RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1667: Settling a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved

In the evening, when Mars holds the press conferences and personally to apologize to Muye Science and Technology by the board presidents the news that spreads over the entire world, as of a Lolan Mas news leads is sitting in the hotel with conducts the teleconference in the US (America) elasis. 当晚,就在玛氏召开新闻发布会、由董事会主席亲自向牧野科技致歉的新闻传遍全世界的时候,作为新闻主角之一的罗兰・马斯正坐在酒店与远在美国的董事会成员进行电话会议。 The teleconference just started, the members of board of directors then interrogated the progress, although US (America) and China were away from the long and trying journeys, but the information age, consulted at the speed of light spreads over the world, the Mars board of directors accepted the information also to only have several seconds of delay in US (America). 电话会议刚开始,董事会的成员便纷纷质问进度,虽说美国华夏隔着万水千山,但信息时代,咨询以光速传遍全球,玛氏董事会在美国接受信息也只有几秒钟的延迟。 Now, Mars publicized to the news that Li Mu recognized instigates has blasted out the pot in US (America), the US (America) media thinks simply does not rest, at the same night crawled to write the report, some people said that this was the fate that Mars brought upon oneself, some people said that this was manifestation of Muye Science and Technology internet hegemony, the Internet users of staying up late is also whooping, the Mars elases were in US (America) and distance release conference more than 10,000 kilometers even, felt that on face burning, way that this recognizing instigated, in their opinion was really disgraced. 现在,玛氏公开向李牧认怂的新闻已经在美国炸开了锅,美国媒体人干脆连觉都不睡了,连夜爬起来写报道,有人说这是玛氏自找的下场,也有人说这是牧野科技互联网霸权的体现,熬夜的网民们也在议论纷纷,玛氏董事会成员即便身在美国、距离发布会现场一万多公里,都感觉脸上火辣辣的,这种认怂的方式,在他们看来实在是太丢人了。 However has also lost disgraced, now they most care that is Lolan Mas after personally the apology, received exchange the Li Mu's understanding. 不过丢人也丢过了,现在他们最关心的,就是罗兰・马斯在亲自道歉之后,有没有换回李牧的谅解。 A Lolan Mas face said resentfully: I had reached the agreement with Li Mu initially, he can get up from now on no longer opposes with us, but the premise is, we must put out hundred million USD, so long as money gives, that side Li Mu will stop immediately to all our movements.” 罗兰・马斯一脸悻悻的说:“我已经跟李牧初步达成了共识,他可以从今起不再跟我们作对,但前提是,我们必须拿出一亿美元,只要钱给过去,李牧那边立刻就会停止对我们的所有动作。” What!” Telephone that almost blasted out the pot. “什么!”电话那头几乎炸开了锅。 Hundred million USD? This is astronomical figures, Mars bumps porcelain Li Mu, altogether has not obtained several cents advantage, now makes them come out with hundred million USD, this business owed to the grandmother family/home simply. 一亿美元?这可是一笔天文数字,玛氏碰瓷李牧,一共没得到几毛钱好处,现在让他们拿一亿美元出来,这买卖简直亏到姥姥家了。 Telephone that chirp shouts the half of the day, Lolan Mas can listen, their almost everyone opposed very much. 电话那头叽叽喳喳的嚷嚷了半天,罗兰・马斯能听出来,他们几乎每一个人都很反对。 The Lolan's sworn enemy Jimmy Mas interrogated at this moment: Lolan, you acts servilely and make the entire Mars face countenance nothing left at the release conference, has not made Li Mu satisfy unexpectedly, must put out hundred million USD to receive in exchange for Li Mu's forgiving, this business does also talked nonsense?” 罗兰的死对头吉米・马斯此刻质问道:“罗兰,你在发布会上卑躬屈膝、让整个玛氏的颜面荡然无存,竟然还没有让李牧满意,现在又要拿出一亿美元来换取李牧的原谅,这买卖做的也太扯淡了吧?” When Lolan Maston came the anger, cursed angrily: Jimmy, do not speak the sarcastic remark to me here, if trades to do is you, you feared that will be is been oppressive the excrement by Li Mu!” 罗兰・马斯顿时来了火气,怒骂道:“吉米,你不要在这里跟我说风凉话,如果换做是你,你怕是会被李牧虐出屎来!” After scolded one angrily, Lolan Mas to the opposite party any opportunity of rebuttal, has not continued saying: You think that Li Mu is that wanting apology that's alright person? This fellow has planned dead us, not only need make us lose face, but must make us suffer unexpected financial losses, he is a color to show us, is good to give other person of powerful warnings!” 愤怒的骂了一句之后,罗兰・马斯没有给对方任何反驳的机会,继续说道:“你们以为李牧是那种只要道歉就行的人吗?这家伙早就把我们算计死了,不但要让我们丢脸,还要让我们破财,他就是要给我们一点颜色看看,也好给其他人一个强有力的警告!” Jimmy Mas sneers saying: Lolan, do not boast that the opponent conceals own incompetent, I looked that is your ability is insufficient, if trades an ability strong point in the past negotiated with Li Mu, this matter will certainly have a better result!” 吉米・马斯冷笑道:“罗兰,你不要吹嘘对手来掩饰自己的无能,我看就是你能力不足,如果换一个能力强点的过去跟李牧谈判,这件事一定会有更好的结果!” Lolan Mas sneers saying: Few his mother spoke these bullshits to me, I communicate the process entire journey to have the sound recording with Li Mu's, I give to issue to you to listen now, you listened, told me the board of directors to again to this hundred million USD, if you after listening, decided that did not give this sum of money, my opinion did not have, the only request was consequence everyone undertakes together, do not make me carry this being unjustly discredited!” 罗兰・马斯冷笑道:“少他妈跟我说这些屁话,我跟李牧的沟通过程全程都有录音,我现在就放给你们听一听,你们听完了,再告诉我董事会到底要不要给这一亿美元,如果你们在听完了之后,都决定不给这笔钱,那我一点意见也没有,唯一的要求就是后果大家一起承担,不要让我来背这个黑锅!” Jimmy Mas disdain said: Since you have to record that to hurry to give to issue to us to listen, I want to know how now you are ridden by Li Mu on the neck devastate!” 吉米・马斯不屑的说:“既然你有录音那就赶紧放给我们听一听,我现在非常想知道你是怎么被李牧骑在脖子上蹂躏的!” Lolan Mas pulls out oneself recording pen, is connected including the above own laptop, then starts to play today's sound recording. 罗兰・马斯掏出自己的录音笔,连上自己的笔记本电脑,然后开始播放起了今天的录音。 Entire Mars board of directors more than ten people, turn very quiet before the telephone completely, careful is listening to the sound recording Lolan Mas and Li Mu's talks. 整个玛氏董事会十几号人,全部都在电话前屏住呼吸,仔细的听着录音中罗兰・马斯与李牧的对话。 The sound recording just started to broadcast time, elasis many also thought that this matter is Lolan Mas management is certainly ineffective, when records broadcasts unceasingly, their expressions even more are also dignified, wait to record finish completely, everyone only has two thoughts: 录音刚开始播放的时候,董事会成员多数还都觉得这件事一定是罗兰・马斯办事不力,可是,当录音不断播放,他们的表情也就愈发凝重,等录音全部播完,每个人心里只有两个念头: First, Li Mu really damned is not a person, is domestic animal that eats uncooked the flesh ; 第一,李牧真他妈不是人,是生吃人肉的畜生; Second, Lolan Mas this lives really damned is not the person does, changes itself to be under such position, first is in front of global media to lose the face, according to was rubbed on the ground by Li Mu, feared that is the psychological disease may not fine. 第二,罗兰・马斯这活真他妈不是人干的,换自己处在那样的境地下,先当着全球媒体的面丢完脸,又被李牧按在地上摩擦,怕是要得心理疾病不可。 Elasis who let alone other these blow hot and cold, after the sound recording broadcasts, Jimmy Mas was shocked. 别说其他那些摇摆不定的董事会成员,当录音播放完之后,就连吉米・马斯都愣住了。 His didn't expect Li Mu is so unexpectedly ruthless, being watertight that not only words saying, the pit is also one after another, so long as stepped on first that digs, must step on one after another, Lolan Mas has achieved well, pitifully, in front of Li Mu that with every effort he can achieve, he absolutely did not only have the initiative. 没想到李牧竟然这么狠,不但话说的滴水不漏,坑也是挖的一个接着一个,只要踩进了第一个,就必然要一个接着一个的踩下去,罗兰・马斯已经尽力做到了他能做到的最好,只可惜,在李牧面前,他完全没有主动权。 Actually, such matter, whom changing comes is the same. 其实,这样的事情,换谁来都是一样。 Mars and Muye Science and Technology respective situation suspends here, Mars is an bow and arrow, but Muye Science and Technology is a jet fighter, Mars this bow and arrow to anyone, is impossible to shoot Muye Science and Technology, near cannot trace. 玛氏牧野科技各自的情况就摆在这里,玛氏就是一把弓箭,而牧野科技是一架喷气式战机,把玛氏这把弓箭给谁,都不可能射下牧野科技,连个边儿都摸不到。 Listens to the sound recording, Jimmy Mas was also silent, other elases holding breath cold air/Qi in front of telephone, in these people at heart, has reached the agreement at this moment, Muye Science and Technology such company could not stir up, really cannot stir up. 听完录音,吉米・马斯也沉默了,其他董事会成员一个个在电话面前倒吸冷气,在这些人的心里,此刻已经达成了共识,牧野科技这样的公司惹不起,是真的惹不起。 Lolan Mas saw everyone to be silent, sneered, interrogated: What's wrong, you did not jump for joy a moment ago? Now how to speak? I am also waiting for your decision. Don't you dislike me to handle matters ineffectively? I asked you, this hundred million, did we return do not give?” 罗兰・马斯见所有人都沉默了,冷笑一声,质问道:“怎么,你们一个个都刚才不还都活蹦乱跳的吗?怎么现在不说话了?我还等着你们的决定呢。你们不是嫌我办事不力吗?那我问你们,这一个亿,我们到底给还是不给?” Opens the mouth to say to......” an elasis: „If not give, was always being controlled the internet public opinion by Li Mu, our losses will be only getting bigger and bigger, to be honest, we now the loss in global market, are not, if continues to get down, our losses that hundred million USD can weigh will be only getting bigger and bigger.” “给吧……”一位董事会成员开口道:“如果不给的话,老被李牧控制着互联网舆论,我们的损失只会越来越大,说心里话,我们现在在全球市场的损失,已经不是一亿美元能衡量的了,如果继续这么下去,我们的损失只会越来越大。” Yes,...... settles a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, catches up to follow close on Muye Science and Technology to become reconciled, we could not withstand again toss about like this.” “是啊,给吧……息事宁人,赶紧跟牧野科技握手言和,我们再也经不起这样的折腾了。” Lolan you were laborious, before listening to sound recording, real didn't expect your situation is so difficult, this time you sacrificed so many for the company, I believe that everyone will bear in mind.” “罗兰你辛苦了,在没听录音之前,真没想到你的处境这么艰苦,这次你为公司牺牲了这么多,我相信大家都会记在心里。” Lolan Mas smiles, interrogated in telephone: Jimmy? You have not thought that I do handle matters ineffectively? You told me, this hundred million did USD return does not give? Or, I give Li Mu to telephone now, said that this money I do not contribute, then I return to US (America), you come China to discuss with Li Mu how you do feel?” 罗兰・马斯笑了笑,在电话里质问道:“吉米呢?你不是一直觉得我办事不力吗?那你来告诉我,这一亿美元到底给还是不给?要不,我现在就给李牧打个电话,就说这钱我不捐了,然后我回美国,你来华夏李牧谈,你觉得怎么样?” Jimmy Mas scared, the sound recording has made him know, Li Mu this person is not not good to cope, could not cope, moreover Li Mu this person started is too ruthless, but also was subject to changing moods, if Lolan Mas really threw up one's job, pushes the burden/shoulder pole to oneself, after Li Mu such character was rinsed one time, will be only angrier, when the time comes oneself both hundred million USD were not necessarily able to make Li Mu appease anger. 吉米・马斯吓坏了,刚才的录音已经让他知道,李牧这个人不是不好对付,是根本对付不了,而且李牧这人下手太狠,还喜怒无常,要是罗兰・马斯真撂挑子、把担子推给自己,李牧这样的性格被涮了一次之后只会更愤怒,到时候自己两亿美元都未必能让李牧息怒。 Since is such situation, oneself not only cannot mix, instead must hide by far, this matter who stains must fall a skin. 既然是这样的情况,那自己非但不能掺和,反而要躲远远的,这种事儿谁沾上都得掉层皮。 Therefore, Jimmy Mas hastily said: Lolan, I withdrew my words, Li Mu truly have no way to cope, you also truly made many effort for the board of directors, I agreed that you with the solution that Li Mu worked out, hundred million USD although were the pen great sums of money, but we really cannot consume at present again with Li Mu......” 于是,吉米・马斯急忙说道:“罗兰,我收回我刚才的话,李牧确实没法对付,你也确实为董事会做了不少努力,我个人同意你跟李牧达成的解决方案,一亿美元虽然是笔巨款,但眼下我们真的不能再跟李牧耗下去了……”
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