RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1733: You have two years

The weather of Boston is very cold, the path two sides are piling up the thick snow, is good in the road surface actually does not have any mud, the whole also seems very clean. 波士顿的天气十分寒冷,道路两边堆积着厚厚的积雪,好在路面上倒是没有什么泥泞,整体还显得十分干净。 Lin Qingya arranges Muye Science and Technology ahead of time in the subsidiary company in Boston, was Li Mu was scheduled a high-end motorcade and security team, Li Mu sits with US (America) President army No. 1 same Cadillac, went with the Su Yingxue approximately good restaurant. 林清雅提前安排牧野科技在波士顿的分公司,为李牧预定了一支高端车队与安保队伍,李牧坐在与美国总统陆军一号一样的凯迪拉克,前往与苏映雪约好的餐厅。 When the motorcade leaves the scheduled good restaurant is also less than one kilometer, Li Mu sees one in the form of roadside careful vanguard, that person puts on white long down-filled garment, packages oneself with the belt/bring thick hair Ling hat solid. 车队离预定好的餐厅还有不到一公里时,李牧看到一个在路边小心前行的身影,那人穿着一件白色的长款羽绒服,用带厚厚毛领的帽子把自己包裹的严严实实。 Why does not know, Li Mu thought that the master of this back, certainly is Su Yingxue. 不知道为什么,李牧觉得这个背影的主人,一定就是苏映雪 Therefore he made the driver stop aside, puts down the glass to shout one toward that girl: Yingxue!” 于是他让司机靠边停车,放下车窗朝着那个女孩喊了一声:“映雪!” Is binding the big hat, but also wears the thick mask, to look down Su Yingxue of road raised the head suddenly, surprised and joyful looks to Li Mu in car(riage). 裹着大帽子,还戴着厚口罩、正在低头看路的苏映雪忽然抬起头来,惊讶而又欣喜的看向车里的李牧 Li Mu hastily opens the door to get out, 32 steps arrive in front of her, asks: How are you walking?” 李牧急忙开门下车,三两步来到她面前,开口问:“你怎么走着过来?” Su Yingxue is pointing at behind, said with a laugh: I take the subway, walked a probably several hundred meters appearance.” 苏映雪指着身后,笑着说:“我坐地铁来的,走了大概几百米的样子。” Li Mu said with a smile: It was too cold, boards.” 李牧笑道:“天太冷了,上车吧。” Su Yingxue blinks, asked him: Can walk? Walking is not cold.” 苏映雪眨了眨眼睛,问他:“要不要走走?走起来就没那么冷了。” Li Mu refreshed nod, reaches out her. 李牧爽快的点了点头,向她伸出了手。 Su Yingxue handing over to Li Mu, Li Mu with own right hand, held in her left hand the pocket conveniently together. 苏映雪把手递给李牧,李牧用自己的右手,顺手把她的左手一起揣进了兜里。 Just went out of few steps, Li Mu then hastily puts on the down-filled garment hat, the cold wind like the knife, blew on the face may really not feel better. 刚走出没几步,李牧便急忙羽绒服的帽子戴上,寒风像刀子一样,吹在脸上可真不好受。 Li Mu cannot bear sigh with emotion: This damned place, may be colder than the Yanjing winter.” 李牧忍不住感慨道:“这鬼地方,比燕京的冬天可冷多了。” Su Yingxue said with a smile: Has not learned the geography you, this place latitude is similar to our Northeast . Moreover the extreme weather is quite common, recently for these days, maximum temperature also only then three-time below zero, Boston under the heavy snow, the snow crosses the knee frequently is routine matter.” 苏映雪笑道:“没学好地理呀你,这地方纬度跟咱们东北差不多,而且极端天气比较常见,最近这几天,最高气温也只有零下三度,波士顿经常下大雪,雪过膝盖都是常事儿。” Li Mu said: You usually may result in take care the good health, be not freezing.” 李牧道:“那你平时可得照顾好身体,别冻着。” Su Yingxue nods, said: School is good, the warm air is quite full, although outside cold weather, but classroom, bedroom and library and so on place, room temperature in more than 20 degrees, so long as does not stay outside is too long, generally There's no problem.” 苏映雪点点头,说:“学校还好,暖气比较足,虽然外面天寒地冻,但是教室、寝室、图书馆之类的地方,室温都在二十多度,只要不在外面待太久,一般都没什么问题。” Saying, Su Yingxue is asking Li Mu: Your this time comes US (America) to discuss the purchase with Ford?” 说着,苏映雪李牧:“你这次来美国是为了跟福特谈收购吗?” Li Mu shows a faint smile: Ford is an aspect, moreover Google was about to go on the market, their invitations I passed with him arrive at NASDAQ to strike a gong together.” 李牧微微一笑:“福特是一方面,另外谷歌快上市了,他们的邀请我过去跟他一起到纳斯达克敲钟。” Su Yingxue said with a smile: „Before I come out, looked purchased the news of Ford brand about you, the Chinese students in school went bad excitedly, the male student in the dormitory shouted that your name, said you were very good.” 苏映雪笑道:“我出来之前还看了关于你收购福特品牌的新闻,学校里的华人学生都兴奋坏了,还有男生在宿舍楼里大喊你的名字,说你特别牛。” Li Mu ridicules saying: Spent a money is very good? This saying must wait for me to stimulate these three half-dead brands at least said again.” 李牧讪笑道:“花了点钱就特别牛了?这话起码也要等我把这三个半死不活的品牌盘活了再说。” Certainly.” Su Yingxue said earnestly: I felt, even if your anything does not do, uses your influence, in addition these three brands, had become the status of China automobile brand by the China corporate acquisition, the domestic sales volume can definitely be raised much.” “一定可以的。”苏映雪认真的说:“我觉得哪怕你什么都不做,就用你的影响力,再加上这三个品牌已经被华夏企业收购、成为华夏汽车品牌的身份,在国内的销量肯定就能提升不少。” Li Mu said: If plays the dozen of national signs, to use everyone the deep love and approval to own nationality, somewhat the meeting feels a little despicable, these brands, have their half-dead truth half-dead, in the final analysis in the overall level of product, in the performance-to-price ratio is also short particularly, otherwise is impossible to reduce to today's this situation, if I their master form original design brought back to China, to sell to own compatriot, even if they are willing to be convinced, I will still feel sorry.” 李牧说:“如果只是打打民族牌、利用大家心里对自己民族的热爱与认可,多少会觉得有点卑鄙,这几个品牌,半死不活有他们半死不活的道理,归根结底在产品的整体水平,尤其是性价比上还有欠缺,否则的话也不可能沦落到今天这个地步,如果我把它们原模原样的带回华夏、卖给自己的同胞,就算他们愿意买账,我自己心里也会过意不去。” Saying, Li Mu was saying earnestly: This 50 hundred million USD, to not buy a making money industry, but to buy an opportunity that subverts the industry, to be bigger and stronger, therefore a long time, I may not change these three brands in the future the operation modes, but the ant moves to be the same, moves to China to go their most hardware and software, then lets them in the China revival, by that time, I will make them the world's first -class automobile brand.” 说着,李牧认真道:“这五十亿美元,不是为了买一个赚钱的产业,而是为了买一个颠覆产业、做大做强的机会,所以未来很长一段时间,我可能不会去更改这三个品牌的运作模式,只是蚂蚁搬家一样,把它们大部分的硬件和软件搬到华夏去,然后让它们在华夏涅槃重生,到那个时候,我会让它们成为全世界一流的汽车品牌。” Su Yingxue said with a laugh: I believe you, believes soon, these three brands can in your hands the rebirth.” 苏映雪笑着说:“我相信你,相信用不了多久,这三个品牌就能在你手里重生。” Li Mu stops the footsteps, looks at Su Yingxue, earnest asking: Yingxue, do you like the automobile?” 李牧停下脚步,看着苏映雪,认真的问:“映雪,你喜欢汽车吗?” Su Yingxue vigilant looks at he: Does, do not deliver me the car(riage)?” 苏映雪警惕的看着他:“干嘛,你不是要送我车吧?” Li Mu said with a smile: Not?” 李牧笑道:“不可以吗?” Su Yingxue shakes the head, said with a laugh: I cannot use the car(riage) now, one week will not have school a time, cannot use completely.” 苏映雪摇摇头,笑着说:“我现在用不到车,一个礼拜也不会出一次学校,完全用不到。” Li Mu un, asked: I asked purely your, do you like the car(riage)?” 李牧嗯了一声,又问:“那我单纯的问你一句,你喜欢车吗?” Su Yingxue said with a smile: I also replied you purely, liked, otherwise not college entrance examination, as soon as finished tests the driver's license with you together.” 苏映雪笑道:“那我也单纯的回答你,喜欢,不然的话也不会高考一结束就跟你一起去考驾照。” Li Mu asked him: How do you see the automobile? Or do you like which point of automobile?” 李牧问他:“你怎么看汽车?或者说,你喜欢汽车的哪一点?” Su Yingxue somewhat stares, asked him: Properly speaking you should not ask that the car(riage) of what brand I like, or what type car(riage) likes?” 苏映雪有些愣,问他:“按理说你不是应该问我喜欢什么牌子的车,或者喜欢什么类型的车吗?” Li Mu said with a laugh: First answered my issue.” 李牧笑着说:“先回答我的问题。” Su Yingxue thinks, said: I felt the automobile, not only a commodity, a tool, many moods in inside, it are the look as well as free extending of extending and both legs of average person speed, moreover is one of national industries the people most pay attention, therefore its energy density is very high, this is I likes the automobile is at essential.” 苏映雪想了想,道:“我觉得汽车不只是一种商品,一种工具,还有很多情怀在里面,它是普通人速度的延伸、双腿的眼神以及自由的延伸,而且也是民众最关注的民族工业之一,所以它的能量密度是非常高的,这是我喜欢汽车的最关键所在。” Li Mu nods, said: I suggest you from now on, contacts some auto industries the related knowledge, particularly auto industry type frequently tens of thousands people of business management, as well as spread the sale network build of the world, besides automobile's industry level, these two points the effect on the automobile enterprise is also significant.” 李牧点点头,道:“那我建议你从现在开始,多接触一些汽车行业的相关知识,尤其是汽车行业这种动辄几万人的企业管理,以及遍及全球的销售网搭建,除了汽车本身的工业水平之外,这两点对汽车企业的影响也非常重大。” Su Yingxue said with a smile: This inside knowledge may big go, more than ten 20 years are very not difficult to achieve to be skilled.” 苏映雪笑道:“这里面的学问可大了去了,没个十几二十年很难做到精通。” Li Mu said: You have two years.” 李牧说:“你有两年时间。” Asking of Su Yingxue surprise: Two years? What do you mean?” 苏映雪诧异的问:“两年?什么意思?” Li Mu said earnestly: I should complete in three months to the purchases of Ford three child brands, will then establish Muye Automobile Group, Stage 1 moves to China to go these three brands, Stage 2 is internally integrates to these three brands and autonomous brands, after the conformity, launches the new model immediately, quick words more than one year the new cars have not gone on the market even still have started to conduct to test in around the world, when your university graduates, Muye Automobile Group should also take the right track.” 李牧认真道:“我应该会在三个月内完成对福特三个子品牌的收购,然后就会成立牧野汽车集团,第一阶段是把这三个品牌搬到华夏去,第二阶段就是在国内对这三个品牌以及自主品牌进行整合,整合之后就会立刻推出新车型,快的话一年多时间新车就算没上市也已经开始在全世界各地进行测试了,等你大学毕业,牧野汽车集团应该也走上正轨了。” At this point, Li Mu looks at Su Yingxue, said seriously: „After I wants you to graduate, join Muye Automobile Group on returning to homeland.” 说到这里,李牧看着苏映雪,严肃的说:“我希望你毕业之后就回国加入牧野汽车集团。” Su Yingxue sees Li Mu not to crack a joke, almost nod of without hesitation, said: My these two years time makes the best use of the time to promote itself.” 苏映雪李牧不是在开玩笑,几乎不假思索的点了点头,道:“那我这两年时间抓紧时间提升自己。” Li Mu asked: What position aren't you curious I to prepare to make you make?” 李牧问:“你就不好奇我准备让你做什么职位?” Su Yingxue said with a laugh: Listens to you to arrange and that's the end, you arrange what me to make anything.” 苏映雪笑着说:“听你安排就是了,你安排什么我就做什么。” Li Mu nods, said: „After and other Muye Automobile Group were established, I will hold a concurrent post, but I hope that in the future this position can give you.” 李牧点点头,道:“等牧野汽车集团成立之后,我会兼任,不过我希望将来这个的职位能够交给你。” This the Su Yingxue expression is amazed extremely, does not know all of a sudden how to reply. “这”苏映雪表情惊诧万分,一下子不知道如何回答。 Li Mu said with a laugh: Do not suspect, believes me, you make the material of capable woman inborn, since this, why later goes to working of 500 strong enterprises, was inferior oneself participate in a birth of new 500 strong enterprise, I believe that will happen one day, Muye Automobile Group not only can become global 500 enterprises, can become the apex of the world auto industry.” 李牧笑着说:“别怀疑,相信我,你是天生做女强人的料,既然这样,以后何必去五百强企业的打工,不如自己参与一家新五百强企业的诞生,我相信,终有一天,牧野汽车集团不仅能够成为世界500强企业,也能成为世界汽车行业的顶尖。” Su Yingxue bites the lip, wants to say anything, but has words on the tip of the tongue and swallows back. 苏映雪咬了咬嘴唇,想说什么,但话到嘴边又咽了回去。 She wants to say own that ability has not held the post of an automobile group, but she felt, since Li Mu this plan, oneself how regardless of cannot at this time feel oneself are not this brick, in the future the time what will be much, to oneself enough time, oneself not necessarily cannot become Li Mu to want by a that capable woman who become. 她本想说自己没那个能力去担任一家汽车集团的,但她又觉得,李牧既然有了这个打算,那自己无论如何也不能在这个时候就觉得自己不是这块料,将来时间还多的是,给自己足够的时间,自己未必不可以成为李牧想让自己成为的那种女强人。 Thinks of this, the Su Yingxue expression said very much firmly: I certainly whole-heartedly, but the words must first reach an agreement, if I have this skill, I will certainly receive this position, but if I cannot reach this level when the time comes, you may not probably force somebody to do something he incapable of!” 想到这,苏映雪表情很是坚定的说:“我一定会全力以赴,但是话要先说好,如果我有这个本事,我一定会接下这个职位,可如果我到时候达不到这个水平,你可不许赶鸭子上架!” The Li Mu nod said: You could rest assured that if I think that you are not really good, I will certainly not compel you.” 李牧点头说道:“你放心,如果我心里认为你真的不行,我一定不会逼你。” Su Yingxue relaxes, said earnestly: That settled.” 苏映雪松了口气,认真道:“那就这么说定了。” When must take Ford these three brands, Li Mu has thought this issue. 早在要拿下福特这三个品牌的时候,李牧就想过这个问题。 Since decided that must make an automobile group, this matter toward biggest doing, that must have a trustworthy person, moreover is ability enough person. 既然决定要做一个汽车集团,把这件事情往最大了搞,那就必须要有一个自己信得过的人,而且是能力足够的人。 Su Yingxue previous life achieved the foreign enterprises executive, although was not clear that actually she made anything specifically, the working ability how, the miss but who her small place came out, can crawl in 500 strong foreign enterprises by oneself step by step upward, this showed that she had certainly very strong ability. 苏映雪上辈子做到了外企高管,虽然自己不清楚她具体都做什么、工作能力究竟如何,但她一个小地方出来的姑娘,能够靠自己在五百强外企里一步步往上爬,这就证明她一定有很强的能力。 Since there is this background, has the possibility of doing, behind also has itself to control the general situation let alone, will not be big to the Su Yingxue policy-making pressure. 既然有这个底子,就有做的可能,更何况背后还有自己把控大局,给到苏映雪的决策压力不会太大。 It looks like in Li Mu, no one compared with her more suitable this position. 李牧看来,没人比她更适合这个职位。 Later, Muye Automobile Group gives Su Yingxue to be responsible, Muye Pictures gives Chen Wan, Wanying Real Estate although is not the industry of Muye Science and Technology, but oneself own stocks also over 30, later all things in real estate gives Wei Lan entirely. 以后,牧野汽车集团就交给苏映雪来负责,牧野映象就交给陈婉,万盈地产虽然不是牧野科技的产业,但自己持股也超过30,以后在地产方面的所有事情就统统交给蔚澜 Chen Wan and Wei Lan have been verified in the cultural entertainment the ability of industry as well as real estate industry, as for Su Yingxue, Li Mu does not worry, oneself can make her grow slowly, time also early. 陈婉蔚澜在文化娱乐行业以及房地产行业的能力是已经得到印证的,至于苏映雪,李牧也不着急,自己可以让她慢慢成长,时间还早。 Came to an arrangement about this matter with her, Li Mu especially is at heart comfortable. 与她谈妥了这件事,李牧心里格外舒坦。 Two people stroll in the cold Boston street, although ice-cold biting cold, the feeling that but this type of holding hands walks in the foreign country shoulder to shoulder makes people especially warm. 两人漫步在寒冷的波士顿街头,虽然冰冷彻骨,但这种牵手在异国他乡并肩行走的感觉却让人格外温暖。 Has had the dinner together, comes out, the sky of Boston hiked up the goose feathers heavy snow. 一起吃过晚餐,出来的时候,波士顿的天空又飘起了鹅毛般的大雪。 The time to the night, the temperature also reduced quickly much compared with before. 时间快到深夜,气温也比之前降低了不少。 Li Mu wants to bring Su Yingxue to board directly, but her actually face anticipation asking Li Mu: Snowed, must feeling that tries in the snow to stroll?” 李牧本想直接带着苏映雪上车,但她却一脸期待的问李牧:“下雪了,要不要试试雪中漫步的感觉?” Li Mu said with a smile: Good, but we cannot turn back the hotel, if memory serves, the hotel leaves here is very far.” 李牧笑道:“好啊,不过我们可不能就这么一路走回酒店,如果没记错的话,酒店离这里还是挺远的。” The cheeks of Su Yingxue become in the cold wind slightly red, she somewhat shy nods to Li Mu, said: We walk for 20 minutes!” 苏映雪的脸颊在寒风中变得微红,她有些羞涩的对李牧点了点头,说:“我们就走二十分钟!”
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