RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1637: Li Mu's new attempt

Gouzi (Dog Child) and its Weibo (Micro Blog) become a hit instantaneously. 狗子和它的微博瞬间爆红。 Moreover was popular in the entire world from the home. 而且是从国内一路红遍了全世界。 Pays attention to the Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) person is also getting more and more, moreover in this also some heavyweight fans. 关注狗子微博的人也越来越多,而且这里面还有许多重量级的粉丝 The star of domestic entertainment world, has Weibo (Micro Blog), almost retransmitted Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog), and added the attention, these star fans from tens of thousands to several million even more than ten million, them retransmit one after another, almost formed ceaseless overlapping coverage to home even entire Chinese circle Weibo (Micro Blog). 国内娱乐圈的明星,有微博的,几乎都转发了狗子微博,并且加了关注,这些明星粉丝从几万到几百万甚至上千万不等,他们陆续转发,几乎对国内甚至整个华人圈微博形成了无间隙的交叉覆盖。 Quick, Gouzi (Dog Child) this Weibo (Micro Blog) on English edition Twitter R, starts to be lucky. 很快,狗子这条微博在英文版的twitter上,也开始走红起来。 Before, Li Mu brought dog that the queen is bestowing to go to cloud Sheng to search the class, has become the flash news of entire Twitter R world, now clears this dog first person official account number, naturally also received the extensive attention. 之前,李牧带着女王赠送的柯基犬前往云省探班,就已经成了整个twitter世界的大新闻,现在又开通了这条狗第一人称的官方账号,自然也受到了广泛关注。 For example, the Twitter R account number of queen paid attention to it immediately, and she also retransmitted its first Tweets content personally, simultaneously with article: Small lovable, wholeheartedly hopes you and your new host can the happy life every day.” 例如,女王本人的twitter账号就在第一时间关注了它,并且她还亲自转发了它的第一条推文内容,同时配文:“小可爱,衷心希望你和你的新主人能够开心生活每一天。” Except for queen, Prince William as well as other Windsor families' members, retransmitted this Tweets on Twitter R, but also in Anne Hathaway of dramatic team not only pays attention and retransmits, but also sent yesterday the group photo with Gouzi (Dog Child), in the picture, Anne Hathaway of long hair is holding Gouzi (Dog Child), a charming long hair disperses in the gale of cloud Sheng plateau with the wind, a distribution silk keeps off on the face, could not say beautiful moving. 除了女王,威廉王子以及其他温莎家族的成员,也都在twitter上转发了这一篇推文,还在剧组的安妮・海瑟薇不但关注、转发,还又发了一张自己昨天跟狗子的合影,照片中,长发的安妮・海瑟薇抱着狗子,一头妩媚的长发在云省高原的大风中随风散开,一部分发丝挡在脸上,说不出的美艳动人。 Anne Hathaway to this Weibo (Micro Blog) matching article is: Puppy, just left starts to think of you.” 安妮・海瑟薇给这条微博的配文是:“puppy,刚离开就开始想念你。” Li Mu after seeing this Twitter R, retransmitted Anne Hathaway's Tweets with Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog), with the article is: I also think of you very much.” 李牧在看到这条twitter之后,用狗子微博转发了安妮・海瑟薇的推文,配文是:“我也很想念你。” A person, „a dog Weibo (Micro Blog) flirts, got up the Weibo (Micro Blog) heat to search for all of a sudden, brought massive China fans to Anne Hathaway. 一人、“一狗”的微博传情,一下子又上了微博的热搜,也给安妮・海瑟薇带来了大量的华夏粉丝 In the West, „a dog clears Twitter R, and in the extremely short time gains the attention of the world, became the major media the front-page news that competes to report. 在西方,“一条狗”开通twitter,并且极短的时间内获得全世界的关注,成了各大媒体竞相报道的头条新闻。 Conventional media while reporting this something new, deeply felt Li Mu to bring the different transformations to this world. 传统媒体在报道这件新鲜事的同时,也深深感受到了李牧给这个世界带来了不一样的变革。 US (America) cnn after reporting this news, the interior held a high-level meeting urgently, the sponsor of conference, is cnn founder ted turner, Chinese is translated as Ted Turner. 美国cnn在报道完这一新闻之后,内部紧急召开了一个高层会议,会议的发起者,便是cnn的创始人ted・turner,中文译作泰德・特纳。 When Ted created a cable TV 24 hours of all-weather trundle to broadcast the creative model of news in the past keenly, this point looks like Sina to build up very much 24 hours of news special coverage, can say, the route that Sina takes, on internet, duplicated Ted in the past the way to success on cable TV. 泰德当年敏锐的创造了有线电视24小时全天候滚动播送新闻的创新模式,这一点很像新浪起家时的24小时新闻专题报道,可以说,新浪走的路线,就是在互联网上,复制了泰德当年在有线电视上的成功之道。 However, many historic experiences showed that in some stage specially advanced enterprise, often when the next stage arrives, the transformation can come the obvious lag. 不过,很多历史经验证明,在某一个阶段特别超前的企业,往往在下一个阶段到来的时候,转变会来得明显滞后。 For example time that cnn, the cable news rises, they develop and ride rapidly to be above mundane thoughts, when the internet news starts to rise truly, they cannot seize the opportunity ; 比如cnn,有线电视新闻崛起的时代,他们迅速发展、一骑绝尘,但是当互联网新闻真正开始崛起的时候,他们又没能抓住机遇; Again for example Nokia, the accurate smartphone time, Saipan system industry percentage of their cell phone as well as carrying first, far exceeds other competitors, when the smartphone industry rises truly, they missed the entire smartphone quotation perfectly ; 再比如诺基亚,准智能手机时代,他们的手机以及搭载的塞班系统行业占有率第一,远超其他竞争对手,可是当智能手机行业真正崛起的时候,他们完美的错过了整个智能手机行情; Baidu once was pc time domestic internet enterprise the king of current capacity, but moved the internet time arrived at the time cannot seize the opportunity, the company can only resell the current capacity as well as advertisement bidding by various types finally continues the life ; 百度曾经是pc时代国内互联网企业的流量之王,但是移动互联网时代到来的时候没能抓住机会,以至于公司最后只能以各种倒卖流量以及广告竞价续命; If Tencent does not have WeChat, when pc internet to moving internet transforms, might be copied the escape route very much, will be good because of the Zhang Xiaolong WeChat prompt savior, otherwise the ten years later domestic internet patterns will be what appearances, no one is able under a conclusion. 腾讯要是没有微信,在pc互联网向移动互联网转型的时候,很有可能就会被人抄了后路,好在张晓龙微信及时救主,否则十年后的国内互联网格局是什么样子,谁都无法下个定论。 Said that returns to cnn as well as Ted's body, he had realized profoundly cannot keep up with the time step the pain. 说回到cnn以及泰德的身上,他早就已经深刻体会到跟不上时代脚步的痛苦。 Cnn, is Ted bigger career US (America) online- Time Warner, cannot truly hold the express train of internet development, US (America) online was very once magnificent several years ago, but this bubble shatter is quicker than the speed that world trade Gemini collapses. 无论是cnn,还是泰德更大的事业美国在线-时代华纳”,都没能真正抓住互联网发展的快车,美国在线在几年前曾经无比辉煌,但是这个泡沫破碎的比世贸双子座倒塌的速度还要快。 Ted had given up internet, is only thinking relieved work cnn, as well as non- internet business of Time Warner, but, the rapid rise of Twitter R, making him feel the greatest pressure and sense of crisis. 泰德原本已经放弃了互联网,只想着安心耕耘cnn,以及时代华纳的非互联网业务,但是,twitter的迅速崛起,让他感觉到了莫大的压力和危机感。 After Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) fire, this sense of crisis is more intense. 从李狗子微博火起来之后,这种危机感就更加强烈。 He convenes the cnn high level in the same place, came up then to say the origin of his heart sense of crisis directly, he said: I am unable to imagine, Li Mu can achieve today this situation website, Twitter R this thing to our threats was really big, it gave the average person the unzoned right to speak, gave the average person the boundless audience space, this let the core disparity of us and average person starts to change, this transformation made me sleepless, until today, after I know Li Mu can give a dog such powerful media attribute unexpectedly, I really somewhat could not sit still, if this had continued, Twitter R the vision that people paid attention, from our these media plundered. Walks, person who then apportions entire world any possibility, even is only a dog.” 他将cnn的高层召集在一起,一上来便直接说出了他内心危机感的来源,他说:“我无法想象,李牧能够把一个网站做到今天这种地步,twitter这个东西对我们的威胁实在是太大了,它给了普通人不受限制的发言权,也给了普通人无可限量的受众空间,这让我们与普通人的核心差距开始发生转变,这种转变让我夜不能寐,直到今天,当我知道李牧竟然能赋予一条狗这么强大的媒体属性之后,我就真的有些坐不住了,如果继续这样下去,twitter会把人们关注的目光,从我们这些媒体的身上掠夺走,然后分给全世界任何一个可能的人,甚至只是一条狗。” Attention of person is always limited, if the normal person uses every day for four hours is used to receive the information, then before then, four hours will be occupied by media in the true sense completely, for example our cnn, for example A Boss C and C Boss S and Boss Boss C, for example Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post, competing with although are intense, but are not well many in the competitor, moreover we can guarantee very big advantage.” “人的关注度总是有限的,如果正常人每天用四个小时的时间用来接收资讯,那么在这以前,四个小时的时间将全部由真正意义上的媒体占据,比如我们的cnn,比如abc、cbs、bbc、比如华尔街日报、洛杉矶时报、华盛顿邮报,竞争虽然激烈,但好在竞争者并不算多,而且我们能够保证很大的优势。” But now, Li Mu shifted internet from the television and paper media the attention of people, people every day as before were that four hours, including three -and-a-half hours soaked on internet, they also no longer paid attention to the independent platform of any news media, but, accepted in the platform in Twitter R this link entire world from the entire world innumerable organizations, individual even is being the information that a dog sent, this to us, was an extremely huge threat!” “但是现在,李牧把人们的注意力从电视、纸媒上转移到了互联网,人们每天依旧是那四个小时,其中有三个半小时泡在互联网上,他们也不再关注任何新闻媒体的独立平台,而是在twitter这种联通全世界的平台上、接受着来自全世界无数机构、个人甚至是一条狗发来的信息,这对我们来说,是一个极其巨大的威胁!” the cnn senior leadership are also look at each other in dismay, they are the King of offline media, but to online, looked like another dimension, their strong points are unable to display, their energies are unable to transform the true battle efficiency, this makes them feel extremely uncomfortably. cnn的高层领导们一个个也是面面相觑,他们是线下传媒的王者,但是到了线上,就像是到了另一个次元,他们的长处根本就无法发挥,他们的能量也根本无法转化成真正的战斗力,这让他们感觉极其难受。 It looks like a powerhouse who fights all over unmatched in the world, he can face the prosopalgia flat anyone, but, he arrives at the dimension that everyone did not meet now suddenly, in this dimension, at all is not the actual military force value that everyone depends, but is one type new digital wrestle, looks like hits wrestle Game, the bonus is in your reality can the fighting with the fists dead elephant, may in the wrestle Game world, you possibly not have the resistance that a three -year-old child hits. 就像是一个打遍天下无敌手的强者,他可以面对面痛扁任何一个人,可是,现在他忽然来到了一个大家都不见面的次元,在这个次元里,大家靠的根本不是实际的武力值,而是一种新型的“数字格斗”,就像是打格斗游戏,饶是你现实中能一拳打死大象,可在格斗游戏的世界里,你可能会被一个三岁小孩打的毫无招架之力。 To cnn, is such a predicament that they face. 对cnn来说,他们面临的就是这样的一种窘境。 Now, Li Mu had revealed his fang to the traditional media industry . Moreover, the one who most keeps the traditional media from accepting, making them feel the huge oppression, unexpectedly is only named Li Gouzi (Dog Child) dog. 现在,李牧已经向传统传媒行业亮出了他的獠牙,而且,最让传统传媒无法接受的是,让他们感受到巨大压迫的,竟然只是一条名叫李狗子的柯基犬。 cnn high-level discussed intensely is very long, they cannot reach the agreement in many issues, but reached the agreement only quickly: They do not have the means to stop Muye Science and Technology in the footsteps of internet domain development, is unable to stop Twitter R to become the footsteps of internet emerging media. cnn高层激烈的讨论了很久,在许多问题上他们都没能达成共识,但惟独一点很快就达成了共识:他们没办法阻拦牧野科技互联网领域发展的脚步,更无法阻拦twitter成为互联网新兴媒体的脚步。 Therefore, their discussions mainly revolve around the solution that the present stage can find. 所以,他们的讨论主要围绕在现阶段能找到的解决方案。 After the discussion, they currently only have three choices: Either also establishes an online new media platform and Muye Science and Technology as well as Twitter R on oneself contends ; Either thinks the means purchase or buys stock in Twitter R, making it have the close cooperation with cnn ; Either gives up online simply, dies to knock the conventional media channel. 经过讨论,他们目前只有三种选择:要么就自己也成立一个线上的新媒体平台与牧野科技以及twitter抗衡;要么想办法收购或者入股twitter,让它与cnn有密切的合作关系;要么就干脆放弃线上,死磕传统媒体渠道。 An all day discussion, they overruled the third choice, responds with the suspicion to the first choice, therefore, Teyte decides to convince US (America) online- Time Warner, hopes that is invested by Time Warner, buys stock in Twitter R, and signs the exclusive strategic cooperation agreement with Twitter R, did not strive for other, only strove for using Twitter R, strangled other conventional media outside the Twitter R front door, as the matter stands, although cnn as well as Time Warner are unable to shake the Twitter R pace of development as before, but can guarantee at least, cnn can use the Twitter R characteristics, led other offline conventional media. 一整天的讨论,他们否决了第三种选择,也对第一种选择报以怀疑,于是,泰特决定说服美国在线-时代华纳,希望由时代华纳出资,入股twitter,并且与twitter签订独家战略合作协议,不求别的,只求利用twitter,把其他传统媒体扼杀在twitter的大门外,这样一来,虽然cnn以及时代华纳依旧无法撼动twitter的发展步伐,但起码可以确保,cnn能够利用twitter的特性,领先其他线下传统媒体。 In that night of US (America) time, Ted this suggestion submitted to Time Warner Board of directors the time , just got out of bed soon Li Mu in China, had started his Stage 2 attempt. 就在美国时间的当天晚上,泰德把这个建议提交给时代华纳董事会的时候,远在华夏、刚起床不久的李牧,已经开始了他的第二阶段尝试。 Next day, Li Mu although gets out of bed to prepare to go to Forbidden City very early in the morning, participates in the ahead of time preview of cultural relic presentation ceremony, but has been paying attention to the data change of Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog), when he discovers Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) fans already over 5 million, and rapidly is still growing, he makes Li Ziwei communicate with the Muye Science and Technology marketing department immediately, told an emergency task to them. 翌日,李牧虽然一大早就起床准备前往故宫,参加文物捐赠仪式的提前预演,但还是一直关注着狗子微博的数据变化,当他发现狗子微博粉丝已经超过五百万、并且还在飞速增长的时候,他立刻让李紫薇牧野科技的市场部沟通,给他们吩咐了一项紧急任务。 The content of this emergency task is: „ Investigates the worldwide and reputation best ten dog grain brands, and sends out the cooperation intention letter to their company, by five million USD start prices, in the form of bidding, sells Li Gouzi (Dog Child) dog grain naming rights as well as propagandizes the big gift parcel, this naming rights are the one-year Li Gouzi (Dog Child) formulation dog grain title, but the propaganda big gift parcel includes 12 Tweets to promote directly, contains the picture and writing. 这个紧急任务的内容是:“调查全球规模、口碑最好的十家狗粮品牌,并向他们的公司发出合作意向函,以五百万美元的起步价格,以竞拍的形式,出售李狗子的狗粮冠名权以及宣传大礼包,这个冠名权是为期一年的李狗子制定狗粮头衔,而宣传大礼包则包括十二篇推文直接推广,包含图片、文字。 In other words, who successfully pats to this naming rights and big gift parcel finally, in the next year, Li Gouzi (Dog Child) will only eat the dog grain of their family/home, and every month will send a Pictures and text Tweets. 也就是说,谁最终成功拍到这个冠名权及大礼包,未来的一年内,李狗子就只吃他们家的狗粮,并且每个月都会发一篇图文推文。 Li Mu is not to gain several million USD, but must through this cooperation, making the entire world realize enormous benefit space that the Self Media time the special significance, as well as it contains. 李牧并不是为了赚几百万美元,而是要通过这个合作,让全世界意识到自媒体时代的特殊意义,以及它蕴含的巨大利益空间。 Once Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog), succeeds to use its Self Media attribute and fans community completes the realization, that will certainly lead to giant Self Media raging tide in the world. 一旦李狗子微博,成功利用它自己的自媒体属性以及粉丝群体完成变现,那必将在全球引发一场巨大的自媒体狂潮。 In the Li Mu's eye, entire world all trade activities regarding realization two characters, particularly internet, in 20-30 years of development processes, the industry rule and method are ever changing, the only essence has not changed, that is realization. 李牧的眼里,全世界所有的商业活动都是围绕着“变现”两个字,尤其是互联网,20-30年的发展历程中,行业规则与玩法千变万化,唯独一个内核没有变,那就是“变现”。 Earliest individual Webmaster, uses various methods to gather the website current capacity, then through advertizes to realize the simplest realization in website ; 最早的个人站长,利用各种方法汇聚网站流量,然后通过在网站内做广告来实现最简单的变现; Tencent, Baidu and face Boss ook and Twitter R, Weibo (Micro Blog) and other free products, use the product gathering current capacity, then conducts the realization using the advertisement to the current capacity, uses various value-added services including Game to conduct the realization to the user again ; 腾讯百度、facebook、twitter、微博等免费产品,利用自身产品汇聚流量,然后利用广告对流量进行变现,再利用包括游戏在内的各种增值业务对用户进行变现; Taobao this e-Commerce platform, the use free Online shopping platform gathers the merchant and user, then takes advantage of the giant consumer resource, tempts with the promise of gain the merchant to purchase the direct bus and other promoted resources, conducts the resources realization ; 淘宝这种电商平台,则利用免费的网购平台汇聚商户和用户,然后利用巨大的用户资源,利诱商户购买直通车等推广资源,进行资源变现; Any business model that has the explicit realization channel, will bring in flooding into of important goods person noisy crowd, now, Self Media just develops, the industry and users return had not realized tremendous benefit space, this will make the capital market underestimate Weibo (Micro Blog) and Twitter R value. 凡是有明确变现渠道的商业模式,都会引来一大帮人一窝蜂的涌入,现在,自媒体刚刚发展起来,行业以及用户都以还没有意识到其中巨大的利益空间,这会让资本市场低估了微博twitter的价值。 Li Mu must use Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog), successfully conducts fast realization a time, making people see how Self Media earns the day of quantity wealth in one night, believes that once this cooperation achieves, Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R will welcome huge development tide a time! 李牧要利用李狗子微博,成功进行一次快速变现,让人们看到自媒体是如何在一夜之间赚取天量财富的,相信一旦这个合作达成,微博twitter将迎来一次巨大的发展浪潮!
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