RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1702: Being ruthless

In the private economy of China, has a large number of small and micro enterprises, even is the workshop that the company has not even registered. 华夏的民营经济中,有着大量的小微企业,甚至是连公司都没有注册的作坊。 Especially the small commodity manufacture domain, the family workshop almost contributed more than 50% output values. 尤其是小商品制造领域,家庭式作坊几乎贡献了一半以上的产值。 99.99% enterprises or the workshops, are no copyright consciousness. 这其中,99.99%的企业或者作坊,是毫无版权意识的。 For example also black produced the label specially the workshop, the self-adhesive label of production mainly sold to the elementary and middle school students, their labels not only caught the whole lot in a dragnet all mainland and Hong Kong , Macao , Taiwan hot China star, even Japan & South Korea and European and US stars also included, not only produced a lot of star labels, the vivid label of stage photo label and cartoon cartoon of massive film and television play, this workshop had the possibility annual to produce 10,000 categories the labels, the portrait copyright, film and television and the animation character copyright use were innumerable, but truly had the authorized chain, absolute did not have. 比如亦乌一家专门生产贴纸的作坊,生产的不干胶贴纸主要卖给中小学生,他们的贴纸不但把所有大陆、港澳台当红的华夏明星一网打尽,甚至连日韩、欧美明星也囊括其中,不仅生产大量明星贴纸,还有大量影视剧的剧照贴纸、卡通漫画的形象贴纸,这家作坊有可能一年生产一万个品类的贴纸,使用的肖像版权、影视、动漫人物版权无数,但真正有授权链条的,绝对一个都没有。 In other words, such workshop, the annual produces 10,000 categories, the genuine rate/lead is 0, the pirating rate/lead is 100%! 也就是说,这样的作坊,一年生产一万个品类,正版率为0,盗版率为100%! They are any fire produce anything, My Fair Princess, Liuxing Garden, beautiful young girl soldier, soccer young fellow, slamdunking expert, Michael Jackson, hot, in brief, so long as is the present stage is hounded, they will bring immediately produce, ignore totally any copyright and law. 他们都是什么火就生产什么,还珠格格、流星花园、美少女战士、足球小将、灌篮高手、迈克尔・杰克逊、hot,总之,只要是现阶段受追捧的,他们立刻就会拿过来进行生产,全然不顾什么版权和法律。 The star poster that various elementary and middle schools entrances sell is also same, Young and Dangerous poster that the male student likes buying, 51, big point two five, the nation estimated that one year can sell out billions, these can enter Chan Ho-nam or the money in pheasant these copyright owner pockets, one hair does not have. 各种中小学门口售卖的明星海报也是一样,男生爱买的古惑仔海报,一块五一张,大点的两块五,全国估计一年能卖掉几十亿张,这其中能进陈浩南或者山鸡这些版权所有者口袋里的钱,一毛都没有。 Not to mention in domestic market the cartoon of present stage peripheral, basically can 1/10000 genuine rates be all that one could wish. 就更别提国内市场上现阶段的卡通周边,基本上能有万分之一的正版率都算是烧高香了。 Now, the bear panda world explodes the fire, cannot help smiling to the adult, middle-aged person and senior citizens to this image from young child, because this image already , is not only lucky in the network, had entered the offline life with the media. 现在,熊猫熊全球爆火,从几岁小孩子到成年人、中年人、老年人都对这个形象忍俊不禁,因为这个形象早就不只是在网络上走红,早就随着媒体走进了线下生活。 Therefore, a small commodity workshop and enterprise of south big ticket, start in abundance the branch target, overwhelming majority capacities centralized to the production of bear panda peripheral product. 所以,南方一大票的小商品作坊、企业,开始纷纷转移目标,把绝大部分的产能都集中到了熊猫熊周边产品的生产上来。 Approval of market to these products is extremely also high, so long as basically goes on the market, will be snatched clean. 市场对这些产品的认可度也极高,基本上只要上市,就会被抢个一干二净。 What is more annoying, many people had the idea of overseas market, started some pirating peripheral to start to the overseas market to transport one after another. 更可气的是,不少人打起了海外市场的主意,陆续开始有一些盗版周边开始向海外市场输送。 These small traders and peddlers, in the Li Mu eye, just like the parasite are equally disgusting, these people only have to close right up against suck others blood to survive, left others' body, oneself do not have the ability of survival, moreover they will often close in toward the most perfect goal, seems like the present bear panda, tens of thousands of pirates the parasite to hemophagia crazily, when attracted the bear panda, everyone rushed to the next goal again. 这些小商小贩,在李牧眼里,犹如寄生虫一样令人厌恶,这些人唯有靠着吸食别人身上的血液才能生存下去,离开了别人的身体,自己连存活的能力都没有,而且他们往往会朝着最完美的目标一拥而上,就好像现在的熊猫熊,成千上万盗版寄生虫疯狂吸血,什么时候把熊猫熊吸垮了,大家再奔向下一个目标。 In such market environment, the genuine was almost ruthless, for example these years quite hot Pikachu, if the genuine product that a regular company makes, not only in the cost has the material cost and manufacture processing cost, high copyright costs and various tax revenue costs. 在这样的市场环境下,正版本身几乎被赶尽杀绝,就比如这几年比较火的皮卡丘,如果是一家正规公司生产的正版产品,成本内不但有原材料成本、制作加工成本,还有高昂的版权成本以及各项税收成本。 A Pikachu puppet of same size, work and needed materials of genuine and pirating even is exactly the same, the genuine company must bear at least 1-2 yuan the copyright cost, but the pirating company one cent does not need. 一个同等大小的皮卡丘玩偶,正版与盗版的做工、用料即便一模一样,正版公司要负担至少1-2钱的版权成本,而盗版公司一分钱都不需要。 Moreover, the pirating small workshop generally is individual operation, without the registration enterprise, therefore their manufacturing process, does not need to pay the one cent tax rate to the tax authorities, but an enterprise not only need pay the enterprise income tax, some additional taxes and fees. 而且,盗版小作坊一般都是个人经营,没有注册企业,所以他们的生产加工过程,不需要向税务机关缴纳一分钱税率,而一家企业不但要缴纳企业所得税,还有一些附加税费。 Toward thin said again, the worker cost of pirating workshop is lower than the regular company, because they only give the worker to pay out the wages, but does not give the worker to pay the social security and a tax. 再往细了说,盗版作坊的工人成本都比正规公司低很多,因为他们只给工人发工资,而不给工人缴纳社保、个税。 Then, the cost of genuine product may be one time of pirating company also much, even if pirating produces goods at the cost price of genuine product, full that oneself can also gain, but the genuine company was miserable, even if cuts the price to is like pirating, still binds the insufficient cost, therefore can only propose the price upward, the price raises, the competitiveness did not have, the present stage, most consumers have no genuine pirating consciousness, they only buy the performance-to-price ratio to be highest, 如此一来,正版产品的成本就有可能是盗版公司的一倍还多,盗版哪怕以正版产品的成本价出货,自己也能赚的盆满钵满,但是正版公司就惨了,就算把价格降低到跟盗版一样,也裹不够成本,所以只能把价格往上提,价格一提,竞争力就没了,现阶段,大部分的消费者也没有什么正版盗版意识,他们只买性价比最高的, Li Mu naturally cannot permit these piracy operators, makes rottenly the image of bear panda, therefore he is in command personally, not only organized a rights protection team, even also communicates with the industry and commerce departments on own initiative. 李牧自然不能允许这些盗版商,把熊猫熊的形象做烂,所以他亲自挂帅,不但组织了一支维权队伍,甚至还主动跟工商部门沟通。 The industry and commerce departments receive aiding in an investigation of Muye Science and Technology to request, attaches great importance, because the bear pandas and other cartoon images are different. 工商部门收到牧野科技的协查请求,也非常重视,因为熊猫熊和其他的卡通形象不一样。 First, the bear panda is the first fire that the native place is born spreads the cartoon image of the world, the significance is great ; 首先,熊猫熊是本土诞生的第一个火遍全球的卡通形象,意义重大; Next, what the bear panda represents is the panda traveling of China, cartoon envoy in overseas market and ambassador of its quite therefore China traveling, even represented the image of national tourist culture to a certain extent. 其次,熊猫熊代表的是华夏的熊猫旅游,它相当于是华夏旅游在海外市场的卡通使者、形象代言人,甚至某种程度上代表了国家旅游文化的形象。 Let alone, its copyright owner is Muye Science and Technology, China estimates value at present high, even is the world estimates value the highest enterprise, is at present the China enterprise in the name card of overseas, the leadership attaches great importance to from top to bottom, necessary escorting must give. 更何况,它的版权方是牧野科技,华夏目前估值最高,甚至是全球估值最高的企业,是目前华夏企业在海外的名片,领导从上到下都非常重视,必要的保驾护航是一定要给到的。 In this case, Li Mu personally acts, held a close-door meeting with the industry and commerce departments. 这种情况下,李牧又亲自出面,与工商部门举行了一次闭门会。 At the meeting, Li Mu to the leaders of industry and commerce departments, explained personally the praise degree that at present the bear panda receives around the world, uses the frequency, the discussion heat degree and media to report including the global Internet users the heat degree and enterprise applied for the heat degree of copyright cooperation. 会上,李牧亲自向工商部门的领导们,说明了目前熊猫熊在全世界范围所收到的追捧程度,包括全球网民使用频次、讨论热度、媒体报道热度以及企业申请版权合作的热度。 Leaders also didn't expect of industry and commerce departments, bear panda now globally, unexpectedly hot so thorough. 工商部门的领导们也没想到,熊猫熊现在在全球范围内,竟然火的如此彻底。 Only is global hundreds of thousands the business directory that applied for the copyright cooperation, made them dumbfounded. 光是全球十几万家申请版权合作的企业名录,就让他们目瞪口呆。 Li Mu said: Leader, present stage, in copyright protection quite proper countries and regions, enterprise through our officially announced application flow, the lawful authorization of application bear panda vivid copyright, but the home violates regulations the enterprise of infringement use bear panda, individual to present hundred and thousand of cases at present like mushrooms after a spring rainfall, if not conduct the necessary intervention, the bear panda will encounter pirating the situation to be getting more and more serious internally, at the appointed time, the bear panda image and commodity of inferior pirating will flood the national even overseas market, to the development of panda Kumamoto body, will have the huge impact, therefore we wholeheartedly hope, the industry and commerce departments can assist Muye Science and Technology to conduct the rights protection across the country., Also protects the healthy development of bear panda image by this.” 李牧说:“诸位领导,现阶段,在版权保护比较到位的国家和地区,企业都在通过我们官方公布的申请流程,申请熊猫熊形象版权的合法授权,但是国内目前违规侵权使用熊猫熊的企业、个人已经如雨后春笋般出现了成百上千例,如果再不进行必要干预,熊猫熊在国内遭到盗版的情况会越来越严重,届时,劣质盗版的熊猫熊形象、商品将充斥全国甚至海外市场,对熊猫熊本身的发展,造成巨大的冲击,所以我们衷心希望,工商部门能够协助牧野科技在全国范围内进行维权,也以此来保护熊猫熊形象的健康发展。” The industry and commerce departments also attach importance to this issue immediately, not only this is the issue of copyright infringement, concerns the international image of bear panda, even the international image of China traveling, can turn a blind eye to these copyright infringement in the past, but these is important time, said that anything cannot be lax. 工商部门也立刻重视起这个问题,这不光是版权侵权的问题,更关乎熊猫熊的国际形象,甚至华夏旅游的国际形象,以往可以对这些版权侵权睁一只眼闭一只眼,但是这一次事关重大,说什么也不能松懈。 Afterward, the leaders of industry and commerce departments said immediately, will strengthen in view of the pirating bear panda relevant attack governance across the country. 随后,工商部门的领导们立刻表示,会在全国范围内加强针对盗版熊猫熊相关的打击治理。 Li Mu also took a stand at the scene: Muye Science and Technology had determined in the city the cooperation law office, at the appointed time, we will entrust them, sues the copyright infringements behavior in national any city, to cease pirating, we have adopted 100 million Yuan rights protection to budget, at the appointed time will file the civil action to the infringer across the country, hopes that regional industry and commerce departments can support our rights protection work, such as involves the criminal offense, but must communicate to the judicial and public security organs through the industry and commerce departments.” 李牧也当场表态:“牧野科技已经在全国省会城市都确定了合作的律师事务所,届时,我们将委托他们,在全国任何一个城市对盗版侵权行为进行起诉,为了杜绝盗版,我们已经通过了一亿元维权预算,届时将在全国范围内对侵权者提起民事诉讼,也希望各地工商部门能够支持我们的维权工作,如牵扯到刑事犯罪,还需通过工商部门向公检法进行沟通。” The Muye Science and Technology legal department efficiency is very high, they have established the cooperation with the mainland 23 the top law firms in provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 municipalities, Muye Science and Technology will entrust them in the province, autonomous region and municipality, helping Muye Science and Technology conduct the bear panda image the rights protection, this time, the Li Mu's goal is, a piracy operator does not let off. 牧野科技的法务部门效率很高,他们已经与大陆23个省份、五个自治区、四个直辖市的顶尖律所建立了合作关系,牧野科技将委托他们在所在省、自治区、直辖市内,帮助牧野科技进行熊猫熊形象的维权,这一次,李牧的目标是,一个盗版商都不放过。 To Li Mu, the piracy operator, or pirates individual, if only pure makes money from own company, being ruthless that oneself will not think of every means that but, pirating must be divided the situation, the strategic significance of bear panda was extremely great, said that anything cannot be pirated to draw in the mire. 李牧来说,盗版商、或者盗版个人,如果只是单纯的从自己的公司赚点钱,自己也不会费尽心思的赶尽杀绝,但是,盗版也要分情况,熊猫熊的战略意义极其重大,说什么也不能被盗版拖入泥潭。 «Flying Tigers» that not only the bear panda, must screen this year, this movie strategic significance is also very great, if there is a piracy operator to stare at it, when the time comes oneself must make them lose everything. 不只是熊猫熊,还有今年就要上映的《飞虎队》,这部电影战略意义也很重大,如果有盗版商盯上它,到时候自己一定要让他们倾家荡产。 Therefore, Li Mu decided that even if the rights protection cost is high, Muye Science and Technology also meets Xinran (Joyful) to accept, if a manufacturer gained 100,000 Yuan by the pirating bear panda, that Muye Science and Technology can spend 200,000 costs, compelling him to spit these 100,000 Yuan, feeds in the prison him again. 所以,李牧决定,哪怕是维权成本再高,牧野科技也会欣然接受,如果一个厂商靠盗版熊猫熊赚了十万块钱,那牧野科技可以花二十万的成本,逼他把这十万元吐出来,再把他送进监狱。 If an individual operator gained thousand Yuan by the pirating bear panda, Muye Science and Technology will also look for him, then spends several times of even several times of costs, making him after drawing back the clear all illegal incomes, shoulders the respective legal liability. 如果一位个体户靠盗版熊猫熊赚了一千块钱,牧野科技也会把他找出来,然后花几倍甚至十几倍的成本,让他在退清所有违法所得之后,承担相应的法律责任。 Afterward, the industry and commerce departments issue the document to the nation, requesting in regional industry and commerce departments strict investigation area of jurisdiction scopes system false fabrication about bear panda, the request to achieve three points: 随后,工商部门面向全国发布文件,要求各地工商部门严格查处辖区范围内关于熊猫熊的制假造假情况,要求务必做到三点: First, early discovered the fabrication, stops the infringement early ; 第一,及早发现造假、及早制止侵权; Second, all the product must recover the destruction ; 第二,所有已生产商品务必追回销毁; Third, coordinates with the public security organ, to enterprise that producing, sale pirates the product and individual, conducts processing mode that the administrative punishment and criminal punishment employ two methods to achieve one goal. 第三,与公安机关配合,对生产、销售盗版制品的企业和个人,进行行政处罚与刑事处罚双管齐下的处理方式。 Moreover, the industry and commerce departments still gave the work guidance in the document. 而且,工商部门还在文件中给出了工作指导。 They request regional industry and commerce departments, starts to trace to the source from the market directly, so long as discovered that the pirating commodity circulates in the market, immediately first accountability the distributor, then traces to the source through the seller step by step upwardly, will look to the responsible people of manufacturing enterprise. 他们要求各地的工商部门,直接从市场开始溯源,只要发现盗版商品在市场上流通,立刻先问责销售者,然后通过销售方一步步向上溯源,一直到将生产企业的责任人找出来。 What if production and sales pirating is the enterprise, the industry and commerce departments seizes the enterprise, to give the administrative punishment directly, and according to pirating the quantity and market value of commodity, decides whether transmits the public security organ, so long as theoretically reaches the case filing standard, must transmit the public security organ to try. 如果生产、销售盗版的是企业,工商部门直接查封企业、给予行政处罚,并且根据盗版商品的数量、市值,来决定是否转交公安机关,理论上只要达到立案标准,就务必要转交公安机关审理。 What if production and sales pirating is individual, then bans, the confiscating illegal gain directly, offends the criminal law, according to the illegal business operation and infringement intellectual property crime, investigates the criminal responsibility. 如果生产、销售盗版的是个人,则直接予以取缔、没收违法所得,触犯刑法的,依照非法经营罪、侵犯知识产权罪,追究刑事责任。 This document once were sent out, each region industry and commerce departments treat as one of the recent most important work it immediately, immediately starts to conduct the positive arrangement, the preparation across the country, carries out an imposing action to attack piracy. 这个文件一经发出,各地工商部门立刻把它当做了近期最重要的工作之一,立刻开始进行积极筹备,准备在全国范围内,开展一场轰轰烈烈的打击盗版行动。 . m. 。m.
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