要是能伸手帮兄弟一把,兄弟以后一定涌泉相报。” Li Mu sneers at heart, on the mouth asked: Senior Sun, how do you want to make me help you?” 李牧心里冷笑,嘴上却问:“孙学长,你想让我怎么帮你?” Sun Tan hastily said: I want to buy stock in 3321!” 孙坦急忙说:“我想入股3321!” Then, the Sun Tan for fear that Li Mu misunderstanding, hastily also said: You could rest assured that I take the cash to invest, you said an estimate value, I at your estimate value, buy stock in 30%!” 说完,孙坦生怕李牧误会,急忙又说:“你放心,我拿现金入股,你说个估值,我以你的估值,入股30%!” Sun Tan does not have the means now, hall uncle vague has disclosed that Assistance Group is hitting the pretence swindling and abducting of assistance, work as the money-making tool with the student, after the news media expose, the Renmin prestige came under a big influence, because Sun Yong had also deliberately supported Assistance Group before, and mobilizes the resources of school authorities to help Assistance Group grow strong, Sun Yong that therefore does at present is also very passive. 孙坦现在是没有办法了,堂大伯隐晦的透露过,助学帮打着助学的幌子坑蒙拐骗、拿学生当赚钱工具,被新闻媒体曝光之后,人大的声誉受到了不小的影响,因为之前孙永还刻意支持过助学帮,并且调动校方的资源帮助学帮发展壮大,所以眼下搞的孙永也很被动。 The Renmin prestige was affected, the entire school party committee is furious greatly, oneself although is a vice-president, but the observance of senority, above also has the party committee secretaries, the executive deputy secretaries, deputy secretary, principal and executive vice-president, these several mountains, these mountains request the school to investigate thoroughly the Assistance Group event now, Sun Yong also can only mediate and strive, best result that he expects, is preserves the Sun Tan school register, the demerits. 人大的声誉受到影响,整个校党委都大为震怒,自己虽然是副院长,但论资排辈,上头还有党委书记、常务副书记、副书记、校长、常务副校长,这好几座大山,现在这几座大山都要求学校彻查助学帮事件,孙永也只能从中斡旋、争取,他预料的最好结果,是保住孙坦的学籍,记大过。 If Sun Tan were dismissed by Renmin, the family member gave the political line that he planned basically also to declare bankruptcy ahead of time, to say the least, the demerits, will still have very tremendous impact on him even. 孙坦如果被人大开除,那家里人给他规划的政治路线基本上也就提前宣告破产了,退一步说,就算是记大过,也会对他带来非常大的影响。 Sun Tan has nothing to be recorded the file from infancy to maturity the life stain, sees the fourth-year last year, if punishes by a serious offense, that future will attempt the ministries time. The political investigation has the mechanical damage, this thing is disgusting, mixes beyond the system actually indifferently, however in the words that in the system mixes. Will be kept thinking for a lifetime. 孙坦从小到大没有任何被记进档案的人生污点,眼看大四最后一年如果挨一个大过处分,那将来试图进部委的时候。政审就有硬伤,这东西非常恶心,在体制外混倒是无所谓,但是在体制内混的话。会被人惦记一辈子。 The whole family when is the Sun Tan matter thinks various solutions, Sun Tan found a solution, that is 3321 that Li Mu does, he felt, if oneself can buy stock in 3321. With the aid of 3321 this projects, can certainly make the school leave a loophole. 全家人都在为孙坦的事情想各种解决办法的时候,孙坦自己找到了一条解决之道,那就是李牧搞的3321,他觉得,如果自己能够入股3321。借助3321这个项目,一定能让学校网开一面。 although the school has not known 3321 special details now, but Sun Tan has been paying attention, at noon today he looked for 2-3 hours on 3321, discovered 3321 astonishing deal proportions and astonishing bidding prices, realize immediately, 3321 this colossi, have accelerated also to lift the front wheel, will shoot up to the sky momentarily, the present is the last chance. 虽然现在学校都还不知道3321的具体情况,但孙坦一直在关注,今天中午他在3321上看了2-3个小时,发现了3321惊人的成交比例和惊人的竞拍价格,立刻就意识到,3321这架庞然大物,已经加速并且抬起前轮了,随时都会冲天而起,现在是自己最后的机会。 Sun Tan also told own parents 3321 things. After didn't expect his father listens , the eye shines, after looking at 3321 nets personally, gave Sun Tan In short: In any event, must buy stock in 3321, even the estimate value still refuses to balk ten million/countless!” 孙坦也把3321的事情告诉了自己的爸妈。没想到他的爸爸听完之后眼睛放光,亲自看了3321网之后,就给了孙坦一句话:“无论如何,都要入股3321,即便是千万估值也在所不惜!” Father keen realizing of Sun Tan, if Sun Tan can make contact with 3321 this lines, matter will have the big reversal, once 3321 fires, buy stock in 3321 not only can help him solve the present crisis, will also become the Sun Tan future political capital. 孙坦的爸爸敏锐的意识到,如果孙坦能搭上3321这条线,事情就会发生大逆转,一旦3321火起来,入股3321不但能帮他解决眼前的危机,而且还会成为孙坦日后的政治资本。 Therefore. Sun Tan gave Li Mu to make this phone call. 于是。孙坦才给李牧打了这个电话。 The demand of Li Mu too clear Sun Tan, to him, should be having no way out at this moment now time, is needing a powerful charm amulet. Most appropriate charm amulet that at present he can find, was 3321. 李牧此刻太明白孙坦的诉求了,对于他来说,现在应该是走投无路的时候,正需要一个强大的护身符。眼下他能找到的最合适的护身符,就是3321了。 But Li Mu will not make him buy stock in 3321 absolutely, regardless of how much money. 李牧绝对不会让他入股3321,无论多少钱。 Some things, to Li Mu are the beliefs, even belief value multi- money still might as well again, he also has the method that other make money. Therefore he must guarantee the purity of belief. 有些东西,对李牧来说是信仰,就算信仰本身值再多钱也无妨,他还有其他赚钱的方法。所以他要保证信仰的纯净。 Therefore Li Mu then replies Sun Tan in the telephone: Embarrassed Senior Sun, this was busy at me not being able to help you.” 于是李牧便在电话里回复孙坦:“不好意思孙学长,这个忙我帮不了你。” Sun Tan blurts saying: 5 million estimate values how? So long as you nod, the 1.5 million cash delivers to your hand immediately!” 孙坦脱口说道:“五百万估值如何?你只要点头,一百五十万现金立刻送到你手上!” Li Mu remains unmoved slightly, even has not passed through the moment the hesitant time: Is impossible, embarrassed Senior Sun, I cannot make 3321 come under any negative influence, Assistance Group this matter the influence that the society had in the school and in is really bad, between both cannot have any relation.” 李牧丝毫不为所动,甚至都没有经过片刻的犹豫时间:“不可能的,不好意思了孙学长,我不能让3321受到任何负面的影响,助学帮这件事在学校和社会上造成的影响实在是太恶劣了,两者之间不能有任何联系。” although that the Li Mu words saying is somewhat tactful, but Sun Tan understood what is heard, with the straightforwardest words, was Li Mu does not want dirty 3321. 李牧话说的虽然有些委婉,但孙坦听明白了,用最直白的话来说,就是李牧不愿意自己脏了3321。 The Assistance Group matter one was exposed, was too truly dirty, society's universal cognition to the outstanding student is the God's favored one, thinks that the campus is the outstanding students holy ivory tower, what didn't expect is, in university, there is in a society these dirty dirty things, to the first impression of person is dirty! 助学帮的事情一被曝光,确实太脏了,社会对高材生的普遍认知是天之骄子,认为校园就是高材生们圣洁的象牙塔,但没想到的是,在高校中,也有社会上那些肮脏龌龊的事情,给人的第一印象就是脏! Probably a beautiful, if the angel, the seemingly pure beautiful woman, were disclosed suddenly was the young lady to be the same in a certain night association/will, does not have other, is dirty, dirty words, can write off her laborious operation all halo. 就好像一个美若天仙、看起来冰清玉洁的美女,忽然被爆料曾经在某夜总会做过小姐一样,没别的,就是脏,一个脏字,就能抹杀掉她辛辛苦苦经营的一切光环。 Shut out by Li Mu, Sun Tan is inwardly angry at heart, but on the mouth actually clenches teeth: Li Mu, other words did not say that 8 million estimate values!” 李牧这么嫌弃,孙坦心里愠怒不已,但嘴上却咬了咬牙:“李牧,别的话不说了,八百万估值!” Even if Sun Tan to this position, but also in underestimating the Li Mu's value, he thought that said to Li Mu this university since birth, 5 million estimate values enough he has had a dream smiles to awake, didn't expect he does not comply, the father gave 10 million estimate values still to want on guarantee, but he must bargain back and forth with Li Mu, did not have other reason, was the natural disposition so. 孙坦即便是到了这种境地,还在低估李牧的价值,他觉得对李牧这种大学生来说,五百万估值就已经够他做梦都笑醒了,没想到他不答应,老爸给了一千万估值也要上的保证,可他偏偏要跟李牧讨价还价,没别的原因,就是生性如此。 Li Mu as before rejection without hesitation: Senior Sun, I finally said that 3321 stocks, I will not sell tiny bit.” 李牧依旧拒绝的毫不犹豫:“孙学长,我最后再说一遍,3321的股份,我不会出售一丝一毫。” Mother's 10 million lines!” Sun Tan was anxious, blurts saying: 30% stocks, you nod can attain 3 million, sufficed you to spend half a lifetime! Small website 30% stocks, can receive in exchange 3 million, should this you satisfy?” “妈的一千万行了吧!”孙坦急了,脱口说道:“30%股份,你点头就能拿到三百万,够你花半辈子了!一个小网站的30%股份而已,就能换回三百万,这回你该满意了吧?” Li Mu tone somewhat ice-cold: I said does not sell, do not waste the argument again.” 李牧语气有些冰冷:“我说了不卖,你就别再浪费口舌了。” Sun Tan is infuriated: Li Mu do not propose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit!” 孙坦火冒三丈:“李牧你不要敬酒不吃吃罚酒!” Li Mu sneers: „The liquor that you carry, proposes a toast to be made to drink as a forfeit I not to eat.” 李牧冷笑一声:“你端来的酒,敬酒罚酒我都不吃。” Then, Li Mu then hung up the telephone, simultaneously in the heart sighed, some people bring several points of inexplicable pride inborn, even if asks others for help is so insincere, looked like in Li Mu that strove , the Sun Tan present situation is so dangerous, changes a person, to grab straw to grasp, feared that is the matter that knelt kowtows is done, but he was booing, at death's door must install one round again. 说完,李牧便挂断了电话,同时心中感叹,有些人就是天生带着几分莫名的骄傲,就算是求人都求的这么不真诚,在李牧看来,孙坦现在的处境这么危险,换一个人,为了抓住救命稻草,怕是跪地磕头的事情都做得出来,可他倒好,死到临头还要再装一发。 Zhao Ziqiu asked Li Mu: What's wrong? With whose dispute?” 赵子秋李牧:“怎么了?跟谁起争执呢?” Li Mu then said: „A fool, three views have the issue.” 李牧便说:“一个傻逼,三观有问题。” Zhao Ziqiu curious asking: How did three views have the issue?” 赵子秋好奇的问:“三观怎么有问题了?” Li Mu curls the lip: Oneself his mother fell in the latrine pit unable to crawl, but also counted on that the person in bathhouse can save him, gave him to wash again cleanly the full pond clear water, were three views not very abnormal?” 李牧撇撇嘴:“自己都他妈掉粪坑里爬不上来了,还指望开澡堂子的人能救他,再把满池清水给他来洗干净,三观还不够畸形吗?” Zhao Ziqiu smiles, asked Li Mu: You are that open the bathhouse?” 赵子秋嗤嗤一笑,问李牧:“你就是那个开澡堂子的呗?” Li Mu said with a laugh: Draws an analogy, do not take seriously.” 李牧笑着说:“打个比方而已,别当真。” ...... …… Sun Tan when Yanjing takes root, the Republic newly established that little while, his grandfather projects on Resist America Aid Korea from the opposition to Japan, comes back after the North Korean battlefield, is the military officer in the earliest Yanjing capital garrison command, although has not been in the high official prominent situation, but also was laid the stable foundation to Sun Family. 孙坦家在燕京扎根的时候,还是共和国刚成立那会儿,他的爷爷从抗日打到抗美援朝,从朝鲜战场回来之后,便在最早的燕京卫戍区担任军官,虽说没有到达官显赫的地步,但也算是给孙家打下了稳定的根基。 Arrived Sun Tan father generation, in the family/home did not have some people to enlist in the military again, Sun Tan father Sun Lianqing after university graduates first is the teacher in a Yanjing middle school, later has been the principal in several middle schools, 35 years old entered Yanjing city Education Committee to do are the 7-8 years, the present is the committee member of city Education Committee committee. 到了孙坦父亲这辈,家里就没再有人参军,孙坦的父亲孙连庆大学毕业之后先是在燕京一所中学做老师,随后在几所中学做过校长,三十五岁进了燕京市教委一干就是七八年,现在是市教委委员会的委员。 Mother Guo Yueqin is a successful merchant, initially the husband was the principal time, she then starts to be the teaching assistant to build up, now has own publication company, teaching assistant market fiery/popular and room for profits is very big, but was controlled by Education Committee deeply, without the person of relations could not touch, but the Guo Yueqin publication company aptitude was very strong, not only oneself had/left the teaching assistant teaching material, regional other publication companies to successfully publish, must operate taking advantage of her company, now the yearly income of company account may reach ten million/countless the magnitude with ease. 母亲郭月琴是个成功的商人,当初丈夫做校长的时候,她便开始做教辅起家,现在已经有了自己的出版公司,教辅市场火爆、利润空间很大,但深受教委管控,没关系的人根本触及不了,但郭月琴的出版公司资质很强,不但自己出教辅教材,就连各地其他出版公司为了成功出版,都要借她的公司来运作,现在公司账面的年收入轻松可达千万量级。 Sun Lianqing this point is very intelligent, he is never bribed does not embezzle, but took into teaching assistant industry potentially large the wife early, now person although of Education Committee has the company that is jealous of Guo Yueqin much makes money in the educational system, but also has no alternative, Guo Yueqin is the teaching assistant time, Sun Lianqing has not entered Education Committee, you said that he uses the work convenience to provide the resources to the family member, this cannot stand firmly. 孙连庆这一点很聪明,他从不受贿也不贪污,只是早早把老婆带进了教辅这个潜力巨大的行业,现在教委的人虽然有不少眼红郭月琴的公司在教育体系赚大钱,但偏偏也都无可奈何,郭月琴做教辅的时候,孙连庆都还没进教委,你说他利用工作便利给家人提供资源,这也站不住脚啊。 Moreover, at present the relations of Sun Lianqing with Education Committee member in the honeymoon, it may be said that is the trusted aide of leadership, over 40 years old attitude is also honorable, the Sun Lianqing political life is also in the flush period. 而且,眼下孙连庆跟教委一把手的关系正在蜜月期,可谓是领导的心腹,四十多岁又作风廉明,孙连庆的政治生命还正处于旺盛期。 Because Sun Lianqing takes root in the education many years, he can see the great potential that in 3321 contains, 10 million estimate values said somewhat scary, but he actually understands, 3321 values continue these. 正因为孙连庆扎根教育行业多年,他才能看到3321中蕴含的巨大潜力,一千万的估值说起来有些吓人,但他却明白,3321的价值远不止这些。 After Sun Tan by the Li Mu brutal rejection, a going out room of face resenting, in the living room, Sun Lianqing just sipped jasmine tea, sees Sun Tan to walk resentfully, then puts down the teacup slowly, did not lift said: What's wrong, was resisted?” 孙坦李牧无情拒绝之后,一脸愤恨的走出房间,客厅里,孙连庆刚抿了一口茉莉花茶,见孙坦悻悻走来,便把茶杯缓缓放下,头也不抬的说:“怎么,被拒了?” Un.” Sun Tan annoyed scolded: That fellow heart was too black, the estimate value 10 million remain unmoved, but also his mother dislikes me to be dirty!” “嗯。”孙坦恼火的骂道:“那个家伙心太黑了,估值一千万都不为所动,还他妈嫌我脏!” Sun Lianqing unemotional saying: Expected, 18-19 years old can make the people of 3321 this projects, his pattern is not you can imagine.” 孙连庆面无表情的说道:“意料之中,十八九岁就能做出3321这种项目的人,他的格局远不是你能想象的。” That what to do?” Sun Tan was anxious: Father, the uncle said that the school leader requests for one week the investigation and process result, next Friday will be the deadline.” “那怎么办?”孙坦急了:“爸,大伯说校领导要求一个星期内出调查和处理结果,下周五是最后期限了。” Sun Lianqing expects too much looked at Sun Tan one, said: Knows today early, regret past doings? I have told you, the university four years you are honest to me, I make you make the place, to make you in Student Council carry out the assistance project to run for 10 Great Students, graduates the future to consider after you, you? Instead must make money by that assistance project, really does not have a prospect!” 孙连庆恨铁不成钢的看了孙坦一眼,道:“早知今日,何必当初?我早就跟你说过,大学四年你给我好好做人,我让你在学生会占一席之地、让你搞个助学项目参选十佳大学生,是为了你毕业后的前途考虑,你呢?反而要靠那点助学项目赚钱,真是没个出息!” Sun Tan face suffering saying: I do not want to rely on one's own effort to revive......” 孙坦一脸委屈的说道:“我不是想自力更生吗……” Puts your fart!” On the Sun Lianqing face is hanging several points of angry look: At this time was still finding the excuse, to find the excuse to oneself! Since you want to rely on one's own effort to revive, why is also hiding the truth from me by the matter that Assistance Group does make money with your mother? Your mother one month gives you three thousand Yuan life Figa spending money, I thought that your which month also wants a lot!”( To be continued.) “放你的屁!”孙连庆脸上挂着几分怒色:“这时候还在给自己找理由、找借口!既然你想自力更生,为什么靠助学帮赚钱的事情还瞒着我跟你妈?你妈一个月给你三千块钱生活费加零花钱,我看你哪个月也没少要!”(未完待续。) ps: First, three guarantee a minimum today as before! The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第一更,今天依旧三更保底!手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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