RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1732: Resolving

Toyota section south was awakened the dreamboat by a father language. 丰田章南被父亲一语惊醒梦中人。 Japan is a society of polarization, few people are extremely sane, but some people is extremely not sane. 日本是一个两极分化的社会,一部分人极其理智,但又有一部分人极其的不理智。 These year of Japanese Enterprises go all out to develop the home market, has developed an pinnacle the home market, but worked as the market to an pinnacle, the human nature will also achieve an pinnacle. 这些年日本企业拼命开发本土市场,已经把本土市场开发到了一种极致,而当市场到了一种极致的时候,人性也会达到一种极致。 For example, Japan makes the intellectual property the enterprise, the meeting wants completely all means development even to squeeze the fans surplus values, a cartoon, not only need publish the entity cartoon, but must make the animation anthology and animated film, then must go all out to deep cut peripheral, for example reaches as high as this ip, light/only the hand managed the market to be developed the pinnacle by Japanese Enterprise. 比如,日本做知识产权的企业,会想尽一切办法开发甚至压榨粉丝的剩余价值,一部漫画,不但要出版实体漫画,还要做成动画剧集以及动画电影,然后还要拼了命去深挖周边,比如高达这个ip,光手办市场就已经被日本企业开发到了极致。 Reaches as high as fans, to make qualified fans, the light has the enthusiasm is not enough, but must have enough money support. 一个高达粉丝,如果想做一个合格的粉丝,光有热情是远远不够的,还要有足够的金钱支撑。 Japanese Enterprise makes fans wallow with this method unceasingly, the most direct function was expedites childbirth fans that had the collection hobby massively, they nearly will be crazy crazily changed into the product all money, piled up with the entire room the comic book, the hand office and Game cassette, they will wallow in these enterprises to the virtual world or the Utopia that they built, then expedited all kinds of two dimensions or slightly the somewhat abnormal culture. 日本企业不断用这种方法让粉丝沉迷其中,最直接的作用就是催生出了大量有收集癖的粉丝,他们会近乎痴狂的把所有的钱换成产品,把漫画书、手办、游戏卡带堆满整间屋子,他们会沉迷于这些企业给他们营造出来的虚拟世界或者乌托邦,进而催生出各种各样的二次元或者略微有些畸形的文化。 For example, Japan has large number of death dwellings and waste firewood, to gnaw the old clan, over 40 years old do not work to hide at home with the comic book or animation Game for the community of partner in Japan are hundreds of thousands of ideas. 比如,日本有大量的死宅、废柴、啃老族,四十多岁不工作躲在家里与漫画书或者动漫游戏为伴的群体在日本都是数十万计。 The social environment made the Japanese young people turn into „the Heisei waste firewood from Showa son, making them lose the true reason. 社会环境让日本年轻人从“昭和男儿”变成了“平成废柴”,让他们失去了真正的理智。 But this, but loses reason one performance. 而这,只是“失去理智”的一种表现。 A performance, is thorough following blindly. 还有一种表现,就是彻底的盲从。 The youth realized that follows the idol that oneself like or worships willingly, the idol lets them toward east, they can immediately toward east. 年轻人群体会心甘情愿的追随自己喜欢或者崇拜的偶像,偶像让他们往东,他们就会立刻往东。 The young people in nation regard as the idol Li Mu, if Li Mu really played the automobile, was very difficult to guarantee that these young people will not come under their influences. 全国的年轻人都把李牧视为偶像,如果李牧真的玩起了汽车,很难保证这些年轻人不会受到他们的影响。 In Japanese this automobile popular rate very high country, the auto sales are supporting by the young people, if this generation of young people collective treachery, the domestic market ended. 在日本这个汽车普及率很高的国家,汽车销量本身就是靠年轻人在支撑,如果这一代年轻人集体倒戈,国内的市场就完了。 A Toyota chapter of one court attendant most worried. 丰田章壹郎对此最为担忧。 In his eyes, the home market is Toyota, supreme headquarters that as well as Japanese all car(riage) business must guard full power. 在他眼里,本土市场是丰田,以及日本所有车企必须全力捍卫的大本营。 This strong territory consciousness, coming from in day is the car(riage) these years healthy development, in the post-war these years, day was the car(riage) not only expelled the home market most import cars, but also obtained the great success in the entire world, to the Japanese automobile enterprise, the home market absolute percentage, looked like their totem, was the biggest faith support that marched to the market outside native place. 这种强烈的领地意识,源自于日系车这些年的茁壮发展,在战后这几十年里,日系车不但把绝大多数的进口车赶出了本土市场,还在全世界取得了巨大成功,对日本汽车企业来说,本土市场绝对的占有率,就像是他们内心的图腾,是他们向本土以外的市场进军的最大信念支撑。 However, makes a Toyota chapter of one court attendant regrettable only, is the day is the car(riage) cannot guard the market of native place in the luxury car domain. 不过,唯一让丰田章壹郎遗憾的,就是日系车没能在豪华车领域捍卫住本土的市场。 Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari or Lamborghini, as before are the Japanese serious apex expensive cars, in addition, the influence of Mercedes in Japan is also very big, these brands were approved in Japan compared with the Lexus of Toyota. 劳斯莱斯、宾利法拉利或者兰博基尼,依旧是日本人严重的顶尖豪车,除此之外,奔驰在日本的影响力也很大,这些品牌都比丰田的雷克萨斯在日本更受认可。 Is good because of the Japanese luxury car market is not very big, this point is similar to China, moreover drives the top expensive car, mostly is the top rich and powerful people as well as their children, their market proportions were very small. 好在日本豪华车市场本身就不是很大,这一点跟华夏差不多,而且开顶尖豪车的,大都是顶级富豪以及他们的子女,他们的市场占比本来就很小。 Besides the luxury car, other car(riage)s are basically equal to insulating in Japan, beautiful is the car(riage) miserable not necessarily compares favorably with a China 4s shop to the entire Japanese sales volume in the Japanese market, in the Japanese year best-selling first 30 models, no is an import car, uniform is the model of Japanese homegrown brand. 除了豪华车之外,其他的车在日本本土基本等于绝缘,美系车在日本市场惨到全日本销量都未必比得上华夏一家4s店,日本年度畅销前30的车型里面,没有一家是进口车,清一色全是日本本土品牌的车型。 Is so, a Toyota chapter of one court attendant more feels this pure precious and hard-won, if the model of import car can rush to the Japanese sales volume first 30, to him was equal to that the home market drove out the front door by the foreign brand. 越是如此,丰田章壹郎越觉得这种纯粹的珍贵与来之不易,如果有一款进口车能够冲上日本本土销量前三十,对他来说等于本土市场被外国品牌轰开了大门。 If the model of import car can rush to the native sales volume first ten, in a Toyota chapter of one court attendant, is equal to the native place to fall into enemy hands simply. 如果有一款进口车能够冲上本土销量前十,在丰田章壹郎心里,简直等同于本土失守。 Originally, he never thinks that which overseas automobile brand can rush to the sales volume in Japan first 30, but why does not know, when heard that Li Mu must pitch into the car industry, he some ominous premonition, this premonition made him feel suddenly, Li Mu may use a model of automotive product like YY very much, opens the entrance of Japanese auto market. 原本,他从来不认为有哪一个海外汽车品牌能在日本冲上销量前三十,可是不知道为什么,在听说李牧要进军汽车产业的时候,他忽然有了一种不祥的预感,这种预感让他觉得,李牧很有可能用一款像yy一样的汽车产品,打开日本汽车市场的国门。 In his opinion, once the home market was opened a gap by Li Mu, the confidence of Japanese automobile manufacturing corporation greatly is attacked, similarly, if Li Mu can sell Japan to come the car(riage), he can sell entire world any place the car(riage). 在他看来,一旦本土市场被李牧打开一个缺口,日本汽车制造企业的信心将受到巨大的打击,同样的,如果李牧能把车卖到日本来,那他就能把车卖到全世界任何一个地方去。 If by some chance he really steps on satisfies the need, by his fund and resources, will become the entire traditional auto industry biggest enemy. 万一他真的踩对了路,以他的资金和资源,将成为整个传统汽车行业最大的敌人。 ...... …… When Li Mu arrives in Boston, China time already to morning. 李牧抵达波士顿的时候,华夏时间已经到了早上。 Actually from early morning time, the domestic media had received the message, their office in US already this important news feedback home, but the domestic media also prepared the news material at the same night, prepared to start to conduct a round hiding the sky and covering the earth propaganda campaign from the morning news. 其实从凌晨的时候,国内的媒体就已经收到了消息,他们的驻美办事处早就把这一重大新闻回传国内,而国内的媒体也连夜准备好了新闻素材,准备从早间新闻开始进行一轮铺天盖地的宣传攻势。 Li Mu just just restored in Boston landing and phone signal, Director that CCTV is responsible for the news calls him, this Director and Li Mu know are very long, there are several cooperation, can be some personal friendship. 李牧刚在波士顿落地、手机信号刚刚恢复,央视一位负责新闻的总监就给他打了个电话,这位总监李牧认识很久,也有过几次合作,算得上是有些私交。 Telephone just a connection, Mr. Li to convenience exciting inquiry, before one hour, we received the message saying that you purchased three automobile brands from Ford hand, was this matter true?” 电话刚一接通,对方便兴奋的询问“李先生,一个多小时前我们收到消息说你从福特手里收购了三个汽车品牌,请问这件事情属实吗?” The Li Mu say/way is true, Muye Science and Technology has reached the preliminary intention with Ford, the capitalization purchases Ford affiliated Jaguar Land Rover as well as Volvo these three brands.” 李牧道“属实,牧野科技已经和福特达成初步意向,全资收购福特旗下的捷豹路虎以及沃尔沃这三个品牌。” The opposite party said excited that may really be good! The China corporate acquisition overseas automobile brand, this is the first time of our domestic private enterprise, I want to ask, what plan do you then have to these three brands?” 对方激动不已的说“那可真是太好了!华夏企业收购海外汽车品牌,这还是咱们国内民营企业的第一次,我想请问一下,你接下来对这三个品牌有什么样的规划呢?” Li Mu also has nothing to conceal, then said truthfully „after and other purchases were completed, we will shift one after another part of capacities domestic, then establishes one to make the group of automobile to manage and operate internally specially these three brands, in the meantime, we will also establish our automobile brand, the brand establishes provisionally that for Muye, I can promise the whole nation, future Muye Automobile Group has maintained 100 magnificence capital bloodlines, resolving to make our China person own medium high-end household passenger vehicle of!” 李牧也没什么好掩饰的,便如实说道“等收购完成之后,我们会陆续把一部分产能转移到国内,然后在国内成立一个专门做汽车的集团来管理和运营这三个品牌,同时,我们也将创立一个我们自己的汽车品牌,品牌暂定为‘牧野’,我可以向全国人民保证,未来的牧野汽车集团会一直保持100华资血统,立志要做我们华夏人自己的中高端家用汽车!” Li Mu's lofty aspirations and high ideals do not need any hidden, believe his person to listen to feel one's blood bubbles up to the brim, will not believe his person to think that as if heard fantasy story. 李牧的雄心壮志不需要任何隐藏,信他的人听了会觉得热血沸腾,不信他的人会觉得仿佛听到了天方夜谭。 However Li Mu is indifferent, he works always lifts up high the skyer, producing the automobile naturally is also same, definitely does not need to cover up. 不过李牧对此无所谓,他做事一向高举高打,造汽车自然也是一样,完全没必要遮遮掩掩。 Li Mu's replied, making this Director especially excited, his hastily inquired that Li Mu we can in the news, broadcasts your reply?” 李牧的回答,让这位总监格外激动,他急忙询问李牧“我们可不可以在新闻节目中,把你的回答播出去?” Li Mu said naturally sure, so long as do not make the second processing not to have the issue.” 李牧非常大方的说“当然可以,只要别做二次加工就没问题。” Oneself had said words recognize inevitably, but sometimes, the media will add inflammatory details, such words may be unable to recognize, for example said today that must produce the China person own high-end automobile, turn head the media said oneself must get rid of Mercedes BMW Audi, this was awkward. 自己说过的话自己必然认,但有些时候,媒体会添油加醋,那样的话自己可就不能认了,比如今天自己说要造华夏人自己的高端汽车,回头媒体说自己要干掉奔驰宝马奥迪,这就尴尬了。 From around 6 : 00, CCTV major TV Station start to purchase the important news of Ford three brands to Li Mu reported with emphasis, these three brand although cannot compare Mercedes BMW Audi in the China popularity, but in the impression of people is also the sequence of luxury car, therefore this news comes out, internally triggers the huge reaction immediately! 从六点多开始,央视在内的各大电视台就开始对李牧收购福特三个品牌的重大新闻进行重点报道,这三个品牌虽然华夏知名度比不上奔驰宝马奥迪,但在民众的印象中也都算是豪华车的序列,所以这个消息一出来,在国内立刻引发了巨大的反响! The general public performance is surprised, excited and is proud, no one can think, founder of Li Mu as internet enterprise, will purchase three quite famous automobile brands unexpectedly suddenly. 普通民众对此的表现是惊讶、兴奋与自豪,谁也想不到,李牧作为一个互联网企业的创始人,竟然会突然之间收购了三个颇有名气的汽车品牌。 The China independent automobile is always emaciated, the market trades idea although of technology to be good, but the reality holds many to be somewhat regrettable, the reform and opening more than 20 years, the China economic development was rapid, various trades and occupations progress by leaps and bounds, but the independent automobile, still had not found the opportunity of rise only. 要知道,华夏自主汽车一向羸弱,市场换技术的想法虽然非常好,但是实操起来多少有些遗憾,以至于改革开放二十多年了,华夏经济发展迅速、各行各业突飞猛进,但惟独自主汽车,一直没有找到崛起的机会。 On the avenue runs most, is populace, next is Suzuki, Toyota and Honda, people regard as the expensive car Mercedes BMW Audi, regards as has Toyota and Honda the face home car(riage), but domestic car, except for small surface, Picka and small goods, remaining has one is, is the inexpensive car(riage) sequence. 大街上跑的最多的,是大众,其次是铃木、丰田和本田,人们把奔驰宝马奥迪视作豪车,把丰田、本田视为有面子的家用车,但国产车,除了小面、皮卡和小货,剩下的有一个算一个,全是廉价车序列。 Xiali? small advantage is really small advantage, but overall performance, not the slightest difference from its price, is the performance-to-price ratio high? Does not exist, can only say one cent one point of goods, half a point money naturally also on the half a point goods ; 夏利?便宜是真便宜,但整体表现,也和它的价格一般无二,性价比高?不存在的,只能说一分钱一分货,半分钱自然也就半分货; Luck? Most model localizations have no difference from Xiali, beautiful woman leopard that model of car(riage) has become the laughingstock of car lover ; 吉力?大部分车型定位与夏利没什么区别,美人豹那款车已经成为爱车人士的笑柄; Chery? The QQ although sales volume is very high, but it truly is also only the entry-level model of least significant end ; 奇瑞?qq虽然销量很高,但它确实也只是最低端的入门级车型而已; The red flag is truly famous, is the model of red flag is expensive . Moreover the sales volume is very low, cannot be counted is a model of private car . Moreover, the red flag of this year, is changes shell's Audi 100 in the final analysis. 红旗确实大名鼎鼎,可是红旗的车型贵,而且销量很低、不能算作是一款私家车,而且,说到底这年头的红旗,就是换壳的奥迪100。 In such environment, people have been hoping heart that the domestic products rise, but does to the domestic car unable to draw the attention of everyone the progress, this has become a very big regret in people heart. 在这样的环境下,民众心里一直有一颗期盼着国货崛起的心,但奈何国产车一直没有能够让人眼前一亮的进步,这已经成了人们心中的一个很大的遗憾。 But with the lapse of time, this regret will be only getting more and more intense. 而随着时间的推移,这种遗憾只会越来越强烈。 But now, Li Mu not making a sound takes three automobile brands, not only need transfer to China some capacities of these three brands, but must create own automobile brand in China, this is equivalent to the feeling of penniless independent automobile suddenly sudden wealth simply. 可是现在,李牧不声不响的拿下三个汽车品牌,不但要把这三个品牌的部分产能移到华夏,还要在华夏创建自己的汽车品牌,这简直就相当于一贫如洗的自主汽车忽然暴富的感觉。 CCTV is always liberal with the commendation to Li Mu, in their reports said that looks like the entrepreneur who Li Mu this having an emotional tie with China, has an emotional tie with the China manufacture, is example that all China entrepreneurs learn from.” 央视从来对李牧都是不吝称赞,他们的报道中说“像李牧这种心系华夏、心系华夏制造的企业家,是所有华夏企业家学习的榜样。” On internet, under each related news, some mass users leave a message, their messages make people feel one's blood bubbles up to the brim, many people said that they believe Li Mu can certainly be bigger and stronger the domestic-made independent automobile, moreover makes the commitment, said that if Muye own automobile listing, certainly supports unconditionally, regardless of their opinions whether stems from the sincerity, can have this attitude, is Li Mu's Muye Automobile laid the solid ground! 互联网上,每一篇相关新闻下面,都有大量用户留言,他们的留言让人感到热血沸腾,很多人表示他们相信李牧一定能把国产自主汽车做大做强,而且做出承诺,称如果牧野自己的汽车上市,一定无条件支持,无论他们的这番言论是否出自真心,能有这个态度,就已经为李牧的牧野汽车打下了坚实的地基! .
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