RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1694: Good money pursuit bad money

Japan and China are separated by very near, in two national history also has many investigates dispute Ge, Li Mu to these extreme Samurai spirits and to that acts that negated the history abhorred, therefore he has propagandized the real second war and real history, why this was also, he must get so far as notorious 《The Last Samurai》, aborts. 日本与华夏相隔很近,两个国家历史上也有很多纠纠葛葛,李牧本身对那些极端武士道精神、对那种否认历史的行径深恶痛绝,所以他才会一直宣传真实的二战、真实的历史,这也是为什么,他一定要把《最后的武士》弄到臭名昭著、胎死腹中。 However, Li Mu can achieve today Muye Science and Technology, besides his rebirth advantage, he objective and sober working attitude. 但是,李牧能把牧野科技做到今天,除了他的重生者优势,还有他客观、清醒的做事态度。 The tourist market of Japan does is truly thorough and is thorough, is worth the domestic learn/study, If nothing else, looks at the natural resources of Japan, they many big national territory and how many mountain Chuanhu seas? Then why few natural resources, can actually achieve such pinnacle situation the traveling? 日本的旅游市场做的确实非常深入、非常透彻,也非常值得国内学习,别的不说,看一看日本的自然资源,他们才多大的国土、多少山川湖海?为什么那么少的自然资源,却能够把旅游做到这么极致的地步? It looks like in Li Mu, the most important point is others does thin is more attentive. 李牧看来,最重要的一点就是别人做的更细更用心。 Other anything did not say, gives an example with traveling additional product. 别的什么都不说,就拿旅游附加产品这一个来举例。 Japanese Tokyo Ueno Zoo, only has few pandas that rents from China, but the panda peripheral design and commodity of design, reaches dozens over a hundred types, everywhere is the cartoon image of panda element, the automobile, public transportation and hotel find at everywhere, various types of small commodities are everywhere, moreover almost designs excellent, works outstandingly, basically all there will look at the tourist of panda to buy some belts to go back. 日本东京上野动物园,仅有从华夏租借的寥寥几只大熊猫,但是它们开发设计的熊猫周边设计、商品,多达几十上百种,到处都是熊猫元素的卡通形象,就连汽车、公交、酒店都随处可见,各种小商品更是无处不在,而且几乎都设计精良、做工优秀,基本上所有去那里看过大熊猫的游客都会买上一些带回去。 However we as the only origin of panda, location of Chuandu as panda breeding base, their panda peripheral commodity quantity and quality far inferior Ueno Zoo. 但是我们作为大熊猫的唯一原产国,川都作为大熊猫繁育基地的所在地,他们的大熊猫周边商品数量、质量都远不及上野动物园。 What is most depressed, the two sides peripheral commodities are from also black, even is from the same factory. 最郁闷的是,两边的周边商品都产自亦乌,甚至产自同一个工厂。 Creates this disparity, on the one hand is we truly does not have the opposite party to be attentive, in yet another aspect, possibly is our designed capacity truly must weakly in the opposite party, Japan has the powerful animation gene after all, even if in police station can discover the person who can draw the cartoon to design a lovable cartoon image to the police station, this point home inevitably is weak, but is weaker is unimportant, can improve! 造成这种差距的,一方面是我们确实没有对方用心,再一方面,也可能是我们的设计能力确实要弱于对方,日本毕竟有强大的动漫基因,哪怕一个派出所里都能找出会画漫画的人给派出所设计一个可爱的卡通形象,这一点国内必然是弱一些,但弱一些不要紧,可以改良啊! Without the good design team, that invited from the big city ; If the big city is not good, spends to invite the designers in Japan or Europe and US directly comes, everyone severs money, who can't pass with money? 没有好的设计团队,那就从大城市请;如果大城市还不行,就花钱直接请日本或者欧美的设计师来,大家都是为钱服务,谁跟钱过不去? Even if hires the Japanese to do also! 哪怕是雇佣日本人来做也可以啊! Li Mu said this idea, some scene person of exploratory asking: Chief Li, we ask Japanese designer to give the China national treasure design image and peripheral product, can trigger the resistance of people?” 李牧说出这个想法,现场有人试探性的问:“李总,我们找日本设计师来给华夏的国宝设计形象以及周边产品,会不会引发民众的抵制?” The Li Mu hear, asked him: „Do we want to resist? Travel of circuit design which panda if were the Japanese takes the Muye Science and Technology money, is Taobao goes to big pile of products and visual elements, that these products were also belong to Muye Science and Technology, to belong to China, incorrect what therefore had?” 李牧听完,问他:“我们是要抵制?如果是日本人拿了牧野科技的钱、为淘宝去哪的熊猫之旅线路设计了一大堆产品以及视觉元素,那这些产品也是属于牧野科技、属于华夏的啊,所以说有什么不行的呢?” The opposite party said: I am also worried that everyone will think this insufficiently purely, you also know, some people like after all earnestly.” 对方说:“我也是担心大家会觉得这样就不够纯粹,您也知道,有些人毕竟喜欢较真。” Li Mu said: In the 19 th century, the great and diligent overseas Chinese laborer transnational ocean to US (America), helping US (America) lay the Pacific railroad, but has not changed the Pacific railroad is the railroad fact of US (America) person, cannot change the Pacific railroad is the development and rise of US (America) makes the fact of great contribution, if Japanese designer can design the outstanding cartoon image for us, these cartoon images naturally also make the contribution to our tourist routes, for our tourism images and tourism industries, therefore, now what we want was the good thing, who you leave alone were good the thing are make to come out, so long as were money that we gave, that on. Is our!” 李牧说:“十九世纪,伟大而又勤奋的华工跨国大洋到美国,帮美国修通了太平洋铁路,但也没有改变太平洋铁路是美国人的铁路这一事实,更没能改变太平洋铁路为美国的发展和崛起做出巨大贡献的这一事实,如果日本设计师能为我们设计出优秀的卡通形象,这些卡通形象自然也会为我们的旅游线路、为我们的旅游形象以及旅游产业做出贡献,所以,我们现在要的是好东西,你别管好东西是谁造出来的,只要是我们给的钱,那就是我们的!” Saying, Li Mu was also saying: Next stage, places to clear the tourist route of the first-tier city to Chuandu, Chang'an, Jiu Village as well as Huangshan with emphasis, the subject is as follows: The national treasure panda, burial figures of warriors and horses, Jiuzhaigou and Huangshan, must carefully design these routes, is not only the transportation, lodgings, vehicles, admission tickets and scenic spot these hardware, what is more important is how to integrate in -depth service concept and value added that after must let the foreigner came, to stare dumbfounded and let them for a very long time to dismiss from mind and make them go back, raise this travel voluntarily do not give the thumbs-up, only by doing so, we can hit the concept of high-quality tourism destination, can make the overseas visitors be interested in the China traveling, can be bigger and stronger the China tourism industry step by step, finally we must achieve the good money pursuit bad money, Crushes and makes them the tourism industries of these swindling and abducting shelterless.” 说着,李牧又道:“下一阶段,重点放在开通一线城市到川都、长安、九寨以及黄山的旅游线路,主题分别是:国宝熊猫、兵马俑、九寨沟、黄山,一定要精心设计这几条路线,不光是交通、住宿、用车、门票、景点这些硬件,更重要的是如何把更深层的服务意识、附加价值融入进去,要让外国人来了之后瞠目结舌、让他们久久不能忘怀、让他们回去之后提起这次旅行就不自觉要竖大拇指,只有这样,我们才能够把优质旅游目的地的概念打出去,才能够让海外游客对华夏旅游感兴趣,才能够一步步把华夏旅游产业做大做强,最终我们要做到良币驱逐劣币,把那些坑蒙拐骗的旅游产业挤垮、让他们无处藏身。” The development of Li Mu to domestic tourism industry, is quite distressed. 李牧对国内旅游行业的发展,一直是比较痛心的。 In his opinion, the domestic tourism industry, is growing mostly barbarically, moreover they really have the wonder of equally good results from different methods with China internet Corporation, that is: Everyone felt China to be bounteous, attended to China market enough eating to support, why therefore to care about the overseas market. 在他看来,国内旅游行业,大都是在野蛮生长,而且他们跟华夏互联网公司真可谓是有异曲同工之妙,那便是:大家都觉得华夏地大物博,顾好华夏市场就足够自己吃到撑了,所以又何必在意海外市场。 Therefore, domestic internet Corporation previous life almost few can send out the entrance the product truly. 所以,国内互联网公司上辈子几乎没几个能真正把产品送出国门的。 Domestic tourist industry, has not thought that wants everyone to work as one China tourist market to build a popular tour abroad market together, everyone falls into various blind competitions, therefore various traveling issues emerge one after another incessantly, 1 Yuan shopping group abnormal product, there are deceiving tricks of various swindling and abducting, even has also happened because of the homicide case that forcing the shopping causes. 国内的旅游行业,也从来没有想过,要大家一起齐心协力把华夏旅游市场打造成一个热门的出境游市场,大家都陷入各种恶性竞争,所以各种旅游问题层出不穷,有一元购物团这种畸形产物,也有各种坑蒙拐骗的骗人伎俩,甚至还发生过因逼迫购物而导致的命案。 How Li Mu does not have the ability to interfere with other enterprises to operate the tourist product, but he can be made the benchmark by oneself tourist product, then through own influence and generalization ability, affects the judgment and trend of user as well as market. 李牧没有能力去干涉其他企业如何经营旅游产品,但是他可以让自己的旅游产品做成标杆,然后通过自身的影响力、推广能力,去影响用户以及市场的判断及走向。 Therefore, in his opinion, oneself must first guarantee that which tourist route Taobao goes, is the quality tourist project of depth exploitation, every time operates a tourist track, must be the high-quality goods in high-quality goods. 所以,在他看来,自己首先要保证淘宝去哪的旅游线路,都是深度开发的精品旅游项目,每开一条旅游路线,都必须是精品中的精品。 Li Mu are also very clear, oneself present makes the travel product, seemed like actually already very small advantage, basically was zero profit, but domestic these travel , to do, small advantage that but can also make, moreover can make more money. 李牧自己也很清楚,自己现在做旅行产品,看起来其实已经非常便宜了,基本上是零利润,但国内的那些旅游公司如果想做,还可以比自己做的更便宜,而且还能赚更多的钱。 With Southeast Asia tourist route, the same line, the price possible minimal pressure of normal travel to a 5000 person, then a person to gain 1000, but the black heart travel can press to 3000, then a person gains 2000. 就拿东南亚旅游线路来说,同样的线路,正常旅游公司的价格可能最低压到五千块一个人,然后一个人赚一千,但黑心旅游公司能压到三千,然后一个人赚两千。 Their why such awesome? To put it bluntly, is various types tricks, various types to cheat. 他们为什么这么牛逼?说白了,就是各种忽悠、各种坑人。 First, similar route, what the normal travel provides is the normal flight of ordinary airline, non- inexpensive navigation, is not the red eyes flight, but, the black heart travel arranges, generally is baggage over one must consign for shipment, on airplane not to provide the free meal the inexpensive aviation, this inside cost lowered. 首先,同样的航线,正常旅游公司提供的是普通航空公司的正常航班,非廉航,也不是红眼航班,可是,黑心旅游公司安排的,一般都是行李超一件就要托运、飞机上不提供免费餐食的廉价航空,这里面的成本就低了很多。 Moreover, the black heart travel likes two accounting for the time, for example similarly was for four days and five nights, the normal travel was the morning or the morning, but the black heart travel was the evening, as the matter stands, the First Day travel was only an airplane, but came back, the normal company generally was afternoon or the evening, the black heart travel was early morning, in other words last day was also only an airplane, such a saved many costs. 而且,黑心旅游公司喜欢两头占时间,比如同样是四天五夜,正常旅游公司是早晨或者上午出发,但黑心旅游公司是晚上出发,这样一来,第一天旅行就只是一趟飞机,而回来的时候,正常公司一般是下午或者晚上出发,黑心旅游公司是清晨出发,也就是说最后一天也只是一趟飞机,这样一下就节省了不少成本。 In addition, the black heart travel will place the shopping in various types of links, for example Southeast Asia deceived people for the lord jade market, the travel, so long as led a tourist in the past, can take away dozens even over a hundred RMB per capita, then the tourist consumer, the travel can also attain at least 20% deducting a percentage. 除此之外,黑心旅游公司会在各种环节安插购物,比如东南亚一些骗人为主的玉石市场,旅游公司只要带一个游客过去,就能按人头拿走几十甚至上百人民币,然后游客消费者消费的话,旅游公司还能拿到至少20%的提成。 Calculates sketchily, 50 people of touring parties enter jade market a time, the travel can gain 35,000 capitations, then in these people, supposed that 1/5 people were flickered to go shopping and spend 5000 Yuan in average, that total consumption is 50,000, the travel can take away 10,000. 粗略算一下,五十人的旅行团进一次玉石市场,旅游公司就能赚三五千人头费,然后这些人里,假设有五分之一的人被忽悠买了东西、人均消费五千元,那总消费就是五万,旅游公司能拿走一万。 Traveling classics, the travel gained 15,000, was equivalent to 50 person each people to create 300 Yuan income for him. 只是一个旅游经典,旅游公司就赚了一万五,相当于五十个人每人为他创造了三百元的收入。 Strolls the jade market, but must stroll the emulsion production factory. 逛完玉石市场,还要逛乳胶制品厂。 The emulsion production factory also first gives the travel money per capita, then goes in also 20% returns equally . Moreover the emulsion production factory is better than to cheat out of money the jade market, because the guarding heart of tourist is weak. 乳胶制品厂也是按人头先给旅游公司钱,然后进去也一样给20%返点,而且乳胶制品厂比玉石市场更好骗钱,因为游客的提防心不够强。 After going , the tour guides or the staff will tell you emulsion of Southeast Asia are the pure natural products, making you see how they use the pure natural material the emulsion mattress and emulsion pillow, then also makes you try this thing comfortably, finally, they will make trump card, told you this thing normal valency home to sell 10,000, from here bought, so long as 3-4 thousand. 进去之后,导游或者工作人员会告诉你东南亚的乳胶都是纯天然的产品,让你看到他们是怎么用纯天然的材料制造出乳胶床垫、乳胶枕头的,然后还让你试一试这东西有多舒适,最后,他们会打出杀手锏,告诉你这东西正常价国内卖一万,从这里买只要三四千。 The tourists thought that this buys is gains, immediately indicated to buy, the opposite party immediately says pays money now, immediately delivers goods to send toward China, when you go home also received the arrival of shipment. 游客觉得这买到就是赚到,当即表示想买,对方立刻说现在付钱,立刻发货寄往华夏,等你回到家的时候也就收到货了。 Afterward the tourist swipes the card to pay money, after waiting, receives three of Gui Sheng mailing not to have the mattress, looks at continually thousand Yuan is unworthy, at this time wants to sue is the suit was also impossible, but the travel had attained average per person several hundred Yuan deducting a percentage from emulsion factory. 随后游客刷卡付钱,等回去之后,收到了一个从桂省邮寄过来的三无床垫,看着连一千块钱都不值,这时候想投诉也是投诉无门了,而旅游公司早就又从乳胶厂手里拿到了人均数百元的提成。 This matter is the travel leads simply, finally the travel gives the local emulsion factory to pay the visit fee/spent per capita, for example one person of 100 Yuan, remaining black heart money all were gained by travel. 或者干脆这件事就是旅游公司主导,最后旅游公司按人头给当地的乳胶厂付参观费,比如一人一百元,剩下的黑心钱全被旅游公司自己赚走了。 If similar matter comes several times, 3000 Yuan corps or delegation expenses let alone can make money, a Yuan corps or delegation expense even can make money. 类似的事情如果多来几次,别说三千元的团费能赚钱,一块钱的团费甚至都能赚钱。 Moreover, not only similar matter happened , in China goes to the tourist groups of Southeast Asia or in other countries, in it more occurrence domestic tourist groups. 而且,类似的事情远不只是发生在华夏去东南亚或者其他国家的旅游团里,它更多的发生在国内的旅游团里。 Li Mu does not hope that later generation these inexpensive inferior touring party authorities, the best way hurry first to get up the benchmark knife edge while the present, then uses own platform influence, the trick of unceasing exposure black heart touring party, enhances all the people against deceives the consciousness, such although cannot strangle to death this bad apple thoroughly, but can suppress their existing space at least infinitely. 李牧不希望后世这些廉价劣质旅行团当道,最好的办法就是趁现在赶紧先把标杆支棱起来,然后再利用自己的平台影响力,不断的曝光黑心旅行团的伎俩,提高全民的防骗意识,这样虽然也不能彻底绞杀这种害群之马,但起码可以无限压制他们的生存空间。 To Li Mu, this is a protracted war, well but has the sufficient ammunition to keep in him hits. 李牧来说,这是一场持久战,不过好在他有充足的弹药一直不停的打下去。 This time is the panda, burial figures of warriors and horses, Jiu Village and Huangshan route, next time will be the expensive/noble Linshan water and West Lake scenery, the Yunnan and Guizhou scenery and Zhang Family forest park, insisted that the unceasing development, can cover the nation with the high-quality route will happen one day! 这次是熊猫、兵马俑、九寨、黄山路线,下次就是贵林山水、西湖风景、云贵风光、张家届森林公园,就这么坚持不断的开发,终有一天能用精品路线覆盖全国! . m. 。m.
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