RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1791: Beginning Du Wei to go on stage

At this time, Leonardo at the final critical moment parachuting, the umbrella has not opened completely, he fell into the woods of cover, luckily massive branches prevent, moreover fluttered the parachute, makes him escape death by a hair's breadth. 此时,莱昂纳多在最后的关键时刻跳伞,伞还没完全打开,他就掉进了茂密的树林里,幸亏大量树枝阻挡,而且又勾住了降落伞,才让他幸免于难。 He does not dare to have any delaying, immediately separates the rope, turn head looked at an airplane that falls down the explosion, takes a step to run toward the woods deep place. 他不敢有任何耽搁,立刻隔断绳索,回头看了一眼坠地爆炸的飞机,迈步就往树林深处跑去。 He thinks at this time, leaves the airplane as far as possible, in this case, the Japanese soldier will search for own possibility to reduce. 他此时想的,就是尽可能离飞机远一点,这样的话,日本兵搜寻到自己的可能性就会降低。 If can run the day occupied area, that was good. 如果能跑出日占区,那就再好不过了。 At this time, the lens transformed unceasingly. 这时候,镜头不断转换。 That team of Japanese soldiers are carrying 38 big lids, runs in the woods fast. 那队日本兵端着三八大盖,在树林中飞快奔跑。 After three farmers one first two, is running rapidly. 紧接着,三名农民一前两后也在飞速奔跑。 A Leonardo person distinguishes the unclear direction, but turn head the flame of looks at airplane combustion, it determined unceasingly for the reversed direction coordinates, always toward turning away from its direction is dashing about wildly. 莱昂纳多一个人辨不清方向,但不断回头看着飞机燃烧的火光,把它确定为反方向坐标,始终朝着背对着它的方向狂奔。 Runs, Leonardo hears the sound of footsteps suddenly, therefore he jumps in the cover immediately the shrubbery, including is rolling under a soil bank, the intense turning very quiet breath, is listening to the above sound. 奔跑中,莱昂纳多忽然听见脚步声,于是他立刻扑进茂密的灌木丛,连着滚到了一个土坡下方,紧张的屏住呼吸,听着上面的动静。 At this time, picture switching that team of Japanese soldier there, a Japanese soldier shouted suddenly: That side has the sound probably!” 这个时候,画面切换到了那队日本兵那里,其中一个日本兵忽然喊道:“那边好像有动静!” A young pioneer day oneself stop immediately, that Japanese soldier is pointing at the shrubbery of not far away, said in a low voice: I hear there to have the sound!” 一队日本人立刻停了下来,那个日本兵指着不远处的灌木丛,低声说:“我听到那里有动静!” team leader gives an outflanking hand signal immediately, everyone nods immediately, is ready with the rifle firing dispersing, assumes the semicircle to shrubbery hold/container clip. 队长立刻做了一个包抄的手势,大家立刻点点头,端着枪散开,呈半圆形向灌木丛包夹。 Leonardo is afraid at this time intensely, careful pulls out the palate the pistol, prepares to fight to the death with the Japanese. 莱昂纳多此时紧张又害怕,小心的把手枪掏出来上膛,准备跟日本人决一死战。 At this time, in the picture the Japanese has encircled, is facing under the small soil bank, a that team leader face sinister hinted everyone to carry the bayonet. 这时候,画面中日本人已经围了过来,面对着小土坡下方,那队长一脸阴险的示意大家端起刺刀。 When the people immediately like the fisherman with the harpoon seizes the fish, holds up the bayonet high. 众人立刻像渔民用鱼叉捉鱼时那样,将刺刀高高举起。 Afterward, that team leader finger gesticulated three integers, the people held the bayonet suddenly. 随后,那队长手指头比划了三个数,众人忽然一齐将刺刀捅了下去。 At this time, in the Leonardo top of the head ran out of several shadows suddenly. 这时候,莱昂纳多头顶上忽然冲出几道黑影。 In the audience thinks that Leonardo was discovered by the Japanese, even may die, when under bayonet, the picture returns to the Japanese to wield the scene of bayonet, the shrubbery frightened hares jumped suddenly, flustered running is far. 就在观众以为莱昂纳多被日本人发现,甚至有可能死在刺刀之下的时候,画面又回到日本人挥刺刀的场景,灌木丛忽然有一只受惊的野兔跳了出来,慌张的跑远。 That team leader stares, immediately trampled that previously saying that had the soldier foot of sound, scolded: Bastard!” 那个队长一愣,随即踹了那个先前说有动静的士兵一脚,骂道:“混蛋!” The soldiers were trampled turn in the place, hastily set out to bow: Sorry, was I misreads!” 士兵被踹翻在地,急忙起身鞠躬:“对不起,是我看错了!” team leader exclaimed: Is gawking doing? Continues to go forward! If the pilots of Flying Tigers ran, the father executed you!” 队长吼道:“愣着干什么?继续前进!要是飞虎队的飞行员跑了,老子毙了你!” At this time, the picture returned to Leonardo there. 这时候,画面又回到莱昂纳多那里。 That moment of Leonardo anxious carrying spear/gun, discovered several person's shadows that suddenly presents are not Japanese soldiers, but is the men of three China farmer appearances for a part. 莱昂纳多紧张不已的端起枪的那一刻,才发现忽然出现的几道人影并不是日本兵,而是三个华夏农民扮相的男人。 Is he of beads of sweat relaxes whole head finally, said in the faltering Chinese: I am the Flying Tigers pilot, I...... I......” 满头满脸都是汗珠的他终于松了一口气,用蹩脚的中文说:“我是飞虎队飞行员,我……我……” Saying, him is not knowing how should continue, hastily pulls out a paper from the pocket, above writes in Chinese: I am Flying Tigers, please give Flying Tigers or the national government me, they will reward your 12 gold. 说着,他不知道该如何继续,急忙从口袋里掏出一张纸,上面用中文写着:我是飞虎队员,请将我交给飞虎队或者国民政府,他们将奖励你十两黄金。 The old farmer said: I am not literate, you catch up to follow close on us to walk, otherwise a meeting Japanese looked to trouble!” 年长的农民说:“我不识字,你赶紧跟我们走,不然一会日本人找过来就麻烦了!” Leonardo cannot understand this saying to be what meaning, the old farmer simple holds on his sleeves, pulls his contact direction to walk. 莱昂纳多听不懂这话是什么意思,年长的农民干脆一把拉住他的衣袖,扯着他就往来的方向走。 Leonardo hastily follows they, has run up to the night, ran in a at the foot of the mountain small village. 莱昂纳多急忙跟着他们,一直跑到夜里,才跑进了一个山脚下的小村庄。 The old farmer brings back to the family/home Leonardo directly, pushes the door to go, his daughter is igniting the oil lamp seam clothes in the thatched hut, this girl although puts on very plainly, moreover cannot see any trace of putting on make-up, but beautiful must make the person heartbeat accelerate as before. 年长的农民直接把莱昂纳多带回自己家,一推门进去,他的女儿正在茅草屋里点着油灯缝衣服,这女孩虽然穿着非常质朴,而且看不出任何化妆的痕迹,但依旧美得令人心跳加速。 Du Wei entered the stage at this time. 杜薇在这个时候出场了。 Sees the father belt/bring to come back a foreigner, hastily that Du Wei frightens inquired: Father, whose he is Ah? 见爸爸带回来一个外国人,杜薇吓的急忙询问:“爹,他是谁啊? This is Leonardo and Du Wei initially sees, in the worn-out thatched hut, under the oil lamp that pale yellow drags, Leonardo was attracted by the Du Wei pure busy face, some whole person delay. 这是莱昂纳多与杜薇的初见,在破旧的茅草屋,在昏黄摇曳的油灯下,莱昂纳多被杜薇纯净无暇的面庞所吸引,整个人都有些呆滞。 The men said at this time: This is the pilot of Flying Tigers, his airplane fell, I estimated that the Japanese is looking for him everywhere, how long will unable to want possibly to find our here, I gave you to prepare a grain, you took my clothes to bring to him, then leads him to climb mountains immediately, goes to back side of the mountain that small cave to hide.” 男子这时候说:“这是飞虎队的飞行员,他的飞机掉下来了,我估计日本人正在到处找他,要不了多久可能就会找到咱们这里,我给你准备点粮食,你去拿我一身衣裳给他带着,然后就立刻就带他上山,去后山那个小山洞里藏着。” Du Wei hears this saying, startled vanishes does not immediately see, she nods, while starts to help prepare the thing. 杜薇听到这话,刚才的惊慌立刻消失不见,她一边点头,一边开始帮忙准备东西。 After the moment, Du Wei in picture is conducting the arm a burden, leading Leonardo to slip away the gate quietly. 片刻后,画面中的杜薇挎着一个包袱,带着莱昂纳多悄悄溜出了门。 Goes out, Leonardo asked her in English in a low voice: „Is our goes?” 出了门,莱昂纳多就低声用英语问她:“我们这是去哪?” Du Wei will not speak English, gesticulated a keeping silent hand signal to him, leading him to run the village, climbs mountains under the dim moonlight groping. 杜薇不会说英语,冲他比划了一个噤声的手势,带着他一路跑出村子,在朦胧的月光下摸黑上山。 Leonardo follows she to walk into the mountain, this asks: Miss, is our must go?” 莱昂纳多跟着她进了山,这才又开口问:“姑娘,我们这是要去哪?” Du Wei said in Chinese directly: Has the airplane of Flying Tigers to fall each time, the Japanese and traitor can come the search, before the villager also dares to hide the pilot in the cave or the dry well, but the Japanese is not good to deceive, can find each time, not only pilot life not insurance, conceals his villagers must follow to meet with a disaster, therefore we must hide, the Japanese is not familiar with here mountain road, in the village could not find, they will not go to village.” 杜薇直接用中文说:“每次有飞虎队的飞机落下来,日本人和二鬼子都会过来搜查,以前村里人还敢把飞行员藏在地窖里或者枯井里,但日本人没那么好糊弄,每次都能把人找出来,不但飞行员性命不保,藏他的村民也要跟着遭殃,所以咱们得躲远一点,日本人对这里的山路不熟悉,村子里找不到,他们就会去别的村子。” Leonardo did not understand what is heard she to say anything, has to say awkwardly: Miss, what I could not understand you to say was what, will you speak English?” 莱昂纳多根本听不明白她在说什么,只好尴尬的说:“姑娘,我听不懂你说的是什么,你会说英语吗?” Then, self-ridiculed that said: I want is too many, if you will say English affirmation to say...... yeah, you know, I regret now specially, comes Flying Tigers this period of time not good easy to learn study Chinese, otherwise can communicate with you.” 说完,又自嘲的说:“我想太多了,你要是会说英语肯定早就说了……哎,你知道吗,我现在特别后悔,来飞虎队的这段时间没有好好学学中文,不然就能跟你交流了。” Du Wei also selfish said in Chinese: You first wait for several days in the mountain, when the Japanese relaxed, my father will find the way to deliver you to return to Flying Tigers.” 杜薇也自顾自的用中文说:“你在山里先等几天,等日本人放松了,我爹会想办法送你回飞虎队的。” Flying Tigers!” Leonardo understood these three Chinese, immediately excited said in the faltering Chinese: I am Flying Tigers! Flying Tigers! Hits the devil!” “飞虎队!”莱昂纳多听懂了这三个中文,立刻兴奋的用蹩脚的中文说:“我是飞虎队员!飞虎队!打鬼子!” Du Wei nods, said: I know that you are Flying Tigers, knows that your Flying Tigers hit the devil.” 杜薇点点头,道:“我知道你是飞虎队,知道你们飞虎队是打鬼子的。” Leonardo hehe said with a smile: Yeah , yeah, drives the airplane to hit the devil, dá dá dá dá .” 莱昂纳多嘿嘿笑道:“yeah,yeah,开飞机打鬼子,哒哒哒哒哒。” Sees the appearance that he dances with joy, Du Wei cannot help smiling said: „Did you hit the devil so is not how careful, making the devil hit you?” 见他手舞足蹈的样子,杜薇忍俊不禁的说:“你打鬼子怎么这么不小心,让鬼子把你打下来了?” Leonardo cannot understand, said with a laugh: Miss, you know that you are I have seen the prettiest girl, in Texas, I know many fashionable blonde beautiful women, but they add not to compare you, from seeing your first, I liked on you!” 莱昂纳多也听不懂,笑着说:“姑娘,你知道吗,你是我见过的最漂亮的女孩子,在德克萨斯,我认识很多时髦的金发美女,但她们加起来都比不上你,从看见你的第一眼,我就喜欢上你了!” Du Wei is trying to find out walking, while said: Foreign language that you spoke, my cannot understand.” 杜薇一边摸索着走路,一边说:“你说的外国话叽里呱啦的,我一句都听不懂。” Speech that two people talked, but no one knows what the opposite party said was anything. 两人就这么你一言我一语的说着话,但谁也不知道对方说的是什么。 Walked for a long time, Du Wei leads Leonardo to climb up a seemingly impassable precipice, on the precipice has is being crooked the long trees, became taking advantage of climbing up. 走了许久,杜薇带着莱昂纳多攀上一处看似无路可通的绝壁,绝壁上有许多歪着长的树木,成了攀爬的依仗。 Leonardo follows Du Wei to crawl, then on the mysterious discovery, Du Wei between two trees, found a narrow entrance, before leading, Du Wei pulls out the soil texture torch from the pocket, inside is the subtilis that curls, not to burn through, opens the later inside to brave a red light faintly. 莱昂纳多跟着杜薇爬上去,然后就神奇的发现,杜薇在两棵树中间,找到了一个狭窄的入口,在进入口之前,杜薇从口袋里掏出土质的火折子,里面是卷起来、未燃尽的枯草,打开之后里面隐隐冒着点点红光。 Afterward Du Wei blew several to the red light place, quick blew out flame. 随后杜薇冲着红光处吹了几口,很快就吹出了一个火苗。 The flame illuminated Du Wei, illuminated this entrance. 火苗照亮了杜薇,也照亮了这个入口。 The although entrance is very narrow, but inside is different, is a roughly dozens square meters big or small cave, in this cave has the oil lamp, having the hayricks as well as several worn-out and full is the arrange/cloth of patch. 虽然入口处很狭窄,但里面却别有洞天,是一个约莫几十平米大小的山洞,这山洞里有油灯,有干草垛以及几块破旧且满是补丁的布。 Du Wei lights the oil lamp , the cloth shop on the hayrick, then hangs with another arrange/cloth in cave entrance together, blocks from the light, then takes out several golden cake and bottle gourd water from the burden, gesticulated to Leonardo was saying: This named cake, is used to eat, what this inside installs is the water, can drink.” 杜薇把油灯点燃,又把一块布铺在干草垛上,然后用另一块布挂在洞口内、遮住灯光,便从包袱里取出几块金黄色饼和一葫芦水,对莱昂纳多比划着说:“这个叫粑粑,用来吃的,这里面装的是水,可以喝。” Leonardo although cannot understand, but can understand, hastily nods, said one: Thanks.” 莱昂纳多虽然听不懂,但是能看懂,急忙点了点头,说了一句:“谢谢。” Du Wei also to smile, said: You do not need to write me, I must thank you to be right, my father said, your foreigners have no fear of great distances to help us hit the devil, is the big good person, has the graciousness to us.” 杜薇还以微笑,说:“你不用写我,我要谢你才对,我爹说,你们这些洋人不远万里来帮我们打鬼子,是大好人,对我们有恩。” Then, Du Wei stands up, said: You rest well, I must go back, tomorrow I can come to deliver to eat to you, do not take a walk at will, if by the Japanese were discovered was miserable.” 说完,杜薇站起身来,道:“你好好休息,我要回去了,明天我会过来给你送吃的,你千万不要随意走动,万一被日本人发现就惨了。” Leonardo has not understood, but saw Du Wei to stand, hastily asked: „Do you want to walk?” 莱昂纳多没听懂,但见杜薇站起来了,急忙问:“你要走了?” Du Wei cannot understand his words, the hand pillow on the face, gesticulated was saying: You sleep well, tomorrow will see.” 杜薇也听不懂他的话,把手枕在脸上,比划着说:“你好好睡一觉,明天见。” Saw with own eyes that Du Wei turns around to go out, Leonardo hastily pulls out zippo hitting cigarette lighter from the pocket, turns on the rake made of woven twigs to burn the flame, said to Du Wei: Takes it, can help you according to the road, that thing that you blew a moment ago used energy.” 眼见杜薇转身要出去,莱昂纳多急忙从口袋里掏出一个zippo的打火机,打开盖擦燃火焰,对杜薇说:“拿着它吧,能帮你照着路,你刚才吹的那个东西太费劲了。” Saying, he is gesticulating the movement that blows the torch, then beckoned with the hand, referred to cigarette lighter, gave the thumbs-up. 说着,他比划着吹火折子的动作,然后摆摆手,指了指火机,竖起大拇指。 Du Wei sees dozen of cigarette lighter, said novelly: „, This thing is quite fierce, scratches can!” 杜薇见到打火机,新奇的说:“呀,这个东西好厉害,一擦就能着!” Afterward sees Leonardo to probably cigarette lighter to oneself, hastily beckoned with the hand saying: I cannot want!” 随后见莱昂纳多好像要把火机给自己,急忙摆摆手说:“我不能要!” Leonardo has actually pushed cigarette lighter to her, in the mouth is saying: Takeit and takeit.” 莱昂纳多却一直把火机推给她,口中说着:“takeit、takeit。” Du Wei understands that his meaning, shook the head saying: This thing, if by the devil were discovered ended, I cannot want......” 杜薇明白他的意思,摇头说:“这个东西如果被鬼子发现就完了,我不能要……” Leonardo understood devil two characters, understands the meaning of Du Wei instantaneously, has depressed nod of: I understood your meaning, good, when the victory, I gave you it again! I am first taking care for you.” 莱昂纳多听懂了“鬼子”二字,瞬间明白杜薇的意思,只好沮丧的点了点头:“我懂你的意思了,那好吧,等战争胜利了,我再把它送给你!我先替你保管着。” Du Wei cannot understand, but saw him to give up, then sweet smiled, beckons with the hand to him: I walked.” 杜薇听不懂,但见他放弃了,便甜甜一笑,冲他摆了摆手:“我走了。” Leonardo looks at Du Wei goes out, hastily with coming out to gaze after her to get down. 莱昂纳多看着杜薇出去,急忙跟出来目送她下去。 Quick, the Du Wei form disappeared in the curtain of night. 很快,杜薇的身影就消失在了夜幕之中。 In Leonardo then moved return cave, sits in the oil lamp following person is in a daze. 莱昂纳多这才怅然若失的回到山洞里,坐在油灯下面一个人发呆。 After the moment, he stares at the flame that group is dragging, muttered sighed: Mother, I want to marry that miss, although my she called anything not to know......” 片刻后,他盯着那团摇曳的火苗,喃喃叹道:“妈妈,我想跟那个姑娘结婚,虽然我连她叫什么都不知道……”
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