RINAPE :: Volume #16

#1542: A arrange/cloth general situation

The algorithm looks like a slot machine, the bystander does not know, the profit ratio and settlement cycle that this machine establishes are many, similarly are the profit compared with 60%, may swallow 100 to spit 40, may swallow 1000 to spit 400,60% are the profit ratios, 100 or 1000, are the settlement cycles. 算法就像是一台老虎机,外人根本就不知道,这台机器设定的盈利比以及清算周期是多少,同样是盈利比60%,有可能吞100吐40块,也有可能吞1000才吐400,60%是盈利比,100或者1000,是清算周期。 A coarse slot machine has own algorithm, let alone a product of internet Corporation and over a hundred million user. 一台粗陋的老虎机都有自己的算法,更何况一家互联网公司、一个上亿用户的产品。 The algorithm to internet Corporation, is one set of very secret core logic, it looks like a high secret production line, entire hides in even window no workshop, outside person seems like, saw that one pile of components and raw materials were delivered, then missiles were produced, but how to produce, the bystander touches radically airtight. 算法对互联网公司来说,是一套非常隐秘的核心逻辑,它就像是一条高机密的生产线,整个都藏在连窗户都没有的厂房里,外面的人看起来,就看到一堆零件和原材料被送了进去,然后一枚枚导弹就被生产了出来,但到底是怎么生产出来的,外人根本就摸不透。 each algorithmic logic of titter, this is the entire project division core secret, will not let bystander Zhixiao. titter的每一条算法逻辑,都这是整个事业部的核心机密,绝不会让外人知晓 Makes some tricks in the algorithm level, the user often could not detect that the injury to the user can also fall to like this slightly even ignores. 在算法层面上做一些猫腻,用户往往是察觉不出来的,这样对用户的伤害也可以降到最小甚至忽略不计。 The Muye Science and Technology titter project division chief architect as well as technical total person in charge, is technical trump card Fang Xudong in Li Mu, the Li Mu direct telephone projects on his cell phone, increased the powder the demand to inform him the adjustment algorithm to Schwarzenegger. 牧野科技titter事业部的总架构师以及技术总负责人,是李牧手里的技术王牌方旭东,李牧直接一个电话打到他的手机,把调整算法给施瓦辛格增粉的需求告知了他。 Fang Xudong comes back from Silicon Valley, campaigns for the significance of governor to be significant very much clearly, moreover exactly is the governor in California, if Li Mu this second rolling to treasure, once Schwarzenegger were elected, to Muye Science and Technology in the development of Silicon Valley, will have very big help. 方旭东本身就是从硅谷回来的,很清楚竞选州长的意义重大,而且恰好又是加州的州长,如果李牧这次压对宝,一旦施瓦辛格当选,对牧野科技硅谷的发展,会有很大的帮助。 Therefore, Fang Xudong does not dare to have any delaying, immediately the starting algorithm adjustment, crosses merely for 20 minutes, the temporary algorithm after adjustment started to begin using. 所以,方旭东不敢有任何耽搁,立刻开始着手算法调整,仅仅过了二十分钟,调整后的临时算法就开始启用了。 Temporarily the logic of algorithm is, the titter user of the world, so long as he online, when he renovates the titter page, some probabilities see Schwarzenegger to appear in oneself page your good friend also a column in attention. 临时算法的逻辑是,全球各地的titter用户,只要他在线,那么在他刷新titter页面的时候,就有概率看到施瓦辛格出现在自己页面上“你的好友也在关注”一栏。 However, according to the user registers the difference of ip, the probability is also different. 不过,根据用户登录ip的不同,概率也有所不同。 For example, the US (America) nation users have 20% probabilities, renovates or opens in titter every time five times the page, will see Schwarzenegger one time ; 比如,美国全国用户有20%的概率,也就是每刷新或打开五次titter内页面,就会看到施瓦辛格一次; With in Canadian triggering probability of North America is 15%, the triggering probability of Europe and Australia is 10%, the triggering rate/lead of Asia is 5% ; 同在北美的加拿大触发概率为15%,欧洲、澳洲的触发概率为10%,亚洲的触发率为5%; But in the US (America) user, the triggering rate/lead of California user also has extra increase, achieved 25%. 美国用户中,加州用户的触发率还有额外的增加,达到了25%。 This set of temporary algorithm gets online, Schwarzenegger's sensitometry on titter rapidly increases, the fans quantity also starts to rise immediately suddenly. 这套临时算法一上线,施瓦辛格在titter上的曝光度迅速增加,粉丝数量也立刻开始了急剧攀升。 Gets online for ten minutes, Schwarzenegger increases the powder 100,000, this makes Schwarzenegger in front of computer dumbfounded, the entire campaign team is also staring at the fans data in his election office, similarly was shocked by such rapid increasing powder. 上线十分钟,施瓦辛格增粉十万,这让在电脑前的施瓦辛格目瞪口呆,整个竞选团队也都在他的竞选办公室内盯着粉丝数据,同样被这样迅速的增粉所震惊。 Also crossed for ten minutes, increases the powder again 100,000! 又过了十分钟,再次增粉十万! Speed quickly to inconceivable. 速度快到不可思议。 The 30 th minute, fans increases 100,000 again! 第三十分钟,粉丝再增十万! The advantage of algorithm is the effect performance is exceptionally smooth, the fluctuation in probability level is small, covers the global over hundred million titter users with such algorithm, its conversion rate will not start to weaken in a short time, the only fluctuation is not the fluctuation of conversion rate, but as the fluctuation of titter online population, the similar probability will have the height in absolute quantity to be different. 算法的好处是效果表现异常平顺,在概率层面上的波动较小,用这样的算法去覆盖全球过亿titter用户,它的转化率在短时间内不会开始衰减,唯一的波动并不是转化率的波动,而是随着titter在线人数的波动,同样的概率也会产生绝对数量上的高低不同。 However, the total online population in a half hour of even one hour of axis, basically is also very stable. 不过,总在线人数在半小时甚至一个小时的时间轴内,基本上也是非常稳定的。 The algorithm gets online for one hour, Schwarzenegger titter fans grew 610,000, because fans grows, reading, commentaries and point Schwarzenegger all titter contents approve and repeater number are also soaring, many general public expressed the support for his political view, this gave Schwarzenegger very strong driving force. 算法上线一个小时,施瓦辛格titter的粉丝增长了61万,由于粉丝增长,施瓦辛格所有titter内容的阅读、评论、点赞以及转发数也都在直线上升,许多普通民众对他的政见都表示了赞同,这给了施瓦辛格内心很强的前进动力。 „The Muye Science and Technology information delivery ability was really powerful!” When excited, Schwarzenegger sighs with emotion again and again. 牧野科技的信息投放能力真的是太强大了!”激动之余,施瓦辛格连连感慨。 No wonder this company can be hounded by the global users crazily, even was hounded by the global capital crazily, this company the great strength of strength, has surpassed present stage any other internet Corporation. 怪不得这家公司能够被全球用户疯狂追捧,甚至被全球资本疯狂追捧,这家公司的实力之强大,已经超出了现阶段其他任何一家互联网公司。 Campaigns for the adviser also to sob the sigh: If we can with the Muye Science and Technology deep cooperation, the matter of campaign not only will increase the success ratio enormously, but can also reduce the fund of campaign to invest to the full, if we can under guaranteeing the premise of election, reduces the funding, can reduce some political burdens.” 竞选顾问也唏嘘感叹:“如果我们能够跟牧野科技深入合作,竞选的事情不但会极大的增加成功率,还能最大限度降低竞选的资金投入,如果我们能够在确保当选的前提下,把资金投入降低下来,就可以减少一些政治负担。” Schwarzenegger campaigns for in the adviser mouth very much clearly political burden is anything, campaigns for the governor, campaigns for the congressman, to campaign for the president, draws cash individual who supports the campaign and entrepreneur, is actually the angel investor, they are not because the political view is the same, or because to the deep love of national as well as candidate, puts out the big wealth to come out to support the campaign, they support the campaign, is actually a venture capital. 施瓦辛格很明白竞选顾问口中的“政治负担”是什么,无论是竞选州长,还是竞选议员、竞选总统,拿钱出来支持竞选的个人与企业家,其实都是天使投资人,他们才不是因为政见相同,或者因为对国家以及候选人的热爱,才拿出大笔钱财出来赞助竞选,他们赞助竞选,其实就是一次风险投资。 The investors look like the investing enterprise same investment campaign, the big funds pound, what anticipation is can obtain higher fund return, once campaigned for the person to win, looking like the enterprise successful listing was the same, the investor must start to leverage the profit. 投资人就像是投资企业一样投资竞选,大笔的资金砸进来,期待的是能从中得到更高的资金回报,而一旦竞选人成功当选,就像是企业成功上市一样,投资人就要开始套现获利。 If campaigned to take a campaign investment of Ten Million USD earlier, then after oneself were elected, must in own position, bring tens of millions campaign returns to the opposite party, this counted the return of Ten Million USD, was the political burden. 如果前期竞选拿了一千万美元的竞选投资,那么自己当选之后,就要在自己的位置上,给对方带来数千万的竞选回报,这数千万美元的回报,就是政治负担。 In US (America), regardless of any campaign, most consumes the funds propagandizes the promotion, but this exactly is the domain that Muye Science and Technology most excels. 美国,无论任何竞选,最消耗经费的就是宣传推广,而这恰恰就是牧野科技最最擅长的领域。 At this time, campaigned for the adviser to open the mouth suddenly: Mr. Schwarzenegger, if we can look for the Muye Science and Technology YY net to come to your excellency to make an interview, that was good! The current capacity of YY net is big, is at present world's largest Portal website, moreover it matches YY, every day will conduct news to push a time, if Muye Science and Technology can place in the news push of YY your excellency interview, not only will bring massive exposures to you, but can also even propagandize your governance concept to entire US in the world.” 这时候,竞选顾问忽然开口:“施瓦辛格先生,如果我们能找牧野科技yy网来给阁下做个专访,那就再好不过了!yy网的流量非常大,是目前全世界最大的门户网站,而且它搭配yy,每天都会进行一次新闻推送,如果牧野科技能把阁下的专访放在yy的新闻推送里,那不但会给您带来大量的曝光,还能向全美甚至全世界宣传你的执政理念。” Schwarzenegger is some hearts that listen to is also hard to take itchy, what kind of charm the push of YY has, oneself were clear, if really can attain such top resources, played the tremendous assistance to own campaign meeting. 施瓦辛格也是听的有些心痒难耐,yy的推送有着怎样的魔力,自己再清楚不过了,如果真能拿到那样的顶级资源,对自己的竞选会起到巨大帮助。 Schwarzenegger also really in such a short time troubles Li Mu embarrassed frequently, two people did not know after all, this time also through Director James Cameron, brings both sides together through Leonardo, others are willing to help oneself one time are very rare, if at this time reached out for a yard after taking an inch again, feared that will initiate the repugnance of opposite party, such on gain does not equal the loss. 只是,施瓦辛格也实在不好意思在这么短的时间内频繁麻烦李牧,两人毕竟并不认识,这次也是通过詹姆斯・卡梅隆导演,又通过莱昂纳多来牵线搭桥,别人愿意帮助自己一次已经是非常难得,这时候如果再得寸进尺,怕是会引发对方的反感,那样就得不偿失了。 Therefore Schwarzenegger said to oneself campaign team: That side Muye Science and Technology, we need to proceed in an orderly way pulls closer the relations with them, cannot be frequent in a short time the opposite party reaches out to put forward requirement, otherwise may work just the opposite very much.” 于是施瓦辛格对自己的竞选团队说:“牧野科技那边,我们需要循序渐进的与他们拉近关系,不能短时间内频繁向对方伸手提要求,否则很有可能适得其反。” Campaigns for the adviser to nod, said: Muye Science and Technology must treat as a long-term in-depth cooperation partner to process, because they on the link that not only can campaign for in us gives the tremendous assistance, what is more important, they can after we campaign for is successful continue to provide the help, thinks that other campaign members, they can only provide the help in fund to us, but once we campaign for successfully, we no longer that fund that needs him to provide, therefore was in our pure return stage, but Muye Science and Technology was different, after we were elected, needed the strong information delivery ability, by that time, we need Muye Science and Technology.” 竞选顾问点了点头,说:“牧野科技还是要当做一个长期的深度合作伙伴去处理,因为他们不但能在我们竞选的环节上给予巨大帮助,更重要的是,他们能在我们竞选成功之后持续提供帮助,想一想其他的竞选出资人,他们只能给我们提供资金上的帮助,可一旦我们竞选成功,我们就不再需要他提供的那点资金,所以就进入到了我们的纯回报阶段,而牧野科技则不同,我们当选之后,更需要强大的信息投放能力,到那个时候,我们更需要牧野科技。” Saying of Schwarzenegger very approval: Muye Science and Technology is the most perfect long-term strategic partnership, but wants to achieve this goal, but must bit by bit strengthen the cooperation with them, and disclosure bit by bit gives them an information: If they helped me win the campaign, then after I took office, will surely give the Muye Science and Technology enough politics return.” 施瓦辛格非常赞同的说道:“牧野科技是最完美的长期战略合作伙伴,不过想实现这个目标,还得一点一点与他们增强合作,并且一点一点的透露给他们一个信息:如果他们帮助我赢得竞选,那么我上任之后一定会给牧野科技足够的政治回报。” ...... …… With Anne Hathaway as well as Wendy Goldberg strolls Li Mu of restaurant, this time heart had departed this time-honored restaurant completely, he is not interested in the red wine, does not understand, moreover does not like very much, at heart therefore his looks at these ancient oak barrels, think how is actually can realize the political bundle with Schwarzenegger. 正在和安妮・海瑟薇以及温蒂高柏逛酒庄的李牧,此时的心已经完全飞出了这座历史悠久的酒庄,他对红酒不感兴趣,不懂,而且也不是很喜欢,所以他看着那些古老的橡木桶,心里想的却是如何能够和施瓦辛格实现政治捆绑。 If ended the matter, oneself help Schwarzenegger increase certain amount fans with the algorithm, then this is very difficult to form the bundle, even is very difficult by oneself and Schwarzenegger walks is nearer. 如果事情到此结束,自己只是用算法帮助施瓦辛格增加一定量的粉丝,那么这是很难形成捆绑的,甚至都很难让自己与施瓦辛格走的更近。 For the Muye Science and Technology long-time US (America) layout and benefit, Li Mu must revolve a Schwarzenegger general situation, realizes the strong bundle with Schwarzenegger, he will hold the post in eight years of California governor in the future, will become he closest strategic partnership, ahead of time will lock the political interest of California. 为了牧野科技长久的美国布局以及利益,李牧必须要围绕施瓦辛格布一个大局,与施瓦辛格实现强捆绑,在未来他担任加州州长的八年里,成为他最密切的战略合作伙伴,提前锁定加州的政治利益。 However, wants to become the partner in strategic level with Schwarzenegger, must try harder again. 不过,想和施瓦辛格成为战略层面上的合作伙伴,一定还要再加把劲儿。 However, Li Mu can determine at heart, that is Schwarzenegger certainly ORIJEN (long for) cooperation, therefore as the matter stands, oneself instead occupied the initiative, so long as because extend the olive branch on own initiative, Schwarzenegger will certainly not reject, but sees things in others'shoes, if Schwarzenegger, he does not certainly have this self-confidence at this moment, he will worry, if he proposed the cooperation to himself, oneself will reject him. 不过,李牧心里可以确定一点,那便是施瓦辛格一定比自己更渴望合作,所以这样一来,自己反而就占了主动权,因为只要自己主动抛出橄榄枝,施瓦辛格一定不会拒绝,但是换位思考一下,如果是施瓦辛格,他此刻一定没有自己这种自信,他会担心,如果他主动向自己提出合作,自己会拒绝他。 Thought through this, Li Mu to Anne Hathaway as well as Wendy Goldberg said: Is sorry the ladies, I must go out to telephone.” 想通了这一层,李牧对安妮・海瑟薇以及温蒂高柏说:“抱歉女士们,我要出去打个电话。” Anne Hathaway nods smiles, said: Does as you please.” 安妮・海瑟薇点头一笑,说:“请便。” Wendy Goldberg said: By wine cellar entrance has a tasting room, there no one.” 温蒂高柏说:“酒窖入口旁边有一间品酒室,那里没有人。” Li Mu gesticulated a ok hand signal, took the cell phone to walk in the direction of tasting room. 李牧比划了一个ok的手势,拿着手机朝着品酒室的方向走了过去。 Indoor the wine-tasting, did not have outside these gigantic oak barrels, displaces, is bottles is slanting is placing the bottled red wine on check pine rack, four sides the wall was almost all fully occupied by the red wine, the middle has several fine wooden furniture, is matching the light of warm tone, seems has the style very much. 品酒室内,没有了外面那些硕大的橡木桶,取而代之的,是一瓶瓶斜着摆放在格子酒架上的瓶装红酒,四面墙几乎全都被红酒占满,中间有几张精致的木桌椅,搭配着暖色调的灯光,显得很有格调。 Li Mu pulls out the cell phone, being in Silicon Valley Lin Qingya hit a telephone, a telephone connection, Li Mu then told her Schwarzenegger's matter, Lin Qingya does not know that Schwarzenegger looked for Li Mu to seek the help, does not know that titter has changed the algorithm temporarily, started to give Schwarzenegger the leading quantity, but intelligent incomparable she, only heard these, realizes immediately, this inside had the huge political interest, this benefit has the powerful long-tail effect. 李牧掏出手机,给身在硅谷林清雅打了一个电话,电话一接通,李牧便把施瓦辛格的事情告诉了她,林清雅并不知道施瓦辛格找李牧寻求帮助,也不知道titter已经临时更改了算法,开始给施瓦辛格导量,不过聪慧无比的她,刚一听说这些,就立刻意识到,这里面有巨大的政治利益,这种利益有着强大的长尾效应。 She was difficult to cover said excitedly: Chief Li, Schwarzenegger campaigns for California governor, to us is really a very good opportunity, US (America) each state has own legislative power, if we and he establish the powerful relations, in the future he can the return that we bring, possibly the imagination of far superegos present stage.” 她难掩激动的说:“李总,施瓦辛格竞选加州州长,对我们来说真的是一个非常非常好的机会,美国每个州都有自己的立法权,如果我们与他建立强大的关系,将来他能给我们带来的回报,可能远超我们现阶段的想象。” Li Mu said: I also considered, therefore I decided that must initiate an attack.” 李牧说:“我也是这么考虑,所以我决定要主动出击。” Lin Qingya hastily asked: How do you want to do?” 林清雅急忙问道:“您想怎么做?” Li Mu said: You call Schwarzenegger, said that the hope finds an opportunity to pay a visit, when the time comes, you took an ability enough and keen, brain to be flexible enough and trustworthy person in the past.” 李牧说:“你给施瓦辛格打个电话,就说希望找个机会登门拜访,到时候,你带上一个能力足够、嗅觉敏锐、脑子足够灵活又信得过的人过去。” Lin Qingya said: Good, here has the right candidate, is I a miss who leads from China, perfectly meets your requirement.” 林清雅道:“好的,我这里有合适的人选,是我从华夏带过来的一个姑娘,非常符合您的要求。” Good!” Li Mu happily said: „After meeting, you find a right opportunity, told Schwarzenegger face to face, said that our Muye Science and Technology can help him win the campaign full power, and is willing to enter the strategic cooperation of bank president period in the future with him, I believe that he will certainly comply, will be wild with joy, when the time comes, you led that miss of past to arrange to give him you directly, temporarily joins his campaign team, specifically was responsible for representative Muye Science and Technology, real-time docked he all demands in campaign, such sincerity, he feared that must be moved badly.” “好!”李牧欣慰的说:“见面之后,你找个合适的机会,当面告诉施瓦辛格,就说我们牧野科技可以全力帮助他赢得竞选,并且愿意在将来与他进行长期的战略合作,我相信他一定会答应,而且会欣喜若狂,到时候,你就直接把你带过去的那个姑娘安排给他,临时加入他的竞选团队,专门负责代表牧野科技,实时对接他在竞选上的所有需求,这么大的诚意,他怕是要感动坏了的。”
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