RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1787: «Flying Tigers» came

By the influence of Elon Musk, Li Mu also to colonizing the plan of sparks/Mars had the interest, he hopes that can with own money and influence, helping spacex complete this magnificent feat as soon as possible, therefore after he and Elon Musk discussed that decided «Flying Tigers» was shown to the public, to the entire world announced the own ten years at least invested 100 hundred million USD and for exploring the decision of sparks/Mars as well as log in sparks/Mars. 埃隆马斯克的影响,李牧也对殖民火星的计划有了兴趣,他希望能够用自己的钱以及影响力,帮助spacex尽快完成这个壮举,所以他与埃隆马斯克商量之后,决定等《飞虎队》公映的时候,向全世界宣布自己十年至少投资一百亿美元、用于探索火星以及登陆火星的决定。 By that time, Elon Musk can also seize the chance to peddle his outer space dream to the entire world. 到那个时候,埃隆马斯克也可以趁机向全世界兜售他的太空梦。 Has a look the rich and powerful people who which are also interested to be willing to support, or which rich and powerful people want to come to outer space to fly a time, either who wants the dying outer space after dying. 看看有哪些同样感兴趣的富豪愿意支持一把,或者哪些富豪想来一次太空飞行,亦或者有谁想在死后长眠太空。 Musk wants to draw Li Mu to announce together in the future will also send in the outer space own bone ash, Li Mu almost does not have the handle he to trample flies. 马斯克想拉着李牧一起宣布未来把自己的骨灰也送入太空,李牧差点没一脚把他踹飞。 If the condition permits, he is willing to try the outer space to take a stroll, completes a magnificent feat. 如果条件允许,他愿意试着去太空溜达一圈,也算是完成一项壮举。 However makes him launch the outer space the bone ash, he is not really interested. 但是让他把骨灰发射到太空,他是真的不感兴趣。 The China person that intense exploration desire, like a native of US, Europe, has not wished one could dead on the road of exploration. 华夏人没有那么强烈的探险欲,不像欧美人那样,恨不得死在探险的路上。 Li Mu's past life looks at 《The Three-Body Problem》, in seeing saying that when Tianming is willing to make human launch the Trimaran team beyond number light year his brain, feels absolutely terrified. 李牧上辈子《三体》,在看到云天明愿意让人类把他的大脑发射到数光年外的三体舰队时,就感觉一阵毛骨悚然。 What person, can some such determinations, by own brain, living does the brain fly to the vast universe? 什么样的人,才能够有那样的决心,让自己的大脑,活着的大脑飞向浩瀚的宇宙? Possibly if trades to do is Elon Musk, he will also comply with this unprecedented adventure, in this fellow bone has the intense venture spirit, even Li Mu suspected, the true motive that he starts an undertaking for a lifetime, can land on sparks/Mars for some day, for this goal, this brothers anything can sacrifice. 可能如果换做是埃隆马斯克,他也会答应这种史无前例的冒险,这家伙骨子里就有强烈的冒险精神,甚至李牧怀疑,他一辈子创业的真正动机,就是为了有朝一日能够登上火星,为了这个目标,这哥们什么都可以牺牲。 Except for going to the space program of sparks/Mars, Li Mu also pulls back the reality Elon Musk, with he raised Tesla mobilizes the request specifically. 除了前往火星的太空计划,李牧也把埃隆马斯克拉回现实,跟他提了特斯拉的具体动迁要求。 Instantly gets up starts to plan to build the workshop, first has the plan and design proposal, after verification begins construction immediately, the Tesla scale is not big, the personnel are not many, can after the workshop completes moves into Yanjing immediately. 即刻起就开始筹建厂房,先出规划与设计方案,通过审核之后就立刻开始动工,特斯拉规模不大,人员也不多,可以在厂房建成之后就立刻迁入燕京 In principle yes, Stage 1, Tesla only retains the research and development department in US (America), the link of all assembly, production and test all moves into Yanjing, Stage 2, the Tesla research and development department must move into Yanjing gradually, gradually realizes all moves into. 原则上是,第一阶段,特斯拉美国只保留研发部门,所有装配、生产、测试的环节全部迁入燕京,第二阶段,特斯拉的研发部门也要逐步迁入燕京,逐渐实现全部迁入。 Li Mu even wants also to move into China spacex, but Elon Musk told him, spacex recruited many people from nasa, used many nasa technologies, if moved into China, first did not say that US (America) Business section with Ministry of Defence whether permitted, even if they permitted, following was still very difficult to have the technical support of nasa again. 李牧甚至想把spacex也迁入华夏,但埃隆马斯克告诉他,spacex从nasa招了很多人,也用了很多nasa的技术,如果迁入华夏,先不说美国商务部和国防部是否允许,就算他们允许,后续也很难再得到nasa的技术支持。 Li Mu can only temporarily give up this idea, first came to say Lane Tesla again. 李牧只能暂时放弃这个想法,先把特斯拉进来再说。 Meanwhile, the relocation of Volvo is also arranging actively, the earlier human affairs represent have gone to Sweden, represents the negotiations with the worker in Volvo indigenous production base. 同时,沃尔沃的搬迁也在积极筹备,前期的人事代表已经前往瑞典,跟沃尔沃本土生产基地的工人代表谈判。 The result of negotiations is to mainly hope them is willing to follow Volvo to come China, for this reason, Muye Automobile Group will pay they at least 150% pays, and signs a three years of contract with them, within three years, they must work every year for 11 months in China, in these 11 months, they enjoy normally double rests and holiday, remaining one month are the paid home leaves. 谈判的结果主要是希望他们愿意跟随沃尔沃华夏,为此,牧野汽车集团会支付他们至少150%的薪酬,并且跟他们签订一个三年合同,三年之内,他们每年必须在华夏工作11个月,这11个月里,他们享受正常的双休以及节假日,剩下的一个月是带薪探亲假。 Buys Volvo time, most workers under Ford's leadership, signed three to five years of labor contracts with Volvo, in the future these workers must continue to serve three to five years for Volvo, but in the contract has not adhered to stick cohere requests them to leave itself, to go to the provision of overseas work, Li Mu must all move into China the production lines of these brands now one after another, truly needs to reach the agreement with these workers. 买下沃尔沃的时候,大部分工人都在福特的主导下,跟沃尔沃签订了三到五年的劳动合同,未来这些工人必须要为沃尔沃继续服务三到五年,但是合约上并没有附着要求他们离开本国、前往海外工作的条款,李牧现在要把这些品牌的生产线陆续全部迁入华夏,确实需要跟这些工人达成协议。 Three years, enough produces, while training and develops the new team, if parts in these people prepare to return to homeland three years later, will then not be big to the Volvo overall impact. 三年时间,足够一边生产,一边培养和发展新的团队,如果这些人里的一部分在三年之后准备回国,那对沃尔沃整体的影响也不会太大。 Actually, a work is nowadays unimportant in another end of Earth in main house gate, more importantly can make how much money. 其实这年头,一份工作在家门口还是在地球的另一端都不重要,重要的是能赚多少钱。 Had the media to report to the outside Li Mu then the significant layout in car industry, reported on guessed Li Mu to Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover as well as Tesla that oneself purchased attains Yanjing completely, in the meantime, his big probability also met the homemade brand, in other words, Yanjing in the near future, will increase five automobile enterprises, became the home biggest automobile production base. 有媒体对外报道了李牧接下来在汽车产业上的重大布局,报道上揣测李牧是要把自己收购的沃尔沃、捷豹、路虎以及特斯拉全部拿到燕京,同时,他大概率还会自创一个品牌,也就是说,燕京在不久的将来,将一口气增加五家汽车企业,一跃成为国内最大的汽车生产基地。 This report once were sent out, created very tremendous pressure on Hyundai / modern as well as Mercedes. 这个报道一经发出,给现代以及奔驰带来了很大的压力。 Hyundai / modern and Mercedes with Yanjing automobile group cooperation foreign-funded enterprise, moreover both product line is not basically overlapped, therefore does not have any competitive relations, after all the mainstay of Hyundai / modern auto sales generally about 200,000 as well as below 200,000 models, but present Mercedes has not been lower than 200,000 car(riage)s from the start. 现代奔驰都是与燕京汽车集团合作的外资企业,而且两者产品线基本不重叠,所以没有任何竞争关系,毕竟现代汽车销量的中流砥柱普遍是在二十万左右以及二十万以下的车型,而现在的奔驰压根就没有低于二十万的车。 However, no one knows that the Li Mu future market position is anything, looks at Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover purely, that will have the direct competition with Mercedes, simultaneously Li Mu has paid great attention to the populace class very much, therefore he might look at the Boss level car(riage) market to launch the low-and-middle model, the one breath also gave to capture the Hyundai / modern business. 但是,谁也不知道李牧将来的市场定位是什么,单纯看沃尔沃、捷豹、路虎,那将跟奔驰产生直接竞争,同时李牧又一直很注重大众阶层,所以他很可能会瞄着b级车市场推出中低端车型,一口气把现代的生意也给抢了。 Other automobile brands are also very nervous, Li Mu took so many, the arrangement such large-scale industry migration and conformity reconstruction all of a sudden, is almost the iron armor mighty current is ordinary, has matched Li Mu consistent since again the working repertoire, lifts up high the skyer and fund manages enough, perhaps soon, the entire China automobile brand, the joint capital brand and foreign brand, must face the tremendous blow of Muye Automobile Group. 其他的汽车品牌也很慌,李牧一下子拿了这么多地、筹备这么大规模的工业迁徙与整合重建,几乎就是铁甲洪流一般,再搭配李牧一贯以来的做事套路,高举高打、资金管够,恐怕用不了多久,全华夏的汽车品牌、合资品牌以及外资品牌,都要面临牧野汽车集团的巨大冲击。 ...... …… At this time, Spielberg brought to complete completely late «Flying Tigers», caught up with Yanjing. 这个时候,斯皮尔伯格带着做完全部后期的《飞虎队》,赶来了燕京 Li Mu planned after oneself look the preview and determination have had no issue, the copy gives the bureau to verify, once attains dragon mark, can arrange the work that following screens. 李牧打算在自己看过样片、确定没有什么问题之后,就把拷贝交给总局审核,一旦拿到龙标,就可以安排后续上映的工作了。 The preview is held in Muye Science and Technology, Li Mu after setting Spielberg's time of corporate aircraft landing, ahead of time the executives several companies invited Muye Science and Technology, then the sending a vehicle team went to the airport to pick. 试映在牧野科技内部举行,李牧在确定了斯皮尔伯格的公务机降落的时间之后,提前把几家公司的高管都邀请到了牧野科技,然后派车队前往机场接机。 Spielberg gets out of the airplane, had the film copy to rush to Muye Science and Technology. 斯皮尔伯格一下飞机,就带着电影拷贝赶到了牧野科技 Li Mu and other movies have waited to be very long, therefore also anticipated at this time especially. 李牧等这部电影已经等了很久,所以此时也是格外期待。 This movie carrying/sustaining, not only the Li Mu's country mood, to the annotation of second war fact, as well as Li Mu moved toward the anticipation and sustenance of the world to the China movie. 这部电影承载的,不只是李牧的家国情怀,还有对二战事实的诠释,以及李牧华夏电影走向世界的期待与寄托。 It becomes about China that the global first ultra-large manufacture and world screen will fight against the movie that Japan invades. 它将成为全球首部超大制作、全球上映的关于华夏抗击日本侵略的电影。 Before then, internationally has almost not photographed China to fight against the movie that Japan invades on own initiative, the China fighting movie of traceable US (America) person photography, was 1944 «Chinese people». 在此之前,国际上几乎没有主动拍摄过华夏抗击日本侵略的电影,有迹可循的美国人拍摄的华夏抗战电影,还是1944年的一部《龙种》。 Domestic although has the movie of massive fighting theme, but cannot have one to take the international arena truly, our anti-Japanese theme movie basically has no influence in the overseas, even can screen in the overseas very few. 国内虽然有大量抗战题材的电影,但始终没能有一部真正走上国际舞台,我们的抗日题材电影在海外基本没有什么影响力,甚至能在海外上映的都少之又少。 Meanwhile, because the Japanese plutocrats have strong influence in the global entertainment industry, in recent years, various types are Japan **** washes the place the movie also to emerge one after another incessantly. 同时,因为日本财阀在全球娱乐产业有很强的影响力,近些年来,各种为日本****洗地的影片也是层出不穷。 The previous life fire and this whole life were done aborting 《The Last Samurai》 by Li Mu, are the best representatives. 上辈子大火、这辈子被李牧搞到胎死腹中的《最后的武士》,就是最好的代表。 This nonsense movie, described to have the thing the extreme Samurai spirit of Japan like the Shintoism generally, Japanese Samurai spirit like the oriental cherry brilliant, key this unexpectedly was the movie that the US (America) person made, as everyone knows these drove the airplane to hit to beautiful ** the kamikaze dare-to-die corps of ship, believed in the spirit, to receive such spiritual inspiration. 这部狗屁电影,把日本的极端武士道精神描述成了像神道一般存在东西,日本武士道精神像樱花一样烂漫,关键这竟然还是美国人拍的电影,殊不知那些开着飞机撞向美**舰的神风敢死队,就是信奉着这样的精神、受着这样的精神鼓舞。 However, why is Hollywood willing to make such movie to eulogize the Samurai spirit? 但是,为什么好莱坞愿意拍这样的电影去歌颂武士道精神? Why Tom Cruise not only participates performance this movie, but also do various types propagandize themselves to deeply love the Samurai spirit, to love the Japanese culture? 为什么汤姆克鲁斯不但参演这部电影,还各种宣传自己热爱武士道精神、热爱日本文化? In the final analysis, didn't the capitalists of day department cause trouble in the back? 说到底,不还是日系的资本家在背后作祟? Some people disburse money to promote, some people are willing to pat and are willing develop, are willing in the global release promotion. 有人出钱推动,就有人愿意拍、愿意演、愿意在全球发行推广。 Why did Hollywood oppress the second war movie so many years of Jew such as mushroom growth to emerge one after another incessantly about Germany? 为什么好莱坞关于德国压迫犹太人的二战电影这么多年一直如雨后春笋层出不穷? «Schindler's List», «Beautiful life», «Pianist», «Puts on Stripe Pajamas Boy» wait wait/etc. etc.. 《辛德勒的名单》、《美丽人生》、《钢琴家》、《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》等等等等。 The Soviet and Poles paid a more deeply grieved price in the second war, but, why did Hollywood rarely shoot about their second war movies? 苏联人、波兰人在二战中付出了更惨痛的代价,但是,为什么好莱坞很少拍关于他们的二战电影? In the final analysis, the strength of Jewish capitalist is too mainly strong, mostly Hollywood almost in their hands, their capital strengths, promoting similar movie projects to begin shooting and screen. 说到底,主要还是犹太裔资本家的实力太强,多半个好莱坞几乎都在他们手里,他们的资本力量,推动了一个又一个类似的电影项目投拍、上映。 Before Li Mu invests «Flying Tigers», the domestic capitalist has not thought that must use own capital strength, internationally began shooting the movie about second war, allowing the people of the world to understand that the China people made the contribution that as well as are harmed in the second war, rose until Li Mu. 李牧投资《飞虎队》之前,国内的资本家从来没有想过,要利用自己的资本实力,在国际上投拍一些关于二战的电影,让世界人民更加了解华夏人民在二战中所做的贡献以及受到的伤害,直到李牧崛起。 Now, Li Mu became Hollywood unable to offend, powerful capital that even wants to go all out to flatter, therefore Hollywood is willing to put in the tremendous effort, patted a big manufacture of China opposition to Japan theme with him. 现在,李牧成了好莱坞得罪不起,甚至想拼命巴结的强大资本,所以好莱坞才愿意投入巨大精力,跟着他拍一部华夏抗日题材的大制作。 If the movie of this big manufacture can globally obtain the success, it opened the influence of China second war theme truly in international film market, can make all the people of the world face up to Japan to invade China that phase of history. 如果这部大制作的电影能够在全球范围内取得成功,它就真正打开了华夏二战题材在国际电影市场上的影响力,同时也能让全世界人民正视日本侵略华夏的那段历史。 Why this is also, Li Mu must to the basic reason that this movie conducts the global release. 这也是为什么,李牧要对这部电影进行全球发行的根本原因。 Before then, a movie of anti-Japanese theme, wants to distribute in the world, the difficulty is much bigger than the imagination. 在此之前,一部抗日题材的电影,想在全球发行,难度比想象中要大得多。 Behind this, is powerful gambling between capital. 这背后,是资本之间的强大博弈。 If the Li Mu's strength is slightly weak on a little, may under the operation in secret Japanese plutocrat, this movie is very difficult to open in most countries and areas. 如果李牧的实力稍微弱上那么一点,有可能在日本财阀的暗中操作下,这部电影在绝大多数的国家与地区都很难上映。 However now, the situation was different. 但是现在,情况不同了。 Li Mu is not only richer than each Japanese plutocrat, the key is he is bigger than the influence that all Japanese plutocrats add. 李牧不但比每一个日本财阀都更有钱,关键是他比所有日本财阀加起来的影响力还要大。 Therefore, his goal is screens in all developed countries, developing countries and area, even if loses money the release, must screen. 所以,他的目标就是在所有发达国家、发展中国家与地区上映,哪怕赔钱发行,也要上映。 The movie of this objective elaboration historical fact, the Japanese government naturally does not dare to interfere, but the Japanese plutocrats will certainly trip somebody up in the hinderland. 这种客观阐述历史事实的电影,日本政府自然是不敢干涉,但是日本财阀一定会在背地使绊子。 Li Mu has also thought is very clear, if the Japanese plutocrat dares to play Yin with him, oneself directly with them just. 李牧也已经想的很清楚,如果有一个日本财阀敢跟他玩阴的,自己就直接跟他们刚到底。
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