RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1701: Demonic nature in addition holds

Merely after two hours, Coca-Cola accepted the Li Mu's cooperation requirements overall. 仅仅两个小时之后,可口可乐就全盘答应了李牧的合作要求。 Since the day of signing in a year and ensure various production line 60% products are printed with the image of bear panda. 签约之日起一年内,保证各条生产线60%的产品印有熊猫熊的形象。 As the matter stands, so long as is the area that Coca-Cola can cover, the bear panda can cover. 这样一来,只要是可口可乐能够覆盖到的地区,熊猫熊都能覆盖到。 Li Mu strikes while the iron is hot, immediately conducts online to sign with Coca-Cola, and on online sent out the first copyright of bear panda to be authorized. 李牧趁热打铁,立刻与可口可乐进行线上签约,并且在线上发出了熊猫熊的第一张版权授权。 Therefore, is attaining the authorized three days, is printed with Coca-Cola of bear panda modeling, globally went on the market. 于是,在拿到授权的第三天,印有熊猫熊造型的可口可乐,就在全球范围内上市了。 Everything is fastidious about a highly efficiency, Coca-Cola is also same. 凡事都讲究一个高效率,可口可乐也是一样。 At this time, who can first attain the bear panda, and first printed it on own commodity, who won. 这种时候,谁能最先拿到熊猫熊并且第一个把它印在自己的商品上,谁就赢了。 Moreover, to Coca-Cola, trading the packing is actually a very easy matter, Muye Science and Technology gives the material, does not permit the revision, Coca-Cola's on one set toward oneself existing product packaging template, then verifies to Muye Science and Technology, Muye Science and Technology thinks ok, then on ok. 而且,对可口可乐来说,换包装其实是一件非常容易的事情,牧野科技把素材给到,也不允许修改,可口可乐往自己现有的产品包装模板上一套,然后给牧野科技审核一遍,牧野科技认为ok,那就ok了。 Then the update packing can realize the replace through the production line of entire automation immediately, product that reproduces, exchanging packing. 然后新版包装立刻就能通过全自动化的生产线实现替换,再生产出来的产品,就都换新包装了。 Coca-Cola actually hopes the panda trades a modeling to the bear slightly, at least makes him wear clothes of Coca-Cola, or slanting wears a red Coca-Cola wears, but was given the rejection by Li Mu. 可口可乐其实是希望给熊猫熊稍微换个造型,最起码让他穿一件可口可乐的衣服,或者斜着佩戴一条红色可口可乐的佩带,不过被李牧给拒绝了。 The Li Mu's original words are, originally these discussed well, our China person does business is you are refreshed I is also refreshed, finally you do not break off with me pull 50% is too many thing that and so on nonsense had a stroke of bad luck, since you did not give me to be refreshed, I did not give you to be refreshed, everyone came one to be two clear, next time you must return the ink marks, I got angry with you directly. 李牧的原话是,本来这些都好商量,我们华夏人做生意就是你爽快我也爽快,结果你们非跟我掰扯50%太多了之类狗屁倒灶的东西,你既然都不给我爽快,那我也不给你爽快,大家一来一回算是两清,下回你要还墨迹,那我就直接跟你翻脸。 Coca-Cola is also very helpless, this is clear, actually oneself in front of Muye Science and Technology are the minority groups. 可口可乐也很无奈,这才明白,其实自己在牧野科技面前才是弱势群体。 „After bear panda version Coca-Cola goes on the market, Coca-Cola rises sharply 50% in the global sales volume link relative ratio, the cartoon image of bear panda is extremely really special, where regardless of can guarantee Coca-Cola, in similar competes to be seen by one, to disappears quickly, who was first paid attention to by the consumer, who has won half. “熊猫熊”版可口可乐上市之后,可口可乐在全球销量环比大涨50%,熊猫熊的卡通形象实在太过特殊,无论在哪里都能保证可口可乐在同类竞品中被一眼看到,对快消品而言,谁先被消费者关注到,谁就已经赢了一半。 Coca-Cola the sales volume in the world rising suddenly, grinning with ear to ear that lets the high level of Coca-Cola meets to smile. 可口可乐在全球暴涨的销量,让可口可乐的高层开会的时候笑的合不拢嘴。 This stimulates other enterprises directly to the hope of bear panda image, Li Mu requested the colleague of Muye Science and Technology Business department, when the choice cooperative enterprise, must first choose in this/should industry the influence biggest enterprise, naturally, China enterprise first. 这直接刺激了其他企业对熊猫熊形象的渴望,李牧要求牧野科技商务部门的同事,在挑选合作企业的时候,务必先选择该行业内影响力最大的企业,当然,华夏企业优先。 Suddenly, various applications come in waves, it is said a day of receiving application mail has over ten thousand. 一时间,各种申请纷纷而至,据说一天收到的申请邮件就有上万封。 Which cartoon image the entire world has not presented that can have such strong influence. 全世界还没有出现哪个卡通形象,能有这么强大的影响力。 When the Japanese street was flooded by the bear panda version Cola, the Japanese People envy the expression of envy, Li Mu is bad and cheap panda cartoon image with one, making the entire Japanese for dozens years, the innumerable classical cartoon images be overshadowed. 当日本街头被熊猫熊版可乐充斥的时候,日本民众羡慕嫉妒的表示,李牧用一只又坏又贱的熊猫卡通形象,让整个日本几十年来、无数经典卡通形象黯然失色。 Actually this saying to be not exaggerating. 其实这话一点都不夸张。 If Coca-Cola in seal Pikachu's image, feared that cannot reach a percentage point to the stimulation of sales volume. 可口可乐如果印上皮卡丘的形象,怕是对销量的刺激都达不到一个百分点。 If in seal beautiful young girl soldier, the sales volume will definitely slide, because beautiful young girl soldier although was liked by the girl, but has no attraction to the male, will affect the masculine choice because of her too feminization. 如果印上美少女战士,销量肯定是会下滑的,因为美少女战士虽然受到女孩子喜欢,但对男性没有什么吸引力,甚至会因为她太女性化而影响男性的选择。 seal cherry small meatball? No joking, the cartoon image of this Japan Elementary School female student, cannot achieve appealingly. 印樱桃小丸子?别闹了,这种日本小学女生的卡通形象,根本做不到老少咸宜。 battle efficiency of hellokitty in this aspect does not have the limit weakly, pours to pay out of money is also not necessarily able to let the Coca-Cola World Shop goods. hellokitty在这方面的战斗力更弱无极限,倒贴钱也未必能让可口可乐全球铺货。 Kornan quickly Japanese picture birth rate, how many values added but can his one year add? Even a Kumamoto bear odd change cannot compare. 柯南都快把日本画的人口负增长了,可他一年能带来多少附加价值?连熊本熊一个零头都比不上。 In the final analysis, reason that bear panda, the entire Japanese cartoon image insufficiently looked that is because these cartoon images do not have becoming a hit makings. 归根结底,之所以熊猫熊一出,整个日本卡通形象都不够看,那是因为那些卡通形象根本就不具备一种爆红的气质。 The present people have not been able to understand a word demonic nature, but Li Mu really knew about it again. 现在的人们还不能理解一个词“魔性”,但李牧对它真的是再了解不过了。 Kumamoto bear that is black and ugly, why can the fire spread the world, because of demonic nature. 熊本熊那个黑又丑,为什么能火遍全球,就是因为魔性。 This seems like Asian four big expression Heavenly King, why can the fire more than ten years of never-ending reason. 这就好像亚洲四大表情天王,为什么能火十几年都经久不衰的缘故。 The demonic nature, looks like a mysterious profound studies energy field, so long as anything moistens above with the demonic nature, can have the stone to change the super transformation of gold. 魔性,就像是一种神秘的玄学能量场,什么东西只要跟魔性沾上边,就能发生石头变黄金的超级蜕变。 The quick workers and trills hot so many nets were red, can say that each has the demonic nature very much ; 快手、抖音火了那么多网红,可以说每一个都很有魔性; In network red so many funny videos and songs, for example the equitation dance, even the US (America) First Lady follow to jump, fire then world each corner ; 网络上红了那么多搞笑视频、歌曲,比如骑马舞,连美国第一夫人都跟着跳,火便全球每个角落; For example I have Apple, I to have a pen, , the Apple pen, how that brothers saw that is a anomaly is crazy, but in that stage hot in a complete mess. 比如我有一个苹果、我有一杆笔,噗,苹果笔,那哥们怎么看都是个变态狂,但在那个阶段还是火的一塌糊涂。 But in the Kumamoto bear, all demonic nature nets are it can be said that red, demonic nature index highest that. 而熊本熊,可以说是所有魔性网红里,魔性指数最高的那一个。 Especially goes to Kumamoto prefecture, the hiding the sky and covering the earth Kumamoto bear modeling, that simply is brainwashing general existence. 尤其是去日本熊本县,铺天盖地的熊本熊造型,那简直就是洗脑一般的存在。 Li Mu got a sudden inspiration at this time suddenly, right, why not study Kumamoto prefecture? Spends a sum of money simply, covers the entire Chuandu the image of bear panda. 李牧这时候忽然灵机一动,对啊,为什么不学熊本县呢?干脆砸一笔钱,把熊猫熊的形象覆盖整个川都。 Therefore, Li Mu hurries to worry the colleague of Business department, asked several issues. 于是,李牧赶紧着急商务部门的同事,提出几个问题。 First, some airline altogether many of all application bear panda images ; 第一,所有申请熊猫熊形象的航空公司一共有多少家; Second, some airport altogether many of all application bear panda images ; 第二,所有申请熊猫熊形象的机场一共有多少家; Third, some enterprise altogether many do of Chuandu application bear panda image, do respectively ; 第三,川都申请熊猫熊形象的企业一共有多少家、分别是干什么的; The colleagues of Business department quickly from applying for master list, retrieved the airline. 商务部门的同事很快从申请总表里,检索出了航空公司。 At present, applied to use the bear panda image the domestic operator to include: China Airlines, Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines and Sichuan navigation, Hong Kong Cathay and Taiwan Evergreen ; 目前,申请使用熊猫熊形象的国内航空公司有:国航、南航、东航、川航,香港国泰、台湾长荣; Applied to use the bear panda image the overseas airline to include: The US (America) aviation and US (America) Delta Airlines, the US (America) United Airlines, German Lufthansa and British China Airlines are spatial, law China Airlines empty, All Nippon Airway, Japan Airlines, Korean Air and Singapore Airlines...... 申请使用熊猫熊形象的国外航空公司有:美国航空、美国达美航空、美国联合航空、德国汉莎航空、英国航空、法国航空、全日空、日本航空、大韩航空、新加坡航空…… Li Mu hear was scared, basically the domestic and foreign well-known airline, besides these petroleum local tyrants in Middle East, handed in the application to Muye Science and Technology. 李牧听的傻眼了,基本上国内外知名航空公司,除了中东的那些石油土豪之外,都向牧野科技提出了申请。 Good, does not ask for money, everyone came in swarms feeling. 好嘛,也是不要钱,大家都蜂拥而至了的感觉。 As for airport, equally many must die, light/only in China has more than ten airports to apply to use the bear panda image as the interior decoration, propaganda and guidance material. 至于机场,也一样多的要死,光华夏境内就有十几个机场申请使用熊猫熊形象作为内部装饰、宣传、引导素材。 Is the enterprise in Chuandu, the application was really many, was not only the taxi company, the food company and manufacturing industry, food and beverage industry, hot pot and string fragrance and earthen bowl earthen bowl chicken, even hidden dragon Panda Breeding Base hopes that can build a Panda House with the image of bear panda specially. 还有就是川都的企业,申请的真的是太多了,不光是出租车公司、食品公司、制造业,还有餐饮业,火锅店、串串香、钵钵鸡,甚至连卧龙熊猫繁育基地都希望能用熊猫熊的形象专门盖一个熊猫馆。 Actually, the bear panda explodes the fire, happiest was the Chuandu people, a saying panda, first thought was Chuandu, recently the domestic and foreign tourists in Chuandu increased sharply, even the house price started to rise rapidly, was impact that because the bear panda had. 其实,熊猫熊爆火,最幸福的就是川都人民了,一说熊猫,首先想到的就是川都,最近川都的国内外游客激增,连房价都开始飞速上涨,就是因为熊猫熊带来的影响。 Li Mu thinks, said: One, first, domestic several big airlines can be authorized , besides the Sichuan navigation, several other airlines, we is only authorized them to use the image on the far range eurysome passenger plane, these model mostly value flying overseas routes, can help us well propagandizes in the overseas.” 李牧想了想,说:“记一下啊,首先,国内的几大航空公司都可以得到授权,不过呢,除了川航之外,其他几家航空公司,我们只授权他们把形象用在远航程宽体客机上,这些机型大多数值飞国外航线,可以帮助我们更好的在海外宣传。” As for the Sichuan navigation, is casual they to use, best is even the taking off shoes of pillow covering, wool blanket on and first-class cabin their airplane is the images of bear panda.” “至于川航,就随便他们用吧,最好是连他们飞机上的枕巾、毛毯、头等舱的脱鞋都是熊猫熊的形象。” Outside in the China Airlines spatial company, these strengths are quite strong, we are only authorized them to use our images in Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 series narrow body on the airplane, as the matter stands, their majority withstand/top our image to fly round in their home, particularly All Nippon Airway and Japan Airlines these two, making them use heartily, makes the friends in Japan feel the joyful feeling of cultural invasion.” “外国航空公司里面,这几个实力比较强的,我们只授权他们在波音737、空客320系列窄体机上使用我们的形象,这样一来,他们大部分是顶着我们的形象在他们国内飞来飞去,尤其是全日空、日本航空这俩,让他们尽情用,也让日本的朋友们感受一下文化入侵的快乐感受。” Airport, first is the domestic all international airports, can use, best to design several special departure gates with the bear panda image, these departure gates are also best to be used in flight to Chuandu anchoring as far as possible, like this, the domestic tourist goes to Chuandu, the international tourist favorable turn goes to Chuandu, can feel the charm of Chuandu and panda from here.” “机场方面,首先是国内所有的国际机场,都可以使用,最好是能够用熊猫熊形象设计几个特殊的登机口,这几个登机口也最好是尽量用于飞往川都的航班停靠,这样,无论是国内游客前往川都,还是国际游客转机前往川都,都可以从这里就感受到川都和熊猫的魅力。” Chuandu Airport, we allow them to use our bear panda image in the infield at will, naturally, the design and operational version must verify through us.” “川都机场,我们允许他们随意在机场内部使用我们的熊猫熊形象,当然,设计和使用方案还是要通过我们审核的。” International airport, we allow them to use the bear panda image in the departure gate, naturally, the specific departure gate best also be able to give to fly to the flight use of China specially.” “国际机场,我们允许他们把熊猫熊形象用在登机口,当然,特定的登机口最好也能专门给飞往华夏的航班使用。” „The application of hidden dragon Panda Breeding Base, we not only need verify to pass, but must donate money, best to increase more bear panda design element in the base, for example footpath, electric car, direction, brochure as well as admission ticket wait/etc.” “卧龙大熊猫繁育基地的申请,我们不但要审核通过,而且还要捐款,最好是能够在基地内增加更多的熊猫熊设计元素,例如步道、电动车、指引、宣传册以及门票等等。” Taxi company, choosing a strength to be strongest, is authorized our bear panda image to them prints on the taxi.” “出租车公司,选一个实力最强的,把我们的熊猫熊形象授权给他们印在出租车上。” Chuandu's special product producer, so long as is the regular enterprise and aptitude is complete, product is qualified, first authorizes, issues the permission to them.” “川都的特产生产商,只要是正规企业、资质齐全、产品合格的,也都第一时间批准,给他们发布许可。” „The food and beverage industry , we can throw a bear panda theme restaurant even if possible.” “餐饮业就算了,如果有机会的话,我们可以自己投一个熊猫熊主题餐厅。” At this time, person in charge of public relations department entered the conference room, said to Li Mu: Chief Li, we receive some messages, the domestic many enterprises, used our bear panda image without authorization contrary.” 这时候,公关部门的负责人走进会议室,对李牧说:“李总,我们收到一些消息,国内不少企业在未经授权的情况下,违规使用了我们的熊猫熊形象。” Saying, he gave Li Mu one stack of pictures 说着,他把一摞照片递给了李牧 Li Mu looks, the nose quick air/Qi was crooked. 李牧看完,鼻子都快气歪了。 Bear panda the book bag, pencil case, notebook and other stationery of ; 熊猫熊的书包、铅笔盒、笔记本等文具; The label and book of bear panda seal, the child between-meal snack ; 熊猫熊的贴纸、书封、小孩零食; The inferior puppet and clothing of bear panda...... 熊猫熊的劣质玩偶、服装…… These products, from the picture looked that is shoddy, print quality is not up to standard, is discrediting the image of panda bear completely. 这些产品,从照片上看就都非常拙劣,连印刷质量都不过关,完全就是在抹黑熊猫熊的形象。 If makes this type of profiteer abuse the image of bear panda, moreover uses was so rotten, how long cannot want, in the market will be flooded by these shoddy products. 如果让这种奸商乱用熊猫熊的形象,而且用的这么烂,要不了多久,市面上就会被这些劣质产品所充斥。 The domestic copyright protection is not quite always in place, but, the bear panda is Li Mu pushes to an international China name card now, even this dares to pirate, really did. 国内版权保护一向不太到位,但是,熊猫熊现在是李牧推向国际的一张华夏名片,连这个都敢盗版,真是作死来了。 Immediately, Li Mu announces immediately: Public relations department unites the legal department to form a rights protection group immediately, simultaneously immediately communicates with the cultural department and industry and commerce departments, tells them to pirate the use bear panda image, to the bear panda, to the China tourism and to the impact that the China international image probably brings, must make them coordinate to help crack down on pirating as far as possible, to assist us to conduct the rights protection, such piracy operator, one is one, all considers the court to me!” 随即,李牧立刻宣布:“公关部门立刻联合法务部门成立一个维权小组,同时立刻跟文化部门、工商部门沟通,告诉他们盗版使用熊猫熊形象,将对熊猫熊、对华夏旅游业、对华夏国际形象可能带来的冲击,要让他们尽量配合帮助打击盗版、协助我们进行维权,这样的盗版商,有一个算一个,全给我告上法庭!”
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