RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1766: Suspicion money irritated hands?

Originally, an investment of Ten Million USD rank, probably at least needs six months to make the preparation. 原本,一场千万美元级别的投资,可能至少需要半年时间做前期准备。 However, this time, because the accident is urgent, International Data Group in one day, had reached the agreement. 但是,这次因为事发紧急,idg在一天之内,就已经达成了共识。 The propelling force of capital, is in this world besides the earth rotation, one of the strongest powers, to Wall Street this group by the big shot of advantage is so. 资本的推动力,是这个世界上除了地球自转之外,最强大的动力之一,对华尔街这帮逐利的大佬们来说更是如此。 In the Shanghai five-star hotel is lying down Lu Yunhao, suddenly became the Wall Street capitalists day electing child, will ambush the Li Mu's heavy burden to shoulder on own shoulder. 沪市五星级酒店里躺着的卢允浩,忽然之间成了华尔街资本家的“天选之子”,将狙击李牧的重担扛在了自己的肩上。 The adornments for a horse permit Hao, when the next day knew the International Data Group capital decides to invest oneself two Ten Million USD, his whole person sends to almost the heart disease excitedly. 当卢允浩在第二天得知idg资本决定投资自己两千万美元的时候,他整个人兴奋到差点心脏病发。 Felt all these come like a dream. 感觉这一切来的就像一场梦一样。 After excited accepted this reality long time and finally, Lu Yunhao starts to be proud in the heart deep place extremely. 在激动良久、终于接受了这个现实之后,卢允浩又开始在内心深处极度自负。 He told himself, Lu Yunhao, your he really awesome! Such accurate judgment the Wall Street big shot hate about Li Mu's, and received in exchange the investments of two Ten Million USD with a mail! 他告诉自己,卢允浩,你他吗真牛逼!这么精准的判断出华尔街大佬们对李牧的仇恨,并且用一封邮件就换回了两千万美元的投资! Two Ten Million USD! Exchanges RMB, rounds up again, is two hundred million! 千万美元!兑换成人民币,再四舍五入,就是两个亿啊! Yesterday was three chi (0.33 m) platform following net red training teacher, today becomes internet Corporation steerage of two Ten Million USD investments, Lu Yunhao felt oneself walked dog shit transporting simply, happy no one can. 昨天还是三尺讲台后面的网红培训教师,今天就成了两千万美元投资的互联网公司掌舵者,卢允浩感觉自己简直就走了狗屎运,幸福的无人能及。 although, these two Ten Million USD companies, oneself only account for 20% stocks from the beginning, but this is unimportant. 虽然,这两千万美元的公司,从一开始自己就只占20%的股份,但这不重要。 More importantly, oneself became the spokesman in entire Wall Street, oneself give away so many stocks, moreover is their spokesmen and bridgeheads, so long as do well, they will certainly die to support itself in the back. 重要的是,自己成了整个华尔街的代言人,自己让出那么多的股份,而且又是他们的代言人、桥头堡,只要自己好好干,他们一定会在背后死撑自己。 Next day, Lu Yunhao then through the telephone, resigns with the Southern English principal directly. 翌日,卢允浩便直接通过电话,跟南方英语的校长辞了职。 The opposite party is especially angry to the behavior that he throws up one's job, scolded the bad language in the telephone in an unprecedented move. 对方对他撂挑子的行为格外愤怒,在电话里史无前例的骂了脏话。 Lu permits naturally not to show weakness vast, finally was he holds the telephone to angrily roar one: What work ethics does your he pull with me? Is your brain sick?” 卢允浩当然也没示弱,最后是他抱着电话怒吼了一句:“你他吗跟我扯什么职业道德?你这个人脑子是不是有病?” Then, Lu Yunhao made the telephone call. 说完,卢允浩挂了电话。 Goes to his Sir. 去他大爷的吧。 Own present must achieve the great accomplishment! 自己现在要做大事去了! Afterward, he goes to International Data Group in the China headquarters, signed the framework agreement of investment with Fang Ping. 随后,他前往idg华夏的总部,与方平签订了投资的框架协议。 Because the time is urgent, International Data Group was Lu permits to think of the means of a series of time-saving vast. 由于时机紧迫,idg为卢允浩想到了一系列节省时间的办法。 For example, they do not prepare to make Lu permit vast the registration company, such must go to the industry and commerce to open a bank account, opens a bank account to the bank again, puts in order various types of documents and aptitude, all makes at least to need to delay about ten days. 比如,他们不准备让卢允浩去注册公司,那样得去工商开户,再到银行开户,整各种文件、资质,全弄下来至少要耽误十天左右的时间。 Therefore, the best way first buys a company shell, first develops the business with this shell company directly, can behind supplement as for the change slowly. 所以,最好的办法就是先买一个公司壳子,直接用这个壳公司先开展业务,至于变更手续可以后面再慢慢补充。 Now is most important, first runs the business. 现在最重要的,是把业务先跑起来。 Lu permits the vast didn't expect US (America) person to worry, but he also took a stand immediately, oneself temporarily did not leave Shanghai, in any event, must first develop the business. 卢允浩没想到美国人这么着急,不过他也当即表态,自己暂时就不离开沪市了,无论如何,也要先把业务开展起来。 To him, the present stage has no matter, own business is more important. 对他来说,现阶段没有任何事情,比自己的业务更重要。 Except that purchases a company shell, International Data Group also requests, to invest to the greeting period, is appointed financial affairs Director to be responsible for all financial affairs of company working by International Data Group, after Lu Yunhao builds the financial affairs team, turns over to the work of financial affairs again. 除了收购一个公司壳子,idg还要求,投资到账前期,由idg指派财务总监来负责公司的一切财务工作,等卢允浩搭建起财务团队之后,再移交财务的工作。 However, after turning over to the financial affairs work, Lu Yunhao financial affairs must submit the financial affairs report form according to the quarter to International Data Group, including each one cent whereabouts use, must manifest clearly in the report form. 不过,移交财务工作之后,卢允浩的财务必须按季度向idg提交财务报表,包括每一分钱的去向用途,都要在报表里体现清晰。 Lu permitted also to accept vast, itself took others' investment to provide the financial affairs report form, but International Data Group wanted was more industrious, who let others is a major stockholder, the reasonable demand, can accept. 卢允浩也都接受了,本身拿别人的投资就得提供财务报表,只不过idg要的更勤一些,谁让人家是大股东呢,合理要求、可以接受。 Afterward, International Data Group put forward a request: Every half year accepts financial affairs to audit time, when the time comes is responsible for auditing, will be the International Data Group designation world famous audit company. 随后,idg又提了一个要求:每半年接受一次财务审计,到时候负责审计的,将是idg指派的国际知名审计公司。 So many requests of International Data Group on to financial affairs, explained they permit the vast trust to be insufficient to Lu, feared he spends randomly, two fear his making do money. idg财务上有这么多的要求,也说明了他们对卢允浩的信任不足,一怕他乱花钱,二怕他乱搞钱。 Actually many Venture Capital investment plans are defeated , because the invested person is far-fetched, from attaining in the investment the tainted money is also really common. 其实很多风投的投资项目之所以失败,就是因为被投资的人不靠谱,从拿到的投资里黑钱也实属常见。 For example a person flickered a investment of ten million/countless RMB, rented for one one year 600,000 offices, finally does the safety strip with others, the company pays 600,000 every year, possibly 200,000 entered his own pocket obliquely ; 比如一个人忽悠了一千万人民币的投资,紧接着租了一个一年六十万的写字楼,结果跟别人搞暗箱操作,公司每年支付六十万,可能有二十万拐弯抹角的进了他自己的口袋; In addition, the company needs to spend several hundred thousand repair business locations, he possibly the repair project designation to the relatives and friends, further lines one's purse from inside directly. 除此之外,公司又需要花几十万装修营业场地,他可能直接把装修工程指派给亲朋好友,进一步从里面中饱私囊。 As for bigger outsourcing and promoted operational cost, inside bumpy were more, likely 10 million throw to him works, matter has not set an appearance, 5 million advanced his individual pocket. 至于更大的业务外包、推广运营费用,里面的坑坑洼洼就更多了,很可能一千万投给他做事情,事情没做出个样子来,五百万先进了他的个人口袋。 Therefore, International Data Group decides on financial affairs permits to take strict precautions against Lu vast, making him know, this sum of money throws to this project, rather than throws to his. 所以,idg决定在财务上对卢允浩进行严防,让他知道,这笔钱是投给这个项目的,而不是投给他的。 Lu permits vast regarding this indifferent, he truly is the doggedly sincere must do the important matter, therefore decides in any event first diligently, if became, naturally is happy, if not successful, finds the way to look for a compensation to oneself when the time comes again. 卢允浩对此无所谓,他确实是一腔热血要干大事的,所以决定无论如何先努力一番,如果成了,自然是皆大欢喜,如果不成,到时候再想办法给自己找点补偿。 After all about two hundred million investments, want to make money from inside are really simple, virtually impossible to guard against. 毕竟将近两个亿的投资,想从里面捞点钱出来真是太简单了,防不胜防。 Therefore, Lu Yunhao requests to accept to these financial affairs completely. 所以,卢允浩对这些财务要求全部接受。 Afterward, the discussion entered the specific business category. 随后,讨论进入到了具体业务范畴。 Lu permits Hao to build a development team immediately, the technology core backbone of team, will be it will seek by International Data Group, at the appointed time, Lu Yunhao must lead the team to research and develop oneself going platform and build payment channel also to form immediately to send the team. 卢允浩要立刻搭建一个开发团队,团队的技术核心骨干,将由idg为其找寻,届时,卢允浩要立刻带领团队研发自己的外卖平台、搭建支付通道并且组建派送团队。 To compete with Li Mu, Wall Street enterprise with high and new technology that invests from oneself, looked for six backbone technical personnel, two Chinese descendant, rush to Shanghai from US (America) specially, to give Lu Yunhao solves the technical question. 为了跟李牧竞争,华尔街从自己投资的高新企业里,找了六名技术骨干,其中还有两位华裔,专程从美国奔赴沪市,就是为了给卢允浩解决技术问题。 Meanwhile, the International Data Group capital has also started to forge the bank relations, prepares first to help Lu Yunhao cut open a net silver payment the channel entrance. 同时,idg资本也已经开始打通银行关系,准备先帮卢允浩切开一个网银支付的渠道入口。 Remaining, wanted Lu Yunhao to conform and be responsible. 剩下的,就要卢允浩自己整合并负责了。 After two days, the enterprise of Lu Yunhao in splendor technological progress Co. , Ltd. with named Shanghai, signed the purchase agreement. 两日之后,卢允浩与一家名为沪市中辉科技发展有限公司的企业,签订了收购协议。 Lu permits Hao by 20 ten thousand RMB, acquired the complete equity share of this company, this/should company has a history of five years, in the although account no money, the fixed asset has also criticized was similar . Moreover the registration address is to also rent, but a company five years of does not have any contrary record, the financial affairs running water also is very transparently clear, is very clean shell company, in begins also some small aptitude again, therefore this money spends also calculates the value. 卢允浩以20万人民币,收购了这家公司的全部股权,该公司已经有五年历史,虽然账上没什么钱,固定资产也已经清算的差不多了,而且注册地址也是租用的,但公司五年没有任何违规记录,财务流水也都很清晰透明,是个很干净的壳公司,再加上手里还有一些小资质,所以这钱花的也算值。 After signing the agreement, Lu Yunhao begins to build the company construction immediately. 签了协议之后,卢允浩立刻着手搭建公司架构。 He first entrusted the third party company, started to help itself walk the change flow, must change from the opposite party hand this Shanghai Corporation to oneself name, oneself will become the corporate legal person, simultaneously made the adjustment the share, oneself owned stocks 20%, International Data Group owned stocks 80% in a China holding shell company, once changed, Ten Million USD equivalent RMB converges the company account immediately ; 他首先委托第三方公司,开始帮自己走变更流程,要将这家沪市公司从对方手里变更到自己名下,自己将成为公司法人,同时将股权结构做调整,自己持股20%,idg华夏的一家控股壳公司持股80%,一旦变更完毕,一千万美元等值的人民币会立刻汇入公司账户; Meanwhile, International Data Group starts to help him in the Cayman Islands registration offshore company, once the company registers to complete, by opening in graceful offshore company capitalization holding splendor science and technology, in the meantime, other International Data Group Ten Million USD, will converge the offshore company account as spare. 同时,idg开始帮他在开曼群岛注册离岸公司,一旦公司注册完成,将由开曼的离岸公司全资控股中辉科技,同时,idg另外的一千万美元,也将汇入离岸公司账户作为备用。 three days time, Lu Yunhao has started to seek for the work location in Shanghai. 三天的时候,卢允浩就已经开始在沪市寻找办公场地了。 He slightly is far waterfront from Bund, sought 500 square meters work locations , compared with the International Data Group headquarters, naturally is not big, but if using , at least can sit hundred people, at least can satisfy company one year of use. 他在距离外滩稍远些的江边,寻了一个五百平米的办公场地,跟idg的总部比起来,当然不算大,但如果利用起来,也至少能坐百来号人,至少可以满足公司一年的使用。 Actually, Lu Yunhao idea, rents ** hundred square meters and close to the town center sections, best, depend on the place of Bund with the International Data Group headquarters same, then also to oneself make one first-year university student, a style point office. 其实,卢允浩的想法,是租个**百平米、靠近市中心地段,最好也跟idg总部一样、靠着外滩的地方,然后也给自己弄一间大一点的、气派一点的办公室。 In the counter- forehand about two hundred million investments, rent 2000 square meters place, the bold attire one cannot be regarded again anything. 反正手里将近两个亿的投资,租个两千平米的地方,再豪装一番也算不得什么。 Thinks oneself can also sit in such lordly office directs the landscape with the subordinate, Lu Yunhao then thought that the whole body blood burnt. 一想到自己也能坐在那样气派的办公室里跟下属指点江山,卢允浩便觉得浑身的血液都燃烧了起来。 However, International Data Group Fang Ping suppressed his idea, Fang Ping urged him, in present stage although had about two hundred million, but must complete the fund deployment. 不过,idg方平扑灭了他的想法,方平叮嘱他,现阶段虽然手里有将近两个亿,但一定要做好资金部署。 Going the platform is quite heavy business model, light/only will be the future marketing promotion must spend many expenses, this thing simply will be a bottomless pit, must build over a thousand people of distribution teams let alone, this back cost will be high scary. 外卖平台是个比较重的商业模式,光是未来的营销推广就要花掉不少费用,这东西简直就是个无底洞,更何况还要搭建上千人的配送团队,这背后的成本更是高的吓人。 Therefore, even 1-2 hundred million, Lu Yunhao must make a great effort to live. 所以,即便有1-2亿,卢允浩也还是要勒紧裤腰带过日子。 This makes Lu permit vast being greatly disappointed. 这让卢允浩的大失所望。 He is thinking innumerable sit in the Fang Ping same office , the imposing appearance, thinks to know that is very certainly charming. 他无数次想着自己坐在和方平一样的办公室里,气宇轩昂的模样,想想就知道,那一定很帅气。 However, the first dream was blocked by Fang Ping in out of the door. 但是,第一个梦想就被方平拦在了门外。 But, he chose this slightly somewhat to be remote, the whole quite ordinary office, but so, he gave himself to plan one about 40 square meters Linjiang Office even forcefully. 无奈之下,他选择了这个略微有些偏僻、整体比较普通的办公场所,不过即便如此,他还是给自己硬生生的规划出了一个四十平米左右的临江办公室。 Although crude a point, but after all is the better than nothing. 虽说简陋了一点,但终归是聊胜于无。 ...... …… Li Mu in the news that fourth day obtains. 李牧是在第四天得到的消息。 The Muye Science and Technology Business public relations team, has built quite powerful information network internally, to industry in every action and every movement, has very close attention. 牧野科技商务公关团队,早就已经在国内建立起了比较强大的信息网路,对业内的一举一动,都有非常密切的关注。 Li Mu also makes them focus on several big capital, the request clarifies they have thrown, is throwing, each project that as well as must throw. 李牧也让他们一直紧盯着几家大的资本,要求弄清楚他们投过的、正在投的,以及要投的每一个项目。 Actually, a company develops Muye Science and Technology this scale, the behavior that monitors the entire industry is necessary. 其实,一家公司发展到牧野科技这个规模,监控全行业的行为是必要的。 previous life, in Tencent has maintained the extremely high sensitivity, this is also why the two sides can always go to war in the domain that everyone does not excel. 上辈子,啊里腾训一直保持极高的敏感度,这也是为什么两边总是能在大家都不擅长的领域干起仗来。 You make the drop drop, I hurry to make a quick drop, you follow near Meituan, I hurry to receive Ele.me, you did in clouds, I hurried also to make Tencent saying that you had Taobao Tmall, I hurried to throw Jingdong and spell much. 你做滴滴,那我赶紧做个快滴,你跟美团走得近,那我赶紧收个饿了么,你搞了啊里云,那我赶紧也弄个腾训云,你有淘宝天猫,那我赶紧投个京东和拼多多。 A top company, wants to keep own position, not only need depend on the strength, but must depend on the assiduous and everywhere sense of crisis. 一家顶尖公司,想维持自己的地位,不光要靠实力,还要靠勤勉与无处不在的危机感。 Li Mu hear of underlings report, hears Lu Yunhao name, is at heart surprised immediately. 李牧听底下人汇报的时候,一听到卢允浩的名字,心里顿时惊讶起来。 My goodness, isn't this later generation famous old Lu? In the impression this brothers has not come out to start an undertaking early! 好家伙,这不是后世大名鼎鼎的老卢吗?印象中这哥们没这么早出来创业啊! Moreover, how did he do the same place with International Data Group? Moreover prepares to do to go the platform, with own to compete directly? 而且,他怎么跟idg搞到一起去了?而且还是准备搞外卖平台、跟自己正面竞争? Did the brain of International Data Group, make the gate push? Invests money to this brothers, you dislike money irritated hands? idg的脑子,是不是让门挤了?投钱给这哥们儿,你们是嫌钱咬手吗?
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