RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1764: I need two Ten Million USD

Lu permits to see such luxurious office vast for the first time. 卢允浩第一次见这么豪华的办公室。 It in the entire Shanghai liveliest section, has near 200 draws ultra-large work area alone, entire flank side is the landing window, puts goes out shortly, is Huangpu River that grand river Jing. 它在整个沪市最繁华的地段,却独自坐拥将近200平的超大办公面积,整个外侧一面全是落地窗,放眼看出去,便是黄浦江那壮阔的江景。 Must know here, but inch of land worth an inch of gold, but can still make an office of senior official with such big area, this truly is very big writing skill. 要知道这里可是寸土寸金,但仍旧能用这么大的面积做一个高官的办公室,这确实是非常大的手笔。 Fang Ping looks at this somewhat shocking short and stout person, shows a faint smile at present, stands up, said: Mr. Lu, please sit down quickly.” 方平看着眼前这个有些震惊的矮胖子,微微一笑,站起身来,说:“卢先生,快请坐。” Saying, the person has then stood up from spacious class stage, paces to arrive at the landing window receiving callers area sofa. 说着,人便已经从宽大的班台后面站起,踱步来到落地窗边的会客区沙发。 Lu permits vast simple-hearted nod, took a step the past, the eye could not control looked everywhere. 卢允浩木讷的点点头,迈步走了过去,眼睛控制不住的到处看。 Fang Ping watches all these, he is the 90's goes abroad to study to read the abundant outstanding student, in US (America) treated for about ten years in the magnificence business returns to homeland with International Data Group. 方平把这一切都看在眼里,他是90年代就出国留学读博的高材生,在美国待了将近十年才随着idg的在华业务而回国。 Because oneself are the high-level intellectual, and has drunk the ink, Fang Ping is also in the contemporaries the experienced that batch, but fools around together for many years in the capital circle, although in the International Data Group Greater China region must in a head now by an old external pressure, but he was also in the capital circle mixes the good China person. 因为自身就是高级知识分子,而且又喝过洋墨水,方平也算是同龄人里见多识广的那一批,而在资本圈厮混多年,虽然现在在idg大中华区还要被一个老外压上一头,但他也算是资本圈里混得不错的华夏人了。 Because the status is quite high, Fang Ping has seen too many 30 like Lu Yunhao over, the doggedly sincere older teen, these people when ask themselves to take the investment, in the eye full is hopes to the future hope, probably oneself will be they steps onto the life peak the key. 正因为身份比较高,方平见过太多像卢允浩一样三十出头、一腔热血的大龄青年,这些人在找自己拿投资的时候,眼睛里满是对未来的渴望与期许,好像自己就是他们走上人生巅峰的钥匙。 Lu permits vast is also same. 卢允浩也是一样。 Arrived his age, most people had tended to the stability, is not urgent to the future pursue, person but who to having dream, Sanjuro works as the year also high inadequate low not, is actually a very awkward matter, wants to the previous step, difficult such as to ascend to heaven again. 到了他这个年纪,大多数人已经趋于稳定,对未来的追求也没有那么迫切了,但对有梦想的人来说,三十郎当岁的时候还高不成低不,其实是一件很尴尬的事情,想再向上一步,难如登天。 Therefore, Lu Yunhao this time comes Shanghai, in the brain to think a matter, attains the investment of International Data Group! 所以,卢允浩这次来沪市,脑子里就想着一件事,拿到idg的投资! Fang Ping invited Lu Yunhao to sit down on the sofa, said with a laugh: Mr. Lu , Teacher Lu, I did not have heard so much about you to you!” 方平邀请卢允浩在沙发上坐下,笑着说:“卢先生,哦不,卢老师,我对你可是久仰大名了!” Lu permits to wipe away sweat vast, hastily said: „It is not at all, I am well-known to you for a long time!” 卢允浩擦了把汗,急忙说:“不敢当不敢当,我对您才是闻名已久!” Actually Lu Yunhao has not heard Fang Ping, but should have the smalltalk that to have. 其实卢允浩根本就没有听说过方平,不过该有的客套还是少不了的。 Fang Ping said with a laugh: We receive PowerPoint of Teacher Lu, first met to discuss turned, some issues want you to discuss with Rwandan teacher face to face, therefore such hurried asked you to come from Yanjing.” 方平笑着说:“我们收到卢老师的ppt,第一时间就开会讨论了一翻,有些问题想当面跟卢老师您探讨,所以才这么匆忙的请您从燕京过来。” Lu permits to nod vast, hastily asked: Chief Fang, does not know that what view your firm does have to my commercial prospectus?” 卢允浩点点头,急忙问:“方总,不知道贵公司对我的商业计划书有什么看法?” Fang Ping said: First we approve your mentality very much, now does to go the platform with the Li Mu's wind, truly is a trying to catch up good opportunity.” 方平说:“首先我们很认可你的思路,现在跟李牧的风做外卖平台,确实是一个迎头赶上的好机会。” Lu permits to say vast hastily: Li Mu this person works very certainly, the business model that he does, does not give others generally the opportunity of plagiarism and imitation, because he starts running is in the lead, runs is quicker than anybody, therefore these pursue Muye Science and Technology to carry out the plagiarism, almost by the Li Mu's speed and strength dragging.” 卢允浩连忙道:“李牧这个人做事很绝,他搞出来的业务模式,一般不给别人抄袭和模仿的机会,因为他起跑就领先,又跑的比任何人都快,所以那些追着牧野科技搞抄袭的,几乎都被李牧的速度和实力给拖死了。” Saying, Lu Yunhao also said: But, I felt the o2o that Li Mu does now is different, at least before him the internet project that makes is different.” 说着,卢允浩又道:“不过,我觉得李牧现在搞出来的这个o2o不一样,最起码跟他以前做的互联网项目不一样。” Fang Ping asked intentionally: Actually Taobao is also the o2o pattern, is online arrives at the offline pattern, why has no one imitated Taobao?” 方平故意问:“其实淘宝也是o2o模式,也就是线上到线下模式,为什么一直没有人模仿淘宝呢?” Lu permits to think vast, said: O2o is online to offline, according to concept of Li Mu formulation, its service provider and target client possible distance, only then in five kilometers, unlike Taobao , the Taobao service provider and target client can achieve theoretically far in China, the far distance can give the logistics, but goes differently, goes has no way to give the logistics to do, to guarantee the quality of service, must complete within a half hour, therefore, Li Mu have no shortcut to be good to walk, he must result in the expansion city by city, therefore, although Li Mu ran in this case in the forefront, but he himself. Speed also quickly, this is we catches up with his opportunity.” 卢允浩想了想,道:“o2o是线上到线下,按照李牧制定的概念,它的服务商、服务对象可能距离只有五公里以内,跟淘宝还不一样,淘宝的服务商和服务对象理论上可以在华夏境内做到最远,再远的距离都可以交给物流,但是外卖不一样,外卖没法交给物流去做,为了保证服务的质量,必须要在半小时以内完成,所以,李牧自己也没有什么捷径好走,他也必须得一个城市一个城市的扩张,所以这种情况下,虽然李牧跑在了最前面,但他自己的速度也快不起来,这是我们追上他的机会。” Nod of Fang Ping applause. 方平赞许的点了点头。 The truth he understands, he wants to know Lu Yunhao idea and attitude. 道理他都懂,他只是想知道卢允浩的想法和态度。 Afterward, he also asked: Teacher Lu, if makes you come with Li Mu to compete, you thought where you will start to cut into?” 随后,他又问:“卢老师,如果让你来跟李牧竞争,那你觉得你会从哪里开始切入?” Lu permitted to say vast without hesitation: Shanghai! Certainly is Shanghai! Shanghai is the mainland biggest city, is the economic development best city, Li Mu places Yanjing the business beginning, we place Shanghai, must build up a reliable base fort in Shanghai, then starts from Shanghai, spreads to all around.” 卢允浩不假思索的说:“沪市!一定是沪市沪市是大陆最大的城市,也是经济发展最好的城市,李牧把业务起点放在燕京,那我们就放在沪市,一定要在沪市建起一个牢固的基地要塞,然后再从沪市开始,向四周扩散。” Fang Ping also asked: If Li Mu regards the powerful enemy you, after you start, immediately also begins to compete with you to Shanghai?” 方平又问:“如果李牧把你当成劲敌,在你起步之后,立刻也着手到沪市跟你竞争呢?” Lu permitted Hao saying: This is unimportant, this like playing gobang, if the checkerboard is small, Li Mu could die of suffocation completely I, but the entire mainland area is so big, city so many and population so many, how does he possibly stop up dies I?” 卢允浩说:“这不要紧,这就像下五子棋,棋盘如果小的话,李牧或许能完全堵死我,但整个大陆面积这么大、城市这么多、人口这么多,他怎么可能堵得死我?” Then, Lu Yunhao also said: Naturally, if in money enough many situations, can achieve to Li Mu's instead encircles, once otherwise the upfront competes with Li Mu, short of ammunition is really quite thorny.” 说罢,卢允浩又道:“当然,如果钱足够多的情况下,才能够做到对李牧的反围剿,否则一旦正面跟李牧竞争,弹药不足的话还真是比较棘手。” Fang Ping shows a faint smile, said: Just, project of our International Data Group to going platform is interested, if we invest, will surely give by investor enough ammunition, supports him to found career truly.” 方平微微一笑,说:“刚好,我们idg对外卖平台的项目非常感兴趣,如果我们投资的话,一定会给被投资人足够的弹药,支持他真正去创建一番事业。” In view of going the matter of platform, Wall Street now is two ideas: 针对外卖平台的事情,华尔街现在是两个想法: First, disgusting disgusting Li Mu, gives him a color to take a look, making him know that Wall Street has the superpower, once he with Wall Street Station on the opposite, that were equivalent to himself set up a powerful enemy. 第一个,得恶心恶心李牧、给他一点颜色瞧瞧,让他知道华尔街是有超强实力的,一旦他跟华尔街站在对立面上,那就相当于给自己树立了一个强大的敌人。 Second, Wall Street not cannot benefit early, going the platform development potential is huge, the user community that once trains enough partner, can lie down absolutely money-making, not being able to do well is a several hundred over a thousand hundred million USD big market, first throws several million to occupy a pit, will do to fear casually in the future can also turn dozens over a hundred times, this will be a future gusty area, Wall Street is not naturally willing to miss. 第二个,华尔街本身也是无利不起早的,外卖平台发展潜力巨大,一旦培养出足够的偶的用户群体,绝对能躺着赚钱,搞不好又是一个几百上千亿美元的大市场,先投几千万占一个坑,随便做做将来怕是也能翻个几十上百倍,这是个未来的风口,华尔街自然不愿意错过。 In line with these two thoughts, Wall Street has actually decided to invest money to Lu Yunhao, making him represent itself, rushes to the floor to come up with Li Mu to compete directly. 本着这两个念头,华尔街其实早已经决定投钱给卢允浩,让他代表自己,冲到台面上去跟李牧正面竞争。 However, before the investment , the only issue, is to permit Hao to come to an arrangement about the investment condition with Lu. 不过,投资前唯一的问题,就是要与卢允浩谈妥投资条件。 Therefore, Fang Ping asked Lu Yunhao: Teacher Lu, if you handles this matter, you thought how much money you do need?” 所以,方平问卢允浩:“卢老师,如果是你来做这件事情,你觉得你需要多少钱?” Lu permits to show a faint smile vast, said: I thought that does this matter, competes with Li Mu directly, the request of start fund will be very high.” 卢允浩微微一笑,说:“我觉得做这件事,跟李牧正面竞争,起步资金的要求会很高。” Lu permits also is very at heart clear vast, lets an investment institution to a layman who does not have the undertaking experience invests small two hundred million RMB, simply is dream of a fool. 卢允浩心里也很清楚,让一个投资机构给一个没有创业经验的门外汉投资小两亿人民币,简直就是痴人说梦。 Generally speaking, the investment institution will analyze the investment amount multiple, not only can avoid the risk to the full, but can also gain the maximum benefit for oneself. 一般来说,投资机构会把投资金额拆分成多次,不但可以最大限度避免风险,还能为自己争取最大利益。 For example, if Lu Yunhao must do one to go the platform, does not have the experience, not to have the team based on him, first gave him a five million USD angel round of estimate value already at the most, then threw his million USD angel investments, accounted for he 20% stocks. 比如,卢允浩如果要搞一个外卖平台,基于他没经验、没团队,先给他一个五百万美元的天使轮估值就已经顶天了,然后投他一百万美元天使投资,占他20%的股份。 This million USD, first make Lu permit the vast taking away flower, if the looks at trend is good, even if this 1 million cannot make money, the capital will still be glad supplements again. 这一百万美元,先让卢允浩拿去花,如果看着趋势还不错,即便这一百万没能赚钱回来,资本也会乐于再进行追加。 Thus, Lu Yunhao melts Series A rounds again time, the estimate value may be raised to two Ten Million USD about, the capital can throw to his four million USD again, dilutes he 20% stocks to come out again. 这样,卢允浩再融a轮的时候,估值或许会提升到两千万美元左右,资本可以再投给他四百万美元,再稀释他20%的股份出来。 When the Series A rounds money spent similarly, the Lu Yunhao project revolution also good words, that must start Series B rounds financing, or called a + round of financing, this round of estimate value may enhance to five Ten Million USD and even higher, at this time, the capital threw 1800 million USD again, basically achieved controls stock absolutely. a轮的钱花得差不多了,卢允浩的项目运转还不错的话,那就要启动b轮融资,或者叫a+轮融资,这一轮估值或许会提高到五千万美元甚至更高,这时候,资本再投个千八百万美元,基本上就做到绝对控股了。 Most founders, will more make stock in the hand less in the future, finances the result and unceasingly diluting unceasingly. 大部分的企业创始人,越往后做自己手里的股份越少,就是不断融资、不断稀释的结果。 For example previous life two Boss Ma, own stocks in oneself company not over 10%, after this was diluted by the capital unceasingly, causes. 比如上辈子两位马老板,在自己的公司里持股都不超过10%,这就是被资本不断稀释后导致的。 Lu permits vast intelligent intelligent, he compares most person chicken thieves. 卢允浩聪明就聪明在,他比绝大多数的人都更鸡贼。 Which the chicken is very he can see others' pain spot accurately, then goes all out to poke the pain spot of opposite party with the obese and powerful finger. 鸡贼就是他能准确看到别人的痛点在哪,然后用自己肥胖而有力的手指头拼命去戳对方的痛点。 For example now, he knows, if oneself ask for it two Ten Million USD directly, Fang Ping might ask itself to go out very much, therefore he then said ambiguously a fund of need will be very high. 比如现在,他知道,如果自己直接开口要两千万美元,方平很有可能会请自己出去,于是他便含含糊糊的说了一个需要的资金会很高。 If finances normally, the angel round by the project creativity, is very fierce with five million USD estimate values and million USD investments, but Lu Yunhao hopes that can wrestle one in a big way. 如果正常融资,天使轮靠项目创意,拿五百万美元估值、一百万美元投资就已经很厉害了,但是卢允浩希望能够搏一把大的。 Immediately, he said to Fang Ping: Chief Fang, such project, must do must get there first, that side Li Mu has started, now takes enough many funds to make vigorous efforts to catch up, the caught up probability is very big, but if wants little financing that non-stop repeatedly, that project might be towed by the financing flow on the halfway.” 随即,他对方平说:“方总,这样的项目,要做就要兵贵神速,李牧那边已经起步,现在拿着足够多的资金奋起直追,追上的机率很大,但是如果要一点点的、反复不停的融资,那项目很可能会被融资流程拖死在半路上。” Saying, him is also explaining: You looked, this project looks like drives to hurry along, if prepared the fuel, one breath nonstop opens, can make the best progress, but if the fuel oils in fuel tank are insufficient, every time opens 100 kilometers to enter the service area to refuel, every refuels one time must first with for the oilman tell on oneself a state of roads, operating mode and consumption stage, this time no one can delay.” 说着,他又解释道:“您看,这个项目就像是开车赶路,如果备足了燃油,一口气马不停蹄的开下去,就能够取得最好的成绩,但如果油箱里的油料不足,每开一百公里就要进服务区加油,每一次加油都要先跟供油商讲述自己上一个阶段的路况、工况以及消耗情况,这个时间谁都耽搁不起。” Financing is a flow complicated matter, before each financing, must have the face-to-face talk and road show, completely adjust as well as audit these links, will handle will walk the investment agreement, then hit the funds, this will truly lose a lot of time. 融资是一件流程繁冗的事情,每一次融资之前,都少不了面谈、路演、尽调以及审计这些环节,都搞定了才会走投资协议,然后打款,这确实会耽误很多时间。 Fang Ping at heart also very clear this point, but he is also clear about the idea of Wall Street, money can many, but the stock must permit in the vast hand to strive from Lu much. 方平心里也很清楚这一点,不过他心里也清楚华尔街的想法,钱是可以多给一些,但股份一定要从卢允浩的手中多争取一些。 Therefore, he shows a faint smile, permitted Hao to say to Lu: Mr. Lu, we can first throw your Ten Million USD, our requests are, our ownership percentages can not be lower than 60%, moreover we must retain these stocks the voting rights.” 于是,他微微一笑,对卢允浩说:“卢先生,我们可以先投您一千万美元,不过我们的要求是,我们的持股比例不得低于60%,而且我们要保留这些股份的投票权。” Hears Ten Million USD time, Lu Yunhao one excited, he cannot believe that oneself really have such a day, some people are willing to be invested oneself Ten Million USD, dealt a big project by oneself! 听到一千万美元的时候,卢允浩心里一激动,他不敢相信,自己竟然也有这样的一天,有人愿意投资自己一千万美元、让自己操盘一个大项目! While his heart wild with joy time, he thinks of a logic suddenly, this matter only then does as far as possible in a big way, makes its estimate value higher and higher, oneself truly have money earned, otherwise a trash company, what significance even if the 100% stocks also do have? 正当他内心狂喜不已的时候,他忽然想到一个逻辑,这件事只有尽可能做大、让它的估值越来越高,自己才真正有钱赚,否则一个垃圾公司,就算是自己有100%的股份又有什么意义? Therefore, many of stock, to him is not the too major problem, but, in his opinion, the altitude of opening decided truly this game can walk far. 所以,股份的多少,对他来说不是太大的问题,但是,在他看来,开局的高度才真正决定了这一局到底能走多远。 Therefore he ponders over the moment, said to Fang Ping: Person who Chief Fang, I wholeheartedly want to work, the offer although condition that you said is very good, gives the stock that I reserve is very high, but to me, the probability of accomplishing is not very big.” 于是他思忖片刻,对方平说:“方总,我是一心想做事的人,你说的offer虽然条件很好,给我预留的股份也很高,但对我来说,成事的机率不够大。” Fang Ping asked him: You thought how to make the successful probability to be big enough?” 方平问他:“你觉得怎么做成功的机率才足够大?” Lu permitted Hao saying: I thought that handles this matter, the start must have two Ten Million USD, otherwise the winning percentage is very small, therefore, I am willing to give you 80% stocks, received exchange the angel investments of two Ten Million USD, the only request is in two years, can not use the absolute holding power to replace CEO!” 卢允浩说:“我觉得做这个事情,起步少不了两千万美元,否则的话胜率很小,所以,我愿意给你们80%的股份,来换取两千万美元的天使投资,唯一的要求就是两年内,你们不得利用绝对控股权更换ceo!”
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