RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1793: Silent ending

The fighter aircraft of Liu Ye driving from the sky explodes the disintegration, the speed of lens broadcast starts to be getting more and more slow. 刘晔驾驶的战机在空中爆炸解体,镜头播放的速度开始越来越慢。 With slow-down of picture, the sound is also getting more and more fuzzy, later, does not have the least bit sound until the movie in getting smaller again. 随着画面的减慢,声音也越来越模糊,随后越来越小、直至影片中再无半点声音。 At this time, " 21 guns » affable melodious prelude resounded. 这个时候,《21guns》舒缓悠扬的前奏响起。 Du Wei with the elusive sound, sang this to be changed the lyrics and from the opposition war by Li Mu, turned eulogizes the second war Hero theme song. 杜薇用空灵的声音,唱起这首被李牧改了歌词、从反对战争,变成歌颂二战英雄的主题曲。 In the slow motion along with picture, this sang everyone to be depressed, making the person tears unconscious spin in the eye socket. 伴随着画面中的慢镜头,这首歌唱得每个人心里都闷闷的,使人眼泪不自觉在眼眶中打转。 In the picture, the wreckage of airplane also in unceasing scattering, the thick smoke that the explosion produces as in the slow ascension. 画面中,飞机的残骸还在不断的散落,爆炸产生的浓烟依旧在缓慢的升腾。 In the picture presented Leonardo to sit in the picture that in the cockpit, silent wept bitterly and yells. 紧接着,画面中出现了莱昂纳多坐在驾驶舱里、无声痛哭、叫喊的画面。 Again then, picture switching Japanese pilot who shoots down Liu Ye, his expression is fierce and self-satisfied, in the look murderous aura completely, the corners of the mouth rise slightly, strange fearsome. 再然后,画面切换到了击落刘晔的日本飞行员,他表情狰狞又得意,眼神中满是杀气,嘴角又微微上扬,诡异又可怖。 At this time, «21 guns» entered the vice- song, in the picture, several just rushed to increasing Flying Tigers to see with own eyes Liu Ye dead for one's country, flushed to open fire at the day fighter aircraft rapidly, Leonardo is also bursting into tears to invest with engaging in fierce battle of day Air force. 这时,《21guns》进入副歌,画面中,几名刚刚赶到增员的飞虎队员眼见刘晔殉国,迅速冲上来向日空军战机开火,莱昂纳多也流着泪重新投入到了与日空军的鏖战之中。 The war projects from noon projects on the evening from afternoon in the afternoon. 战争从中午打到下午、又从下午打到傍晚。 Leonardo could not have remembered oneself descended to take off several sorties, his brain remaining met the enemy, meets the enemy and meets the enemy. 莱昂纳多已经记不得自己降落起飞了几个架次,他满脑子剩下的只是迎敌、迎敌、迎敌。 The fighter aircraft landing supplies, he would anxiously to refueling shouted abuse with the ground crew of previous ball, always immediately on hasty lift-off again. 战机落地补给,他总会焦躁的冲着加油和上弹的地勤人员破口大骂,总是在第一时间就仓促的重新升空。 This round of war, everyone hits to get angry. 这一轮战争,所有人都打红了眼。 In ground, all ground duties, doctors and nurse, the common people who even the local area works to the airport, all stand by the runway, to not watch the fun, but, when needs itself the clashes to come up for a while. 地面上,所有的地勤、医生、护士,甚至当地给机场干活的百姓,全都站在跑道两侧,不是为了看热闹,而是为了在需要自己的时候第一时间冲上去。 They do not have the means driving fighter aircraft to lift off with the Japanese invaders battle, can do only, completes the support work in the ground. 他们没有办法驾驶战机升空与日寇作战,唯一能做的,就是在地面做好支撑工作。 The air fight is still continuing, to weather gradually black time, the front pilot sent back the signal, day Air force retreats. 空战还在继续,一直到天色渐黑的时候,前方飞行员才发回讯号,日空军撤退了。 Japanese Air force wants to take advantage that this opportunity, wipes out Flying Tigers and airport in one vigorous effort, but was repelled the offensive by Flying Tigers finally. 日本空军本想趁这次机会,一鼓作气全歼飞虎队及其机场,但最终还是被飞虎队打退了攻势。 This air fight, day Air force loses seriously. 这场空战,日空军损失惨重。 Flying Tigers although gains the victory, but also difficult escaping hard victory two characters. 飞虎队虽然取得胜利,但也难逃惨胜二字。 The fighter aircraft starts returns, Anne Hathaway as before tight looks at each landing the airplane near the runway. 战机开始一架架返航,安妮海瑟薇依旧在跑道边紧张的看着每一架落地的飞机。 From beginning to end, she has not seen the Liu Ye form. 只是,至始至终,她都没有看到刘晔的身影。 She remembers the previous time, oneself is also waiting for the return of Liu Ye like this intensely, but God blesses, Liu Ye is last lands on the airport finally. 她不由想起上一次,自己也是这样紧张的等待着刘晔的返航,而上帝保佑,刘晔终于是最后一个降落在机场。 Afterward, she knows, Liu Ye to look for shot down Leonardo, therefore has towed to return to the airport to the last minute. 后来,她才知道,刘晔是为了寻找被击落的莱昂纳多,所以一直拖到最后一刻才返回机场。 She hopes this time, but can also upward time be the same. 她希望这次,还能向上次一样。 Final time, oneself can, when Liu Ye safe landing. 最后的时候,自己还是能够等到刘晔平安降落。 But, the airplane of return are getting fewer and fewer. 可是,返航的飞机越来越少。 Last landing, is Leonardo's airplane. 最后一架降落的,是莱昂纳多的飞机。 The doctor in hospital receives the message, this was the last airplane that Flying Tigers came back. 医院的医生收到消息,这是飞虎队回来的最后一架飞机了。 But the pilot of this airplane has not reported the injured signal. 而这架飞机的飞行员没有报受伤的信号。 This also means, the person in field hospital does not use by the airport is defending, can return to the hospital the doctor who administers first aid to help to other. 这也就意味着,战地医院的人不用在机场旁边守着,可以返回医院给其他正在急救的医生帮忙。 Anne Hathaway hears the words of doctor, immediately tears directing current, shook the head saying: Is impossible, Li has not come back.” 安妮海瑟薇听到医生的话,顿时眼泪直流,一个劲地摇头说:“不可能,李还没有回来。” The doctor deeply looked at her one eyes, said earnestly: Andy that frame was really last, did not have, should not come back.” 医生深深看了她一眼,认真道:“安迪那架真的是最后一架了,没回来的,应该回不来了。” Is impossible!” Anne Hathaway somewhat loses control, she retroceded one after several other steps, in the mouth muttered discussed: Li certainly will be living, I must wait for him to come back here.” “不可能!”安妮海瑟薇有些失控,她接连后退了好几步,口中喃喃念道:“李一定会活着回来,我要在这里等着他回来。” The opposite party sighed one lightly, said: Good, you are waiting in this, after a half hour , if he has not come back, you must return to the hospital to help, can achieve?” 对方轻叹一声,说:“好吧,你在这等着,半个小时后如果他没回来,你就要回医院帮忙,可以做到吗?” Anne Hathaway nods again and again, said: He will come back quickly, not over a half hour, after perhaps ten minutes, he descended!” 安妮海瑟薇连连点头,道:“他很快就会回来,不会超过半个小时,也许十分钟后他就降落了!” Good.” Opposite party simply said: We first go back, good luck.” “好。”对方便道:“那我们先回去,祝你好运。” At this time, Leonardo's airplane stop, he hit the starting access panel, is staying in the airplane, seems as if in a trance general. 这时,莱昂纳多的飞机停稳,他打开机舱盖,在飞机里呆坐着,仿佛丢了魂一般。 Anne Hathaway's running fast to his airplane, asking him several him also to have no sound. 安妮海瑟薇飞快的跑向他的飞机,叫了他好几声他也没有任何动静。 Finally, Anne Hathaway tries to jump to strike with force his fuselage, after several, Leonardo recovers suddenly. 最后,安妮海瑟薇试着跳起来猛拍他的机身,哐哐几声之后,莱昂纳多才忽然回过神来。 He turns head one to look toward the fuselage under, welcomed approaches own, was Anne Hathaway that earnest expression. 他扭头往机身下方一看,迎向自己的,是安妮海瑟薇那殷切的表情。 In a flash, he remembers Liu Ye to exhort oneself words finally, sheds tears instantaneously. 一瞬间,他想起刘晔最后嘱咐自己的话,瞬间流出眼泪。 Anne Hathaway sees him to burst into tears, immediately is anxious, blurts to ask: Li? Where is he at? Dean, speech! I asked you, speech!” 安妮海瑟薇见他流泪,顿时紧张起来,脱口问道:“李呢?他在哪?迪恩,说话啊!我求求你,说话啊!” Next, Leonardo jumps down from the airplane, lens from one side to two people. 下一幕,莱昂纳多从飞机上跳下来,镜头从侧面对着两人。 At this time, in the movie does not have the sound, but «21 guns» second resounded again. 这个时候,电影中已经没有了声音,而《21guns》的第二段再度响起。 In the picture can see, Leonardo is telling Anne Hathaway the truth, but Anne Hathaway only listened to a few words, both hands cover in the mouth and eye unable to believe immediately completely. 画面中可以看出,莱昂纳多在告诉安妮海瑟薇实情,而安妮海瑟薇只听了两句,就立刻双手捂住嘴巴、眼中满是无法置信。 She shakes the head, bursting into tears that while non-stop, but a Leonardo also face pain as if repeats to explain to her fact that again Liu Ye had sacrificed. 她一边摇头,一边不停的流泪,而莱昂纳多也一脸痛苦的似乎再向她重复说明刘晔已经牺牲的事实。 Anne Hathaway covers the face sad pain, Leonardo Station in her front, similarly whole face tear stains. 安妮海瑟薇捂住脸悲切痛苦,莱昂纳多站在她的面前,同样满脸泪痕。 At this time, the musical sound weakened, Leonardo opened the mouth saying: He lets me thank you, he said that if the peace age, he will certainly marry you for the wife, is only......” 这时,音乐声减弱,莱昂纳多开口道:“他让我谢谢你,他说如果是和平年代,他一定会娶你为妻,只是……” The following words, Leonardo has not said again. 后面的话,莱昂纳多没有再说出来。 Anne Hathaway has cried the tears person, even somewhat cannot stand firm the figure, putting out a hand of Leonardo gentleman supports her luckily. 安妮海瑟薇已经哭成泪人,甚至有些稳不住身形,幸好莱昂纳多绅士的伸手扶住她。 Long time, Anne Hathaway asked him: Where did he crash? Also can find his body?” 良久后,安妮海瑟薇问他:“他坠毁在哪里了?还能不能找到他的遗体?” Leonardo shakes the head, said: His airplane from the sky exploded disintegrated, I think that...... I think he should be his motherland fused together......” 莱昂纳多摇摇头,说:“他的飞机在空中爆炸解体了,我想……我想他应该是和他的祖国大地融为一体了……” Saying, Leonardo does intentionally relaxed saying with a smile: This to him, perhaps is the best result, this was their China person said that was the national liberation, sacrificed the life, to sprinkle hot blooded, we will remember he, four hundred million China people will remember he, the history will also remember he.” 说着,莱昂纳多故作轻松的笑道:“这对他来说,或许是最好的结果,这就是他们华夏人说的,为民族解放,抛头颅、洒热血,我们会记住他,四亿华夏人会记住他,历史也会记住他。” Anne Hathaway stops sobbing, west side inflamed pair of eyes looks at all over the sky sunset glow, the beautiful facial features under the complementing of sunset glow, appear especially sad and beautiful. 安妮海瑟薇停止哭泣,红肿的双眼看着西边的满天红霞,美丽的面容在红霞的映衬下,显得格外凄美 The lens start from Anne Hathaway's face gradually the move back and rise. 镜头开始从安妮海瑟薇的脸上逐渐拉远、上升。 The area that in the picture covers is getting bigger and bigger, Anne Hathaway's face also getting smaller, to the entire airport in bird's eye view of lens picture only, large number of fighter aircraft scatters in all directions to stop falls, many to brave the billowing thick smoke as before. 画面中覆盖的面积越来越大,安妮海瑟薇的脸也越来越小,一直到整个机场都在镜头画面的俯瞰只下,大量战机四散停落、许多依旧冒着滚滚浓烟。 At this time, Leonardo's aside voice appeared: „On July 3 , 1942, the US (America) aviation volunteer corps were ordered to dismiss, dismissed same day, we also at airplane combat of lift-off with Japanese invader.” 这时,莱昂纳多的旁白声音出现:“1942年7月3日,美国航空志愿队奉命解散,解散的当天,我们还在升空与日本侵略者的飞机作战。” „After Flying Tigers dismiss, most of us have not left China, but merged into the US (America) Army Aviation Corps' 23 rd brigade, with sending the China 16 th fighter squadron, composes US (America) air force Terzian team stationed in China, subordinates the US (America) army's 10 th air unit , to continue under leadership of General Chennault, in the China above fighting against the Japanese aggressors, we will also carry out other tasks sometimes, for example the shield is the transport aircraft of China transportation strategic resources, the leap famous camelback route ; “飞虎队解散之后,我们中的大多数人没有离开华夏,而是并入了美国陆军航空队第23大队,与派驻华夏的第16战斗机中队,组成美国空军驻华特谴队,隶属美国陆军第十航空队,继续在陈纳德将军的率领下,在华夏的上空抗击日本侵略者,有些时候我们也会执行其他的任务,比如掩护为华夏输送战略物资的运输机,飞跃大名鼎鼎的驼峰航线;” At this time, in the picture broadcasts, is historically the real image data of US Air Force task force stationed in China, the fighter cover the transport aircraft, in the Himalayas sky flight, below is the grand incomparable and inexhaustible snowy mountain. 此时,画面中播放的,是历史上美空军驻华特遣队的真实影像资料,战斗机掩护着运输机,正在喜马拉雅山脉上空飞行,下面是壮阔无比、无穷无尽的雪山。 „At the end of 1943, I left Kunming (Spring City) with the task force stationed in China, goes to Gui Sheng to be stationed, before leaving the Guangxi province, I want to pass to look for that to save my China girl, but higher authority's order is urgent, leaves Kunming (Spring City) to me, I have not said goodbye her.” “1943年底,我随着驻华特遣队离开了春城,前往桂省驻扎,离开桂省之前,我想过去找那个曾经救过我的华夏女孩,但上级的命令非常紧急,一直到我离开春城,我都没有再见过她。” In the picture, presented the Du Wei image. 画面中,出现了杜薇的影像。 Leonardo said: I felt at that time, oneself this whole life may not say goodbye her.” 莱昂纳多说:“我那个时候觉得,自己这辈子可能都不会再见她了。” „In 1945, the China people resisted the war day chessboard of Japanese invader to start to incline, we started the Pacific islands that as well as attacked and captured from China to bomb Japan ; “1945年,华夏人民抵抗日本侵略者的战争天枰开始倾斜,我们开始从华夏以及攻克的太平洋岛屿对日本本土进行轰炸;” „On May 8, Germany announced the unconditional surrender, the axis powers only had Japan to resist stubbornly.” “5月8日,德国宣布无条件投降,轴心国只剩下日本自己在负隅顽抗。” „In July 26, China, US (America) and Britain published «Potsdam Proclamation» together, urged the Japanese unconditional surrender.” “7月26了,华夏美国、英国共同发表《波茨坦公告》,敦促日本无条件投降。” „On August 6, the US forces dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 9 th respectively.” “8月6日、九日美军分别在日本广岛、长崎投下原子弹。” „On August 15, Emperor of Japan announced the unconditional surrender.” “8月15日,日本天皇宣布无条件投降。” War ended, the task force announced dismisses, the pilot who US (America) came divided two parts, was the air force, was assigned to the US forces in other bases in Asia, but my type of originally was not the air force, after receiving not a poor bonus, dismissed.” “战争结束了,特遣队宣布解散,美国来的飞行员分两个部分,原本属于空军的,被调往美军在亚洲的其他基地,而我这种原本不属于空军的,则在拿到了一笔不菲的奖金之后,就地解散。” I was in 1941 follow General Chennault to come China, now has passed four years, in the four years in the time, I have not left this country, has the strong friendship to this lands.” “我是1941年跟随陈纳德将军来华夏的,现在已经过去了四个年头,这四年时间里,我没有离开过这个国家,对这片土地已经有了深厚的情谊。” But now, I took off the fighter aircraft that the military uniform of Flying Tigers, said goodbye to accompanied me to risk one's life, to attain the large amount of compensation for removal, left China with one, went to the passage ticket of New York.” “可是现在,我脱下飞虎队的军装、告别了陪我出生入死的战机、拿到了巨额的遣散费,和一张离开华夏,前往纽约的船票。” In the picture, Leonardo has changed the casual attire, in own dormitory, is packing own travel bag. 画面中,莱昂纳多已经换上了便装,正在自己的宿舍里,打包自己的行囊。 The aside is still continuing: Insisted together with me finally , came from the US (America) nurse, Jennie Smith.” 旁白还在继续:“与我一起坚持到最后的,还有同样来自美国的护士,珍妮史密斯。” The picture switching Anne Hathaway, she took off the nurse clothing finally, changed a broken flowers long skirt, at this time is also packing own baggage. 紧接着,画面切换到了安妮海瑟薇,她终于脱掉了护士服装,换上了一身碎花长裙,此时也在打包自己的行李。 In the picture, she a picture careful clip when oneself diary, that picture, is Liu Ye enlists the picture. 画面中,她将一张照片小心的夹在自己的日记本中,那张照片,是刘晔入伍时的照片。 Leonardo's side said: Obviously, the Jennie four years cannot forget that Li Zheshen, actually I am also same, in the four years, I have not forgotten him.” 莱昂纳多的旁边说:“很显然,珍妮四年时间也没能忘掉李哲申,其实我也一样,这四年里,我从来没有忘记过他。” Oh was right, in four years also the person who makes me never forget......” “噢对了,四年里还有一个让我念念不忘的人……” The aside, in Leonardo hand holds the Du Wei head picture that are drawing at this point. 旁白说到这里,莱昂纳多手里捧着一张自己画的杜薇的头像。 In this moment, Leonardo stood up suddenly, bringing the baggage to dash the dormitory. 在这一刻,莱昂纳多忽然站起身来,带着行李飞奔出了宿舍。 The US (America) pilot who similarly is packing the baggage asked him: Dean, do you go?” 同样在收拾行李的美国飞行员问他:“迪恩,你去哪?” Leonardo turns head, said with a laugh: I must go to Kunming (Spring City)!” 莱昂纳多回过头来,笑着说:“我要去春城!” Next. Leonardo at the back of the travel bag, has appeared in the mountain village that Du Wei was at initially. 下一幕。莱昂纳多就已经背着行囊,出现在了当初杜薇家所在的山村。 However, the present mountain village had almost been razed to the ground, some villagers are rebuilding one's homeland in the ruins diligently, looked suffered tormenting of flames of war. 但是,眼前的山村已经几乎被夷为平地,一些村民正努力在废墟中重建家园,一看就是遭受了战火的荼毒。 Arrives Du Wei home time, in the family/home is remnants of destroyed buildings, Leonardo flows out the tears immediately, he felt, Du Wei dies certainly of the flames of war. 来到杜薇家的时候,家里已经是一片残垣断壁,莱昂纳多顿时流出泪来,他觉得,杜薇一定是死于战火。 He of being deeply grieved lay when the ground cried the long time, the scared preparation left, discovered that Du Wei stood in his behind, is bursting into tears looks at he. 悲痛欲绝的他趴在地上哭了半晌,失魂落魄的准备离开时,才发现杜薇就站在他的身后,流着泪看着他。 At this moment, Leonardo is almost wild with joy, he throws down oneself baggage, insane charged into Du Wei, hug her generally in the bosom, repeatedly was saying in her ear I love you, in the four years I have been thinking you and so on confession. 这一刻,莱昂纳多几乎狂喜,他丢下自己的行李,疯了一般冲向杜薇、把她抱在怀里,反复在她耳边说着我爱你,这四年我一直在想着你之类的告白。 Du Wei was being held by him, the tears fall rolling, repeatedly was saying the parents were killed, in family/home only to leave behind itself by the Japanese. 杜薇被他抱着,眼泪滚滚而落,也反复说着父母都被日本人杀死、家里只留下自己一个人。 Leonardo holds her shoulder suddenly, incomparably serious said in Chinese: Follows me! Follows me! Is good? Follows me!” 莱昂纳多忽然扶着她的肩膀,无比郑重的用中文说:“跟我走吧!跟我走!好不好?跟我走!” Du Wei gawked the moment, nods layer on layer/heavily. 杜薇愣了片刻,重重点了点头。 Leonardo happily smiles, supports into her the bosom again. 莱昂纳多欣慰一笑,再度将她拥入怀中。 Movie gradually entire black. 影片逐渐全黑。 The time of again shining, alphanumberic display: September 1 , 1945. 再亮起的时候,字母显示:1945年9月1日。 In the Shanghai wharf, a giant steamboat is preparing. 沪市的码头上,一艘巨型轮船正在准备。 In the deck, the pilots of several Flying Tigers, the look does not abandon visual front, that was they once fought a bloody battle the security China national territory, but they, is going to set off the journey of returning to homeland immediately, left this to fight bravely several years country. 甲板上,好几个飞虎队的飞行员,眼神不舍的目视着前方,那是他们曾经浴血奋战保卫的华夏国土,而他们,则马上将要踏上回国的旅程,离开这个奋战了数年的国家。 Anne Hathaway who wears the casual attire also stands in the deck, she pulls out the Liu Ye picture from the pocket, eye looks at looks at, flows out the tears. 身穿便装的安妮海瑟薇也站在甲板上,她从口袋里掏出刘晔的照片,眼睛看着看着,又流出泪来。 In her side, is eye socket red Leonardo. 在她的旁边,是眼眶通红的莱昂纳多。 Stands by Leonardo, then loses family member's Du Wei in the flames of war. 站在莱昂纳多旁边的,则是在战火中失去亲人的杜薇 The whistle of passenger ship resounds, the chimney emits the billowing black smoke, the propeller rotation and giant wheel leaves the wharf slowly. 客轮的汽笛声响起,烟囱冒出滚滚黑烟,螺旋桨转动、巨轮缓缓驶离码头。 At this time, Du Wei gently by Leonardo shoulder, but Leonardo grasped her waist, another hand threaded up with her ten fingers. 这时候,杜薇轻轻将头靠在莱昂纳多肩上,而莱昂纳多则抱住她的腰,另一只手与她十指紧扣。 The lens gradually raise and fade out, until entire black. 镜头逐渐升起、渐暗、直至全黑。 Immediately, the picture shines again. 随即,画面再度亮起。 The picture with the filtering mirror and color of Hyundai / modern style, in the picture, a Old Man US (America) and Ms. US (America), in Ms. Chinese descendant the accompaniment and under several hybrid children, goes to a martyrs'cemetery. 画面用现代风格的滤镜与色彩,画面中,一个美国老头、一个美国老太太,在一个华裔老太太以及几名混血子女的陪同下,来到一座烈士陵园。 The group decide in a tombstone advance party, Old Man US (America) and Ms. Chinese descendant ten fingers buckle, the picture on earnest looks at tombstone. 一行人在一块墓碑前站定,美国老头与华裔老太太十指相扣,认真的看着墓碑上的照片。 But the picture on tombstone impressively is Liu Ye of one's youth. 而墓碑上的照片赫然就是年轻时的刘晔 Ms. US (America) of two people side that come all alone, trembling is also cautious, pulls out a turning yellow black-and-white photo from the pocket. 两人身边那个形单影只的美国老太太,颤颤巍巍却又小心翼翼的,从口袋里掏出一张发黄的黑白相片。 This picture, on Liu Ye the picture with the tombstone is the same. 这张相片,与墓碑上刘晔的相片一样。 Finally this, does not have any dialog, but unified the steamboat to leave China that a moment ago, the audience can guess, Old Man US (America) and Chinese who old woman ten fingers detained, was beforehand Leonardo and Du Wei, but the middle and old ages as well as young people of these hybrids, was their descendants, this indicates that two people crossed the happy life. 最后这一幕,没有任何对白,但结合刚才轮船离开华夏的那一幕,观众都能猜得出来,十指相扣的美国老头与华人老太太,就是之前的莱昂纳多与杜薇,而那些混血的中老年以及年轻人,则都是他们的子孙,这预示着两人渡过了幸福一生。 But that is always preserving the old woman of Liu Ye picture, naturally is beforehand Anne Hathaway. 而那个始终保存着刘晔相片的老太太,自然就是之前的安妮海瑟薇。 She has been preserving the picture, at this time is a person, this also indicates her, because cannot forget Liu Ye, therefore from beginning to end is a person, passed own life lonely. 她一直保存着照片,此时又是一个人,这也预示着她因为忘不掉刘晔,所以从始至终一直都是一个人,孤独的度过了自己的一生。 Afterward, Ms. US (America) full is the eye of wrinkle sheds two lines of tears, the tears covers entirely the fold face to fall in the old person slowly, drops in front of the tombstone. 随后,美国老太太满是皱纹的眼睛流下两行眼泪,泪水在老人布满褶皱的面庞缓缓滑落,滴落在墓碑前。 The picture stops hence, from colored sees to turn black and white. 画面至此停顿,从彩色又见见变成黑白。 Entire end...... 全剧终……
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