RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1790: Epic poem level big piece (Last Part)

In day after day training, Leonardo and Liu Ye shape from the beginning with the stranger, gradually had the tacit understanding, even became each other best ally. 日复一日的训练中,莱昂纳多与刘晔从一开始的形同陌路,逐渐有了默契,甚至成了彼此最好的战友。 At this time, the Japanese forces intrude on southwest China unceasingly, the number of times that Flying Tigers take off to battle are getting more and more, in the movie to the scene portray of air fight is proper, computer special effect of use, even if Li Mu this type has to lead more than ten years of aesthetic standard person, will look will feel lifelike as before incomparable, almost could not pick up what problem. 此时,日军不断进犯华夏西南,飞虎队起飞作战的次数越来越多,影片中对空战的场面刻画非常到位,使用的电脑特效,即便是李牧这种有着领先十几年审美标准的人,看了依旧会觉得逼真无比,几乎挑不出什么毛病。 The computer cg special effect actually a long time, carries out the innovation in the technological means that for example the beforehand computer special effect must each takes to manufacture little, afterward computer special effect with the 3D modeling, matched the human activity collection equipment and green curtain directly, time-saving reduced effort. 电脑cg特效其实在很长的一段时间里,都是在技术手段上搞创新,比如以前的电脑特效要把每一帧的拿出来一点点去制作,后来的电脑特效直接用3d建模,搭配人体动作采集设备和绿幕,省时省力。 Now although does not have the later generation such outstanding technological means that but uses the most primitive manufacture special effect, its effect takes is not inferior in later generation these big pieces. 现在虽然没有后世这么优秀的技术手段,但就用最原始的一帧一帧制作特效,其效果拿出来也丝毫不逊色于后世那些大片。 Many movies of later generation, reason that was approved five hair special effect, reasons for this include, is not the level is insufficient, but is pure wants to save money. 后世的很多电影,之所以被批五毛特效,究其原因,不是水平不够,而是单纯的想省钱罢了。 In 1998 screening «Titanic», in 2001 screening «Lord of the Rings» as well as «Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone», is the excellent representative of current computer special effect, had the soaring budget support, the levels of these movie special effect, even if put for more than ten years later, can still as before the movie of steamroll massive low cost manufacture. 1998年上映的《泰坦尼克号》、2001年上映的《指环王》以及《哈利波特与魔法石》,都是当今电脑特效的杰出代表,有高昂的预算支撑,这些电影特效的水准,就算是放到十几年后,也依旧能碾压大量中低成本制作的电影。 The investment achieves two hundred million USD, moreover actor cost extraordinary low «Flying Tigers», put into massive budget the real-life scenery build and computer special effect, basically received a viewpoint: Can build the real-life scenery, does not use the special effect, needs to use the special effect, does not count the cost certainly to achieve well, even if with mapping software doing, must achieve the pinnacle the visual effect. 投资达到两亿美元,而且演员成本出奇低的《飞虎队》,把大量预算都投入到了实景搭建以及电脑特效上,基本上秉承一个观点:能搭实景的,坚决不用特效,需要用特效的,不计成本一定做到最好,哪怕是用作图软件一帧一帧的做,也一定要把视觉效果做到极致。 Visual effect that therefore it presents, is almost the top of current movie industry, the only picture, enough calls it the epic level big piece, the picture of air fight, absolutely was in all air fight movies was for successive several times best until now. 所以它呈现出来的视觉效果,几乎就是当今电影工业的顶级,单凭画面,就足够称之为史诗级大片,连续多场空战的画面,绝对是迄今为止所有空战电影里面最好的。 If insists to pick up what problem to come from inside, looks like in Li Mu, problem one: It is not 3D. 如果硬要从里面挑出什么毛病来的话,在李牧看来,毛病就一个:不是3d。 This really does not have the means that now the 3D technology has not moved toward truly maturely, from the photography to showing as well as watching, has not popularized the 3D equipment, therefore this regret can only the future produce the 3D edition to make up again. 这个实在是没有办法,现在3d技术还没有真正走向成熟,从拍摄到放映以及观看,都还没有普及3d设备,所以这个遗憾只能将来再重新制作3d版本来弥补了。 Air fights present by very quick rhythm, each fight, Liu Ye and Leonardo's coordination even more is tacit, by the later period, Leonardo became the Liu Ye fixed companion plane, two people also became the entire Flying Tigers battle efficiency strongest combination. 一场场空战以非常快的节奏呈现,每一场战斗,刘晔与莱昂纳多的配合都愈发默契,到了后期,莱昂纳多成为刘晔的固定僚机,两人也成了整个飞虎队战斗力最强的组合。 Some day, day Air force assembles large number of fighter aircraft to invade one's territory, the Flying Tigers complete airplane urgent lift-off meets the enemy. 某日,日空军集结大量战机来犯,飞虎队全部飞机紧急升空迎敌。 Since this is Flying Tigers form, largest campaigns that faces, similarly is also the most intense campaign. 这是飞虎队组建至今,面临的规模最大的战役,同样也是最激烈的战役。 both sides battle in the expansive sky, in the entire sky by giant the aerial cannon the howling sound of sound, the engine noise as well as airplane fills up. 双方在长空激战,整个天空中都被巨大的机炮声、引擎声以及飞机的呼啸声所填满。 Often the fighter aircraft braves the black smoke to crash in the place or hits in the mountain, the explosive sound is deafening. 不时就有一架战机冒着黑烟坠落在地或者撞在大山,爆炸声震耳欲聋。 All commander, the ground machine matters and the heart of doctor nurse Flying Tigers is clutching tightly, they do not know these Flying Tigers that the lift-off meets the enemy whether can win this war, can be living. 飞虎队的所有指挥官、地面机务以及医生护士的心都紧揪着,他们不知道升空迎敌的这些飞虎队员能否打赢这场战争,能否活着回来。 Nurse who Anne Hathaway plays, anxious being at a loss in hospital, she often has a look at out of the window, often finds the person to inquire the tactical situation, heard that has the airplane injured the forced landing, she then unbearably anxious looks around to watch, at heart thinks is Liu Ye, even is delimiting the cross in the chest quietly, asking God to bless him to live. 安妮海瑟薇饰演的护士,在医院里紧张的无所适从,她不时看看窗外,不时找人打听战况,听说有飞机受伤迫降,她便急不可耐的张望观看,心里想的全是刘晔,甚至悄悄在胸口划着十字,求上帝保佑他活着回来。 At this time, the picture returned in the air. 这时候,画面又回到空中。 Leonardo and Liu Ye coordination with each other, successfully shoots down a zero fighter aircraft of Japan. 莱昂纳多与刘晔相互配合,成功击落一架日本的零式战机。 At this time, three zero fighter aircraft discovered that their battle efficiencies were very strong, therefore the composition formation bit two people from the side stubbornly, tried to shoot down them. 这时候,三架零式战机发现他们两人的战斗力很强,于是组成阵型从侧后方死死咬住两人,试图将他们击落。 Liu Ye using the rolling maneuver of Professor Chennault, successfully made the airplane decelerate instantaneously, circles behind the enemy airplane, but Leonardo, when did flexibly, the left wing was hit. 刘晔利用陈纳德教授的横滚机动,成功让飞机在瞬间减速,绕到了敌机背后,但莱昂纳多在做机动的时候,左机翼中弹。 His left side wing has the explosion, half wing was blown off, the airplane is also turning circle to be slanting to fall to the ground. 紧接着,他的左侧机翼发生爆炸,半个机翼被炸飞,飞机也转着圈斜着向地面坠去。 After the moment, the ground then rumbles crack, the flame soars to the heavens. 片刻后,地面便轰得炸响,火光冲天。 Liu Ye thinks that Leonardo had sacrificed, angry at the same time, is opening fire to the Japanese forces fighter aircraft violently. 刘晔以为莱昂纳多已经牺牲,愤怒不已的同时,对着日军战机猛烈开火。 Other Flying Tigers also catch up to support, the people united efforts to shoot down several enemy airplanes, day Air force fell shortly leeward, is the spent force, therefore retreats immediately. 其他的飞虎队员也赶来支援,众人协力击落数架敌机,日空军眼看落了下风,已是强弩之末,于是立刻撤退。 Flying Tigers repelled the enemy at the frigid price temporarily, engages in fierce battle long time, most fighter aircraft fuel exhaust to start to return, Liu Ye flew several in the position low altitude that Leonardo plane crashed back and forth, has not seen the trace that Leonardo survived, then can only return grievedly. 飞虎队以惨烈的代价暂时击退了敌人,鏖战良久,大部分战机燃油耗尽开始返航,刘晔在莱昂纳多坠机的位置低空飞了好几个来回,未见莱昂纳多存活的痕迹,便只能心痛返航。 This time Flying Tigers airport, everyone has known the enemy to be repulsed, the military officers relax, others also joyfully celebrate to win. 此时的飞虎队机场,大家已经得知敌人败退,军官们松一口气,其他人也纷纷欢庆胜利。 Airplanes start to land, many airplanes are wounded the landing, belching smoke, spit fire, even the landing has not run out of the runway to explode successfully is on fire, the ground men set out the rescue urgently, entire airport busy. 一架架飞机开始着陆,许多飞机是带伤着陆,冒烟的、喷火的,甚至还有着陆不成功冲出跑道爆炸起火的,地面人员紧急出动救援,整个机场一片忙碌。 Anne Hathaway finished work on hand, dashes to the airport near, is staring at that the airplane of landing carefully, but all airplanes seem to have returned to descend, has not seen Liu Ye that frame. 安妮海瑟薇结束了手头的工作,飞奔到机场边,仔细盯着那一架架降落的飞机,但所有飞机似乎都已经返航降落了,也没见到刘晔的那架。 Anne Hathaway is burning with impatience, but raised the head fully looks at is the sky of sunset glow, hopes that can see Liu Ye that fighter aircraft. 安妮海瑟薇心急如焚,但还是抬头看着满是红霞的天空,希望能够见到刘晔的那架战机。 Meanwhile, Tom Hanks also arrived at another side of airport, he also anxious looks at sky, looks around, is the same is waiting for Liu Ye and Leonardo's airplane comes back. 与此同时,汤姆汉克斯也走到了机场的另一边,他也焦急的看着天空,四下张望,一样在等着刘晔和莱昂纳多的飞机回来。 Saw that the weather is getting more and more late, his whole face anxious said to own adjutant: We best two pilots have not come back, God blesses them do not have any accident/surprise.” 眼看天色越来越晚,他满脸紧张的对自己的副官说:“我们最好的两名飞行员还没回来,上帝保佑他们不要出任何意外。” At this time, some people heard the bellow of airplane, the people are the facial expression one tight, went following the prestige, sees only in the cloud layer to drill an airplane, Liu Ye returns. 这时候,有人听到了飞机的轰鸣声,众人均是神情一紧,循声望去,只见云层中钻出一架飞机,刘晔返航了。 However, return only has Liu Ye. 但是,返航的只有刘晔自己。 When the Liu Ye airplane descends after the runway, Tom Hanks as well as a numerous military officer stride ran toward him together, Anne Hathaway also from another direction, a person runs to Liu Ye. 刘晔的飞机在跑道上降落之后,汤姆汉克斯以及一众军官一起大步朝他跑了过去,安妮海瑟薇也从另一个方向,一个人跑向刘晔 Anne Hathaway leaves nearly, she takes the lead to run up to front of Liu Ye time, the Liu Ye facial expression flashes through a heart movement, but Anne Hathaway has not stopped slightly, jumped in his arms directly. 安妮海瑟薇离得更近,她率先跑到刘晔面前的时候,刘晔神情闪过一丝心动,而安妮海瑟薇丝毫没有停顿,直接扑进了他的怀里。 Liu Ye does not know what to do all of a sudden, the whole person, both hands also cramped nowhere imposition, the facial expression delay is also intense simple-hearted. 刘晔一下子不知如何是好,整个人紧张不已,双手也局促的无处安放,神情呆滞又木讷。 At this time, Tom Hanks also arrived, he saw this situation, the awkward tracing nose, asked the Liu Ye Leonardo's whereabout later. 这时候,汤姆汉克斯也到了,他看到这幅情形,尴尬的摸了摸鼻子,随后开口问刘晔莱昂纳多的下落。 Liu Ye looks dejected, witnesses itself the entire process that Leonardo plane crashes, told Tom Hanks in detail. 刘晔神情黯然,把自己亲眼目睹莱昂纳多坠机的全过程,详细的告诉了汤姆汉克斯。 Tom Hanks was startled all of a sudden, his expression brought full moved, the instinct to recall initially in the flying club and unruly Leonardo made a bet the competition scene. 汤姆汉克斯一下子就怔住了,他表情带着十足的伤感,本能地回忆起了当初在飞行俱乐部与桀骜不驯的莱昂纳多打赌比赛时的场面。 Liu Ye also said at this time: I searched for at low altitude, in the visual range could not find the sign of survival, has not seen the parachute that opens.” 刘晔这时候又说:“我低空搜寻了一下,目视范围内找不到存活的迹象,也没有看见打开的降落伞。” Tom Hanks closely examines: Crash place in the day occupied area?” 汤姆汉克斯追问:“坠机的地方是在日占区吗?” Liu Ye nods. 刘晔点了点头。 In Tom Hanks's facial expression floats several points of despair. 汤姆汉克斯的神情中浮上几分绝望。 When attended class to the pilot, he has told these Flying Tigers, if lands or the parachuting, must avoid as far as possible the day occupied area, the landing earliest possible time must ask the local common people to seek help rather than the local local government, because no one determined whether the local government has surrendered to the enemy. 早在给飞行员上课的时候,他就告诉过这些飞虎队员,如果迫降或者跳伞,尽可能要避开日占区,落地的第一时间一定要去找当地的百姓求助而不是当地的地方政府,因为谁也不确定地方政府是否已经投敌。 The forced landing in pilot a narrow escape of day occupied area, that is because the ground forces' of day occupied area to the pilots of Flying Tigers were sensitive, their higher authorities have had the severe order: Once there is an airplane of Flying Tigers to land or crash in the occupied area, must find the airplane wreckage and pilot, regardless of the pilot is dies lives, even if fires the skeleton, must be able to put together a person to come, otherwise, even if digs three chi (0.33 m) the entire occupied area, must look for the Flying Tigers pilots, and executes. 迫降在日占区的飞行员九死一生,那是因为日占区的地面部队对飞虎队的飞行员非常敏感,他们的上级早就有过严厉的命令:一旦有飞虎队的飞机在占领区内迫降或者坠毁,一定要找到飞机残骸和飞行员,无论飞行员是死是活,哪怕烧成骨架,也必须能拼出一个人来,否则,就算把整个占领区掘地三尺,也一定要把飞虎队飞行员找出来,并且处死。 Therefore, the Tom Hanks's in knowing Leonardo's plane crash after the day occupied area, recognizes immediately, Leonardo is inevitably impossible to live. 所以,汤姆汉克斯在得知莱昂纳多的飞机坠毁在日占区之后,就立刻认定,莱昂纳多必然不可能活着回来。 Thinks that is the Leonardo charming uninhibited smile, he muttered: Was I took into this war that child, if were not I, he should in Texas calm and steady is living his own life, but now, he keeps himself the Earth another end strange country, I cannot even send back to give his parents his remains......” 想到那是莱昂纳多帅气不羁的笑容,他喃喃自语:“是我把那个孩子带进了这场战争,如果不是我,他本该在德克萨斯安安稳稳的过着他自己的生活,可现在,他却把自己留在了地球另一端的陌生国家,我甚至不能把他的遗体送回去交给他的父母……” The Liu Ye instinct said one: Sorry......” 刘晔本能的说了一句:“对不起……” Tom Hanks wipes the tears of corner of the eye, shakes the head, said: This does not blame you, you have achieved with every effort are best.” 汤姆汉克斯拭去眼角的泪水,摇了摇头,说:“这不怪你,你已经尽力做到最好了。” Saying, he looked at one to hug Liu Ye Anne Hathaway tightly, said: If the Japanese will not come tomorrow, do not train, rests well, do not disappoint the girl to your sentiment.” 说着,他看了一眼紧抱着刘晔的安妮海瑟薇,道:“如果明天日本人不过来,你就不要训练了,好好休息一下,别辜负女孩子对你的感情。” Immediately, Tom Hanks turns around to walk, Liu Ye of puzzled character and style shoves open Anne Hathaway subconsciously, pursued saying: Mr. Chennault, I do not want to leave out the opportunity that any trains time!” 随即,汤姆汉克斯转身就走,不解风情的刘晔下意识推开安妮海瑟薇,追上去说:“陈纳德先生,我不想漏掉任何一次训练的机会!” Tom Hanks turn head looked at his one eyes, sees Anne Hathaway to run off with tears, said reluctantly: In your brain attire what is? Can't you see her to like you?” 汤姆汉克斯回头看了他一眼,见安妮海瑟薇含泪跑开,无奈的说:“你脑子里装的到底是什么?你看不出她喜欢你吗?” Liu Ye somewhat shames bashfully, but also said fully firmly: I had pledged, does not drive away the Japanese, does not go to want deep love between man and woman!” 刘晔有些羞臊,但又十足坚定的说:“我发过誓,不赶走日本人,不去想儿女情长!” Yeah......” Tom Hanks sighed, turns around. “哎……”汤姆汉克斯叹了口气,转身走了。 ...... …… The picture returns to air fight that. 画面紧接着回到空战那一幕。 When Leonardo plane crashes, very far place has a Japanese Army patrol leader, a Japanese soldier points at the airplane that distant place revolving is tenesmusing, said loudly: That airplane...... should be Flying Tigers?” 当莱昂纳多坠机的时候,很远的地方有一支日本陆军巡逻队,其中一个日本兵指着远处旋转下坠的飞机,高声说:“那架飞机……应该是飞虎队的吧?” Nearby Japanese soldier nods, said: although is a little far, but seems like should be.” 旁边的日本兵点点头,说:“虽然有点远,但看起来应该是。” The person of team leader appearance opens the mouth saying: Looking at the position should in our occupied areas, quickly in the past!” 队长模样的人开口道:“看位置应该在我们的占领区,赶快过去!” This team of Japanese soldiers jog immediately the advance in the crash direction. 紧接着,这队日本兵立刻朝着坠机的方向跑步前进。 Meanwhile, on a small hillside, several China farmers also in looks at this airplane, old some men said: Was the airplane of Flying Tigers falls! Two babies and three babies, you pass with me, having a look at the pilots of Flying Tigers also to live do not have!” 与此同时,一座小山坡上,好几个华夏农民也在看着这架飞机,其中一个年长一些的男子说:“是飞虎队的飞机落下来了!二娃子、三娃子,你们跟我过去,看看飞虎队的飞行员还活着没!” Is called the young people somewhat nervous taking off/escaping tastes of two babies: Old Uncle Tian, the Japanese and traitor said many times, who dares to rescue and give shelter to the Flying Tigers pilot, the whole families must decapitate!” 被称作二娃子的年轻人有些紧张的脱口道:“老田叔,日本人和二鬼子说了好多次了,谁敢营救、窝藏飞虎队飞行员,一家人都要杀头的啊!” The old man scolded: Flying Tigers goes to war in the space, falls is not afraid, are you so timid? You do not go to me to go!” 年长的男子骂道:“人家飞虎队员在天上打仗,掉下来都不害怕,你怎么这么胆小?你们不去我自己去!” Then, the old man knocks toward the stone in the pipe, forced in the waist to run down the hillside conveniently. 说罢,年长男子把烟袋往石头上一磕,顺手塞进腰里就跑下了山坡。 Two young people looked at one mutually, hastily pursued...... 两个年轻人互相看了一眼,急忙追了上来……
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