RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1731: Panic of Toyota

The Li Mu's private plane has not landed on Boston, Muye Science and Technology and Ford achieve the news of purchase intention, has triggered the competition report of entire Western media. 李牧的私人飞机还没在波士顿降落,牧野科技与福特达成收购意向的新闻,就已经引发了整个西方媒体的竞相报道。 The although Muye Science and Technology business is many, from social software to Portal website again to online music, online Game and hardware development, data service wait/etc, but these were bad the long distance with the automobile manufacture industry. 虽然牧野科技的业务繁多,从社交软件到门户网站再到在线音乐、在线游戏、硬件开发、数据服务等等,但这些都跟汽车制造行业差了十万八千里。 Such internet Corporation, must make the automobile suddenly, this gives the surprised degree of people, looking like nasa decided suddenly makes the real estate to be the same, because this is completely two industries of having nothing to do with one another. 这样一个互联网公司,忽然要做汽车,这给民众的惊讶程度,就像是nasa忽然决定做房地产一样,因为这完全是风马牛不相及的两个行业。 Moreover, those who keep the people from understanding, the Li Mu one breath bought three brands from Ford hand, this weaponry is really somewhat is much bigger. 而且,更让民众无法理解的是,李牧一口气就从福特手里买了三个品牌,这阵仗实在是有些大得惊人。 Most surprised is person in the auto industry, particularly the day was virtue is the high level of automobile brand. 最惊讶的莫过于汽车行业里的人,尤其是日系和德系汽车品牌的高层。 Present stage, Li Mu, regardless of enters any industry, the person who lets this industry sufficiently is tense, he kills the auto industry by such big battle formation suddenly, in the feeling to industry, will look like will soon face an aggression. 现阶段,李牧无论进入任何一个行业,都足以让这个行业的人紧张起来,他以这么大的阵势忽然杀进汽车行业,给行业内的感觉,就像是即将面临一场侵略。 The matter that Li Mu is good at handling is broken then stands, enters an industry, first demolishes this industry, then rebuilds own homeland from the ruins. 李牧擅长做的事情是破而后立,进入一个行业,先把这个行业摧垮,然后再从废墟里重建自己的家园。 It looks like the p3 player, ango- comes , the entire industry came under the drastic effect, is far from his small advantage that it is better, its small advantage is also far from him being better , the product of same price, the performance-to-price ratio also compared it to lower a big truncation. 就像是p3播放器,ango-一进来,全行业都受到了巨大的影响,比它好的远没有他便宜,比它便宜的也远没有他好,同价位的产品,性价比也比它低了一大截。 As the matter stands, strong in the ango- product, is weak in its product, or with its strength suitable product, greatly will be affected. 这样一来,无论是强于ango-的产品,还是弱于它的产品,或者与它实力相当的产品,都会受到巨大的影响。 Li Mu kills the auto industry suddenly, no one knows that he can do the automobile with ango- that set. 李牧忽然杀进汽车行业,谁都不知道他会不会用ango-那一套来搞汽车。 In this, only calm, is German Daimler. 这里面,唯一淡定的,是德国戴姆勒。 Daimler through Goldberg Family Davisson, has long known ahead of time Li Mu purchases these three brands the intentions, they also obtained Li Mu to purchase these three brands from Davisson there the motive moods. 戴姆勒早就通过goldberg家族的戴维森,提前知道了李牧收购这三个品牌的意向,他们从戴维森那里也得到了李牧购买这三个品牌的动机情怀。 Knows is the mood, Daimler as well as affiliated most important brand Mercedes Mercedes extremely had not been worried. 得知是情怀,戴姆勒以及旗下最重要的品牌梅赛德斯奔驰并没有太过担心。 However other brands, more or less some worried faintly. 但是其他品牌,或多或少都有些隐隐担忧。 BMW although felt, by these three brands of Li Mu purchase, even if can do well, not possible more outstanding than BMW, but, they feared that Li Mu does performance-to-price ratio that set, if makes these model of disgusting competitor only like ango-, that also is really enough has a headache. 宝马虽然觉得,以李牧收购的这三个品牌来看,就算搞得好,也不可能比宝马优秀,但是,他们又怕李牧搞性价比那一套,万一净弄那些像ango-一样恶心竞争对手的车型,那还真是够头疼的。 The populace also a little worried that Li Mu takes the performance-to-price ratio route, once Li Mu plays that type my thing possibly not to have your good, but certainly are more than this way your small advantage, was really enough headachy. 大众也有点担心李牧走性价比路线,一旦李牧玩那种“我的东西可能没你的好,但一定比你便宜很多”这种路数,就真是足够让人头痛了。 Automobile thing is this, if the medium sedan of Jaguar with BMW, Audi or the Mercedes medium sedan, differs not in a big way in the selling price, virtue is the troika does not pay attention. 汽车这东西就是这样,如果捷豹的中型轿车跟宝马、奥迪或者奔驰的中型轿车,在售价上相差不大,德系三驾马车绝不把它放在眼里。 Naturally, they do not fear Jaguar to reduce prices, how to fall again must have a cost to be placed there, fell little, was not enough to pull away itself and disparity of troika, fell, let alone threatened the troika, did not go on living including oneself. 当然,他们也不怕捷豹降价,再怎么降也要有个成本摆在那里,降少了,不足以拉开自己和三驾马车的差距,降多了别说威胁到三驾马车,连自己都活不下去。 However, once Li Mu meddles, that repertoire is completely different. 但是,李牧一旦插手进来,那套路就完全不一样了。 Did p3 that group of people like before, they felt how Li Mu fell again, was impossible to be lower than the cost line, finally Li Mu had the means to be lower than them own cost control. 就像以前搞p3的那帮人,他们都觉得,李牧再怎么降,也不可能低于成本线,结果李牧就是有办法把自己的成本控制到比他们还要低。 For example, this fellow made shopping website directly, did the logistics company, regardless all middle men and channel costs and logistic cost, sells p3 from online directly to the user, this who can play he? 比如,这家伙直接弄了个购物网站,搞了个物流公司,抛开所有中间商和渠道成本、物流成本,直接从线上卖p3给用户,这谁能玩的过他? However is good because of the auto industry is different from p3 completely, p3 is the ultralight magnitude product, the automobile is the heavyweight product, moreover possibly is in the civil rank most heavyweight manufactured products, has the family of automobile, what is most valuable is the house, next is an automobile, behind this heavy product tedious degree is also the how much increases, Li Mu can on online sell p3, can he on online sell the car(riage)? Is impossible...... 不过好在汽车行业跟p3完全不同,p3是个超轻量级产品,汽车则是重量级产品,而且可能是民用级别里最重量级的工业产品,多数拥有汽车的家庭,最值钱的是房子,其次就是汽车,这种重型产品背后的繁琐程度也是几何倍增加,李牧能在线上卖p3,他能在线上卖车吗?不可能的…… In this, most is worried is the Japanese automobile enterprise. 这里面,最担心的就是日本汽车企业。 The Japanese many small, competition is fierce, therefore the Japanese pioneers work the quite heavy detail, the sense of crisis is also quite heavy. 日本人多地小、竞争激烈,所以日本创业者做事都比较重细节,危机感也比较重。 Knowing Li Mu must make the automobile anxiously, the high level of Honda, Toyota and Nissan perspiration of forehead. 得知李牧要做汽车,本田、丰田、日产的高层都急了一脑门子的汗。 Especially Toyota, their outdoor shop is biggest, the sense of crisis is also most serious. 尤其丰田,他们摊子最大,危机感也最严重。 The leadership in Toyota North America ignores the time difference, called the conference call high-level early morning of Japanese Headquarters, was almost nothing time difference, purchased the Ford affiliated three automobile brands the news to tell the domestic high level Li Mu. 丰田北美的高层不顾时差,把日本总部的高层凌晨叫起来开了个视频会议,几乎是没有什么时间差的,把李牧收购福特旗下三个汽车品牌的消息告诉了国内的高层。 In the Japanese management, almost each quickly grasping the meaning of something of frightening. 身在日本本土的高层管理人员,几乎各个吓的一个激灵。 Toyota is different from Ford, Ford's administrative mode opens greatly gathers greatly, therefore becomes is also it and defeat is also it, Toyota fights steadily step by step, completely like Li Mu for oneself plan, carefully. 丰田跟福特不一样,福特的管理模式是大开大合,所以成也是它、败也是它,丰田则是一步步稳扎稳打,完全是像李牧为自己规划的那样,一步一个脚印。 Reviews Toyota so many years, any time and any stage, have bestly-selling explodes a model, they walk is accumulates the path that explodes the funds, does one to explode the funds, then maintains this heat degree of exploding the funds does not fall, while researches and develops the new exploding funds again, as the matter stands, exploding the funds are getting more and more. 回顾丰田这么多年,任何时间、任何阶段,都有畅销的爆款车型,他们走的就是攒爆款的路子,搞出一个爆款,然后一边维持这个爆款的热度不降,一边再研发新的爆款,这样一来,爆款越来越多。 Therefore Toyota has at any time has the model of enormous competitiveness, or this enterprise production the model, majority is very competitive. 所以丰田在任何时间都有很多有极大竞争力的车型,或者说,这个企业生产出的车型,大部分都很有竞争力。 Ford's approach is far from Toyota this type coming carefully steadfastly, their routes are the black bear break off the club, breaks off is breaking off, threw the beforehand achievement. 福特的做法远没有丰田这种一步一个脚印来得踏实,他们的路线是狗熊掰棒子,掰着掰着,就把以前的成果扔了。 For example Mondeo and Fox, these two models once sold well in the entire world extremely, was afterward cool, has a look at Karora, Camry of Toyota, sales volume many years have not fallen. 比如蒙迪欧、福克斯,这两款车型曾经在全世界都极其畅销,后来就凉凉了,看看丰田的卡罗拉、凯美瑞,销量多少年都从来没掉下来过。 The wing tiger is also sight the period of time, slowly was afterward cool, but has a look at rav4, one month of sales volume withstand/top wing tiger one year. 翼虎也曾经风光过一阵子,后来也慢慢凉凉了,但看看rav4,一个月销量顶翼虎一年。 Because Toyota walks is extremely always steady, will therefore enter to Li Mu's suddenly rushes to the back to feel cold. 正因为丰田走路一向极其稳重,所以才会对李牧的忽然杀入赶到后背发冷。 Old Toyota chapter of one court attendant although is silver-haired, but spells as before very much, in the Japanese local time 5 o'clock, he sits in own study room before dawn, facing the computer and facing video call the 7-8 position Toyota high level, saying that his face worries about must be vigilant that the Li Mu following each movement, must spare nothing to inquire plan of Li Mu in automobile, must be ready, to deal with Li Mu's to attack frequently suddenly!” 年迈的丰田章壹郎虽然已经白发苍苍,但依旧很拼,在日本当地时间凌晨五点钟,他坐在自己的书房里,面对电脑、面对视频通话的七八位丰田高层,他一脸担忧的说道“一定要警惕李牧接下来的每一个动作,要不惜一切代价打探李牧在汽车方面的规划,要时刻做好准备、应对李牧的突然出击!” North American area eo nods layer on layer/heavily, the facial expression said with deep veneration asked the association president to feel relieved, my certain meeting wants completely all means that to grasp Li Mu in each movement of vehicle sector!” 北美区eo重重点头,神情肃然的说“请会长放心,我一定会想尽一切办法、掌握李牧在汽车领域的每一个动作!” Toyota chapter of one youth sighing I think that the Li Mu's next goal is the electronic electric appliance, last month I had also reminded the association president of Sony and Matsushita, making their vigilant Li Mu's movement, didn't expect Li Mu purchase Ford these three brands today suddenly, this fellow, threatening!” 丰田章壹郎叹气道“我以为李牧的下一个目标是电子电器,上个月我还提醒过索尼、松下的会长,让他们警惕李牧的动作,没想到李牧今天就忽然收购了福特这三个品牌,这个家伙,来势汹汹啊!” Has held the post of executive's Toyota section Nankai oral account with Toyota chapter of one youth Fenjia, in Toyota father, Li Mu is very no doubt strong, but you do not need to worry excessively, if Li Mu really has strong destructive power in the vehicle sector, he must behead six generals at six passes to stand in our front.” 已经与丰田章壹郎分家、在丰田担任高管的丰田章南开口说“父亲,李牧固然很强,但您也不必过分担忧,如果李牧真的在汽车领域有很强的破坏力,他也要过五关斩六将才能站在我们的面前。” Toyota section south said but actually also right, Toyota is in the world all -round strength strongest, the profit margin highest automobile brand, if the auto industry has the disaster, first cannot shoulder is these strengths is also weak, the profit margin low enterprise. 丰田章南说的倒也没错,丰田是全世界综合实力最强、利润率最高的汽车品牌,如果汽车行业有天灾,先扛不住的也是那些实力较弱、利润率较低的企业。 However a Toyota chapter of one court attendant is heavyhearted, he kept a serious look opens the mouth say/way China is one of the we biggest markets, moreover was close to Japan too, I worried that Li Mu, will first seize the China market these three brand withdrawing China, then took China as the supreme headquarters, spread to the surrounding countries, when the time comes, we bore the brunt.” 不过丰田章壹郎却忧心忡忡,他表情严肃的开口道“华夏是我们最大的市场之一,而且离日本太近了,我担心李牧会把这三个品牌抽回华夏、先占领华夏市场,然后再以华夏为大本营,向周边国家扩散,到时候,我们首当其冲。” Toyota section south said father, Li Mu captures the China market share, this has the possibility actually very much, but he should not be possible to enter to the Japanese home market, for these years, besides a small number of expensive car brand few entry Japan markets, high-end to low-end auto market, has had no foreign brand to be able in the native place to threaten us.” 丰田章南说“父亲,李牧占领华夏市场,这个倒是很有可能,但他应该不可能进入到日本本土市场,这么多年来,除了少数的豪车品牌少量的进入日本市场之外,从中高端一直到低端汽车市场,一直没有哪个国外品牌能够在本土威胁到我们。” A Toyota chapter of one court attendant shakes the head, said that Li Mu is young, subversive is very strong, no one knows whether he can subvert the auto industry, moreover he is the spiritual leader of global young people, receives young people's crazy worship, if he really makes the automobile, does not need him to sell Japan on own initiative, will have the Japanese young people to purchase on own initiative, our young people's demand and infatuated degree to the idol, you should be very clear.” 丰田章壹郎摇了摇头,说“李牧年轻,颠覆性很强,谁也不知道他是不是能颠覆汽车行业,而且他又是全球年轻人的精神领袖,受到年轻人的疯狂崇拜,他如果真的生产出汽车,不用他主动卖到日本,也会有日本年轻人主动争相购买,我们的年轻人对偶像的需求和痴迷程度,你应该很清楚。” South Toyota chapter falls into all of a sudden silent. 丰田章南一下子陷入沉默。 Right, must say Japanese young people's demand and infatuated degree to the idol, it can be said that entire world first. 没错,要说日本年轻人对偶像的需求和痴迷程度,可以说是全世界第一。 Even has arrived did not have the idol, creates situation that the virtual idol must hound crazily, once an idol successfully captured Japanese fans, he or she, regardless of sells anything to Japanese fans, has the powerful market. 甚至已经到了没有偶像,创造虚拟偶像也要疯狂追捧的地步,一旦一个偶像成功俘获了日本粉丝,那他或者她无论向日本粉丝推销什么,都有强大的市场。 Does not hate to spend to own one cent, actually does not hesitate to lose everything to buy the idol all peripheral, the follower idol to lend assistance and throw money everywhere everywhere fans, is sloppy in Japan. 对自己一分钱不舍得花,却不惜倾家荡产买下偶像所有周边、追随者偶像到处应援、到处撒钱的粉丝,在日本稀松平常。 Li Mu although is a China person, but he in the Japanese young people mind, is the biggest idol, the Japanese media had made an interview, in the 15 to 25 years old Japanese young people, in Hyundai / modern celebrity who most worships, arranges first is Li Mu. 李牧虽然是一个华夏人,但他在日本年轻人心目中,就是最大的偶像,日本媒体曾经做过一个采访,15到25岁的日本年轻人里,最崇拜的现代名人中,排第一的就是李牧 What is most fearful, worships the Li Mu's young people, university lives the proportion of community to occupy high. 最可怕的是,崇拜李牧的年轻人,大学生群体的比重占得更高。 Li Mu initially has given a speech in Harvard to the student of Harvard as well as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, that speech roused the young people in the world, particularly university lives, but Japanese university lives is shocked by him no to attach. 李牧当初在哈佛给哈佛以及麻省理工学院的学生做过一次演讲,那个演讲振奋了全世界的年轻人,尤其是大学生,而日本大学生更是被他震撼的无以附加。 The post-war Japanese, the mentality of foxnut phoenix tail was extremely serious, they felt at the same time oneself were Asia, even super elite in entire person of Asian descent, felt oneself could not raise the head before the Caucasian everywhere. 战后的日本人,鸡头凤尾的心态极其严重,他们一边觉得自己是亚洲,甚至整个黄种人里的超级精英,又觉得自己在白人面前处处抬不起头来。 Before Japanese young people, arrives at China, to arrive at other Asian countries to South Korea, has the full superiority feeling, but to US (America), does not dare to be loud the speech. 日本年轻人以前到华夏、到韩国、到亚洲其他国家,都带着十足的优越感,但是到了美国,连说话都不敢大声。 Takes in the Japanese young people can go to the US (America) abroad study for the maximum great honor age, Li Mu as with their same person of Asian descent, can actually such as Julius Caesar make the top outstanding student of entire Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology lie prostrate in worship in Harvard generally, this impact on the Japanese young people are incomparable. 就在日本年轻人以能去美国留学为最大殊荣的年代,李牧作为与他们一样的黄种人,却能在哈佛如凯撒大帝一般让整个哈佛、麻省理工学院的顶尖高材生顶礼膜拜,这对日本年轻人的冲击无可比拟。 Under this premise, if Li Mu publishes an autobiography to sell Japan, a Japanese young people absolutely every itself/Ben, if Li Mu has a model of car(riage), who can guarantee that this group of fans don't draw cash lending assistance? 在这种前提下,如果李牧出一本自传卖到日本,日本年轻人绝对会人手一本,如果李牧出一款车,谁又能保证这帮粉丝不拿钱出来“应援”? .
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