RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1639: The ideological mode of oligarch

Li Ziwei is not clear, why Li Mu will have the so high anticipation to this matter. 李紫薇不明白,为什么李牧会对这件事抱有如此高的期待。 Because in her opinion, Li Gouzi (Dog Child) dog grain naming rights as well as 12 Weibo (Micro Blog), can make Mars start out 1200 ten thousand USD prices, this is the somewhat unthinkable matter, Li Mu actually finds it also not enough. 因为在她看来,李狗子的狗粮冠名权以及十二条微博,能让玛氏开出1200万美元的价格,这本身就已经是有些匪夷所思的事情了,李牧竟然觉得还不够。 Li Mu said to Li Ziwei: Mars starts out 1200 ten thousand USD prices on own initiative, making me feel their psychological base prices certainly in 2000 ten thousand USD above.” 李牧李紫薇说:“玛氏这么主动开出1200万美元的价格,让我觉得他们的心理底价一定在2000万美元以上。” Li Mu the superficialness that two Ten Million USD said that looked like in Li Ziwei, probably 2000 ten thousand USD in the Li Mu eye, looking like 2000 Yuan were the same. 李牧把两千万美元说的轻描淡写,在李紫薇看来,好像2000万美元李牧眼里,就像是2000块钱一样。 Li Ziwei is very intelligent, she can understand many decisions and deployment that Li Mu makes, but in this issue, she does not understand that Li Mu's is self-confident. 李紫薇很聪明,她看得懂李牧做的许多决定与部署,但在这种问题上,她不明白李牧的自信。 Li Mu has experienced the domestic internet most flourishing stage, and testimony stands like a tripod from Baidu, Ali, Tencent three with own eyes, gradually falls behind to Baidu again, but Tencent and Ali double bistatic on 4000 hundred million USD mountains. 李牧亲历过国内互联网的全盛阶段,并且亲眼见证从百度、阿里、腾讯三家鼎立,再到百度逐渐掉队,而腾讯、阿里则双双站在四千亿美元的高山上。 although he is only a viewer, however his angle of view and average person are different, he is more than ten years of internet jobholders, can use the specialized vision, sees the intrinsic essence of entire vein. 虽然他只是一名看客,但是他的视角与普通人不同,他是十几年的互联网从业人员,能够用专业的眼光,看到整个脉络的内在本质。 Because Li Mu can understand Tencent and Ali in the actions of 4000 hundred million USD time, he can determine in the innermost feelings, to Mars this world 500 strong enterprises, 1200 ten thousand USD is also not their limit prices. 正因为李牧看得懂腾讯、阿里在四千亿美元时代的所作所为,他才敢在内心确定,对玛氏这种世界五百强的企业来说,1200万美元还远不是他们心里的极限价格。 Li Mu sees Li Ziwei also to have the doubts probably, then shows a faint smile, said: Facing Mars such enterprise, you cannot substitute them with the mentality of ordinary business owner, they are not the ordinary business owners, they are the oligarchs.” 李牧李紫薇好像还有疑惑,便微微一笑,说:“面对玛氏这样的企业,你不能用普通企业主的心态去代入他们,他们不是普通企业主,他们是寡头。” Saying, Li Mu sincere, said: What does the oligarch economy of open market often represent you to know?” 说着,李牧正色起来,道:“自由市场的寡头经济往往代表着什么你知道吗?” Li Ziwei shakes the head gently, said: In my brain is a little probably general, but cannot reach an agreement......” 李紫薇轻轻摇了摇头,说:“我脑子里好像有点大概,但是说不好……” Li Mu said with a smile slightly: Oligarch economy in the open market, represents the strategical extreme to be conservative generally, in the extreme with tactic is radical.” 李牧微微笑道:“自由市场里的寡头经济,一般代表着战略上的极端保守,与战术上的极端激进。” Speaking of this, Li Mu sees Li Ziwei unable to understand as before, then said with a laugh said: So-called strategical extreme is conservative, in big level extremely little adventurous, all strove for steadily, for example we, only in the main business foundation that in we have developed made the derivation, but will not pitch into a new industry of complete it doesn't matter rashly, the grand strategy focal point to its shift, we will not build up by internet, dozens years, our development cores will not even leave the internet soil over the next several years, this was the strategical extreme is conservative.” 说到这,李牧李紫薇依旧不太能明白,便笑着说道:“所谓战略上的极端保守,是在大层面上极少冒险,一切求稳,比如我们,只会在我们已经发展起来的主营业务基础上做衍生,但绝不会冒然进军一个完全没有关系的新行业,更不会把大战略重心向其转移,我们以互联网起家,未来十几年甚至几十年,我们的发展核心都不会离开互联网的土壤,这就是战略上的极端保守。” „The extreme in tactic is radical, in the big level begs personally in the steady foundation, in guaranteeing the big level stable medium small level kills to fiercely attack fiercely, for example we with all competitors go to war, must spare nothing, even if only a local war, draws an analogy, we make Weibo (Micro Blog) now, if there are other companies also to make a model of similar product also to threaten us, I will give up the Weibo (Micro Blog) profit over the next three years, even invested the large amounts of funds to lose money for three years dead to knock with the opposite party, will make every effort our Weibo (Micro Blog) is not affected even to exceed and guarantee us by the peer as far as possible. Is alone one in market, even if could not guarantee that alone, must do in a big way, and occupies of entire industry most share, this is the extreme in tactic is radical.” “战术上的极端激进,是在大层面求稳的基础上,在保证大层面稳定的中小层面猛杀猛打,比如我们跟所有的竞争对手打仗的时候,都要不惜一切代价,哪怕只是一场局部战争,打个比方,我们现在做微博,如果有其他公司也做了一款同类型的产品并且威胁到我们,我会放弃微博未来三年的利润,甚至投入大量资金亏损三年来跟对方死磕到底,力求我们的微博不会被同行影响甚至超越、尽量确保我们是市场上的独一份,就算确保不了独一份,也要做最大并且占据整个行业大半份额的那个,这就是战术上的极端激进。” „The oligarch strategical extreme is conservative, to stabilize general situation ; But the extreme in tactic is radical, for consolidated general situation, therefore you look at Mars, exterior as the industry magnate, he must extreme be able to reduce in this tactic radically to own threat, this oligarch enterprise works daily, most times not be at I must make anything the condition, but cannot let you make anything the condition be at me.” “寡头在战略上的极端保守,是为了稳住大局;而战术上的极端激进,是为了巩固大局,所以你看玛氏,作为行业巨头,他必须在这种战术上极端激进才能降低外部对自己的威胁,这种寡头企业日常做事,多数时候不是处于‘我要做什么’的状态,而是处于‘我不能让你做什么’的状态。” For example, ordinary mentality our auctions, will only consider, these resources sell five million USD to be worth, if bought to gain, but, what Mars must consider, such resources, if oneself did not start to rob, what to do was attained by the competitor? Once were attained by the competitor, to their position and their market shares will have the influence, to them, can accept to spend, but cannot accept the adventure, therefore, even if this resources only value five million USD, even is unworthy five million USD, but to prevent the competitor attains, they are still willing to pound two Ten Million USD to come in!” “就比如,普通企业考虑我们这次拍卖,只会考虑,这些资源卖五百万美元到底值不值得、如果买了能不能赚回来,但是,玛氏要考虑的是,这样的资源,如果自己不下手抢夺,被竞争对手拿到怎么办?一旦被竞争对手拿到,就会对他们的地位、他们的市场份额产生影响,对他们来说,可以接受花钱,但不能接受冒险,所以,即便这资源只值五百万美元,甚至不值五百万美元,但为了防止竞争对手拿到,他们也愿意砸两千万美元进来!” Changes money with various resources, is the logic of ordinary business owner, trades the position with massive money, this is the oligarch considers the issue the way.” “拿各种资源换钱,是普通企业主的逻辑,拿大量的钱换地位,这才是寡头考虑问题的方式。” The later generation, Tencent and Ali's competition, is superheating such, particularly is not good at and without emerging domain of historical advantage in both, both sides were go all out also to with the opposite party just, for example took taxi and go, mobile payment and other domains, the scales of two internecine strife were billions ranks, this was the matter that the true oligarch must handle. 后世,腾讯与阿里的竞争,就是这么的白热化,尤其是在两家都不擅长、没有历史优势的新兴领域,双方更是拼了命也要跟对方刚到底,比如打车、外卖、移动支付等领域,两家火拼的规模都是几十亿级别的,这才是真正寡头要做的事情。 The oligarchs heard that the competitor must invest five Ten Million USD to do a matter, oneself are willing to invest eight Ten Million USD with him, even heard that the competitor must invest five Ten Million USD to do a matter, is willing to pound one hundred million to go, to not capture the market with him, but to let his matter cannot do. 寡头听说竞争对手要投资五千万美元干一件事情,自己就愿意投资八千万美元跟他对着来,甚至听说竞争对手要投资五千万美元干一件事情,就愿意砸一个亿进去,不是为了跟他抢市场,只是为了让他这件事情干不成。 Mars thinks motive that directly 1200 ten thousand USD buy out, looks like in Li Mu is so, in they want to take these resources from the source directly, ceases all competitors to attain these resources completely the opportunities. 玛氏直接想1200万美元买断的动机,在李牧看来就是如此,他们想直接从源头把这些资源拿到手里,完全杜绝所有竞争对手拿到这些资源的机会。 Therefore, Li Mu does not care about this 1200 ten thousand USD, he wants draws Mars and his competitor to the arena that in oneself build, making them prey mutually, the digit that finally preys on, far will certainly exceed this amount. 所以,李牧才更加不在意这1200万美元,他想把玛氏和他的竞争对手都拉到自己搭建的擂台上,让他们互相搏杀,最终搏杀出来的数字,一定会远超这个数额。 Li Ziwei ponders over the moment, finally understands Li Mu said that nod of the huge difference of oligarch and ordinary business owner, a face listens to reason, said: Chief Li, I understand that your meaning, looked like in the past Red Army's great ten thousand li (5,000 km) long journey, large unit as far as possible many shifts to the Shanxi , Gansu Soviet area, was the strategy that the ten thousand li (5,000 km) long journey cannot vacillate absolutely, must guarantee steadily in this level is the lord ; But the crawling snowy mountain, the lawn, has crossed Jinshajiang, to force a crossing the Dadu River, to fly skillfully to seize Luding Bridge, these bold and adventurous tactics, actually core for stable strategic target as far as possible.” 李紫薇思忖片刻,终于明白过来李牧所说的,寡头与普通企业主的巨大区别,一脸受教的点了点头,说:“李总,我明白您的意思了,就像是当年红军伟大的万里长征,把大部队尽可能多的转移到陕甘苏区,就是万里长征绝对不能动摇的战略,在这个层面上一定要保稳为主;而爬雪山、过草地、巧渡金沙江、强渡大渡河、飞夺泸定桥,这些大胆又冒险的战术,其实核心是为了尽可能的稳定战略目标。” Li Mu nods, approves the person of same belief: Your analogy is very good, this is the radical in strategical conservative and tactic, the radical tactic, actually to let the strategic target exactly is stabler.” 李牧点了点头,赞同道:“你的比喻很好,这就是战略上的保守和战术上的激进,激进的战术,其实恰恰是为了让战略目标更稳定。” Then, Li Mu also said: Therefore applies mechanically the body of Mars, its strategic target is to maintain the industry's first lead, therefore, to guarantee this strategic target is not affected, let alone 12 million, will turn time of them also to clench teeth to do.” 说罢,李牧又道:“所以套用到玛氏的身上,它的战略目标是维持行业第一的领先优势,所以,为了保证这个战略目标不受影响,别说1200万,翻一倍他们也会咬着牙干。” ...... …… Li Mu arrives at the Rock Records taping room, communicated «21 guns» entire song to compose with the Rock Records recording musician, the Li Mu although demon changed the lyrics of this song original works, but has not done on to compose too in a big way adjusts, because to compose of original tune has made Li Mu feel very perfect. 李牧来到滚石的录音棚,与滚石的录音乐手沟通了《21guns》整首歌的编曲,李牧虽然魔改了这首歌原著的歌词,但在编曲上并没有做太大调整,因为原曲的编曲就已经让李牧觉得非常完美。 Most war movie dubbing in music, like using the symphony or orchestral music imposing arrangement, but, Li Mu felt, occasionally trades a method, will have the unexpected good effect, «21 guns» comes up is only the electric guitar sweeps the string accompaniment, after the first Lord song finished, in the second Lord song since, guitar, Bess, drum again simultaneously, matching and sound, entire song that melodious and many dignified feeling then highlighted incisiveness. 大多数的战争电影配乐,都喜欢使用交响乐或者管弦乐这种气势雄壮的编排,但是,李牧却觉得,偶尔换一种方法,会有意想不到的好效果,《21guns》一上来只是电吉他扫弦伴奏,第一段主歌结束之后,在第二段主歌进入时,吉他、贝斯、鼓再同时起来,搭配和声,整首歌那种悠扬而又不乏庄严的感觉便被凸显的淋漓尽致。 Cooperates with the high-end musician, to Li Mu, is a very happy matter, he looks like one slightly to understand the product manager of little technology, found a powerful technology team, then he described oneself product demand, these technical experts can in the quickest time, entire present the product with best and most satisfactory way. 与高端乐手合作,对李牧来说,是一件非常愉快的事情,他就像是一个略懂一点点技术的产品经理,找到了一个强大的技术团队,然后他将自己的产品需求描绘出来,这些技术高手就能够在最快的时间内、用最好、最满意的方式将产品整个呈现出来。 In the evening two hours of rehearsal, the musician team big bad is not bad, Li Mu that this song combs will decide to consolidate, to make some slight optimizations tomorrow evening again, the day after tomorrow will make Du Wei enter the awning to record directly, Du Wei will also be a very specialized singer, therefore, if will be smooth, a day of time song can record, will then leave most 1-2 days of time to later period, this single bent/tune handled completely. 晚上两个多小时的排练,乐手团队已经把这首歌梳理的大差不差了,李牧决定明天晚上再巩固一下、做一些细微的优化,后天就直接让杜薇进棚录音,杜薇本身也是一个非常专业的歌手,所以,如果顺利的话,一天时间这首歌就能录完,然后再留最多1-2时间给后期,这首单曲就完全搞定了。 Comes out from the taping room 8.5 ten, Li Mu has almost sat boards, Li Ziwei then reports to say to him: Chief Li, ten minutes of auction started, the page and backstage had passed the final test, has not discovered any issue.” 从录音棚出来的时候差不多已经八点五十,李牧坐上车,李紫薇便向他汇报道:“李总,还有十分钟拍卖就开始了,页面和后台已经通过了最后的测试,没有发现任何问题。” Li Mu nods, said: Informs that side website and Weibo (Micro Blog), making them prepare real-time reporting, once the auction starts, following up to report that is certainly prompt, and must attract the attention of entire net user as far as possible.” 李牧点点头,道:“通知网站微博那边,让他们做好实时报道的准备,一旦拍卖开始,跟进报道一定要及时,并且要尽可能吸引全网用户的关注。” Li Ziwei said: This you could rest assured that website and Weibo (Micro Blog) team has awaited orders.” 李紫薇道:“这个您放心,网站微博团队已经待命了。” Li Mu also said: „Did public relations department prepare? Gives all cooperation media the progress notification that we auction momentarily.” 李牧又道:“公关部准备好了没有?随时把我们拍卖的进展通报给所有的合作媒体。” Prepared.” Li Ziwei said: Our public relations department through us with the data capture connection of cooperation media, real-time will issue our progress, they also pay attention to this matter very much, after all is the unprecedented first time.” “准备好了。”李紫薇道:“我们的公关部将通过我们跟合作媒体的数据抓取接口,实时发布我们的进度,他们也很关注这件事情,毕竟是史无前例的第一次。” Li Mu satisfied saying: Since prepared, that felt at ease and other final outcomes of auction.” 李牧满意的说道:“既然都准备好了,那就安心等拍卖的最终结果吧。” Li Ziwei expression somewhat hesitant looks at Li Mu, must say anything probably, but hesitant has not exported over and over. 李紫薇表情有些犹豫的看着李牧,好像要说什么,但犹豫再三也没出口。 Li Mu looks at her condition, asks her: What did you have to say? Has anything to speak frankly, don't worry.” 李牧看出来她的状态,开口问她:“你有什么想说的?有什么就直说,不用担心。” Li Ziwei sips the lip to nod gently, sluggish several seconds, said: I have a worry, if our auctions do was too paid attention, the turnover was also too high, can the feeling that we were greedy for money very much? After all Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) just now clears for day, immediately starts to auction the advertisement resources, may affect our images in user's mind.” 李紫薇抿着唇轻轻点头,迟滞了几秒钟,才道:“我是有一个担心,如果我们这个拍卖做的太受关注,成交金额也太高的话,会不会给外界一种我们很贪财的感觉?毕竟狗子微博才刚开通一天,立刻就开始拍卖广告资源,有可能会影响我们在用户心目中的形象。” Li Mu said with a laugh: Ziwei, you now are getting more and more comprehensive, this issue can also consider, very good.” 李牧笑着说:“紫薇,你现在越来越全面了,这个问题也能考虑到,非常好。” Li Ziwei surprised looks at Li Mu, asked: Chief Li, have you considered this issue?” 李紫薇惊讶的看着李牧,问:“李总,您已经考虑过这个问题了?” Li Mu nods: Has considered.” 李牧点点头:“考虑过了。” That......” Li Ziwei puzzled asking: Why do you also want to do that?” “那……”李紫薇一脸不解的问:“那您为什么还要这么做呢?”
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