RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1725: Feared that must compensate

Bill Ford somewhat has been anxious. 小比尔・福特一直有些紧张。 As Ford family's generation of leaders, he has actually seen the world and experienced the player of great storms, but thinks immediately must meet with world's richest Li Mu, his many somewhat feels weak. 作为福特家族的这一代掌门人,他其实是个见过世面、经历过大风大浪的选手,但一想到马上要跟世界首富李牧见面,他心里多少有些发虚。 Ford family's current total market value 200-300 hundred million USD, but also has first-year university student very partially is the investor and other shareholder all, actual stock also less than half that the entire Ford families can control . Moreover, established old 福特家族目前的总市值不过200-300亿美元,而其中还有很大一部分是股民和其他股东所有,整个福特家族能够操控的实际股份还不到一半,而且,老牌old money has a very major problem, is the heir are too many. money有一个非常大的问题,就是子嗣太多。 This family, generally rich 4-5, starts from the second generation, direct line descendant how much time of growth, four change 16, 16 change 64, after four generations , the direct line heir number rushed to hundred people to go, this has not calculated that their spouses, Ford families to the present, directly-related family member's number many to even Bill Ford recognized not the entire situation. 这种家族,一般都富了四五代人,从第二代开始,直系后代几何倍增长,四个变十六个,十六个变六十四个,四代人之后,直系的子嗣数量就奔着百人去了,这还不算他们的配偶,福特家族到现在,直系亲属的数量已经多到连小比尔・福特自己都认不全的地步了。 Such family, to today's this step, although magnificently as before, but oneself also very distress. 这样的家族,到了今天这一步,虽然辉煌依旧,但是自身也很苦楚。 Back then was really the earthshaking top respected family, now? The global development is too rapid, the posterity is not powerful, Ford's industry not only cannot proceed, instead will also draw back in the future. 想当年真的是叱咤风云的顶尖大家族,现在呢?世界发展太快,子孙后代又不给力,福特的产业不但没能往前走,反而还往后退。 The absolute value was reducing, but the person of minute/share thick soup constantly grows, by the present, Ford family several hundred people cries for food like the insect of blood sucking every day, the industry drew bonus with the profit considerably large part entered the family trust fund directly, then apportioned these heir, such family, which also had the ostentation and breadth of spirit of top respected family, quite somewhat went down in the world the flavor of aristocrat actually. 绝对值本来就在缩小,可是分羹的人又不断增长,到现在,福特家族几百号人每天像吸血的虫子一样嗷嗷待哺,产业分红与利润相当大的一部分直接进了家族信托基金,然后再分给这些子嗣,这样的家族,哪还有顶尖大家族的排场与气魄,倒是颇有几分落魄贵族的味道。 Total assets tens of billions USD, but average per person also less than a hundred million USD family, facing worth hundreds of billions USD local tyrants, anxious is also excusable. 一个总资产上百亿美元,但人均还不足一亿美元的家族,面对一个身价几千亿美元的土豪,紧张也是情有可原。 Bill Ford even felt, if can hold the Li Mu's thigh taking this opportunity, that is really very good. 小比尔・福特甚至觉得,如果能借这个机会抱上李牧的大腿,那真的是非常不错的。 The best result is, Li Mu does not purchase these three brands in hand, but is the merger and acquisition. 最好的结果就是,李牧不是收购自己手里的这三个品牌,而是并购。 The purchase only gives money to buy the thing, the merger and acquisition is the merger or acquisition, is also brought by the bidder to own big system. 收购是只给钱把东西买走,并购是兼并收购、把被收购方也带到自己的大体系里。 Bill Ford felt, even if to these three brand estimate value 70 hundred million USD, Ford sells out them can still ease some pressures, after all when these three brands Ford purchased initially pays incessantly 70 hundred million USD, but purchase these years, invest and loses money, loss was countless. 小比尔・福特觉得,即便给这三个品牌估值70亿美元,福特把它们卖掉也只是能缓解一些压力而已,毕竟这三个品牌当初福特收购时付出的远不止70亿美元,而收购过来的这些年,连投资带亏损,损失的就更不计其数了。 Therefore, the best result, is Muye Science and Technology can merge these three brands, does not use many, to Ford 35 point Muye Science and Technology stocks, Ford may really lie down to win in the future. 所以,最好的结果,是牧野科技能够把这三个品牌并购进去,不用多,给福特三五个点牧野科技的股份,那福特将来可真是躺赢了。 Muye Science and Technology has not gone on the market now, present stage estimate value that the capital market generally gives in 2000 hundred million USD above, and even more, if other Google went on the market, oneself ipo, that may really take one round to soar to the heavens again. 牧野科技现在还没有上市,资本市场普遍给出的现阶段估值都在两千亿美元以上,甚至更多,如果等谷歌上市,自己再ipo,那可真是要一发冲天了。 Present stage, if can trade the Muye Science and Technology stock from Li Mu, to the Ford families, sells out to be much better compared with the cash. 现阶段,如果能从李牧手里换到牧野科技的股份,对福特家族来说,远比现金卖掉要好得多。 ...... …… In the afternoon, Li Mu brings Li Ziwei and Chen Ze, with Elon the Musk team goes to Ford Headquarters together. 下午,李牧带着李紫薇陈泽,和埃隆马斯克的团队一起前往福特总部。 Elon Musk had talked to Ford here several rounds, the price from 7 billion had talked about 6.3 billion, Li Mu made him discuss according to 50 hundred million USD about prices before, Ford rejects unusual is simple. 埃隆马斯克在这里已经跟福特谈过好几轮,价格已经从70亿谈到了63亿,李牧之前让他按照50亿美元左右的价位去谈,福特拒绝的非常干脆。 Actually to Li Mu, 50 hundred million USD looks a little low, but is very in fact really kind, these three brand which aren't heavily indebted? Which doesn't lose money in successive years? Three brands add for a year to owe several hundred million, owes again for several years, Ford is also uncomfortable. 其实对李牧来说,50亿美元看起来有点低,但实际上已经很够意思了,这三个品牌哪个不是负债累累?哪个不是连年亏损?仨品牌加起来一年亏好几个亿,再亏几年,福特自己也难受。 Once the loss starts, wants to turn losses into profit that to really be too difficult, these three brands, can say that one has not been Ford does to win. 亏损一旦开始,想扭亏为盈那可真是太困难了,就这三个品牌,可以说没一个是福特自己干赢的。 A Jaguar also so matter, Land Rover actually has been sight some years, that is really half of merit in the aurora, other half merit in «Humble abode» Song Siming, if Land Rover also time in Ford's hands, can research and develop the aurora, making Ford see the hope, let alone 5 billion, 7 billion Ford is not willing to pack to sell out ; 捷豹一直也就那么回事,路虎倒是风光过一些年,那真是一半的功劳在极光,另一半功劳在《蜗居》的宋思明,要是路虎还在福特手里的时候,能把极光研发出来,让福特看到希望的话,别说50亿,70亿福特也不会愿意打包卖掉; As for Volvo, but hehe, this brand by China brand purchase, the China people under various propaganda campaigns, injected the mood to this brand, its Buddha is the repertoire of operation, if it wins competently, Li Mu is willing to eat four tires. 至于沃尔沃,可就更呵呵了,这品牌要不是被华夏品牌收购,以至于华夏人民在各种宣传攻势下,对这个品牌注入了情怀,就它那佛系操作的套路,它要是能干赢,李牧都愿意吃四条轮胎。 Volvo Buddha department time, in the market rarely has its what legend, but since it became half China brand, legend about Volvo on all of a sudden hiding the sky and covering the earth. 沃尔沃自己佛系的时候,市面上鲜有它的什么传说,但自从它成了半个华夏品牌之后,关于沃尔沃的传说就一下子铺天盖地了。 Believes that each understands China people of automobile slightly, had heard some legend about Volvo, somebody vowed solemnly saying that his Second Brother's Third Uncle family/home the cousin of distantly related nephew's, opened Volvo to have the accident, the car(riage) hit to discard, aerocyst to explode, but a person matter did not have. 相信每一个稍微了解一点汽车的华夏民众,都听说过某个关于沃尔沃的传说,某个人信誓旦旦的说,他二哥的三叔家的远房侄子的表哥,开着一辆沃尔沃出了事故,车撞报废了、气囊全爆了,但人一点事儿也没有。 Also some people said that his boss little uncle of younger brother's, opened Volvo to roll down the mountain, what because he opened was Volvo, he had died, therefore he recognized Volvo, bought the car(riage) only to buy Volvo. 还有人说他老板的弟弟的小舅子,开着一辆沃尔沃滚下了山,要不是因为他开的是沃尔沃,他早就死了,所以他这个人就认准了沃尔沃,买车只买沃尔沃 Therefore, Volvo turns losses into profit in Luck's hands, everyone thought that Ford sold to owe, actually was really not, came opportunity to Ford again a time, he was also not necessarily able to turn losses into profit Volvo. 于是,沃尔沃才在吉力的手里扭亏为盈,大家都觉得福特卖亏了,其实真不是,给福特一个再来一次的机会,他也未必能把沃尔沃扭亏为盈。 How Ford said that is also the US (America) local most famous automobile brand, under his hand Jaguar Land Rover Volvo these three brands, in a complete mess that US (America) sells, obviously, own compatriot does not give Ford the face, wants to do these three brands, to Ford difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 福特怎么说也是美国本土最出名的汽车品牌,他手底下捷豹路虎沃尔沃这三个品牌,在美国卖的一塌糊涂,可见,连自己的同胞都不给福特面子,想把这三个品牌干起来,对福特来说简直难如登天。 Therefore, Ford this year 50 hundred million USD , if not sell, next year will at least pound 35 hundred million USD to these three brands again, pounded 35 hundred million, will definitely not compare 5 billion to be high with the price that sells, perhaps must fall again downward. 所以,福特今年五十亿美元要是不卖,明年至少得给这三个品牌再砸进去三五亿美元,砸了三五个亿,拿出来卖的价格肯定不会比五十亿要高,没准还得再往下跌一点。 ...... …… When Li Mu sees Bill Ford, Bill Ford joyful unusual shakes hand with Li Mu, said one in not too fluent Chinese: Mr. Li hello/you good, has heard so much about you!” 李牧见到小比尔・福特的时候,小比尔・福特欣喜异常的与李牧握了握手,用不太流利的中文说了一句:“李先生你好,久仰大名!” Li Mu gave him a smile, said lightly: Mr. Ford does not use such politely.” 李牧给了他一个微笑,淡淡道:“福特先生不用这么客气。” Then, Li Mu in Bill Ford's opposite sat. 说完,李牧在小比尔・福特的对面坐了下来。 Bill Ford sits in another side of conference table, faced Li Mu to say with smile on the face: Mr. Li catches up specially, is really being honored of Ford Group.” 小比尔・福特坐在谈判桌的另一侧,面对着李牧面带微笑的说:“李先生这么远专程赶过来,真是福特集团的荣幸。” Li Mu said with a smile: Actually I also come on the way, you know, Google must go on the market immediately, Larry Page asked me to strike a gong with him to New York together, the difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, I came.” 李牧笑道:“其实我也是顺道过来,你知道,谷歌马上要上市了,拉里・佩奇非请我到纽约跟他一起敲钟,盛情难却,我就过来了。” Saying, Li Mu was also saying: Actually billions USD business, I really do not want to do it yourself, but happen to this time comes US (America), therefore comes with meet, my time is not possibly ample, after today, tomorrow also in Dearborn will be an unknown, if I will leave in midway, will also ask Mr. Ford should not be offended, will continue with Elon Musk will discuss.” 说着,李牧又道:“其实几十亿美元的生意,我真不想亲力亲为,但正好这次来美国,所以就过来跟诸位见个面,我的时间可能没有那么宽裕,今天之后明天还在不在迪尔伯恩还是个未知数,所以如果我中途离开,还请福特先生不要见怪,继续跟埃隆马斯克谈就可以。” Bill on Ford face many somewhat cannot hang, thinks that vague expression Li Mu attaches certainly great importance to this purchase very much, but didn't expect Li Mu did not show due respect for the feelings to say directly very much, he came to have a look on the way. 小比尔・福特脸上多少有些挂不住,本想隐晦的表达李牧对这次收购案一定很重视,但没想到李牧直接很不给面子的说,他不过就是顺路过来看看。 However, Bill who Li Mu said Ford does not have too to suspect, because Google truly wanted recently to strike a gong the listing, the capital circle discussed to this matter unusual was warm. 不过,李牧说的小比尔・福特倒也没有太怀疑,因为谷歌确实是要近日敲钟上市,资本圈对这件事讨论的非常热烈。 Bill Ford thought that Li Mu this person, air/Qi the field a little unusual, common great person, the bringing very strong air/Qi field, will make the opposite party feel a pressure, but Li Mu not only brings the air/Qi field, as if also bringing weakens others air/Qi the halo of field. 小比尔・福特觉得李牧这个人,气场有点另类,一般的大人物,自带很强的气场,会让对方感觉到一种压力,但李牧不但自带气场,似乎还自带削弱别人气场的光环。 When worth hundreds of billions USD people, said billions USD business he did not do it yourself, Bill Ford took him to have no means completely. 当一个身价几千亿美元的人,开口说几十亿美元的生意他不相亲力亲为的时候,小比尔・福特完全拿他没有任何办法。 Steady mind, Bill Ford asked that Li Mu said: Mr. Li, as far as I know, Muye Science and Technology had not stepped in any car industry, why can purchase three world-class automobile brands suddenly?” 稳了稳心神,小比尔・福特问李牧道:“李先生,据我所知,牧野科技一直没有涉足任何汽车产业,为什么忽然要收购三个世界一流的汽车品牌?” Li Mu said with a smile: Mr. Ford, two issues, first, these three brands are not the world's first -class, on the current situation, most calculates second-class end ; Second, I want to purchase these three brands, is actually not big with the Muye Science and Technology relations.” 李牧笑道:“福特先生,两个问题,第一,这三个品牌不算世界一流,就目前的情况来看,最多算二流末尾;第二,我想收购这三个品牌,跟牧野科技其实关系不大。” Saying, Li Mu is asking him: „ Have you heard China Super Car Club? The full title is china 说着,李牧问他:“你有没有听说过csc俱乐部?全称是china supercar supercar clu Boss. ” club。” Naturally.” Ford nods, said: This is the Mr. Li club, I have had hearing.” “当然。”福特点了点头,道:“这是李先生的俱乐部,我有过耳闻。” The China Super Car Club fame truly is very big, not only this is because the club members are wealthy families' juniors, what is more important, the cohesive force of this club is very strong, Li Mu frequently can raise tens of billions RMB in this club, is simply fearful. csc俱乐部的名气确实还是非常大的,这不光是因为俱乐部成员都是有钱人家的子弟,更重要的是,这个俱乐部的凝聚力特别强,李牧动辄可以在这个俱乐部里募资上百亿人民币,简直可怕。 About China Super Car Club some anecdotes, Wall Street has reported some. 关于csc俱乐部的一些轶事,华尔街都报道过一些。 Li Mu said: I did race track in China, did some time, felt not very interesting, happen to China also has no automobile brand that the comparison takes acts, therefore I want to buy several directly ready-made, goes back to conform again, does a domestic brand, oneself make several awesome models, fiddles with several models of race cars again, does the competition at the same time, was makes the contribution to the China auto industry.” 李牧说:“我在华夏搞了个赛车场,搞了一段时间,感觉不是很有意思,正好华夏也没有什么比较拿得出手的汽车品牌,所以我就想直接买几个现成的,回去再整合一下,搞个国产品牌,自己生产几款牛逼的车型,再捣鼓几款赛车,搞搞比赛的同时,也算是为华夏汽车行业做贡献了。” Li Mu said is completely the truth, takes several brands, makes the technical conformity, then the collection three managers, in addition the Tesla unique technology, do the China independent automobile brand that can play a leading role, then produces some to be able in hanging of global sale to explode overhead traveling crane, can attend the rally and room car racing anything while convenient again. 李牧说的完全是实话,把几个品牌拿回去,做技术整合,然后集三家所长,再加上特斯拉的独特技术,搞一个能扛大梁的华夏自主汽车品牌,然后生产一些能在全球热卖的吊炸天车型,顺便可以再参加点拉力赛、房车赛什么的。 Actually Li Mu already the future plan was very detailed, moreover in his opinion, the chance of success is also big, definitely has the opportunity national rejuvenation car industry, but this saying said that by Bill Ford listened in the ear, hearing him to shake the head. 其实李牧已经把未来规划的很详细了,而且在他看来,成功几率也非常大,绝对是有机会振兴民族汽车产业的,但这话说出来,被小比尔・福特听在耳朵里,听得他心里直摇头。 he believes Li Mu's original intention, but does not believe Li Mu to do well. 他信了李牧的初衷,但不信李牧能搞好。 He thought that Li Mu is really lacks the understanding of the auto industry, you really think that a little advanced technology can make a brand in a big way? No joking, in Ford hand can take the high-end technology of making a move is very many, what did you look become now? 他觉得李牧实在是对汽车行业缺乏了解,你真以为有点先进技术就能把一个品牌做大了?别闹了,福特手里能拿出手的高端技术就挺多的,你看现在成啥样了? The car industry, is actually a very huge wooden barrel, the technical standards constitute one of the wooden barrel sectors, remaining also has the optimized ability and model of designed capacity and globalized marketing capability organization coordination ability and production line of global purchase, to control the ability, the post-sale ability, the public relations ability, the capital strength wait wait/etc. etc.. 汽车产业,其实是一个非常庞大的木桶,技术水平只是构成木桶的版块之一,剩下的还有全球采购的组织协调能力、生产线的优化能力、车型设计能力、全球化营销能力、品控能力、售后能力、公关能力、资金实力等等等等。 In so many abilities, Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo, is above -average on the technical standards, remaining which not crane tail in the world brand? In addition depending on your Li Mu, the technical standards that of these three brands are unfit to take a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one, do you want to promote the China car industry? Feared that must compensate is right...... 在这么多能力里,捷豹、路虎、沃尔沃,也就技术水平处于中等偏上,剩下的哪个不在世界品牌里面吊车尾?就凭你李牧,加上这仨品牌的那点高不成低不就的技术水平,你就想振兴华夏汽车产业?怕是要赔死才对吧……
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