RINAPE :: Volume #2

#168: Topic 【Hegemon in addition】

Li Mu and Zhao Ziqiu knock the Xie Tingfang door time, surprised of Xie Tingfang whole face. 李牧赵子秋叩开谢婷芳家门的时候,谢婷芳满脸的惊讶。 Li Mu is a handsome fellow, clean agile compares the male character, therefore the whole is quite outstanding, but has no way to compare with Zhao Ziqiu, because her face value absolutely might be considered as top, Xie Tingfang is mainly surprised in the Zhao Ziqiu appearance, was really attractive, these Female lead of unit broadcast is attractive . Moreover, when she with Li Mu two people stood shoulder to shoulder, in Xie Tingfang brain first remembering was a perfect match four characters. 李牧算是个帅哥,干净利索又比较有阳刚之气,所以整体已经算是比较出众,但跟赵子秋没法比,因为她的颜值绝对堪称是顶尖的了,谢婷芳主要就是惊讶于赵子秋的容貌,实在是太漂亮了,比自己单位的那些女主播还要漂亮,而且,当她跟李牧两人并肩站在一起,谢婷芳脑子里第一个想起的便是郎才女貌四个字。 Aunt hello.” And giving regards of Zhao Ziqiu politeness bows slightly, making Xie Tingfang the favorable impression increase immediately. “阿姨您好。”赵子秋礼貌的问好并且微微鞠躬,让谢婷芳顿时好感大增。 Xie Tingfang busy say/way: Hello, are you?” 谢婷芳忙道:“你好,请问你们是?” Zhao Ziqiu introduced: We are 3321 nets, because you bid successfully a family education in our website, we also confirmed that receives fund that you paid, therefore came to verify.” 赵子秋介绍道:“我们是3321网的,因为您在我们网站竞拍成功了一名家教,我们也确认收到了您支付的款项,所以上门来核实一下。” Xie Tingfang nods hastily, asks: What do you want to verify?” 谢婷芳连忙点头,问道:“你们都要核实什么?” Zhao Ziqiu looked at Li Mu one, Li Mu then opened the mouth saying: Is such aunt, mainly verifies your status information, as well as your housing information, is the ID card and title to the house, if you are rent, please show the rent contract.” 赵子秋看了李牧一眼,李牧便开口道:“是这样的阿姨,主要是核实一下您的身份信息,以及您的住房信息,也就是身份证和房产证,如果您是租房的话,请出示一下租房合同。” Xie Tingfang has the favorable impression to two young people at present very much, hastily invites passing through the gate two people, said to Xiao Jie: Husband, others verified the information, went to takes the ID card and title to the house.” 谢婷芳对眼前两个年轻人很有好感,急忙把两人请进门,对肖杰说道:“老公,人家来核实信息了,去把身份证和房产证都拿出来。” Xiao Jie nods, hastily entered the bedroom to look for the document, Li Mu and Zhao Ziqiu is then invited to sit on the sofa of Xie Tingfang, Xie Tingfang used the non-installment to pour water to two people, then curious inquiry: I thought that you two are very young, should the student?” 肖杰点了点头,急忙进卧室找证件,李牧赵子秋便受邀坐在了谢婷芳家的沙发上,谢婷芳给两人用一次性杯子倒了杯水,便好奇的询问道:“我看你们两个还很年轻,应该还是学生吧?” Zhao Ziqiu said: Is aunt, we are first-year university student freshman.” 赵子秋说:“是的阿姨,我们都是大一新生。” Asking that Xie Tingfang is interested in very much: Which are you university student?” 谢婷芳很感兴趣的问道:“那你们是哪所大学的学生?” Zhao Ziqiu said: I am Yanjing, he is Renmin.” 赵子秋说:“我是燕大,他是人大。” Xie Tingfang also asked: What are you relate with 3321 nets? Part-time employee?” 谢婷芳又问:“那你们跟3321网是什么关系?兼职员工吗?” Zhao Ziqiu looked at Li Mu, said with a laugh said: I am 3321 hold concurrent jobs to work, but he, he was not 3321 founders.” 赵子秋看了看李牧,笑着说道:“我算是给3321兼职打工,不过他就不是了,他是3321的创始人。” Xie Tingfang amazed looks at Li Mu, takes off/escapes the tastes: Can't? Were 3321 you organized?” 谢婷芳惊诧的看着李牧,脱口道:“不会吧?3321是你创办的?” Li Mu had not prepared to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent at 3321 this matters. Immediately then natural saying: Right the aunt, 3321 were I organized.” 李牧一直也没准备在3321这件事上藏拙。当即便大大方方的说道:“没错阿姨,3321是我创办的。” My God......” Xie Tingfang didn't expect, oneself paid attention to several days of 3321 website, was a first-year university student student organized unexpectedly. Original 3321 pairs of her shock is very big, now this shock is almost enlarged innumerable times. “我的天……”谢婷芳怎么也没想到,自己关注了好几天的3321网站,竟然是一个大一学生创办的。本来3321对她的震撼就已经很大了,现在这种震撼几乎是被放大了无数倍。 Xie Tingfang also came the interest all of a sudden, she as well as 3321 has many curiosity to Li Mu, then asked Li Mu: Takes the liberty to ask, you on just university. Properly speaking now familiar won't the truly environment, how have remembered to make 3321? What is your motive?” 谢婷芳也一下子来了兴趣,她心里对李牧以及3321有很多的好奇,便问李牧:“冒昧问一下,你刚上大学。按理说现在还没有真正熟悉环境,怎么会想起做3321呢?你的动机是什么?” Li Mu then spoke thoughtlessly saying: Motive nothing but wants to help the schoolmate find one to manifest the work of individual value, but the present high-school student parents had not realized, these were just admitted to first-year university student freshman of well-known colleges and universities, to the entire high three understanding is actually most exhaustive, if they give the high three students to make the family education, a person can teach completely or most curricula, will save many troublesome.” 李牧便随口说道:“动机无非就是想帮同学找到一份能够体现个人价值的工作,而现在的高中生父母也并没有意识到,这些刚刚考入名校的大一新生,对整个高三的理解其实是最详尽的,如果他们给高三的学生做家教,一个人就可以教全部或者大部分课程,会省掉很多麻烦。” Xie Tingfang nods, this is also she and husband decides to try 3321 reasons, the trading teacher who likes the child always being probable to keep do not make up for a missed lesson. Today will go to here, tomorrow to go to there, they do not hope that the communication method between child and teacher will be extremely difficult, chooses 3321, actually will be a bold attempt, if will be inappropriate, they on loss more than 1000 Yuan, they will also lose the wealth in this aspect in the two years a lot, but, will want, if really appropriate, then solved a very big difficult problem to them. Tests university this matter to the child, spends not to be regarded anything. 谢婷芳点了点头,这也是她和老公决定尝试3321的原因,他们不喜欢孩子总是要不停的换老师补课。今天去这里、明天去那里,他们也不希望孩子和老师之间的沟通方式太过困难,选择3321,其实就是一个大胆的尝试,如果不合适,他们也就损失一千多块钱,这两年他们在这方面也没少损失钱财,不过,要如果真的合适,那么就是给他们解决了一个很大的难题。对孩子考大学这件事来说,花点钱根本算不得什么。 Xiao Jie happen to took the document to come out at this time, Li Mu then started to check the ID card and title to the house information, Xie Tingfang is drawing husband Xiao Jie to one side. Said to him in a low voice: Husband, this young fellow is 3321 founders, moreover first-year university student freshman!” 肖杰这时候正好拿了证件出来,李牧便开始核对身份证以及房产证信息,谢婷芳则拉着老公肖杰到了一边。低声对他说道:“老公,这个小伙子就是3321的创始人,而且还是大一新生!” My God......” Xiao Jie also feels somewhat inconceivable, didn't expect, 3321 back, unexpectedly is such young people. “我的天……”肖杰也觉得有些不可思议,怎么也没想到,3321的背后,竟然是这么一个年轻人。 Xiao Jie looks at Xie Tingfang. Said in a low voice: Wife, this is the giant news story!” 肖杰看着谢婷芳。低声说:“老婆,这可是个巨大的新闻点啊!” Xie Tingfang nods, says with a smile: Becoming your wife is silly, I am the screenwriter-director of news column, how unable to realize this inside news story.” 谢婷芳点了点头,笑道:“当你老婆傻啊,我就是新闻栏目的编导,怎么会意识不到这里面的新闻点。” Xiao Jie then asked: What to do do you prepare?” 肖杰便问:“那你准备怎么办?” Xie Tingfang almost saying without hesitation: I want to make the interview and special coverage.” 谢婷芳几乎不假思索的说道:“我想做个人物专访和专题报道。” Now?” “现在?” Of course not, can only do to account orally the visit now, to write the writing manuscript, I want to make a track to report, best is chooses 3321 university to live as the breakthrough point, then follows him to go to the employer home to conduct family education a time, records the entire flow, this more convincing.” “当然不是,现在只能做口述访问、写成文字稿件,我是想做一个跟踪报道,最好是选一个3321的大学生作为切入点,然后跟随他前往雇主家里进行一次家教,把整个流程都记录下来,这样更有说服力。” Good good.” Xiao Jie said with a smile: 3321 definitely meet the fire to be especially hot, but many people have not grasped this hot spot now, if your programs can make a topic, I feel definitely promising.” “不错不错。”肖杰笑道:“3321肯定会大火特火的,只不过现在很多人还没有抓住这个热点,如果你们的节目能够做一个专题,我觉得肯定有前途。” Xie Tingfang said: Later I told him, does not know this young fellow can agree.” 谢婷芳道:“待会我跟他说说,不知道这个小伙子能不能同意。” Li Mu quick verified the relevant information, the employer had filled in own relevant information in the registration, oneself came is also only the checkup matches, without the words of issue, this also passed even still confirmed that after going back the back constraint to 3321, is received to arrive the information cue by the student who she selected, prompting to explain that the expense of opposite party has paid, the information of opposite party has also verified, can feel relieved to go. 李牧这边很快就核实好了相关信息,雇主在注册的时候就已经填写了自己的相关信息,自己过来也只是核对匹配一下,没问题的话,这家就算是也通过也验证了,回去把数据反馈到3321之后,被她选中的学生就会收到站内信息提示,提示会说明对方的费用已经支付,对方的信息也已经核实,可以放心前往。 Li Mu handed over to give back to Xie Tingfang the ID card and title to the house, said politely: Aunt, the information we have verified to pass, today will inform to bid the successful student to you, can come to teach at earliest tomorrow, coordination thank you.” 李牧把身份证和房产证递还给了谢婷芳,礼貌的说:“阿姨,信息我们已经核实通过了,今天就会通知给您竞拍成功的学生,最快明天就可以上门授课了,谢谢您的配合。” Xie Tingfang hastily said: Does not use such politely, can the young fellow, discuss a matter with you?” 谢婷芳急忙说道:“不用这么客气,小伙子,能不能跟你商量点事情?” Li Mu curious asking: Please say.” 李牧好奇的问:“你请说。” Xie Tingfang organized a language, said: I am Yanjing TV Station in the evening the screenwriter-director of news column, because we also paid attention for 3321 several days, to its plan, execution and following development was interested, did not know to be able with your approximately one interview, as well as a news special coverage.” 谢婷芳组织了一下语言,道:“我是燕京电视台晚间新闻栏目的编导,因为我们也关注3321好几天了,对它的规划、执行以及后续发展非常感兴趣,不知道能不能跟你约一个专访,以及一个新闻专题报道。” Li Mu one hear of opposite party are the screenwriter-directors of news, feels a pleasant surprise at heart, asked: „The interview and are the topic that you said what meaning respectively?” 李牧一听对方是新闻节目的编导,心里感觉一阵惊喜,不由问道:“您说的专访和专题分别是什么意思呢?” Xie Tingfang simply said: Interview is to your related visit. The topic selected slightly complex, for example we choose to make one issue ‚a university fresh family education day topic, the leading character who then we must first choose the topic, then first conducts to him with the racket. With patting in the process must clamp at some interviews, the goal is the family education the entire flow to pat him, when broadcast can also to know how this is a matter.” 谢婷芳便道:“专访就是对你个人的相关访问。专题就稍微复杂点了,比如我们选择做一期‘大学生的家教一天’专题,那么我们就要先选择专题的主人公,然后先对他进行跟拍。在跟拍的过程中还要夹在一些专访,目的是把他做家教的整个流程都拍下来,播放时也可以让人知道这到底是怎么一回事。” Li Mu almost without hesitation complies, takes off/escapes the tastes: Interview or topic, I do not have the opinion. Visits you to be convenient.” 李牧几乎毫不犹豫的答应下来,脱口道:“专访或者专题,我都没有意见。看您方便。” Xie Tingfang simply said: Generally to your 3321 this type of new things, I thought that first makes the topic, then makes the interview, because the topic can raise the platform popularity, the user understands you, definitely first understood after your platform, will have the additional attention to you.” 谢婷芳便道:“一般对你们3321这种新鲜事物,我觉得还是先做专题,再做专访,因为专题可以提升平台知名度,用户了解你,肯定是先了解你的平台之后,才会对你有附加的关注。” The Li Mu nod said: Then on the topic, I do not have the opinion, but in the time does not know that your side has anything to request.” 李牧点头说道:“那就专题吧,我没意见,不过时间上不知道你们那边有什么要求。” Xie Tingfang hastily said: We keep contact details mutually, you determined when has the words of time. Can call me directly.” 谢婷芳急忙说道:“咱们相互留一个联系方式吧,你确定什么时候有时间的话。可以直接给我打电话。” Li Mu has not naturally rejected, left a cell phone number with Xie Tingfang mutually. 李牧自然没有拒绝,跟谢婷芳互留了一个手机号码。 The Xie Tingfang injunction said: Special coverage is best to have enough effectiveness, best is today can designate that the original form of newsperson, then we go first to bump with the opposite party, tomorrow can start to do with the racket.” 谢婷芳嘱咐道:“专题报道最好是有足够的时效性,最好是今天就能选定新闻人物的原形,然后我们去跟对方先碰一下,明天就可以开始做跟拍。” Li Mu thinks, then said: On our website has mark king, was college entrance examination top scorer of last year Liaoning province, was our website weight highest student, we tonight contact him as well as his employer, if they did not have the issue. You can directly with the racket.” 李牧想了想,便说:“我们网站上有一个标王,是去年辽省的高考状元,也是我们网站权重最高的学生,我们今晚跟他以及他的雇主联系一下,如果他们都没问题。你们就可以直接跟拍了。” Xie Tingfang at heart one happy, hastily said: „ Can that quicken pace? Best is tonight can first with patting the person, determines the matter. 谢婷芳心里一喜,急忙说道:“那能不能加快步伐呢?最好是今晚能够先跟被跟拍的人,把事情确定一下。 Li Mu said: This is natural, tonight I relate with Han Bowen. If he does not have the opinion, momentarily.” 李牧说:“这是自然,今晚我就跟韩博文联系。如果他没意见的话,随时都可以。” Xie Tingfang nods, said: That this matter I waited for your news, if were smooth, we will open tomorrow send out with patting the team, the day after tomorrow was also Monday can on the news.” 谢婷芳点了点头,说:“那这件事情我就等你的消息了,如果顺畅的话,我们明天就开派出跟拍团队,后天也就是周一就能上新闻了。” ...... …… Li Mu is quite interested in the proposition of Xie Tingfang. The conventional media now as before are King without a doubt, if Yanjing TV Station can 3321 make a topic to photograph, Li Mu other does not dare saying that one does not have the issue in the Yanjing flame. 李牧谢婷芳的提议颇为感兴趣。传统媒体现在依旧是毫无疑问的王者,如果燕京电视台能够给3321做一个专题拍摄,李牧别的不敢说,在燕京小火一把还是没问题的。 Comes out from the Xie Tingfang family/home, Li Mu then makes Han Xiaoxiao help relate in Yanjing Han Bowen, the goal is very simple, making him agree with the track photography of Yanjing TV Station 谢婷芳家里出来,李牧便让韩潇潇帮忙联系同在燕大韩博文,目的很简单,让他同意燕京电视台的跟踪拍摄 Having TV Station must track to pat the topic, to Li Mu, this is the big good deed of wishing for earnestly. 电视台要跟踪拍专题,对李牧来说,这是求之不得的大好事。 After Yanjing TV Station employees several run, Li Mu and Zhao Ziqiu start to change nearby neighborhood, when walks, the cell phone shakes to keep in the pocket, after opening, discovered, makes the phone call unexpectedly is Sun Tan. 燕京电视台家属院几家都跑下来之后,李牧赵子秋开始换下一个附近的小区,走路时,手机在口袋里震个不停,打开后才发现,打来电话的竟然是孙坦 Li Mu failed Assistance Group, after Sun Tan that and compels evaporates temporarily lies low until something blows over, then has not said goodbye Sun Tan, has not received about his any news again, didn't expect he will call himself at this time unexpectedly. 李牧搞黄了助学帮、并且逼的孙坦暂时蒸发去避风头之后,便没有再见过孙坦,也没有再收到关于他的任何消息,没想到这时候他竟然会给自己打电话。 Sun Tan went home to hide several days of crest of wave, after wants waited for the situation to subside, to return to Renmin, but the didn't expect life everywhere was a trap, Assistance Group but actually, but media also not from campus labor traffickers this in topic that evoked the large-scale discussion recovered, the related report were numerous, moreover had very high heat degree, felt that losing face person first-year university student the hand, was authorized the school administration office to start deeply to investigate this matter. 孙坦回家躲了几天风头,本想等事态平息之后再回人大,但没想到生活处处是陷阱,助学帮倒了,但媒体还没有从‘校园劳动力贩子’这个引起大规模讨论的话题中回过神来,相关的报道还是很多,而且也拥有很高的热度,以至于感觉丢了面子人大一把手,授权教务处开始深入调查这件事情。 Also at this time, Sun Tan many things was exploded, the badness of its working nature, his hall uncle Sun Yong fears unable to preserve him, but, he thought of Li Mu, he felt, if oneself can hang up the relations with Li Mu's 3321, again the operation of attending a lesson uncle, oneself have greatly possibly obtains remitting of Renmin very much.( To be continued.) 也是在这个时候,孙坦的许多事情才被爆了出来,其做事性质之恶劣,就连他的堂大伯孙永都怕保不住他,无奈之下,他才想到了李牧,他觉得,如果自己能跟李牧的3321挂上关系,再加上堂大伯的运作,自己就有很大可能得到人大的赦免。(未完待续。) ps: Fourth came late, but calculates as in 2 nd fourth, today( 3rd) guaranteed a minimum is three! The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第四更来得晚了一些,不过依旧是算在二号的第四更,今天白天(3号)保底还是三更!手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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