RINAPE :: Volume #16

#1543: The priority is highest

To Schwarzenegger as well as his campaign team, Muye Science and Technology looks like the giant gold ore that just discovered, has the enormous attraction to them. 对施瓦辛格以及他的竞选团队来说,牧野科技就像是一座刚刚发现的巨大金矿,对他们有着极大的吸引力。 However, Schwarzenegger also in the headache, he knows that Muye Science and Technology is a taking drainless gold ore, moreover knows oneself dug its tip of the iceberg, obtains the huge harvest, continued to deep cut, can the benefit will be bigger, how may continue, becomes matter that Schwarzenegger most worries now. 但是,施瓦辛格同时也在头痛,他知道牧野科技是一座取之不竭的金矿,而且知道自己只是挖到了它的冰山一角,就已经得到了巨大的收获,继续深挖下去,能够得到的利益会更大,可如何继续,成了施瓦辛格现在最犯愁的事情。 When he and team is not able to find the breach continuously could not find way out, Schwarzenegger received a call suddenly. 就在他和团队一直为找不到突破口而一筹莫展的时候,施瓦辛格忽然接到了一个电话。 This telephone is Lin Qingya hits. 这个电话是林清雅打来的。 Schwarzenegger takes up the cell phone, seeing is the strange number, then presses down the answering key, later immediately asks: Hello, is which?” 施瓦辛格拿起手机,见是陌生号码,便按下接听键,随后立刻开口询问:“你好,请问是哪位?” Lin Qingya said in the fluent English: Is Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger?” 林清雅用流利的英文说:“请问是阿诺德・施瓦辛格先生吗?” Is I.” Schwarzenegger complied with one, asked: „Are you?” “是我。”施瓦辛格应了一声,问道:“你是?” Lin Qingya said with a smile: Mr. Schwarzenegger hello/you good, I am Muye Science and Technology vice-president Lin Qingya.” 林清雅笑道:“施瓦辛格先生你好,我是牧野科技的副总裁林清雅。” Schwarzenegger has not heard the Lin Qingya name, but heard that she is Vice-President Muye Science and Technology, is all of a sudden excited, hastily said: Hello Ms. forest! Can receive your call happily.” 施瓦辛格并没有听说过林清雅的名字,但听说她是牧野科技副总裁,心情一下子激动起来,急忙说道:“你好林女士!非常高兴能够接到你的电话。” Lin Qingya said: Mr. Schwarzenegger, our Muye Science and Technology Chief Li just incited me to communicate some business with your excellency, but something need to communicate face to face, therefore does not know whether you will be convenient in the near future?” 林清雅说:“施瓦辛格先生,我们牧野科技李总刚刚授意我跟阁下沟通一些事务,不过一些事情需要当面沟通,所以不知道您近期是否方便?” Convenient! I momentarily!” “方便!我随时都可以!” Schwarzenegger's recent itinerary is actually full, even if the president of listed company, is impossible to compare a candidate who participates in the campaign is busier. 施瓦辛格最近的行程安排其实非常满,哪怕是上市公司的总裁,都不可能比一个参加竞选的候选人更忙碌。 Campaigns for the critical period, every day has at least one public event, either participates in the speech, either the participating activity, either is participates in the television program and charity event even also to go to the kindergarten, elementary school and middle school to salute ; 竞选关键期,每天都有至少一场公开活动,要么是参加演讲,要么是参与活动,要么是参加电视节目、慈善活动甚至还要去幼儿园、小学、中学慰问; Besides the public event, must pay close attention to various data with own campaign team every day, where support level is high, where support level is low, where is the advantage of competitor, where is the disadvantage of competitor ; 除了公开活动,每天还要与自己的竞选团队密切关注各项数据,哪里的支持率高,哪里的支持率低,哪里是竞争对手的优势,哪里是竞争对手的劣势; More importantly, the campaigner must campaign with the back parties and secret boss of subsidization maintains the close communication, even must keep seeks for the new campaign boost for oneself. 更重要的,竞选者是要跟自己背后的党派以及资助竞选的幕后老板保持密切沟通,甚至还要不停的为自己寻找新的竞选助力。 In this state, even if cafe chats 20 minutes of running schedule not to have, but Schwarzenegger actually informing Lin Qingya without hesitation, oneself all times open to her unconditionally, thus it can be seen, he to some Muye Science and Technology multi- regarding as important. 在这种状态下,哪怕是咖啡厅里聊二十分钟的档期都没有,但是施瓦辛格却毫不犹豫的告知林清雅,自己所有的时间段都向她无条件开放,由此可见,他对牧野科技到底有多看重。 Lin Qingya also listens to Schwarzenegger this reply the full sincerity, therefore then inquired: Mr. Schwarzenegger, you now in California?” 林清雅也听出施瓦辛格这个回答里满满的诚意,于是便询问道:“施瓦辛格先生,你现在在加州吗?” I.” Schwarzenegger takes off/escapes the tastes: I now in Sacramento, my campaign supreme headquarters here.” “我在。”施瓦辛格脱口道:“我现在在萨克拉门托,我的竞选大本营就在这里。” Then, Schwarzenegger also asked Lin Qingya: Miss Lin now where? In Silicon Valley?” 说罢,施瓦辛格又问林清雅:“林小姐现在在哪里?是在硅谷吗?” Lin Qingya said with a smile: Right, I in Silicon Valley.” 林清雅笑道:“没错,我在硅谷。” Schwarzenegger also asked: That Miss Lin thought when meets appropriately? I can see you to Silicon Valley.” 施瓦辛格又问:“那林小姐觉得什么时间见面合适?我可以到硅谷见你。” Lin Qingya said: Is this, the one side meaning of our Chief Li is to let me strives to see with your excellency as soon as possible, if your excellency time does not have the issue, we approximately tonight, if your excellency time is not convenient, we change other time.” 林清雅说:“是这样,我们李总的意思是让我争取尽快跟阁下见一面,所以如果阁下的时间没有问题的话,我们就约在今天晚上,如果阁下时间不方便,那我们就改其他时间。” Schwarzenegger's saying without hesitation: My time does not have the issue, we approximately tonight? Does Silicon Valley see?” 施瓦辛格不假思索的说道:“我时间没问题,那咱们就约在今晚?硅谷见?” Lin Qingya said: We choose a compromise place, both sides are more convenient, the time is also more abundant.” 林清雅道:“我们选个折中的地方吧,这样双方都方便一些,时间也充裕一些。” Schwarzenegger simply said: That chooses in Stockton, there is similar to our distances . Moreover the place is quite small, without was that paid attention, my good friend has a restaurant there, we can meet there.” 施瓦辛格便道:“那就选择在斯托克顿吧,那里跟我们的距离都差不多,而且地方比较小,没那么受关注,我一个好朋友在那里有一家餐厅,我们可以在那里见面。” Lin Qingya immediately refreshed saying: Then on 7 : 00 pm, Stockton, arranges a person to issue me the specific address troublesome, thanks.” 林清雅当即爽快的说道:“那就晚上 7 点,斯托克顿,麻烦安排一个人把具体地址发给我,谢谢。” Schwarzenegger's campaign adviser saw him to finish with the telephone conversation of Lin Qingya, hastily went forward to remind: Mister, we make Sakerman to eat meal tonight, his time is interested in supplementing a campaign support of million USD, this is a very rich subsidization, if turns down his meeting, I feared that will affect this 1 million landing situations......” 施瓦辛格的竞选顾问见他结束了与林清雅的通话,急忙上前提醒道:“先生,我们今天晚上约了萨克曼吃饭,他这次有兴趣追加一百万美元的竞选赞助,这可是一笔非常丰厚的资助,如果把他的会面推掉,我怕会影响到这一百万的落地情况……” Schwarzenegger beckons with the hand, said: These do not matter, we now most important is to decide the cooperation with Muye Science and Technology, the Muye Science and Technology priority is highest, before it, other all can arrange in the future, you told Sakerman, said that I have the matter temporarily, can only change tomorrow evening, if he had the opinion, that even.” 施瓦辛格摆了摆手,道:“这些都无所谓,我们现在最重要的就是要跟牧野科技敲定合作,牧野科技的优先级最高,在它面前,其他的一切都可以往后排,你告诉萨克曼,就说我临时有事,只能改到明天晚上,如果他有意见,那就算了。” ...... …… Makes the telephone call, Lin Qingya takes up the plane on desktop immediately, dialed an internal number of four figure. 挂了电话,林清雅立刻拿起桌面上的座机,拨了一个四位数的内部号码。 Just a connection, Lin Qingya simply said: Makes Lu Xue come to my office.” 刚一接通,林清雅便道:“让陆雪到我办公室来一趟。” Is less than one minute, wore the career suit and appearance delicate pretty miss to knock on a door the Lin Qingya office. 不到一分钟,一个身穿职业套装、模样清秀靓丽的姑娘敲门进了林清雅的办公室。 This girl is Lin Qingya joins the Muye Science and Technology initial period, personally outstanding student who draws from the China institute of diplomacy. 这个女孩是林清雅加入牧野科技的初期,亲自从华夏外交学院招来的高材生。 Lu Xue gave up the official path initially, even gives up to become the possibility of diplomat, the choice joins Muye Science and Technology, to a great extent because at that time her affirmation to 21 this assistance funds, but Lin Qingya actually saw from her the unique strength, has placed side training hand in hand her, Muye Science and Technology goes on an expedition North America the time, Lin Qingya then also one and led her. 陆雪当初放弃公务员道路,甚至放弃成为外交官的可能,选择加入牧野科技,很大程度上是因为当时她对21这个助学基金的肯定,不过林清雅却从她身上看到了的独特优势,一直把她放在身边手把手的培养,牧野科技征战北美的时候,林清雅便将她也一并带了过来。 Because the natural talent is intelligent, moreover is extremely solid in various knowledge and logical thinking of ability foundation school, therefore progress of Lu Xue fast, moreover she comes institute of diplomacy, student who institute of diplomacy graduates, which line regardless of went to which industry, has a common feature, that is English is excellent. 由于天资聪慧,而且在学校的各项知识以及逻辑思维能力基础极其扎实,所以陆雪的进步飞快,而且她出身外交学院,外交学院毕业的学生,无论去了哪行哪业,都有一个共同的特点,那就是英语极好。 English of institute of diplomacy student, generally also wants strong many compared with the foreign language school, and has very thorough understanding of the Western politics, society and culture, therefore was like a fish in water to US (America). 外交学院学生的英语水平,普遍比外国语学院还要强的多,而且对西方政治、社会以及文化有非常深入的了解,所以到了美国更加如鱼得水。 Lu Xue enters the Lin Qingya office, then opens the mouth to ask: Chief Lin do you look for me?” 陆雪一进林清雅办公室,便开口问道:“林总您找我?” Lin Qingya nods, said: Chief Li called me a moment ago, very vital duties arrange, this duty needs a connection person, I hope that you undertake this role.” 林清雅点了点头,道:“李总刚才给我打电话,有一个非常重要的任务布置过来,这个任务需要一个接口人,我希望你来承担这个角色。” Lu Xue has not asked the bottom is what duty, nod without hesitation said: Does not have the issue, Chief Lin you to invite the instruction.” 陆雪没问到底是什么任务,毫不犹豫的点头说道:“没问题,林总您请吩咐。” This is the way that the top talent works, the duty of leadership arrangement, did not ask that is why anything, does not ask, first shouldered to say again. 这就是高端人才做事情的方式,领导布置的任务,不问是什么、不问为什么,先扛下来再说。 First many people at this kind of time, that can react are held responsible: What duty is?” 许多人在这种时候,首先会做出的反应是问:“是什么样的任务?” But only this In short, shows one's ignorance immediately. 但只这一句话,就立刻露了怯。 Under normal circumstances, if the leadership trusts a person, must to him a duty, then leads first is thinks at heart he can certainly achieve, since leads believes why oneself suspect himself. 在正常情况下,如果领导信任一个人,要给他一个任务,那么领导的心里首先是认为他一定可以做到,既然领导都这么认为,那自己又何必怀疑自己。 The working attitude of Lin Qingya to Lu Xue is satisfied, opens the mouth saying: „Does Schwarzenegger you know?” 林清雅陆雪的做事态度非常满意,开口道:“施瓦辛格你知道吧?” Lu Xue nods: Naturally.” 陆雪点点头:“当然。” Lin Qingya also said: What was Schwarzenegger being you to know recently?” 林清雅又道:“施瓦辛格最近在做什么你知道吗?” Lu Xue said with a smile: Knows, he is campaigning for the governor in California.” 陆雪笑道:“知道,他在竞选加州的州长。” Lin Qingya asked: „Do you feel his chance of success big?” 林清雅问:“你觉得他成功的几率有多大?” Lu Xue thinks, said: If campaign team enough specialty, and displays stably, then Schwarzenegger had at least 70% probability elections.” 陆雪想了想,道:“如果竞选团队足够专业并且发挥稳定的话,那么施瓦辛格有至少70%的概率当选。” Lin Qingya shows a faint smile, said: „The meaning of Chief Li, wants to help Schwarzenegger win the campaign.” 林清雅微微一笑,说:“李总的意思,是想帮助施瓦辛格赢得竞选。” Lu Xue nods gently, said: Our titter just got online no wonder is giving Schwarzenegger to make the conduction current.” 陆雪轻轻点了点头,道:“怪不得我们的titter刚上线就在给施瓦辛格做导流。” Lin Qingya very curious asking: How this matter do you know?” Lin Qingya actually wonders at heart, titter changes the algorithm for Schwarzenegger temporarily the matter, Lin Qingya was just knew from the Li Mu's telephone how Lu Xue did know? 林清雅很是好奇的问道:“这件事你怎么会知道?”林清雅心里却是纳闷,titter为施瓦辛格临时改算法的事情,就连林清雅都是刚刚从李牧的电话中得知,陆雪又是怎么知道的? Lu Xue explained with a smile: I just in watching the content and hot topic situation on titter, then discovered Schwarzenegger presented inyour good friend also in attention in position, from the beginning I have not found it actually strange, as I glanced over the titter page massively, Schwarzenegger appeared quickly again, at that time I was many a attention, looked Schwarzenegger's main page, discovered his fans growth quick unusuality, therefore realized, possibly was we are helping them make the conduction current, otherwise, by Schwarzenegger and internet foundation of his side staff, should not decode our algorithm and Boss ug. ” 陆雪笑着解释道:“我刚刚一直在关注titter上的内容以及热门话题情况,然后发现施瓦辛格出现在了“你的好友也在关注”的位置上,一开始我倒是没觉得奇怪,但是随着我大量浏览titter页面,施瓦辛格很快就又再度出现,那时候我就多了一点关注,去看了一下施瓦辛格的主页,发现他粉丝增长速度快的异常,所以就意识到,可能是我们在帮他们做导流,否则的话,以施瓦辛格以及他身边工作人员的互联网基础,应该不会破解我们的算法和bug。” Lin Qingya said: Analysis unusual is good, the basic situation was analyzed by you.” 林清雅称赞道:“分析的非常好,基本情况都被你分析出来了。” Saying, Lin Qingya was also saying: Chief Li wants to strengthen with Schwarzenegger now cooperates, temporarily the campaign team that needs an ability enough and trustworthy person joins Schwarzenegger , to continue tie role that both sides communicate, I thought that no one was more appropriate than you, therefore your meaning?” 说着,林清雅又道:“李总现在想跟施瓦辛格增强合作,需要一个能力足够而又信得过的人暂时加入施瓦辛格的竞选团队,承接起双方沟通的纽带角色,我觉得没有人比你更合适了,所以你的意思呢?” Lu Xue said with a smile: I naturally did not have the opinion, how the company arranged, how I carried out, when so long as you told me to pass are OK.” 陆雪笑道:“我当然没有意见了,公司怎么安排,我就怎么执行,您只要告诉我什么时候过去就可以了。” Lin Qingya said: We embark later Stockton, Schwarzenegger will rush to there to meet with us from Sacramento, after meeting, I will introduce you to him, and represents the power of Muye Science and Technology plenary powers docking to you, if Schwarzenegger does not have the opinion, you proceeded to new official post as soon as possible in the past.” 林清雅道:“我们待会儿就出发去斯托克顿,施瓦辛格会从萨克拉门托赶到那里跟我们见面,见面之后我会把你介绍给他,并且给你代表牧野科技全权对接的权力,如果施瓦辛格没有意见,那你就尽快过去赴任。” Lu Xue nods, said simply: Good, I obey the arrangement of company.” 陆雪点了点头,干脆的说:“好的,我听从公司的安排。” Lin Qingya also said: Schwarzenegger's campaign supreme headquarters should in state capital location Sacramento, therefore then to October/ten months, your whole time could cross in Sacramento, the company will give you to arrange a driver, a car(riage) as well as a personal assistant, simultaneously solves the entire journey lodgings and dining and other expenditures five-star hotel in Sacramento for you, your days pay turns time, comes out is counted your business travel subsidy.” 林清雅又道:“施瓦辛格的竞选大本营应该就在州府所在地萨克拉门托,所以接下来一直到十月,你大部分的时间可能就要在萨克拉门托渡过了,公司会给你安排一名司机、一辆车以及一个私人助理,同时在萨克拉门托为你解决五星级酒店的全程住宿和餐饮以及其他开支,你这段时间的薪资翻倍,多出来的算作你的差旅补贴。” Lu Xue shows a faint smile, thank: Thanks Chief Lin, our company most major characteristics are natural......” 陆雪微微一笑,感谢道:“谢谢林总,咱们公司最大的特点就是大方……” Lin Qingya said with a smile: This is the Chief Li consistent objective.” 林清雅笑道:“这是李总的一贯宗旨。”
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