RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1765: Dies to knock with Li Mu

Lu permits not to have the substantive undertaking experience vast. 卢允浩并没有实质性的创业经验。 His all understanding and understanding of undertaking, came from in own wishful thinking and doggedly sincere. 他对创业的一切了解以及理解,都源自于自己的一厢情愿以及一腔热血。 He does not understand the product, not to understand the technology, not to understand the operation not to understand the capital, looks like one not to understand to shoulder a rifle to go to war, how even does not understand the person of triggering pulling, every day in the brain fantasized oneself kill the enemy and performs good deeds on the battlefield courageously to be the same, is very ideally plentiful, but reality extremely bone feeling. 他不懂产品、不懂技术、不懂运营也不懂资本,就像是一个不懂扛枪打仗,甚至不懂怎么扣扳机的人,每天在脑子里幻想自己在沙场上奋勇杀敌、建功立业一样,理想很丰满,但现实极为骨感。 Such person, working saying that the point of pleasant to hear is some romanticist colors, said that coarse, is his mother accent. 这样的人,做事情说好听一点是有些浪漫主义色彩,说难听一点,就是他娘的不着调。 For example, others when work practically, he must open mouth to shut up to launch the satellite, always thought that the satellite put a lot, can be successful inevitably. 比如,别人都在务实做事的时候,他非要张嘴闭嘴放卫星,总觉得卫星放得多了,就必然能够成功。 But afterward undertaking failure, proved to the world a truth, what the undertaking depends is works, does not indulge in fantasy with the slapping in the face artillery. 但后来一次次的创业失败,向世人证明了一个道理,创业靠的是做事,不是异想天开和打嘴炮。 Because does not have the experience, does not have the methodicalness, Lu Yunhao who the hooligan comes in front of Fang Ping, starts out financing demand that Fang Ping was unprecedented and heard something never heard of before. 正因为没有经验,更没有章法,野路子出身的卢允浩在方平面前,开出了方平前所未见、闻所未闻的融资需求。 Sells 80% stocks, received exchange for many angel round of investment. 出让80%的股份,换取更多的天使轮投资。 In the start-up, the founder sells lots of stocks fast is the mine field that cannot touch, this has been confirmed through many bloody instances, becomes one of issues the entire world pioneers most cared about. 在创业项目里,创始人快速出让大量股份是一个决不能触碰的雷区,这已经通过诸多血淋淋的事例得到证实,也成了全世界创业者最在意的问题之一。 But Lu Yunhao actually does exactly the opposite. 但卢允浩却反其道而行之。 Gives 80% directly, came up to reduce an extremely dangerous situation own stock, this simply was the undertaking taboo. 直接给出80%,一上来就把自己的股份降低到了一个极其危险的地步,这简直是创业大忌。 But a Lu Yunhao point does not care, to him, has food, oneself not necessarily must be able to eat to the full, but must eat well, eating has the face that has the ostentation, to eat. 但卢允浩一点都不在意,对他来说,吃一顿饭,自己未必一定要吃得饱,但一定要吃得好、吃的有排场、吃的有面子。 Therefore, he is willing to give away lots of stocks submissively, but the premise is this project must support the ostentation, makes a stock go out no major problem, the key is the earlier start fund must be many enough, be only money were many, can do the big ostentation and big sound. 所以,他愿意拱手让出大量的股份,但前提是这个项目必须要把排场撑起来,多让点股份出去没什么大问题,关键是前期的启动资金一定要足够多,只有钱多了,才能搞出大排场、大动静。 Fang Ping as well as his back Wall Street great alligator have not thought that must take away so many primitive stocks from this project. 方平以及他背后的华尔街巨鳄并没有想过,要从这个项目里拿走这么多的原始股份。 In the person eyes that , possibly thought that stock are takes certainly the more better, but Fang Ping is very clear, the investor with the stock, is not the more better that takes, taken are more, the responsibility that others need to shoulder will reduce. 在不懂的人眼里,可能觉得股份自己当然是拿得越多越好,但方平却很清楚,投资人拿股份,绝不是拿的越多越好,拿的越多,别人需要承担的责任就会缩小。 But the ultimate goal of investor, is not works hard to make money, but makes others trying hard work, makes money for oneself. 而投资人的最终目的,不是自己去努力工作赚钱,而是让别人努力工作、替自己赚钱。 It looks like a coal mine, if yourself occupy the stock 80%, you are the boss in this coal mine, rather than the investor, this coal mine various business must yourself inquire personally, quite the waving the arms about storekeeper is not possible. 就像是开一家煤矿,如果你自己占股80%,那你就是这家煤矿的老板,而不是投资人,这煤矿各种事务肯定都得你自己亲自过问,相当甩手掌柜是不可能的。 If you occupy the stock to be able 30%, moreover inside also occupies the stock 70% major stockholders to assume personal command to manage personally, your really anything did not need to manage, gave money, going back to wait to draw bonus is. 如果你占股能30%,而且里面还有一个占股70%的大股东亲自坐镇管理,那你就真的什么都不用管了,把钱给了,回去坐等分红就是。 Project possible over a thousand that the investment institution altogether hundred people, in the hand throw, let alone these projects make them manage, even if lets they manage an also enough headache, the investment institution does not do the clothing material of operation. 投资机构一共百来号人,手里投出去的项目可能上千个,别说这些项目都让他们管,哪怕让他们管一个也足够头疼的了,投资机构本身就不是干运营的料子。 They look like flee in all directions the real estate speculators in the world, they only want to do the business that buys and sells, as for buying constructs housing the sales like this tedious flow, they do not want to participate, is incapable of participating. 他们就像是流窜于世界各地的炒房团,他们只想做买和卖的生意,至于买地建房销售这样的繁琐流程,他们根本就不想参与,也无力参与。 Therefore, Fang Ping somewhat cannot make up mind all of a sudden, invests Lu Yunhao, is a correct matter? 所以,方平一下子也有些拿不定主意,投资卢允浩,到底是不是一件正确的事情? However, now US (America) in early morning, the big shot in Wall Street has not been getting out of bed, therefore Fang Ping is unable to report to Wall Street immediately, therefore then first permitted Hao to chat a afternoon with Lu. 不过,现在美国正在凌晨,华尔街的大佬们也都没有起床,所以方平也无法立刻向华尔街汇报,于是便先与卢允浩聊了一个下午。 In the evening, Fang Ping entertained Lu Yunhao to have a dinner personally. 傍晚,方平亲自招待卢允浩吃了一顿晚饭。 On the dining table, Lu Yunhao has closely examined the investment intention of Fang Ping, but Fang Ping has not given him an explicit reply, but said that needs first to communicate the relevant issue with the US (America) headquarters, then informs him to decide. 饭桌上,卢允浩一直追问方平的投资意向,不过方平没有给他一个明确的回答,只是说需要先跟美国总部沟通一下相关事宜,然后再告知他决定。 How long as for needing can determine, Fang Ping is unable to give an explicit reply. 至于需要多久才能确定,方平也无法给出一个明确的回答。 The normal flow, the investment needs first investment plan, attains the investment company internal investment management to be able to conduct the meeting, after has met, if determines the investment intention, with by the investor was discussed again the specific provision, makes the back accent, after all flows walk will hit the funds. 正常流程,投资需要先把投资项目,拿到投资公司内部的投资管理会进行过会,过会之后,如果确定投资意向,紧接着再跟被投资人谈具体条款、做背调,在所有流程走完之后才会打款。 Therefore, takes over one week most quickly. 所以,最快也要一个礼拜以上。 The slow words, 2-3 months are also not necessarily able to handle. 慢的话,2-3月也未必能搞定。 Lu permits to be somewhat unable to back down vast. 卢允浩一直有些骑虎难下。 He does not know oneself should first return to Yanjing to continue to go to work, is in Shanghai and other International Data Group the news. 他不知道自己到底应该先回燕京继续上班,还是在沪市idg的消息。 If cannot attain an explicit result to go back directly, his many somewhat is unwilling, after all he has prepared for the carp jumping Dragon Gate, now can jump Dragon Gate not to know, but was returned in that fish pond by oneself again, oneself naturally are unwilling. 如果拿不到一个明确的结果就直接回去,他心里多少有些不甘,毕竟他早就做好了鲤鱼跳龙门的准备,现在能不能跳龙门还不知道,但让自己再重新回到那个鱼塘里,自己自然是不甘心的。 However, if continues here, for a short time truly is also very difficult to attain an explicit reply, if the time is quite long, oneself have feared here idly is more anxious. 但是,如果继续等在这里,一时半会也确实很难拿到一个明确回复,如果时间比较长,自己一直在这里无所事事怕是更加焦虑。 At this time, Fang Ping gave him a suggestion, happen to tomorrow is on Friday, even if Lu Yunhao went back, perhaps must delay for day to work, therefore with its this, was inferior that now Shanghai treats for several days, by Sunday time goes back again. 这时候,方平给了他一个建议,正好明天就是周五,卢允浩就算是回去了,恐怕也要耽误一天工作,所以与其这样,不如现在沪市待几天,到周日的时候再回去。 Lu permits to ponder over vast, complies, tomorrow will go back to be truly not meaningful, when simply said on Sunday again. 卢允浩思前想后,还是答应下来,明天回去确实没什么意义,干脆就等到周日再说。 After having eaten meal, Fang Ping makes one arrange Lu Yunhao first to return to the hotel to rest, but he himself, then returns to the office, the preparation and US (America) that side high level holds the conference call, reports here situation and progress. 吃过饭后,方平让人安排卢允浩先回酒店休息,而他自己,则返回办公室,准备与美国那边的高层召开视频会议,汇报这边的情况以及进展。 Just, US (America) that side time also already to the morning, to the capitalists, the prime time that a day of work started. 刚好,美国那边的时间也已经到了早上,对资本家们来说,正是一天工作开始的黄金时间。 In conference call, Fang Ping 1510 permitted the situation that Hao chatted to tell a big shot in connection today with Lu. 视频会议上,方平一五一十的把今天跟卢允浩聊的情况告诉了连线中的一众大佬。 Knew after Lu Yunhao attitude as well as idea, many big shot in Wall Street shake the head, some people said: This Lu Yunhao, cannot seem the company to operate, all depending on the imagination, two Ten Million USD give him, not necessarily really can make anything to come.” 得知卢允浩的态度以及想法之后,许多华尔街的大佬都不由摇头,有人说:“这个卢允浩,好像根本就不懂公司运作,一切光凭想象,两千万美元给他,未必真的能做出什么事情来。” Yes.” Some people echo saying: Where has the founder to come up in the angel round to give the capital 80% stocks? This method, after two rounds of financing, he himself was eliminated! What person will voluntarily request such investment condition?” “是的。”有人附和道:“哪有创始人一上来在天使轮就给资本80%股份的?这种玩法,两轮融资之后他自己就出局了!什么人会主动要求这样的投资条件?” In my opinion, this fellow is simply funny! Counted on the person who such does not understand the capital, goes to do against with Li Mu, radically is dream of a fool!” “依我看,这家伙简直就是在搞笑!指望这么一个根本不懂资本的人,去跟李牧对着干,根本就是痴人说梦!” One group of Wall Street big shot talked, having no merit to speak of that Lu Yunhao damaged. 一堆华尔街大佬们你一言我一语,将卢允浩损的一无是处。 But at this moment, CEO Coulter of International Data Group capital opens the mouth suddenly, said: „, We thought that this Lu Yunhao is the layman of capital circle, but, you think not to have, Li Mu actually is also a layman.” 但就在这时,idg资本的ceo库尔特忽然开口,道:“诸位,我们都觉得这个卢允浩是资本圈的门外汉,但是,你们想过没有,李牧其实也是门外汉。” These words, making the attending everyone fall into all of a sudden silent. 这句话,让与会的所有人一下子陷入沉默。 CEO Coulter continued: Li Mu, if is really a person who is skilled in the capital, had become integrated with us, he can help us make money, we can help him achieve in a big way the market value, help his maximum degree leverage, in his hand the cash wrapped enough many, should change, became the capitalist in Wall Street, but was not only a internet domain pioneer, as the matter stands, he not only can continue to lead the field in the real business, but can also store up the capital in the capital circle unceasingly, finally developed a top capitalist, what did he make finally? He treats as the enemy, to with us stand us on the opposite unexpectedly, isn't such person, a layman of capital circle?” ceo库尔特继续说:“李牧如果真是一个精通资本的人,早就跟我们打成一片了,他可以帮我们赚钱,我们可以帮他把市值做到最大、帮他最大程度套现,等他手里现金套得足够多了,就应该摇身一变,成为华尔街的资本家,而不仅仅是一个互联网领域的创业者,这样一来,他不但能在实际业务上继续独占鳌头,还能在资本圈不断囤积资本,最终发展成一个顶尖的资本家,但是他最终做了什么?他竟然把我们当做敌人、要跟我们站在对立面上,这样的人,难道不是一个资本圈的门外汉吗?” After the people listen, in abundance nod. 众人听后,纷纷点头。 Truly, Li Mu is not clothing material that is the capitalist, even so, he made present this appearance Muye Science and Technology as well as Taobao Science and Technology. 确实,李牧根本就不是一个做资本家的料子,但即便如此,他还是把牧野科技以及淘宝科技做成了现在这个样子。 This showed that the person who works earnestly, has not will be skilled in the capital operation, can complete the matter. 这就证明,一个认真做事的人,未必要精通资本运作,也能把事情做好。 Coulter then said: I felt, this Lu Yunhao although does not understand the capital, but he can see clearly the aspect at least, moreover has certain influence, since we could not find a more suitable person for a short time, might as well makes him try, the present urgent matter, is to not to unfold Ele.me while Li Mu before the entire China range, moves as soon as possible. Otherwise once delayed this good opportunity, whom this matter makes do, perhaps was impossible to succeed!” 库尔特接着说:“我觉得,这个卢允浩虽然不懂资本,但他起码能够看清局面,而且又有一定的影响力,既然我们一时半会也找不到更合适的人,不妨就让他试一试,现在的当务之急,是要趁着李牧还没有在整个华夏范围内铺开饿了么之前,尽快动起来。否则一旦贻误了这个好机会,这件事让谁来做,恐怕都不可能成功了!” In short awakens the dreamboat. 一句话惊醒梦中人。 The people then realized, the present key does not select Lu Yunhao deficiency, but must make Lu permit Hao first to run as soon as possible the business, first occupies a pit in the place that Li Mu has not touched. 众人这才意识到,现在的关键不是挑卢允浩的不足之处,而是要让卢允浩尽快先把业务跑起来,先在李牧还没有触及到的地方占上一个坑。 To Lu Yunhao two Ten Million USD, to these Wall Street big shot is not the issue, they intertwine , because their ideological modes have been loyal to the benefit, they worried that these two Ten Million USD pound to accompany the lunatic to scatter dust finally. 给卢允浩两千万美元,对这些华尔街大佬来说不是问题,他们之所以纠结,是因为他们的思维模式一直忠于利益,他们担心这两千万美元砸进去最后只是陪疯子扬土。 However, now looks like, at present the rightest candidate is Lu Yunhao, the time is urgent, could not have allowed them to consider again. 但是,现在看来,眼下最合适的人选就是卢允浩,时机紧迫,已经容不得他们再多考虑了。 Therefore, everyone hastily adjustment approach, starts to base on Lu to permit the vast situation officially, conducts the follow-up investment plan. 于是,大家急忙调整思路,开始正式基于卢允浩的情况,进行后续的投资规划。 The people make the decision quickly, first invests two Ten Million USD angel investments to Lu Yunhao, accounts for 80% stocks, making Lu permit Hao to do Stage 1 phase as soon as possible. 众人很快做出决定,先给卢允浩投资两千万美元天使投资,占80%股份,让卢允浩尽快开展第一阶段工作。 Good that if Lu Yunhao Stage 1 makes, Stage 2 everyone continues to throw Lu Yunhao Series A rounds, simultaneously as the reward, the Lu Yunhao 20% stocks can not dilute, if Lu Yunhao performance can also satisfy the shareholder, then his stock can retain to Series B rounds financing. 如果卢允浩第一阶段做的不错,第二阶段大家继续投卢允浩a轮,同时作为奖励,卢允浩的20%股份可以不稀释,如果卢允浩的表现还能让股东满意,那么他的股份可以一直保留到b轮融资。 Reason that must to Lu Yunhao advantage, to guarantee in this fellow hand on own initiative has enough many stocks, otherwise several rounds, in this fellow hand, if is only left over the number in the units place, he likely throws up one's job momentarily is not dry. 之所以要主动给卢允浩好处,就是为了确保这家伙手里有足够多的股份,否则几轮下来,这家伙自己手里如果只剩下个位数,那他很可能随时撂挑子不干了。 The concrete investments of these two Ten Million USD, are coordinated to invest 50% by International Data Group, remaining 50% by another five wall street investment Organizations at each 10% proportion investments, but in the future Series A rounds and Series B rounds to Series C rounds, but also by these six investment institutions according to this 5 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 proportion, will continue to invest. 这两千万美元的具体出资,由idg牵头投资50%,剩下的50%由另外五家华尔街投资机构以每家10%的比例投资,而往后的a轮b轮一直到c轮,还将由这六家投资机构按照这个5:1:1:1:1:1的比例,继续投资。 The final ideal result that Wall Street these big shot estimate has two types: 华尔街这些大佬预想的最终理想结果有两种: The first type, cumulative investment over three hundred million USD, then by are not below 30 hundred million USD prices to sell out, as for was sold to Muye Science and Technology or other companies, this indifferent, price high resulted in ; 第一种,累计投资不超过三亿美元,然后以不低于三十亿美元的价格卖掉,至于是卖给牧野科技或者其他公司,这个无所谓,价高者得; The second type, total investment over five hundred million USD, then by are not lower than 50 hundred million USD market values to go on the market in the US stock market, melts ten hundred million USD ranks from the US (America) secondary market the large amount of money , to continue dead to knock with Li Mu. 第二种,累积投资不超过五亿美元,然后以不低于五十亿美元的市值在美股上市,从美国二级市场融一笔十亿美元级别的巨资,继续跟李牧死磕。
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