RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1728: Three years later chatted also

Li Mu likes the flickering person, because he has a later generation more than ten years of memory, therefore he likes with counteracting the later generation fact completely the view the flickering person. 李牧喜欢忽悠人,而且因为他有后世十几年的记忆,所以他喜欢用完全有悖于后世事实的论调去忽悠人。 For example he tricks Larry Page, does not cooperate with Muye Science and Technology, Google will never possibly rise, even may be killed, Larry Page believed that he chose to believe the Li Mu's nonsense, rather than believes own future can create hundreds of billions USD market values the business empire. 比如他忽悠拉里・佩奇,不跟牧野科技合作,谷歌永远不可能崛起,甚至有可能被干掉,拉里・佩奇信了,他选择相信李牧的鬼话,而不是相信自己将来能缔造出一个数千亿美元市值的商业帝国。 For example he tricks Apple, they leave the es profit, the entire company will disintegrate, oneself can only get rid of them with more inexpensive nes, they also chose to believe the Li Mu's nonsense, does not believe oneself can become the market value ten thousand hundred million USD super giants in the future by iPhone. 比如他忽悠苹果,他们离开es的利润,整个公司将土崩瓦解,自己只用更廉价的nes就能干掉他们,他们也选择相信了李牧的鬼话,根本不相信自己能够在未来靠一款iphone一跃成为市值万亿美元的超级巨擘。 Now, Li Mu tricks Bill Ford, told him: Your Jaguar and localization of Mercedes BMW Audi superposes highly, but you cannot sell Mercedes BMW Audi forever ; Your Land Rover is the trash that one group of China person, European and American do not like, is long the clown and oil consumption to be big, quality is bad, in the future might also be resisted by the environmental protection organization ; Your Volvo, hides the valuable thing in the automobile, going all out in the inflating pouch toward the car(riage) to be useful? China consumer is not able to see the thing pays. 现在,李牧忽悠小比尔・福特,告诉他:你的捷豹与奔驰宝马奥迪的定位高度重合,但你永远都卖不过奔驰宝马奥迪;你的路虎是一堆华夏人、欧洲人、美洲人都不喜欢的垃圾,长得丑、油耗大、质量差,未来还有可能被环保组织抵制;你的沃尔沃,把值钱的东西都藏在汽车内部,拼命往车里装气囊有什么用?华夏消费者根本不会为看不见的东西埋单。 Such a was flickered by Li Mu, Bill the heart deep place of Ford vacillated thoroughly. 李牧这么一忽悠,小比尔・福特自己的内心深处都彻底动摇了。 He felt suddenly, oneself is really defeated, Li Mu can see these three brands the Achilles'heels, oneself actually cannot see. 他忽然觉得,自己果然是失败的,李牧都能看到这三个品牌的命门,自己却看不到。 Jaguar, mother, this thing in which won't sell ; 捷豹,妈的,这玩意在哪都卖不动; Land Rover, basically with a Jaguar ball type ; 路虎,基本上跟捷豹一个球样; Volvo, calculates some markets in Europe and some North American high-level intellectual communities, but this after all is small the numerous. 沃尔沃,在欧洲、北美一些高级知识分子群体里还算有些市场,但这毕竟小众。 Li Mu said right, the best model that China sells, the aerocyst does not even have, Volvo this taking security to flaunt the brand, goes with what with this model competition that does not have the aerocyst? 李牧说的对啊,华夏卖的最好的车型,连气囊都没有,沃尔沃这种以安全为标榜的品牌,拿什么去跟这种没气囊的车型竞争? Poussin 100,000 bought, Volvo frequently do 200,000-300,000 starts, with a Mercedes Audi BMW rank, how play? 人家普桑十万就买了,沃尔沃动辄200,000-300,000起步,跟奔驰奥迪宝马一个级别,怎么玩? No wonder these three signs have owed to keep, originally the crux is here. 怪不得这仨牌子一直亏个不停,原来症结是在这里。 Such a comparison, in oneself hand these brands also are really the servant street to dying. 这么一比较,自己手里这些品牌还真是仆街到死。 Once a faith of person were vacillated, matter will have the qualitative change. 一个人的信念一旦被动摇,事情就会发生质变。 Bill Ford starts to feel somewhat agitated, Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo, the iron slab of burning hot, in the hand, felt in his eyes burns the hand extremely. 小比尔・福特开始觉得有些烦躁,捷豹、路虎、沃尔沃,在他眼里一下成了炙热的铁块,拿在手里,感觉极其烧手。 In his brain has to think, according to the issue that Li Mu said adjusts these three brands the development strategies, for example pushes down a price the product of Jaguar and Land Rover, reduces the Volvo these expensive costs of conceals in car(riage) again, but he does not have the energy to rally these three brands again, to a car(riage) business, going out of business to go bankrupt is much simpler than the change strategy. 他脑子里不是没想过,按照李牧说的问题去调整这三个品牌的发展策略,比如把捷豹和路虎的产品拉低一个价位,再把沃尔沃那些藏在车里面的昂贵成本缩减一下,但是他已经没有精力再去重整这三个品牌,对一个车企来说,倒闭破产都比改变战略要简单得多。 Once starts to change the strategy, must research and develop the new product, this is one needs to put in massive manpower and resources financial resource, bustles about the duty that for several years again can complete, what is most fearful, for several years rubs a success ratio of sword is not high, many car(riage) business ambitious launches a model, the servant street ; Regroups after a defeat to come again, servant street ; The continual servant street three times, almost also left the bankruptcy much is not far. 一旦开始改变战略,必然要重新研发新的产品,这是一个需要投入大量人力物力财力,再忙碌数年才能完成的任务,最可怕的是,数年磨一剑的成功率也并不高,许多车企都是野心勃勃的推出一个车型,仆街;重整旗鼓再来,又仆街;连续仆街三次,差不多也离破产没多远了。 Might as well sells out happily. 还不如一口气卖掉来得痛快。 Oneself can take away money to Ford conducts the promotion improvement, after all Ford this brand, is the basis that the entire Ford families settle down and get on with life. 自己可以把钱拿去对福特进行升级改良,毕竟福特这个品牌,才是整个福特家族安身立命的根本。 But, Bill Ford did not hate really to sell to Li Mu on 50 hundred million USD these three brand entire packs, he hopes can continue to gain some benefits for oneself, even if five hundred million USD, three hundred million USD, even if only hundred million USD. 可是,小比尔・福特也不舍得真就五十亿美元把这三个品牌一口气全打包卖给李牧,他还是希望能够继续为自己争取一些利益,哪怕五亿美元,三亿美元,甚至哪怕只有区区一亿美元 Li Mu can see Bill the vacillation of Ford deep place. 李牧能看出小比尔・福特内心深处的动摇。 From the fact of last, Ford not possible to have these three brands is too long, does not have the ability to make these three brands restore strength and glory, these issues that oneself said that also does not run off at the mouth, these issues are genuine at the present, oneself make up wild stories truly, will be these three brand future development. 从上一世的事实来看,福特也不可能把这三个品牌持有太久,更没有能力让这三个品牌重振雄风,自己说的这些问题,也并非信口胡诌,这些问题都是在眼下切实存在的,自己真正胡诌的,是这三个品牌未来的发展。 In these three brands, Jaguar although not successful, but because model many and well-covering, from falling the worth and Mercedes BMW Otila sets out is apart from, the overall sales volume is also good ; 这三个品牌里,捷豹虽然一直没有大红大紫,但由于车型多、覆盖面广、自降身价与奔驰宝马奥迪拉开差距,整体销量也算是不错; Land Rover was the local tyrant exclusive synonym, big group of young men have a dream want one, but big group of young women have a dream to sit one, therefore best-selling many years ; 路虎成了土豪专属代名词,一大堆年轻男人做梦都想拥有一辆,而一大堆年轻女人做梦都想坐上一辆,所以畅销了好多年; Volvo was more interesting, itself locates is actually very awkward, the price and Mercedes BMW Audi is similar, but the popularity and store of value rate/lead missed a big truncation, but after it Luck purchases, as first by the well-known automobile brand of China corporate acquisition, its domestic approval rises suddenly, the media intense national pride of gave Luck a super big ritual, Volvo suddenly became the well-known brand of being known to everybody. 沃尔沃就更有意思了,本身定位其实很尴尬,价格与奔驰宝马奥迪差不多,但知名度、保值率又差了一大截,可当它被吉力收购之后,作为第一个被华夏企业收购的知名汽车品牌,它在国内的认可度暴涨,媒体人强烈的民族自尊心送给了吉力一份超级大礼,以至于沃尔沃一下子成了无人不知的知名品牌。 If Ford clenches teeth to boil, not being able to do well to hope the spring of Jaguar Land Rover, but, Volvo is impossible, because the Volvo circumstances are quite unusual, wants to achieve this point, must first Volvo nationalization, making him the Chinese nation own brand. 如果福特咬咬牙熬下去,搞不好能盼来捷豹路虎的春天,不过,沃尔沃就不可能了,因为沃尔沃的境遇比较奇特,想实现这一点,必须要先把沃尔沃民族化,让他成为中华民族自己的品牌。 Bill Ford hesitated for a moment, opens the mouth saying: These issues that Chief Li, you spoke of a moment ago, I believe that makes some sense inevitably, but the auto industry is complex, not three a few words words can talk clearly, I thought that we return to the topic to the matter of purchase, you have a mind to buy, I have a mind to sell, remaining, was the issue of price.” 小比尔・福特迟疑片刻,开口道:“李总,就你刚才说到的那些问题,我相信必然是有一定道理在的,但是汽车行业非常复杂,也并非三两句话能说得清楚,我觉得我们还是把话题回归到收购的事情上来,你有心买,我有心卖,剩下的,就是价格的问题了。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, to Bill Ford said: Mr. Ford, the issue of price I had given you a moment ago my final offer, therefore our remaining issues, are you are willing to accept this offer, if you accept, my team will communicate the following purchase detail with you, if you do not accept, we can temporarily first put aside this negotiations, will wait for next year or year after next and three years from now, you thought through us to chat again.” 李牧微微一笑,对小比尔・福特说:“福特先生,价格的问题我刚才已经给过你我的最终offer了,所以我们剩下的问题,是你愿不愿意接受这个offer,如果你接受,我的团队会跟你沟通后续的收购细节,如果你不接受,我们可以暂时先搁置这次谈判,等明年或者后年、大后年,你想通了我们再聊。” Saying, Li Mu face indifferent saying: You also know, I will be very actually busy in the future, immediately Muye Science and Technology wants ipo, my Taobao Science and Technology, Taobao Logistics as well as Alipay must consider the following capital operation, moreover I want to promote China these three brands, therefore also really has no time to turn over the automobile at present, my shareholder and core team know that I must play the automobile, is actually some opposing opinions, if our having no meeting of minds, I just can focus on the busy proper business, when which day of Taobao Science and Technology also ipo, I worked am not busy, plays not the issue that oneself want to play again.” 说着,李牧一脸无所谓的说道:“你也知道,我未来其实还挺忙的,马上牧野科技要ipo,我的淘宝科技淘宝物流以及支付宝也要考虑接下来的资本运作,而且我很想把这三个品牌推出华夏,所以眼下还真没什么时间倒腾汽车,我的股东、核心团队知道我要玩汽车,其实都是有些反对意见的,如果咱们这次谈不拢,那我刚好可以集中精力忙正事,等哪天淘宝科技也ipo了,我工作没那么忙了,再玩自己想玩的也没问题。” Bill Ford had been fooled by Li Mu, he felt Li Mu said right, puts the business of hundreds of billions USD market values not to do, does the automobile is actually excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will, if he is the Li Mu's shareholder or with the co-worker, will certainly oppose that he does. 小比尔・福特已经被李牧唬住了,他觉得李牧说的没错,放着几千亿美元市值的生意不做,来搞汽车其实就是玩物丧志,如果他是李牧的股东或者和合作人,也一定会反对他这么干。 Moreover, he does not suspect the Li Mu's words, he felt, Li Mu truly wants to play the automobile, therefore wants to buy own brand to realize itself personally regarding that enthusiasm and dream of automobile. 而且,他一点也不怀疑李牧的话,他觉得,李牧确确实实就是想玩汽车而已,所以才想买自己的品牌去实现自己个人对于汽车的那份热情与梦想。 Since is this, if Li Mu really gives up, or temporarily puts aside the plan of purchase, oneself may be uncomfortable. 既然是这样,那如果李牧真的放弃,或者暂时搁置收购的计划,那自己可就难受了。 50 hundred million USD price no doubt very pits, but the good and evil is a letting go good opportunity, stock in flowing, generally was not possible to find the taking over a business hero, if can make a move in this price promptly, although felt the anxiety, but to oneself was also a good deed. 五十亿美元的价格固然很坑,但好歹还是一个脱手的好机会,股票在一泻千里的时候,一般是不可能找到接盘侠的,如果能在这个价格及时出手,虽然感觉肉疼,但对自己也是一件好事。 This needs the amputation with a leg fester is the same truth, the prompt stop-loss, is the opportunity slowly restores, but if besotted, being possible is the abyss. 这就跟一条腿溃烂需要截肢是一样的道理,及时止损,还有得是机会慢慢恢复,但如果执迷不悟,有可能就是万丈深渊。 Thinks of this, his face flattered to say intentionally: Chief Li chatted, actually by your enthusiasm and opinion to the auto industry, I believes that certainly can achieve the enormous achievement, is not will play noisy is so simple.” 想到这,他故意一脸谄媚的说:“李总说笑了,其实以你对汽车行业的热情与见解,我相信一定能取得极大的成就,绝不会是玩玩闹闹那么简单。” Li Mu self-ridiculed that smiles: I actually do not have the confidence, your make the automobile to make the business that nearly hundred years of respected family did not handle, I do not handle to a great extent.” 李牧自嘲一笑:“我其实自己都没有信心,你们这些做汽车做了近百年的大家族都搞不定的买卖,我很大程度上也是搞不定。” Bill Ford for fear that Li Mu really has to draw back intent, hastily said: Chief Li was modest, by your ability, I believes that certainly is much stronger than us.” 小比尔・福特生怕李牧真的心生退意,急忙说道:“李总谦虚了,以你的能力,我相信一定比我们要强得多。” Li Mu beckons with the hand, said: My truth told you, I have completed 50 hundred million USD to buy these three brands, pounded 2,000,000,000-3,000,000,000 USD to go in again, finally to be lower than the preparation that 50 hundred million USD prices sold out, in other words, I, if buys these three brands from your hands now, I have prepared for three to five years of net loss 30 hundred million USD about.” 李牧摆摆手,道:“我实话告诉你,我已经做好五十亿美元买这三个品牌,再砸2,000,000,000-3,000,000,000美元进去,最终以低于五十亿美元的价格卖掉的准备了,也就是说,我如果现在从你们手里买走这三个品牌,我已经做好了三到五年净亏损三十亿美元左右的准备。” Bill Ford said with a smile: Chief Li was really modest, I believe that if really prepared being in arrears, by Chief Li you such astute merchant, will certainly not make this business.” 小比尔・福特笑道:“李总真的是谦虚了,我相信如果真是做好了亏钱的准备,以李总你这么精明的商人,一定不会做这笔买卖。” Li Mu gives a calm smile, said: To me, owing a money is unimportant, did I make so much money to do? To not spend? Flowered 30 hundred million USD do the automobile, to me is an entertainment, moreover I can bear completely.” 李牧淡然一笑,道:“对我来说,亏点钱不要紧,我赚这么多钱干嘛来了?不就是为了花掉吗?花三十亿美元搞搞汽车,对我来说是一项娱乐,而且我完全负担得起而已。” Saying, Li Mu is saying with a smile: How to analogy with you, is just like you to spend two million USD to buy Cadillac Army 1st that now decides making lithograph plates, this car(riage) is very expensive, but buys the store of value? Does not exist, it is estimated that opens for three years, finally can buy 40 ten thousand USD to be good, but possibly to you, the flowered 160 ten thousand USD costs, use Cadillac Army 1st, is a very cost-effective matter, but I, am richer than you, therefore to me, the flowered 30 hundred million USD costs, play three years of automobile manufacture, is a very cost-effective matter.” 说着,李牧笑道:“怎么跟你比喻呢,就好比你现在要花两百万美元买一辆定制版的凯迪拉克陆军一号,这车很贵,但买回来保值吗?不存在的,估计开三年,最后能买四十万美元就不错了,但是可能对你来说,花一百六十万美元的成本,使用凯迪拉克陆军一号,是一件非常划算的事情,而我呢,就是比你更有钱一些,所以对我来说,花三十亿美元的成本,玩三年汽车制造,也是一件非常划算的事情。” Bill Ford blushes with shame. 小比尔・福特汗颜。 In this case, feared that is also only then Li Mu has this capital to say. 这样的话,怕是也只有李牧才有这个资本说出口。 But 30 hundred million USD, to him also truly are not anything. 而三十亿美元,对他来说也确实不算什么。 He can only sigh: To the Chief Li financial resource, this money truly is not anything......” 他只能感叹道:“对李总的财力来说,这点钱确实不算什么……” Li Mu looked at the time at this time, said: Mr. Ford, my time is very urgent, immediately must go to a New York, therefore we first arrive at this today, after I walked, my team will also stay here , when about three days, this three days, you can consider my offer slowly.” 李牧这时看了看时间,道:“福特先生,我的时间还挺紧迫的,马上要去一趟纽约,所以今天我们就先到这,我走了之后,我的团队还会留在这里待三天左右,这三天,你可以慢慢考虑我的offer。” Bill Ford didn't expect Li Mu must walk suddenly, but also without recovering, listens to Li Mu also saying: Mr. Ford, I gives you a small reminder, I when my team leave, without bringing contract that purchases these three brands, over the next several years, you will witness these three brand unceasing losses and depreciation with own eyes, several years later after the purchasing power of money also dropped 2-3 tenths, price that you obtain, not necessarily gives your price to be higher than me now, if you are besottedly unimportant, we can chat three years later.” 小比尔・福特没想到李牧忽然就要走,还没回过神来,就听李牧又道:“不过福特先生,我给你一个小小的提醒,我在我团队离开的时候,没有带着收购这三个品牌的合同,未来几年,你将亲眼见证这三个品牌不断的亏损、贬值,几年后当货币购买力也下降了2-3成之后,你得到的价格,也未必比我现在给你的价格高,如果你执迷不悟也不要紧,我们可以在三年后再聊一聊。”
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