RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1638: Bidding

In the Internet users pay attention Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) and media company pays attention to the Weibo (Micro Blog) potential impact strength, global several well-known dog grain brands, received from Muye Science and Technology marketing department the olive branch. 就在网民关注李狗子微博、传媒企业关注微博的潜在影响力时,全球几家知名的狗粮品牌,都收到了来自牧野科技市场部的橄榄枝。 In these enterprises, no one has thought, Muye Science and Technology unexpectedly regards a media resources pack sell Gouzi (Dog Child) as well as its Weibo (Micro Blog) . Moreover, the one who makes them unable to believe that the offer of Muye Science and Technology, is really the somewhat high oddness. 这些企业里,谁也没有想到,牧野科技竟然会把狗子以及它的微博当成一种媒体资源打包出售,而且,更让他们不敢相信的是,牧野科技的报价,实在是有些高的离谱。 Five million USD, moreover puts on Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) this channel, this price, in the world any country, on the advertisement of enough state-level TV Station prime time. 五百万美元,而且只是在李狗子微博这一个渠道上投放,这个价格,在全世界任何一个国家,都足够上国家级电视台黄金时段的广告了。 What is more fearful, this soaring price, is only the starting bid price. 更可怕的是,这个高昂的价格,只是起拍价。 But, the one who most keeps these enterprises from understanding, they felt at the same time the pricing of this resources high must die, but, felt like simultaneously, this seems like an unmissable good opportunity. 可是,最让这些企业无法理解的是,他们一边觉得这个资源的定价高的要死,可是,同时又隐隐觉得,这好像是个不可错过的好机会。 Therefore, the major enterprises hold the emergency meeting in abundance, the feasibility of discussion this cooperation. 于是,各大企业纷纷召开紧急会议,讨论这个合作的可行性。 With everyone's analysis to Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) becoming a hit trend, almost every enterprise that receives the olive branch, changed their viewpoint quickly. 随着大家对李狗子微博爆红趋势的分析,几乎每一家收到橄榄枝的企业,都很快改变了他们的观点。 If must ask that which now in the world the hottest dog is, without a doubt, is the dog that Li Mu raises. 如果要问现在全世界最火的狗是哪一只,毫无疑问,就是李牧养的这只柯基犬。 Its audience already, as internet, as well as competition of offline media reported, covered the general public globally, the person who raised the dog innumerably, as well as wanted to raise the dog the person, is paying attention to the Li Mu's this dog at this moment, without a doubt, it will give the world to raise the dog the person to bring the powerful example role. 它的受众已经随着互联网,以及线下媒体的竞相报道,覆盖到了全球范围内的普通大众,无数养狗的人,以及想要养狗的人,此时此刻都在关注着李牧的这只柯基犬,毫无疑问,它将给全球养狗的人带来强大的榜样作用。 The example function of Li Gouzi (Dog Child), has highlighted now, since Li Mu has established own Weibo (Micro Blog) for it, Weibo (Micro Blog) and on Twitter R has the average person of massive raising pet, clears individual Weibo (Micro Blog) to own pet, everyone is imitating the Li Mu's approach, thinks that opens Weibo (Micro Blog) to own pet is a very fashionable interesting matter. 狗子的榜样作用,现在就已经有所凸显,自从李牧为它建立自己的微博以来,微博twitter上有大量饲养宠物的普通人,给自己的宠物开通个人微博,大家都在纷纷效仿李牧的做法,认为给自己的宠物开微博是一件非常时尚有趣的事情。 In addition, the pet dog market of all countries in the world, had the huge change in one night, dog becomes incomparably marketable, the price rises unceasingly, even was fried to usual more than ten times high and even higher. 除此之外,全球各国的宠物狗市场,也在一夜之间发生了巨大的变化,柯基犬变得无比抢手,价格不断攀升,甚至被炒高到了平时的十几倍甚至更高。 Reason that will have such odd price growth, is mainly because breeding of pet dog is the process that is unable to speed up artificially, before then, is only the small numerous dog breeds, who didn't expect it can a night become a hit, therefore in the market may supply dog quantity of sale to be few. 之所以会有这么离谱的价格增长,主要是因为宠物狗的繁育是一个无法人工加快的过程,在这之前,柯基只是小众犬种,谁也没想到它会一夜爆红,所以市场上可供销售的柯基犬数量本身就很少。 But after Gouzi (Dog Child) becomes a hit, people regarding demand rapid enlargement far more than hundred times of dog, therefore the feeder of dog also seizes this wave of opportunity, unceasing price pushing. 狗子爆红之后,人们对于柯基犬的需求迅速放大何止百倍,所以柯基犬的饲养者也都抓住这波商机,不断的哄抬价格。 Can look only from this point, Gouzi (Dog Child) now, has become the entire world belt/bring goods ability strongest dog. 单从这一点上就可以看得出来,狗子现在,已经成了全世界带货能力最强的狗。 These dog grain brands after analyzing the Gouzi (Dog Child) influence, starts to change the attitude, they felt suddenly, in the face of the Gouzi (Dog Child) such strong world influence, its dog grain exclusive title, as well as one year 12 promotes Weibo (Micro Blog), the opportunity that contains, certainly big enough to is unable to imagine. 那些狗粮品牌在分析过狗子的影响力之后,纷纷开始转变态度,他们忽然觉得,在狗子这么强大的世界影响力面前,它的狗粮独家冠名,以及一年十二条推广微博,其中所蕴含的商机,一定大到无法想象。 If under normal circumstances, wants to achieve the global delivery of product advertisement, cost sufficiently high makes them shrink back at the sight, but Gouzi (Dog Child) now is actually a handling big issue with smart power opportunity, now is paying attention to it in the world, if makes the entire world know that it eats what brand the dog grain, then to this dog grain brand, night of time can be well-known. 如果在正常情况下,想做到产品广告的全球投递,成本足以高的让他们望而却步,而狗子现在却是一个四两拨千斤的机会,现在全世界都在关注它,如果让全世界知道它吃什么品牌的狗粮,那对这个狗粮品牌来说,一夜时间就能家喻户晓。 Contrasts, five million USD prices, inexpensive to somewhat were simply excessive. 这么对比下来,五百万美元的价格,简直廉价到有些过分了。 Therefore, after the olive branch ejects for several hours, these in the enterprises in different time zone, one after another to the Muye Science and Technology returned telegram, without any exception expressed to the strong interest of this cooperation. 于是,当橄榄枝抛出几个小时之后,这些在不同时区的企业,陆续给牧野科技回电,无一例外的表达了对这个合作的浓厚兴趣。 Muye Science and Technology when the olive branch just threw, had started the preparatory work of online bidding. 牧野科技早在橄榄枝刚抛出去的时候,就已经启动了在线竞拍的准备工作。 Technology team first with the bidding code of Taobao net, in addition art designing to ui as well as element redesigns, did a Weibo (Micro Blog) bidding page, then for these international companies participated, paid the channel to connect the PayPal achievement. 技术团队先是用淘宝网的竞拍代码,加上美工对ui以及元素的重新设计,搞出了一个微博竞拍页面,然后为了方便这些海外企业参与,把paypal作为支付渠道接入了进来。 After obtaining these enterprise affirmative answers, Muye Science and Technology announced this time bidding rule. 在得到这些企业肯定的答复之后,牧野科技宣布了这次的竞拍规则。 The rule is actually very simple, each company pays million USD earnest money to serve as bidding through PayPal to Muye Science and Technology the earnest money, bidding takes five million USD as the base price, 5 million to Ten Million USD, increases price each time the minimum amount is 10 ten thousand USD, the high words must be 10 ten thousand USD integral multiples ; 规则其实很简单,每家公司通过paypal牧野科技支付一百万美元保证金用做竞拍的保证金,竞拍以五百万美元为底价,五百万到一千万美元之间,每次加价最低金额为十万美元,高的话也必须是十万美元的整倍数; When the base price bids to a Ten Million USD above, the minimum amount of each time increasing price is 20 ten thousand USD ; 在底价竞拍到一千万美元以上时,每次加价的最低金额为20万美元; After bidding starts, all companies that participate in bidding can conduct to shout out the price and increase price through oneself auction backstage at will, after auctioning is successful, a side who successfully pats must pay through PayPal all funds to Muye Science and Technology in 24 hours. 竞拍开始后,所有参加竞拍的公司都可以随意通过自己的拍卖后台进行叫价、加价,拍卖成功后,成功拍得的一方必须在24个小时内将所有的款项通过paypal支付给牧野科技 If pats in the later 24 hours not to pay money, then regards as gives up, million USD earnest money do not return, this/should enterprise has no right participation next bidding. 如果拍下之后24小时内不付款,则视为放弃,一百万美元保证金不退还,该企业无权参与下一次竞拍。 After this rule announced that various enterprises shouted the pit father continually at the same time, is ready to fight, on the preparation online auction took the goal at one fell swoop. 这个规则公布之后,各家企业连呼坑爹的同时,也都在摩拳擦掌,准备在线上拍卖中一举拿下目标。 Therefore each enterprise starts to discuss own base price and bidding strategy urgently. 于是每家企业都开始紧急讨论自家的底价以及竞拍策略。 The hope of Canada, can be at present the entire world most well-known top dog grain enterprise, its corporation in promotion strategy, all along heavy offline, heavy vertical, almost never chooses the big and broad media channel conducts the promoted propaganda, but concentrates on pet hospital, pet supermarket, pet magazine as well as column and other domains, in these vertical situations, build oneself specialized high-end brand image. 加拿大的渴望,算得上是目前全世界最知名的顶尖狗粮企业,不过它的总公司在宣传策略上,一贯重线下、重垂直,几乎从来不选择大而广的媒体渠道进行推广宣传,而是把精力集中在宠物医院、宠物超市、宠物杂志以及专栏等领域,在这些垂直的场合,营造自己专业高端的品牌形象。 They felt, the Li Mu's dog, in the status, bloodlines, position and by attention these aspects, is the indisputable King, this has very big help to own high-end brand image, the bidding base price that therefore they set is Ten Million USD, if there is a competitor initial price to surpass Ten Million USD above, will long for giving up theoretically, but if the initial price will surpass a Ten Million USD above opponent is Mars Corporation, their base prices can raise to 1300 million USD. 他们觉得,李牧的柯基犬,在身份、血统、地位、受关注程度这几个方面,都是无可争议的王者,这对自己的高端品牌形象有很大的帮助,所以他们制定的竞拍底价是一千万美元,如果有竞争对手开价超过一千万美元以上,渴望理论上会放弃,但如果开价超过一千万美元以上的对手是玛氏公司,那他们的底价可以上调到一千三百万美元 Mars Corporation in Britain, is the world's largest candy and pet thing company, affiliated pet grain series low-priced, popular, the discussion of operation likes own pet product and propaganda lays down in each big store, with most meets the way of rusticity to come from the average consumer community to search for the potential customer. 英国的玛氏公司,是全世界最大的糖果、宠物用品公司,旗下的宠物粮系列价格低廉、受众广泛,运营的讨论是喜欢把自己的宠物产品与宣传铺设在每一家大型卖场,用最接地气的方式来从普通用户群体里搜寻潜在的客户。 It looks like in the hope, they can accept other brands theoretically, because left with the high price, but obtains the resources of Muye Science and Technology auction, but they are unable to accept this resources to turn over to Mars finally, therefore Mars, once comes, they must strive with Mars just. 在渴望看来,他们理论上可以接受其他品牌因为出了跟高的价格,而得到牧野科技拍卖的资源,但他们无法接受这资源最终归了玛氏,所以玛氏一旦进来,他们就要争取跟玛氏刚到底。 The Mars repertoire is very simple, their objectives only then, must take this propaganda resources in any event, once because was taken away by the competitor, the competitor will probably bring lots of audience, orders and sales volume, finally what loses is the precious market share. 玛氏的套路就很简单,他们的宗旨只有一个,无论如何都要拿下这个宣传资源,因为一旦被竞争对手拿走,就可能会给竞争对手带来大量的受众、订单以及销量,最终失去的是宝贵的市场占有率。 But at their jumbo general mass, so long as the competitor can pay price, they also can definitely leave. 而以他们巨无霸一般的体量来看,只要竞争对手能出得起的价格,他们也完全能出得起。 When everyone is ready to fight, the preparation bids time, Li Mu in Forbidden City, with Prince William together, is rehearsing to train with the directors of person in charge as well as CCTV of Forbidden City. 当大家都在摩拳擦掌,准备竞拍的时候,李牧正在故宫,和威廉王子一起,与故宫的负责人以及央视的导演进行着彩排演练。 This presentation ceremony wants the evident subject to have two, one is Prince William must represent the Windsor family, donates to Forbidden City was the China cultural relic ; Another is Li Mu also while this opportunity, appealed that all Chinese help China drain cultural relic returning to homeland in overseas together, and with Forbidden City and CCTV cooperation establishment special fund meeting. 这次捐赠仪式想要凸显的主题有两个,一个是威廉王子要代表温莎家族,向故宫博物院捐赠原本就属于华夏的文物;另一个是李牧也趁着这个机会,呼吁所有的华人一起来帮助华夏流失在海外的文物回国,并且与故宫、央视合作成立专项基金会。 To make the world Chinese like paying attention to Veterans Don't Die truly, the attention outflow cultural relic, needs one set be able to move their propaganda plans, therefore, the documentary film of CCTV became most important. 真正想让全球华人都像关注老兵不死那样,关注流失文物,就必须要有一套能够打动他们的宣传方案,所以,央视的纪录片就成了重中之重。 However Li Mu is not high when this middle participation, whole set arrangement is the donation is primarily Prince William and Forbidden City person in charge, their gift and accept, walk one set of fair presentation ceremony, spoke one after another then, Li Mu took the friend of Prince William, and intermediate of entire donation time, only need arrive to beam with joy then. 不过李牧在这中间的参与度并不算高,整套的安排是捐赠时以威廉王子与故宫博物院负责人为主,他们一个赠予、一个接受,走一套中规中矩的捐赠仪式,轮番发言即可,李牧作为威廉王子的朋友,以及整个捐赠时间的中间人,只需到场露个脸即可。 Help drains the overseas cultural relic to repatriate as for the following advocate, first is by person in charge of Forbidden City facing the lens, introduces at present the cardinal principle situation in China cultural relic outflow overseas, then through some quite important cultural relic, arouses the patriotic feeling of audience, at this time, to go on stage of Li Mu suitable time, announced an establishment such folk social services organization then. 至于后面的提倡“帮助流失海外文物归国”,也是先由故宫博物院的负责人面对镜头,介绍一下目前华夏文物流失海外的大体情况,然后通过一些比较重要的文物,来唤起观众的爱国情绪,这时候,李牧适时机的登场,宣布成立这样一个民间公益组织即可。 After combing the entire flow as well as conducted the dress rehearsal preview, Li Mu came out from Forbidden City, has not done any delays, rides in a carriage to directly soar the Rock Records recording in the Yanjing taping room, the top musician of Rock Records signing had waited there for some time in the taping room. 在梳理了整个流程以及进行完彩排预演之后,李牧从故宫博物院出来,没做任何耽搁,乘车直奔滚石唱片在燕京的录音棚,滚石签约的顶尖乐手已经在录音棚里等候多时。 Goes to the road in taping room, Li Ziwei introduced before Li Mu at present bids job schedule, she said: Chief Li, we altogether relate ten enterprises at present, ten enterprises expressed willingness completely to participate in bidding, and paid the earnest money through PayPal completely.” 前往录音棚的路上,李紫薇李牧介绍了目前竞拍前的工作进度,她说:“李总,目前我们一共联系了十家企业,十家企业全部都表示愿意参加竞拍,并且全部都通过paypal支付了保证金。” Li Mu nods, asked her: When does bidding start?” 李牧点了点头,问她:“竞拍什么时候开始?” Li Ziwei said: Yanjing time 9 : 00 pm.” 李紫薇说:“燕京时间今晚九点。” Good.” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: That waits to look at these enterprise some sincerity.” “好的。”李牧微微一笑,说:“那就等着看一看这些企业到底有多大的诚意吧。” Li Ziwei said: Right Chief Li, Mars market person in charge sent in the mail to us, calling Mars is willing by 1200 ten thousand USD prices, the jump auction link, purchases our promoted meals directly, your meaning?” 李紫薇说:“对了李总,玛氏的市场负责人给我们发来邮件,称玛氏愿意以1200万美元的价格,跳过拍卖环节,直接购买我们的推广套餐,您的意思呢?” Li Mu said with a smile: Naturally rejected, the auction have many of pleasure compared with the short-lived business.” 李牧笑道:“当然是拒绝了,拍卖要比一锤子买卖有乐趣的多。” Li Ziwei said: „Are 1200 ten thousand USD UK , Ireland very high? If on the auction, is really not necessarily able to pat to this price, cannot do well the Mars group to use 7 and 800 ten thousand USD on the solution fight.” 李紫薇说:“不过1200万美元英爱已经很高了吧?如果真上拍卖会,未必能拍到这个价格,搞不好玛氏集团能用七、800万美元就解决战斗。” Li Mu beckons with the hand, a face said self-confidently: Does not exist, this public auction, can make them each other more and more nervous, is getting more and more intense . Moreover, the resources that we give are so attractive, these big enterprises should not be willing to drop, I have the premonition, this time online auctions, will obtain a shocking nation, even the result of the world!” 李牧摆了摆手,一脸自信的说:“不存在的,这种公开拍卖,能够让他们彼此越来越慌、越来越紧张,而且,我们给出的资源这么有吸引力,这些大企业应该都不会愿意放手,我有预感,这次的线上拍卖,会得到一个震惊全国,甚至全世界的结果!”
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