RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1693: Achieves the pinnacle the performance-to-price ratio

Because Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter is a world-class platform, therefore, all genuine and fake marketing of Li Mu arrangement, are facing the global user here. 由于微博twitter已经是一个世界级的平台,所以,李牧安排的所有真假营销,在这里都面向着全球用户。 Travels the soft broad global delivery is not easy, wants to become the global traveling country more difficult. 旅游软广的全球投放并不容易,想成为全球性的旅游国家就更难了。 Can achieve truly, is some established capitalist countries, for example US (America), Britain, France and Japan. 真正能做到的,都是一些老牌资本主义国家,比如美国、英国、法国、日本。 Mentioned that US (America) knows the Statue of Liberty, knows Hollywood, knows Yellowstone National Park as well as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Hyatt enlarge these big cities, this is the US (America) world culture outputs many years of as a man soweth so shall he reap ; 提到美国就知道自由女神像、知道好莱坞、知道黄石国家公园以及纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、亚特拉大这些大城市,这是美国全球文化输出多年的种瓜得瓜; Britain as once empire on which the sun never sets, has over hundred years culture output, was only these nominal Shu, once the national in colony, had the huge sense of belonging to Britain, for example the Indian, without money liked going to US (America), most liked running toward Britain richly. 英国作为曾经的日不落帝国,也早就有了百年以上的文化输出,光是那些名义上的蜀国、曾经殖民地的国民,对英国就有巨大的归属感,比如印度人,没钱喜欢去美国,有钱最爱往英国跑。 The Gallic rooster also once world-renowned, in addition these years romantic, in addition of various luxury brands held, let the Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe and notre dame by the global people Zhixiao. 法国高卢雄鸡也曾经全球知名,再加上这些年浪漫之都、各种奢侈品牌的加持,让巴黎铁塔、凯旋门、圣母院被全球人民所知晓 Japan is very high in the global travel market heat degree, must give credit to the head of Meiji Restoration mostly, the integral development of the 19 th century Asia was backward than a big truncation the West, only Japan bet right the direction, the firm reform and radical westernization at that time, later Japan in the hundred-year history, was the Asian eldest child in westerner eyes. 日本之所以在全球旅游市场热度很高,多半还要归功到明治维新的头上,19世纪亚洲的整体发展比西方落后一大截,唯独日本当时赌对了方向、坚决改革、彻底西化,随后日本在长达百年的历史中,都是西方人眼里的亚洲老大。 Moreover Japan clamored day-by-day is escaping inferior (Asia) to enter Europe, struggled to make Western capitalism in the bridgehead of Asia, therefore was approved by the western world, a long time, westerner cognition most cultures, were not the well-established China cultures, but was the Japanese culture of courtyard China civilization. 而且日本一天天叫嚣着脱亚入欧,争做西方资本主义在亚洲的桥头堡,所以就更被西方世界所认可,以至于很长一段时间,西方人认知最多的文化,不是源远流长的华夏文化,而是院子华夏文明的日本文化。 Therefore the tourist market of Japan, calculates on is global. 所以日本的旅游市场,也算的上是全球性的。 At present, besides these four established imperialism, whom Li Mu really cannot find out also to achieve the world to put. 眼下,除了这四个老牌帝国主义,李牧真想不出还有谁能做到全球投放。 Do not look that many countries in Southeast Asia can also attract the tourists in many non- Asia, but generally speaking, the tourist market of Southeast Asia slightly somewhat is low-end, therefore cannot say that is the global traveling country, this is bad with the Southeast Asian countries universal economic development also has much to do with. 别看东南亚很多国家也能吸引不少非亚洲的游客,但总体上来说,东南亚的旅游市场还略微有些低端,所以也称不上是全球性的旅游国家,这和东南亚国家普遍经济发展较差也有很大关系。 Entire Southeast Asia only then a Singapore developed country, but the land area of Singapore did not have a Yanjing area to be big, such small national territory wants to become the global traveling country also to have more desire than energy. 整个东南亚只有新加坡一个发达国家,可新加坡的国土面积还没有燕京一个区大,这么小的国土想成为全球性的旅游国家也是心有余而力不足。 The previous life Dubai is rare and beautiful flowers, this country has not taken the propaganda route in traditional established powerful nation, but chose one local tyrant a label road to arrive black, the result spread the world softly broadly, everyone felt this country probably rich unthinkable, therefore was full of various types to yearn to here all of a sudden. 上辈子的迪拜算个奇葩,这个国家没有走传统老牌强国的宣传路线,而是选了一个“土豪”标签一条路走到黑,结果软广遍及全球,大家都觉得这国家好像有钱的令人匪夷所思,所以一下子对这里充满了各种向往。 Actually if the person with high aspirations thinks carefully, domestic media, Self Media and various types of information platform software, why in some time insane news of same pushing Dubai? For example the princes in Dubai have the police vehicle of multi- graceful and Dubai are Ferrari, that is because Dubai disparages the car(riage), the police do not open Ferrari unable to catch up with the opposite party wait/etc. 其实有心人如果仔细想想,国内媒体、自媒体、各种资讯平台软件,为什么在某段时间疯了一样的推迪拜的新闻?比如迪拜的王子有多帅、迪拜的警车都是法拉利,那是因为迪拜贬低好车,警察不开法拉利追不上对方等等。 For example, propagandizes «Dubai Chief Series Story» again everywhere, for example some Dubai chief chats today very congenially with others, sees the car(riage) that he drives is too bad, next day lets deliver him hand/subordinate an expensive car ; Tomorrow chief will see a China miss in the luxury shop, looked at being able to afford luxury package of eyeful ORIJEN (long for), the chief big hand is wielding said: Comes the younger sister, I deliver you, ten enough?” 再比如,到处宣传《迪拜酋长系列故事》,比如迪拜某个酋长今天跟别人聊得很投机,见他开的车太差了,第二天让手下送他一辆豪车;明天酋长又在奢侈品店看见一个华夏姑娘,望着买不起的奢侈品包满眼渴望,酋长大手一挥说:“来妹子,我送你,十个够不够?” The similar brain remnant story, why domestic social network winds repeatedly the unceasing appearance, even on do various heat search, various lists and various recommendations? These social network wind falls into the lord in square hole in the center, if not give money, they send an selfie according to wish one could ordinary goods logo that the luxury goods are an exception to get the mosaic, how also to idle spontaneously the egg hurts altogether propagandizes Dubai? 类似这样的脑残故事,为什么在国内的社交网络上反复不断的出现,甚至上各种热搜、各种榜单、各种推荐?要知道,那些社交网络都是掉进钱眼里的主,如果不给钱,他们发张自拍照都恨不得把奢侈品除外的普通物品的logo打上马赛克,又怎么会闲得蛋疼一股脑的去自发宣传迪拜? Also isn't the back some people puts up the cash to do such matter? 还不是背后有人砸钱在搞这样的事情? Li Mu remembers that had watched a domestic-made soap opera, inside all reveals the car(riage) target car(riage) is Audi, the first generation of rich opens Audi and second generation of rich to drive Audi, white, rich, and beautiful opens Audi and white-collar to drive Audi, the key is to hang the silk also drives Audi, this with the entire net boasted that the phenomenon of Dubai compares, isn't equally good results from different methods wonderful? 李牧记得曾经看过一部国产电视剧,里面所有露出车标的车全是奥迪,富一代开奥迪、富二代开奥迪,白富美开奥迪、白领开奥迪,关键是吊丝也开奥迪,这跟全网吹嘘迪拜的现象比起来,难道不是异曲同工之妙吗? Li Mu has felt, Dubai these so-called local tyrant anecdotes, 90% are Dubai fries, fried few years, the people in the world start to go to Dubai to travel, this is the way to success of Dubai in traveling. 李牧一直觉得,迪拜那些所谓的土豪轶事,百分之九十都是迪拜自己炒出来的,炒了没几年,全世界的人都开始去迪拜旅游,这就是迪拜在旅游上的成功之道。 Li Mu wants to walk, is the route in Dubai, but Dubai packs unceasingly own local tyrant image, Li Mu Stage 1 wants to give the China tourist market packing in the world, is „the ultra-high performance-to-price ratio internet journey selling point. 李牧想走的,就是迪拜的这种路线,只不过迪拜是不断包装自己的“土豪”形象,李牧第一阶段想在全球给华夏旅游市场包装的,就是“超高性价比互联网出行”的卖点。 Li Mu is very at heart clear, anything is impossible to do everything all at once, his although thinks the foreign propaganda China sublime scenery, the glorious history and well-established culture very much, but this matter needs the long process, like Japan, at least spent for 100-200 years to operate these. 李牧心里很清楚,任何事情都不可能一口吃个胖子,他虽然很想对外宣传华夏壮美的风景、悠久的历史、源远流长的文化,可这种事情需要漫长的过程,就像日本,也至少花了100-200年来经营这些。 Therefore, the route in Dubai is most solid, first chooses a label to hit. 所以,迪拜的路线是最实在的,先选一个标签往死里打。 The present stage, global internet industry although has the internet journey platform, there is a special tourist resources sale platform, but did not have portrait Li Mu this, carries out the online customized traveling. 现阶段,全球互联网行业虽然都有互联网出行的平台,也有专门的旅游资源销售平台,但是还没有人像李牧这样,搞线上的定制旅游。 It seems the auto market to sell the car(riage) in offline, or the online sale and offline shop raises the car(riage), but Tesla took the lead to abandon the offline shop afterward, places online and delivery truck to visit the sale directly, subverted the method of entire industry all of a sudden. 就好像汽车市场都是在线下卖车,或者线上销售、线下门店提车,但特斯拉后来率先摒弃了线下门店,直接把销售放在线上、送车上门,一下子就颠覆了整个行业的玩法。 Naturally, that time Elon Musk, sound noisy is very big, in the hand also really has no capital, does not ask for money many, wants the car(riage) unable to make, can only call. 当然,那时候的埃隆马斯克,动静闹的挺大,手里还真没什么资本,要钱没多少,要车又造不出来,只能是吆喝吆喝。 Li Mu was different, he wants anything to have anything, did directly ends. 李牧就不一样了,他要什么有什么,直接干就完了。 Therefore, first hits the performance-to-price ratio, achieves the pinnacle the performance-to-price ratio, first attracts, then conforms with more domestic tourism resources to them, then other promoted labels, go to make a true global market the China traveling slowly finally. 所以,先打性价比,把性价比做到极致,先把人都吸引过来,然后再给他们整合更多的国内旅游资源,再慢慢推广其他标签,最终去把华夏旅游做成一个真正的全球市场。 For example, the next stage, no longer only made the tourist shuttle back and forth in the first-tier cities, can make them look that the burial figures of warriors and horses, looked the panda, looked at Shennongjia, Jiuzhaigou, Huangshan, Lushan, Mount Tai wait wait/etc. etc., by that time, the reputation more will naturally do is stronger, label also more to do. 比如,下一阶段,就不再是只让游客穿梭于一线城市之间了,可以让他们去看兵马俑、去看大熊猫、去看神农架、九寨沟、黄山、庐山、泰山等等等等,到那个时候,口碑自然会越做越强、标签也会越做越多。 In fact, which Stage 1 Taobao goes, truly through the ultra-high performance-to-price ratio, attracted a large numbers of US (America) tourist to go to the China traveling, but the travel notes of various genuine and fake, globally attracted more tourists to go to China. 事实上,第一阶段的淘宝去哪,确实通过超高的性价比,吸引了一大批美国游客前往华夏旅游,而各种真真假假的游记,也在全球范围内吸引了更多的游客前往华夏 Where Taobao got online the operation half a month later, Chen Ze gave Li Mu to telephone specially, said to him: I have a data obtained from the relevant departments, over the past 30 days, the overseas visitors applied to handle the population of China tourist visa, grew 130%, grew 97%!” 淘宝去哪上线运营半个月之后,陈泽专门给李牧打了个电话,对他说:“我这有从有关部门得到的一手数据,过去30天,海外游客申请办理华夏旅游签证的人数,同比增长了130%,环比增长了97%!” Compared with the same period, referred to compared with last year same period ; 同比,是指跟去年同时期相比; The link relative ratio, refers to keeping up with a cycle, is on one 30 days. 环比,是指跟上一个周期,也就是上一个三十天。 The Li Mu hear the Chen Ze tone exclaimed in surprise probably, then cannot bear ask: „Is this data very scary?” 李牧听出陈泽的语气好像非常惊叹,便忍不住问:“这个数据很吓人吗?” Not to be how scary.” Chen Ze said: Wants the tourist who comes China to travel, were more than 1.3 times last year! This growth was also too fierce!” “怎么不吓人。”陈泽说:“想来华夏旅游的游客,比去年多了1.3倍啊!这个增长也太猛了!” Li Mu said: How you think that we invested many resources to handle this matter, now we at the tour abroad that the US (America) market made, performance-to-price ratio quick his mother can with US (America) go to Mexico to be similar, we not only the one cent did not gain, but also has died to press the airline, the travel and profit of hotel company, but also had Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter globally to promote unceasingly, let alone grew 1.3 times, even grew 3.1 times, I did not feel surprised.” 李牧道:“你怎么想想我们投入了多少资源在做这个事情,现在我们在美国市场做的出境游,性价比快他妈能跟美国去墨西哥差不多了,我们不但一分钱不赚,还一直死压着航空公司、旅游公司、酒店公司的利润,而且还有微博twitter在全球范围内不断推广,别说同比增长1.3倍,就算增长3.1倍,我也不觉得惊讶。” Chen Ze said with a smile: Ok! Ok! Alright!, first-year university student some that you think.” 陈泽笑道:“行行行,还是你想的更大一些。” Saying, his tone is earnest, said: Disclosed a news with you, the following visa examination will gradually relax, in other words, has signing rate/lead to have the large scale promotion, this also to seize the chance to develop the domestic tourism industry well, said again thin, was the matter that you handle now, was a being beneficial to the nation and to the people good deed, therefore you proceeded to run although, can run runs quickly.” 说着,他语气认真起来,道:“跟你透露一点消息,接下来的签证审批会逐渐放宽,也就是说,出签率会有大幅度提升,这也是为了趁机好好发展国内的旅游产业,再说细一点,就是你现在做的这个事情,是个利国利民的好事,所以你尽管往前跑,能跑多快跑多快。” Li Mu understands the meaning in his words, is at heart excited. 李牧明白他话里的意思,心里不由激动起来。 Such coordination fought really has the tacit understanding, if the visa release good news, will be higher to the attraction of overseas tourist. 这样的配合战实在是太有默契了,如果签证释放利好消息,对境外游客的吸引力就会更高。 Therefore, Li Mu hurries to convene the team, told everyone this good news. 于是,李牧赶紧把团队召集起来,把这个利好消息告诉了大家。 In which each participates in operation Taobao going to the high level to be excited about this news, this looked like the approval and permission of guardian, was truly big to the drive of team. 参与运营淘宝去哪的每个中高层对这个消息都非常兴奋,这就像是得到了家长的认可和许可,对团队的激励确实非常大。 Therefore Li Mu said: Since this, we make the best use of the time to formulate several more thorough tourist tracks, making these overseas visitors see the China natural scenery and humanistic scenery.” 于是李牧说:“既然这样,那我们就抓紧时间制定几条更深入的旅游路线,让这些海外游客看到更多华夏的自然景色以及人文景色。” Chief Lei asked: Domestic tourism resources is a lot , Stage 1 Chief Li does not know that which has to suggest?” 雷总问:“国内旅游资源还是很多的,第一阶段李总不知道有哪些建议?” Li Mu said with a smile: Definitely on first most can take the national treasure of making a move, first comes a panda tourist route, my suggestion is, Yanjing, Shanghai and Yangcheng these three cities, clear a tourist route that goes to Chuandu, for example first arrives at Yanjing to play for two days, to look at the panda to Chuandu again, or first arrives at Shanghai to play for two days, then goes to Chuandu to look at the panda, since Chuandu went, that have no reason the magic color rich fog city, therefore this can plan three routes of three city tours, then puts to exaggerate the panda element emphatically.” 李牧笑道:“肯定先上最能拿出手的国宝啊,先来一个熊猫旅游线路,我的建议是,燕京沪市、阳城这三个城市,都开通一条前往川都的旅游线路,比如先到燕京玩两天、再到川都看熊猫,或者先到沪市玩两天,然后再去川都看熊猫,既然川都去了,那没理由不去一去魔幻色彩浓郁的雾都,所以这就能规划出三条三城游的路线,然后着重把熊猫元素放进来渲染一番。” Chief Lei nods, said: I make the best use of the time to relate the airline, the travel and the hotel Chuandu and fog city.” 雷总点了点头,说:“那我抓紧时间联系川都、雾都的航空公司、旅游公司以及酒店。” Li Mu said: You best look for a awesome point design team again, designs the souvenir of one set of panda traveling, then goes to also black Zhao the credible OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplier factory to produce, when the time comes after letting our tourists came, can bring the point to have the small present of commemorative significance to go back to see somebody off, not only this promoted the small commodity market, is a powerful user self-propagation channel.” 李牧说:“你最好再找一个牛逼一点的设计团队,设计一整套熊猫旅游的纪念品,然后去亦乌找靠谱的代工厂生产出来,到时候让我们的游客来了之后,可以带点有纪念意义的小礼品回去送人,这不但推动了小商品市场,更是一种强大的用户自传播渠道。” Saying, Li Mu supplements one: This I suggested that you study with Japan study, we said in a truth-seeking way, their does truly good.” 说着,李牧又补充一句:“这个我建议你们跟日本学学,咱们实事求是地说,他们这一点做的确实好。” In Japan, even if a tens of thousands people of small city, has own cartoon images and own various custom-made souvenirs, the value added development of tourism industry unusual passes, contrasts, they look like making most typical Yanjing roast duck, roasts carefully the duck, the meat must sliver 108 pieces, the bone and rack must open, makes various types of tastes or fires the soup, matches must also sell your lotus-leaf pancake, sweet sauce, green onion and cucumber, we? Compared with them, our present tourist markets sell the duck directly, let alone roasts to cut to divide, even butchers does not give to butcher, you must buy buy directly, buy yourself to process, like this plays, how we can play others?” “在日本,哪怕是一个几万人的小城市,都有自己的卡通形象、自己的各种定制纪念品,旅游产业的附加价值开发的非常透,对比起来,他们就像是在做最地道的燕京烤鸭,精心把鸭子烤出来,肉要切成108片,骨头、架子还要拆出来,做成各种口味或者烧成汤,搭配着还要卖你荷叶饼、甜面酱、大葱、黄瓜,我们呢?跟他们相比,我们现在的旅游市场就是直接卖鸭子,别说烤出来切好分好,甚至连宰都不给宰,你要买就直接买走,买走你自己处理,这样玩,我们怎么能玩的过人家?”
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