RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1730: Takes completely!

Li Mu sits , on the airplane waits for takes off, Elon Musk with Bill Ford battle of words. 李牧坐在飞机上等待起飞的时候,埃隆马斯克正在跟小比尔福特唇枪舌战。 Bill Ford now is especially puzzled, he not only does not want to comply with the offers of Li Mu 50 hundred million USD, does not hope that Elon Musk leaves. 小比尔福特现在格外纠结,他既不想答应李牧五十亿美元的报价,又不希望埃隆马斯克离开。 Elon Musk is a little been finally agitated, threw to Bill Ford one that he rubbed: If Mr. Ford rejects now, I return to Silicon Valley immediately, if you do not reject now, does not comply, I am waiting here, when Mr. Ford decides to accept the offer of Chief Li, when we then discussed downward.” 埃隆马斯克最后都被他磨的有点烦躁了,扔给小比尔福特一句:“如果福特先生现在拒绝,那我立刻就回硅谷,如果你现在不拒绝,又不答应,那我就在这里坐着等,什么时候福特先生决定接受李总的报价,我们什么时候接着往下谈。” Then, he supplemented one: If being able to come out result is unimportant today, I can continue in the hotel.” 说完,他又补充了一句:“如果今天出不来结果也不要紧,我可以在酒店里继续等。” The Bill Ford some not indignation, he most is unacceptable, is Li Mu this eating decides own performance, but, oneself also really do not have the courage to reject his offer. 小比尔福特心里有些不忿,他最不能接受的,就是李牧这种吃定自己的表现,可是,自己又真的没有勇气拒绝他的报价。 Intertwines over and over, was tired to Bill Ford thoroughly, he leaps one to stand from the seat, takes off/escapes the tastes: Good! 50 hundred million USD, I request to pay in full one time!” 纠结再三,一直到小比尔福特自己都彻底烦了,他才腾地一下从座椅上站起来,脱口道:“好!五十亿美元,我要求一次性付清!” Elon Musk nods, said: I asked for instructions with the eldest child, had a look at him is what attitude.” 埃隆马斯克点点头,说:“那我跟老大请示一下,看看他是什么态度。” Bill Ford said lightly: Good, I and other news.” 小比尔福特淡淡道:“好,我等你的消息。” Then, he extracted a cigar, the ignition, pulled out one slowly. 说完,他抽出一根雪茄,点燃、慢悠悠的抽了一口。 Relaxedness that present he, cannot say from top to bottom. 现在的他,浑身上下说不出的轻松。 Had words to say well, if unable to revolt, enjoyed simply well. 有句话说得好,如果无法反抗,就干脆好好享受。 Now, his heart giant stone falls to the ground, although anxiety, but in his opinion, value. 现在,他心头一块巨石落了地,虽然肉疼的很,但在他看来,也值了。 The Li Mu's words gave him very big inspiration, he felt, Ford must think well, how to be further bigger and stronger Ford this brand. 李牧的话给了他很大的启发,他觉得,福特要好好想一想,如何把福特这个品牌进一步做大做强了。 Why doesn't have Santana and Jetta of aerocyst sells well in China? Why Land Rover Jaguar does Volvo no one buy in China? Thinks carefully, is locates the insufficiently clear issue. 为什么没有气囊的桑塔纳和捷达在华夏卖得最好?为什么路虎捷豹沃尔沃华夏没人买?仔细想想,就是自己定位不够清晰的问题。 If Ford will also promote a model of genuine civilian car(riage) in China in the future? Can replace Santana in the China position? 如果福特未来也在华夏推出一款真正的平民车呢?有没有可能取代桑塔纳在华夏的地位? When Li Mu that 50 hundred million USD to the account, all invested into the brand of Ford, so long as were bigger and stronger Ford this brand, later the Ford families can long-time not fade, from now on, like before, did not do any so-called multi- brand strategy. 李牧那五十亿美元到账了,就全部投入到福特自身的品牌中去,只要把福特这一个品牌做大做强,以后福特家族就可以长久不衰,从今往后,再也不像之前那样,搞什么所谓的多品牌战略了。 Li Mu is waiting to take off, suddenly receives the call that Elon Musk made, in the telephone, some sound shivering of Elon Musk said: Chief Li, Ford agreed that 50 hundred million USD!” 李牧正在等候起飞,忽然接到了埃隆马斯克打来的电话,电话里,埃隆马斯克的声音有些颤抖的说:“李总,福特同意了,五十亿美元!” Elon Musk is very excited at this time, but has to go all out to restrain own mood. 埃隆马斯克此时无比激动,但又不得不拼命克制自己的情绪。 It looks like in Elon Musk, 50 hundred million USD buy these three brands, this price was really gains sends greatly. 埃隆马斯克看来,五十亿美元买这三个品牌,这价格真的是赚大发了。 Moreover, the most important thing is, Tesla has the platform that can depend upon comprehensively finally. 而且,最最重要的是,特斯拉终于有了可以全面依靠的平台。 Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo, their platforms and chassis technologies, later brought to use along with oneself, this enormous convenience Tesla own research and development and mass production. 捷豹、路虎、沃尔沃,他们的平台以及底盘技术,以后就随自己拿来使用了,这将极大的方便特斯拉自身的研发与量产。 This also made Elon Musk more for several points to worship to Li Mu. 这也让埃隆马斯克李牧更多了几分崇拜。 This boss, was really a god, even Ford the scalp was being cut a blade by his card, this compiled the operation show not simply good. 这个老板,真是神了,连福特都被他卡着头皮砍了一刀,这汇总操作简直骚到不行。 Li Mu also relaxes at this time finally. 李牧此时也终于松了口气。 50 hundred million can USD become, he does not have the absolute assurance, now Bill Ford nods finally, this showed that own saying things just to frighten people plays very good effect. 五十亿美元能不能成,他也没有绝对的把握,现在小比尔福特终于点头,这证明自己的危言耸听起到了很好的效果。 When excited, Li Mu said to Elon Musk: „The remaining things, you discussed with Bill Ford well, I must complete the purchase as soon as possible, simultaneously made him convene as soon as possible three person in charge of brands and four production lines, you first met to meet with them, stabilized well the team.” 兴奋之余,李牧埃隆马斯克说:“剩下的事情,你跟小比尔福特好好谈一谈,我要尽快完成收购,同时让他尽快把三个品牌、四条生产线的负责人召集起来,你先跟他们碰面开个会,把团队稳定好。” Ok.” Elon Musk said: Right Chief Li, Bill Ford had a request, this 50 hundred million USD must pay off in a lump sum.” “ok。”埃隆马斯克说:“对了李总,小比尔福特有个要求,这五十亿美元必须一次付清。” Li Mu falls into the ponder. 李牧不由陷入思考。 50 hundred million USD are not a small number, in the Muye Science and Technology although account has a lot of money . Moreover the cash flow is very healthy, but the one breath puts out 50 hundred million USD to have enough to do. 五十亿美元不是一笔小数目,牧野科技虽然账上有不少钱,而且现金流十分健康,但一口气拿出五十亿美元还是很吃力的。 Google ipo, oneself can reduce part of original stocks as the release stock actually, but that is also about 3%, by 50 billion market value, only then 15 hundred million USD, if after the listing, reduces the stock on own initiative, did that become the fool? After all the Google future prospect is limitless. 谷歌ipo,自己倒是可以减持一部分原始股作为发行股,不过那也就是3%左右,按照五百亿的市值计算,也只有十五亿美元,如果上市之后主动减持股票,那岂不是成了傻子?毕竟谷歌的将来前景不可限量。 Thinks it over, Li Mu decides first to do wave of stockholder's rights to pawn, Muye Science and Technology part of stocks, pawns to the capital side, then loans one to come out from capital side there. 想来想去,李牧决定先搞一波股权质押,把牧野科技的一部分股份,质押给资本方,然后从资本方那里贷一笔款出来。 Goldberg Family is the banker and risk investor, might as well look for them directly with a sum of money, at the worst pays an interest. goldberg家族本身就是银行家、风险投资人,不如直接找他们拿一笔钱,大不了就是付点利息。 Thinks of this, Li Mu said to Elon Musk: You said one to Bill Ford, told him to pay in full one time does not have the issue.” 想到这,李牧埃隆马斯克说:“你跟小比尔福特说一声,告诉他一次性付清也没有问题。” Good.” Elon Musk said: I said one to him, over the two days stressed the landing plan that follows close on him to dock to purchase.” “好。”埃隆马斯克说:“那我跟他说一声,这两天就抓紧跟他对接一下收购的落地方案。” Un.” Li Mu said: This matter gave you to be responsible, best first sign the agreement of intent with him now, then I published the news.” “嗯。”李牧说:“这件事就交给你来负责了,最好现在就先跟他签个意向协议,然后我就把消息公布出去。” Li Mu clear remembering, Luck announced in the past purchases Volvo time, China people excited. 李牧清楚的记得,当年吉力宣布收购沃尔沃的时候,华夏民众有多兴奋。 That news, to the China people, is simply common like the thunderclap, after being unprecedented, does not have the future. 那篇新闻,对华夏民众来说,简直是如同炸雷一般,前无古人后无来者。 The major media also reported that this proud incomparable purchase, a China corporate acquisition the well-known automobile brand of Sweden, this really can promote the flash news of the feeling of national pride and sense of belonging to a great extent. 各大媒体也都纷纷报道这个让人自豪无比的收购案,一个华夏企业收购了瑞典的知名汽车品牌,这真的是能够很大程度提升民族自豪感、归属感的大新闻。 Also is from that moment on, Volvo quite therefore hit an advertisement that free covers the nation, making Volvo is known to everybody and is known to everybody internally. 也是从那一刻起,沃尔沃就相当于是免费打了一个覆盖全国的广告,让沃尔沃在国内变得无人不知、无人不晓。 After Volvo turned over to Luck truly, the domestic populace also to support with actual Al-Mmal immediately, making the development of Volvo progress by leaps and bounds. 而当沃尔沃真正归了吉力之后,国内民众也立刻用实际行动报以支持,让沃尔沃的发展突飞猛进。 Li Mu also wants to seize like this good opportunity, must purchase these three brands the news to announce oneself, as the matter stands, these three brands will promote many in the China popularity, after once in the future rally these three brands, pushes to the market, the China people can certainly give the huge help and impetus. 李牧也想抓住这样的好机会,把自己要收购这三个品牌的消息公布出去,这样一来,这三个品牌在华夏的知名度就会提升许多,未来一旦自己把这三个品牌重整后推向市场,华夏民众一定能给予巨大的帮助和推动作用。 ...... …… Makes the telephone call, Li Mu gives Goldberg Family person in charge Davisson Goldberg to telephone immediately. 挂了电话,李牧立刻给goldberg家族负责人戴维森高柏打了个电话。 A telephone connection, Davisson said warmly: Mr. Li, how thinks that calls me, is to come to Britain?” 电话一接通,戴维森就非常热情的说:“李先生,怎么想起来给我打电话,是不是要来英国了?” Temporarily could not have gone.” Li Mu shows a faint smile, enters the subject saying: Davisson, I telephones, wants to ask you to loan to count money.” “暂时还去不了。”李牧微微一笑,直入正题道:“戴维森,我打电话过来,是想找你贷点款。” Davisson said without hesitation: Your mister you said the integer, I help you prepare.” 戴维森毫不犹豫的说:“你先生你说个数,我帮你准备。” To Davisson, Li Mu was he biggest donor, Li Mu complies with Muye Science and Technology ipo to let him the taking responsibility credit corroborative, is his present significant opportunity. 对戴维森来说,李牧就是他最大的金主,李牧答应了牧野科技ipo让他来做主承销商,是他眼下的一个巨大机遇。 Therefore, if Li Mu has anything to need him to help, he will help Li Mu solve as far as possible. 所以,李牧如果有什么事情需要他帮忙,他都会尽可能的帮李牧解决。 Li Mu said at this time: I take 5 billion dollars, after money and other listings, repays, can pawn with the Muye Science and Technology 6 points stocks to you, but you must give me according to the most low interest rate.” 李牧这时开口说道:“我要五十亿美金,钱等上市之后再偿还,可以拿牧野科技六个点的股份质押给你们,不过你要按照最低利率给我。” 5 billion?!” Davisson didn't expect Li Mu opens the mouth is such first-year university student sum of money, his subconscious asking: Mr. Li, have you reached the purchase intention with Ford Group?” “五十亿?!”戴维森没想到李牧开口就是这么大一笔钱,他下意识的问:“李先生,你难道已经跟福特集团达成收购意向了?” Initially Ford this line, is busy that Davisson helped, therefore he knows that the Li Mu's purchase wish, heard Li Mu to pawn suddenly to loan 50 hundred million USD, he first thought on this. 当初福特这条线,就是戴维森帮的忙,所以他知道李牧的收购意愿,忽然听到李牧要质押贷款五十亿美元,他第一时间就想到了这上面。 Li Mu has not been hiding the truth from him, said lightly: Right, I have communicated with Ford, Muye Science and Technology invests to purchase Jaguar Land Rover Volvo, three brands pack 50 hundred million USD to take completely.” 李牧也没有瞒着他,淡淡道:“没错,我已经跟福特沟通好了,牧野科技出资收购捷豹路虎沃尔沃,三个品牌打包五十亿美元全部拿下。” Price may really small advantage!” Davisson sighed with emotion one heartfeltly, immediately also said: Now the outlook of auto industry is not very good, 50 hundred million USD price although small advantage, but places in the automobile manufacturer, it is estimated that no one is also willing to put out so many money to come to purchase at this time , is Mr. Li your boldness is quite in the final analysis big!” “价格可真便宜啊!”戴维森由衷的感慨了一句,随即又道:“不过现在汽车行业的前景不是很好,五十亿美元的价格虽然便宜,但放在汽车厂商里,估计也没人愿意在这个时候拿出这么多钱来收购,说到底,还是李先生你的魄力比较大!” Vinson does not think highly of Li Mu, now auto industry overall dispirited, almost all automobile manufacturers, in the brand expands on maintains very conservative attitude, at this time advanced recklessly, might fall into the cliff to be beyond redemption very much. 戴文森并非恭维李牧,现在汽车行业整体萎靡,几乎所有的汽车厂商在品牌扩张上都保持非常保守的态度,这时候冒进,很有可能掉进悬崖而万劫不复。 Although Ford this 5 billion sell a little owes, but in light of the present industry background, Vinson can also understand. 虽说福特这五十亿卖的有点亏,但结合现在的行业背景,戴文森也就可以理解了。 Li Mu said with a smile: Makes me put out 50 hundred million USD is very difficult, therefore I ask you to help, in your hand has the bank to have the fund, the funds that also the relations of many capital levels, in the hand can skid are quite big, 50 hundred million should USD not be the issue to you?” 李牧笑道:“让我一口气拿出五十亿美元也很困难,所以我才找你帮忙,你手里有银行有基金,又有不少资本层面的关系,手里能撬动的资金量比较大,五十亿美元对你来说应该不是什么问题吧?” To Goldberg Family, their most industries centralized in financial arena. goldberg家族来说,他们大部分的产业都集中在金融领域。 Financial arena majority is the way of borrowing necessary equipment, a family asset is possible, only then hundreds of millions USD, the fund that but he manages possibly has ten hundreds of millions and even more, these are various group of investors entrust him to conduct the money of investment, generally establishes a fund, admits in money the fund, is responsible for the capital operation of entire fund by person in charge. 金融领域大部分都是借鸡生蛋的路数,一个家族资产可能只有几亿美元,但是他掌管的资金可能有十几亿甚至更多,这些都是各路投资人委托他来进行投资的钱,一般都是成立一支基金,把钱都放进基金里,由负责人来负责整个基金的资本操作。 Goldberg Family own asset is hundred hundred million USD ranks, the funds of therefore in their hands running have the greatness of thousand hundred million USD fully, these money some place the bank to conduct quite safe business loan operation, somewhat places the fund, conducts the investment of high risk high return, puts out 50 hundred million USD to Li Mu, has the Muye Science and Technology stockholder's rights to pawn, there is an interest income, to Vinson, is very relaxed. goldberg家族自身的资产就是百亿美元级别的,所以他们手里掌管的资金量足有千亿美元之巨,这些钱有的放在银行进行比较安全的商贷操作,有些放在基金,进行高风险高回报的投资,拿出五十亿美元李牧,有牧野科技的股权质押,又有利息收入,对戴文森来说,还是非常轻松的。 Therefore, his said with a laugh: Mr. Li felt relieved, 50 hundred million USD to us are not the major problem, when do you need probably?” 于是,他笑着说:“李先生放心,五十亿美元对我们来说不是什么大问题,你大概什么时间需要?” Li Mu said: Best is the present starts the flow, the flow walks first to project on the Muye Science and Technology account money.” 李牧说:“最好是现在就开始走流程,流程走完先把钱打到牧野科技的账上。” Does not have the issue.” Vinson says immediately: I give loan person in charge of HSBC to communicate now, making him walk the procedure/program, then looked for Mr. Li to sign the contract, after the contract signed, money quickly can arrive at the account.” “没问题。”戴文森立刻说道:“我现在就给汇丰的贷款负责人沟通一下,让他把程序走了,然后找李先生签合同,合同签了之后,钱很快就可以到账。” That settled.” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: I and other good news.” “那就这么说定了。”李牧微微一笑,道:“我等你的好消息。”
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