RINAPE :: Volume #16

#1517: 1 billion box office records!

Under the seduction of large bonus, overnight, the nation pirated the producer of compact disc to be under the unprecedented attack, over 50% piracy operators were caught in one night, the remaining piracy operators almost all go into hiding the second day that the heavy blows attacked. 在巨额奖金的诱惑下,一夜之间,全国盗版光盘的生产商遭遇到了史无前例的打击,有超过50%的盗版商在一夜之间落网,剩下的盗版商几乎全部在重拳出击的第二天销声匿迹。 This batch temporarily also not grasped these piracy operators, no one can determine that own information does have is reported to Muye Science and Technology, therefore they start to travel either, either starts the destroying evidence, in brief, almost no one dares still to commit a crime. 这批暂时还没被抓的这些盗版商,谁都不敢确定自己的信息有没有被举报给牧野科技,所以他们要么开始跑路,要么开始毁灭证据,总之,几乎没什么人敢顶风作案。 Also dares still to commit a crime at this time, generally is the scale quite small family workshops, does not need to hire the worker, the raw material to enter and end product additionally ships out is covert, was not discovered easily. 在这个时候还敢顶风作案的,一般都是规模比较小的家庭式作坊,不需要额外聘请工人,原材料进入以及成品运出都非常隐蔽,不容易被发现。 However, useless several days, even if these small-scale producers had not been grasped, still lost the production pirating power to a great extent, because the supply chain of this market starts to break, in the market, no one dares to sell the pirating compact disc suddenly. 不过,没用几天,这些小规模生产者即便没被抓,也很大程度上失去了生产盗版的动力,因为这个市场的供应链开始断裂,市面上,一时间没什么人敢出售盗版光盘了。 This is the Muye Science and Technology fearful place, once the large enterprise of this mass starts main street and small alley to sell the person of pirating plate not to let off, so long as receives reporting, even if only a roadside stall keeper, Muye Science and Technology will also submit these clues to the local law-enforcing departments . Moreover, every several hours, the result to the local law enforcement section consultation law enforcement feeding back, if not give the result, the legal team that Muye Science and Technology will raise will send the specialist coordinate law-enforcing departments to crack down on pirating to the local area. 这就是牧野科技的可怕之处,一旦这种体量的大型企业开始连大街小巷卖盗版盘的人也不放过,只要收到举报,哪怕只是路边一个摊贩,牧野科技也会把这些举报线索递交给当地执法部门,而且,会每隔几个小时,向当地执法部咨询执法反馈的结果,如果迟迟不给结果,牧野科技养的法务团队就会派专人到当地“配合执法部门打击盗版”。 Said is the coordination, is actually changes a way to bring the pressure. 说是配合,其实就是换一种方式施加压力。 Muye Science and Technology is the world-class star enterprise, is the biggest web platform, propagandizing the ability is extremely strong, in action of this attack pirating, showed the image of good residential as well as model enterprise perfectly, these factors, make regional law enforcement agencies have to cracking down on the action of pirating attach great importance. 牧野科技本身就是世界级的明星企业,又是最大的网络平台,宣传能力极强,在这次打击盗版的行动里,也完美展现了良好市民以及模范企业的形象,这些因素,都让各地执法单位不得不对打击盗版的行动重视起来。 Stands in great numbers in the pirating video store and disc renting of shop and roadside booth each region streets and lanes, was stressed several rounds, to confiscate several rounds of pirating audio-video products and administrative detentions after selling the shop owner of pirating audio-video product, is almost out of business completely. 林立于各地街头巷尾的盗版音像店、光碟租赁店以及路边摊,在被抓了几轮、没收了几轮盗版音像制品以及行政拘留了涉嫌售卖盗版音像制品的店主之后,几乎全部关门歇业。 This is mainly in various reporting information that because, received Muye Science and Technology, the reporting information about pirating audio-video product distributor, occupied reported completely information over 90%, the sales shop that each pirated the compact disc, received the complaints of lots of resident. 这主要是因为,在牧野科技收到的各项举报信息里,关于盗版音像制品销售者的举报信息,占了全部举报信息的90%以上,每一家盗版光盘的销售店铺,都受到了大量市民的投诉。 The reason is very simple, the production line is a few, moreover what the pirating producer does is 2 Boss( to- Boss usiness) business, does not make 2 ( to-onsumer ) business, seems in the clothing production to be the same, faced is the wholesale agency business, directly does not face the consumer, therefore most people want to report that the production line does not have the method. 原因很简单,生产线本来就是少数,而且盗版生产商做的是二b(to-business)业务,不做2(to-onsumer)业务,就好像服装生产上一样,面对的都是批发代理商,不直接面对消费者,所以绝大多数人想举报生产线都没有门路。 But directly faces the consumer, is streets and lanes these small shops, the entrance every day the traffic over ten thousand, from facing each other proprietress in barber shop, arrives at next door drawing Noodle shop the great master , the diagonally opposite crosses the Internet cafe entrance not to have money Browsing hooligan, who wants to gain reports successful that 2000 yuan, therefore everyone to such shop is frantic reporting. 而直接面对消费者的,就是街头巷尾这些小店铺,门口每天人流量过万,从对门理发店的老板娘、到隔壁拉面店的大师傅,还有斜对过网吧门口没钱上网小混混,谁都想赚举报成功的那两千元钱,所以大家对这样的店铺都是疯狂举报。 According to the data analysis of Muye Science and Technology, the different people, reported simultaneously the information of same shop, most achieved more than 260. 根据牧野科技的数据分析,不同的人、同时举报同一个店铺的信息,最多的达到了260多条。 Nuclear strike of Muye Science and Technology, entire pirating industry to panic at the slightest move, made the entire industry suffer the unprecedented serious attack. 牧野科技的核打击,整个盗版行业风声鹤唳,也让整个行业遭受到了前所未有的沉重打击。 Many pirating practitioners hated insanely Muye Science and Technology, in their eyes, oneself makes a change, compared with the Muye Science and Technology this estimate value over thousand hundred million USD companies, endured compared with the ants simply, everyone pirated «Crazy Stone», was equal to when one flock of ants snatched to eat Muye Science and Technology ate meal fall in the crumbly bread of place, Muye Science and Technology to this must be ruthless, really did not have the human nature. 许多盗版从业者心里恨疯了牧野科技,在他们眼里,自己不过就是赚点小钱,跟牧野科技这种估值过千亿美元的公司比起来,简直堪比蝼蚁,大家盗版《疯狂的石头》,就等于是一群蚂蚁抢食牧野科技吃饭时掉落在地的面包屑,牧野科技对这都要赶尽杀绝,也实在是太没有人性了。 Some pirating users are unsatisfied about the Muye Science and Technology approach, suddenly, enjoys the intellectual property the route to cut off inexpensive, they not only cannot buy cannot see pirating «Crazy Stone», other movies, the music magnetic tapes as well as D that even pirates are very difficult to buy, they this type loss, put the blame on the head of Muye Science and Technology, online summoned the Internet users who had the similar viewpoint much disseminated the attack opinion to Muye Science and Technology. 一些盗版用户也对牧野科技的做法非常不满意,一时间,廉价享受知识产权的路线被掐断,他们不但买不到也看不到盗版的《疯狂的石头》,甚至连盗版的其他影片、音乐磁带以及d都很难买得到,他们把这种“损失”,归咎到了牧野科技的头上,在网上号召不少持有同样观点的网民散播对牧野科技的攻击言论。 These sounds feed back to the Li Mu ear in time, he one has not therefore relaxed to the attack of piracy operator, two have not online deleted any attacks the opinion of Muye Science and Technology. 这些声音反馈到李牧耳朵里的时候,他一没有因此放松对盗版商的打击,二没有在网上删除任何抨击牧野科技的言论。 If some really people must scold Muye Science and Technology because of attack pirating, not only oneself cannot erase their insult opinions, instead must keep these things, he believes that even if the consumers cannot understand itself now, but in future years later, will understand, this is the inevitable result that the social progress and people legal awareness strengthen, these support, maintain and favor pirating the opinion, will still be sewn on the shame column of China intellectual property protection path sooner or later. 如果真有人要因为打击盗版而骂牧野科技,那自己不但不能删掉他们的辱骂言论,反而要把这些东西留着,他认为,广大消费者即便现在不能理解自己,但在未来的若干年后,还是会理解,这是社会进步以及群众法律意识增强的必然结果,这些支持、维护、偏袒盗版的言论,也早晚会被钉在华夏知识产权保护道路的耻辱柱上。 ...... …… Had the safeguard escort of attack pirating, «Crazy Stone» in the following week, heat degree as before. 有了打击盗版的保障护航,《疯狂的石头》在接下来的一周里,热度依旧。 The working day average box office 65 million, making the people in entire industry probably the disease of jealousy. 工作日平均票房六千五百万,让整个行业里的人都得了红眼病。 Saturday just passed for quite a while, the total box office then topped 1 billion Yuan, this is the China movie unprecedented box office peak, is the excellent verification of China movie business potential. 周六刚过了半天,总票房便突破了十亿元大关,这是华夏电影史无前例的票房巅峰,也是华夏电影商业潜力的绝佳印证。 Almost all media, gave «Crazy Stone» oneself front page headline contribution, 6 : 00 pm half dozen turns on the television, the news of almost every satellite TV were reporting that this historical moment, later news broadcast, CCTV also listed as the main contents this news, and key report. 几乎所有的媒体,都将自己的头版头条贡献给了《疯狂的石头》,晚上 6 点半打开电视,几乎每一个卫视的新闻节目都在报道这历史性的一刻,随后的新闻联播,央视也将这个新闻列为了主要内容,并且重点报道。 CCTV said in the report, «Crazy Stone» represented the great potential that the China local commercial movie and commercial film market contained, thinks that this is brand-new Qidian (Beginning) of China movie. 央视在报道中称,《疯狂的石头》代表了华夏本土商业电影以及商业电影市场所蕴含的巨大潜力,认为这将是华夏电影的全新起点 A movie, represented the potential of entire industry ; 一部电影,就代表了整个行业的潜力; A movie, represented new Qidian (Beginning) of entire China movie ; 一部电影,就代表了整个华夏电影的新起点; Appraisal that CCTV gives, is truly high, although is very high, but does not hold to kill. 央视给的评价,确实非常高,虽然很高,但也并非捧杀。 1 billion box offices are the myth are simply ordinary, any movie can attain this box office record in this time, can directly to seal/confer God! 十亿票房简直是神话一般,任何一部电影能够在这个时代拿到这个票房成绩,都可以直接封神! «Crazy Stone» positively has a great influence, 1 billion box offices that the entire industry brings, trained tens of millions payment audience to the future China film industry, trained them to buy a ticket the movie theater to look at the custom of movie ; 疯狂的石头》给整个行业所带来的积极影响极大,十亿票房,给未来的华夏电影行业培养了数千万付费观众,培养了他们买票进电影院看电影的习惯; Meanwhile, 1 billion box offices also made industry in director and screenwriter realize the future explodes the market space of growth, the increase of box office total quantity, indicates that this pot mess is inflating, everyone can be more than and be better, therefore this that before ate made them start to be ready to fight, had a bigger fervor to invest into this industry ; 同时,十亿票房也让业内的导演、编剧意识到了未来爆炸般增长的市场空间,票房总量的提升,预示着这一锅大锅饭正在膨胀,大家都能比以前吃的更多、更好,所以这让他们开始摩拳擦掌,拥有更大的激情投入到这个行业; In addition, the capital heat degree of film and television circle also rises suddenly instantaneously, before «Crazy Stone», without many people dares to throw several million to make a movie, because the box office possibly could not have arrived several million, but, «Crazy Stone» displays so strong box office expressive force, the film and television circle from barren yellow earth, turned into an oil field that contains the enormous benefit. 除此之外,影视圈的资本热度也瞬间暴涨,在《疯狂的石头》之前,没多少人敢投几千万拍一部电影,因为票房可能还到不了几千万,但是,《疯狂的石头》表现出如此强大的票房表现力,就把影视圈从一处贫瘠的黄土地,变成了一座蕴含着巨大利益的油田。 Because of " Crazy Stone » unequalled ultra-high booking rate, making Cinema gain full these days, suddenly, invested Cinema also to become the good business in entity pioneer eyes, in addition Li Mu, launched screen fission plan, this to wants to invest the Cinema person, many a powerful safeguard and psychological support. 因为《疯狂的石头》无与伦比的超高上座率,让院线在这段时间赚了个盆满钵满,一时间,就连投资院线也成了实体创业者眼中的好生意,再加上李牧之前推出了“荧幕裂变计划”,这对想投资院线的人来说,又多了一个强有力的保障和心理支撑。 Muye Pictures to celebrate " Crazy Stone » box office broken 1 billion, organized an internal celebrate feast in Yanjing, this time celebrate feast has not invited any media, as well as signs with the artists and dramatic team members besides the Muye Science and Technology executive and Muye Pictures staff, only then Chen Ze, Song Liang as well as Cai Zhengmao of S club was invited to participate. 牧野映象为了庆祝《疯狂的石头》票房破十亿,在燕京组织了一场内部的庆功宴,这次的庆功宴没有邀请任何媒体,除了牧野科技的高管、牧野映象的员工以及签约艺人、剧组成员之外,只有陈泽宋亮以及s俱乐部的蔡正茂被邀请参加。 Reason that has not invited the media and honored guest, the reason was the celebrate feast altogether arranged two, this was the person on one's own side at together the celebrate feast in the true sense, the two days later celebrate feast, has invited the media reporters and honored guests publicly participates, that celebrate feast, mainly to give the movie conducted the new round propaganda to drum up support, is equivalent adds a furnace fire again. 之所以没有邀请媒体以及嘉宾,原因是庆功宴一共筹备了两场,这一场是自己人在一起真正意义上的庆功宴,过两天之后的庆功宴,是公开邀请媒体记者以及嘉宾参加的,那场庆功宴,主要是为了给电影进行新一轮的宣传造势,相当于再添一把炉火。 However, Li Mu is unable to attend the second celebrate feast, he and Sequoia eldest child Steve Wall (UK) agrees good party to be close at hand, the corporate aircraft that he rents must take off to non-stop fly London from Yanjing tomorrow, with the Li Mu peer has Li Ziwei, the Wang Yuanlang three personal bodyguards, besides them, two guests, that are Anne Hathaway, as well as her personal assistant. 不过,李牧无法参加第二场庆功宴,他与红杉的老大stevejohnson约定好的party近在眼前,他租的公务机明天就要从燕京起飞直飞伦敦,与李牧同行的有李紫薇,还有王元朗在内的三个贴身保镖,除了他们,还有两位客人,那便是安妮海瑟薇,以及她的私人助理。 At the celebrate feast, cannot reach an agreement as the Ning Hao exciting words of even lead, from obscure jobholders, the top director to single section movie broken 1 billion box office, this others walked for dozens years not to succeed, oneself only used for two years to succeed. 庆功宴上,作为主角的宁昊激动的连话都说不好,从一个默默无闻的从业人员,到单部电影首破十亿票房的顶尖导演,这一步其他人走了几十年都没成功,自己只用了两年就成功了。 When everyone creating a disturbance made him say anything, his coarse masters have not stretched the mood unexpectedly, cried a beloved wife the middle age to hang the silk with the brothers ran likely. 在大家起哄让他说点什么的时候,他一个糙老爷们竟然没绷住情绪,哭得像个心爱的老婆跟好兄弟跑了的中年吊丝。 Li Mu goes forward to comfort as the boss, finally he grasps Li Mu, crying was fiercer. 李牧作为老板上前安慰,结果他一把抱住李牧,哭的更厉害了。 Li Mu can understand Ning Hao mood at this moment, how regardless in the society to exaggerate the successful study, to most people in this world, life unpleasant matter, ten eight and nine. 李牧很能理解宁昊此刻的心情,无论社会上怎么渲染成功学,对这世界上的大多数人来说,人生不如意的事,十之八、九。 Mingling among the work place is also good, mingling among any industry or the domain is good, so long as are not a boss, must faced with specially the matter that tests the moral behavior: On path that you grow, can run into a good boss? 混迹职场也好,混迹任何一个行业或领域都好,只要自己不是老板,就都要面临一个特别考验人品的事情:在你成长的道路上,能不能遇到一个好老板? The good boss in this society, to be much scarcer than the panda. 只是,好老板在这个社会里,比大熊猫还要稀少得多。 Some bosses became thin from lack of food the staff directly ; 有的老板直接把员工饿瘦了; Some bosses to do everything possible to embezzle the wages of staff, was tired thin oneself ; 有的老板为了想方设法克扣员工的工资,把自己累瘦了; Is willing to take truly the meter/rice in own pot, how many lets the staff and family member eats to the full and eats the good boss to have? 真正愿意把自己锅里的米拿出来,让员工和家人吃饱、吃好的老板能有几个? Therefore, Ning Hao rejoiced at heart especially, rejoiced oneself met Li Mu, as the boss, Li Mu imagines the best boss is also much better simply compared with him, this movie can reach such altitude, mostly is because he built for this movie stood tall and erect, but firm foundation. 所以,宁昊心里格外庆幸,庆幸自己遇上了李牧,作为老板,李牧简直比他想象中最好的老板还要好得多,这部电影能达到这样的高度,多半是因为他为这部电影搭建了这么高耸而坚固的基础。 Li Mu is patting the shoulder of Ning Hao, while playful saying: Old Ning should not be too excited, you set a new record, but records the significance that this thing has is to let the person breaks.” 李牧一边拍着宁昊的肩膀,一边玩笑般的说道:“老宁不要太激动,你只是创下了一个新的记录而已,但记录这个东西存在的意义就是让人去打破的。” Ning Hao wiped tears, said: I hope that my record can be broken earlier, that is the China movie true spring.” 宁昊抹了把眼泪,说:“那我希望我这个记录能早点被人打破,那才是华夏电影真正的春天。” Li Mu said with a smile: I thought that next breaks " Crazy Stone » box office records, should be «Flying Tigers».” 李牧笑道:“那我觉得下一个打破《疯狂的石头》票房纪录的,应该是《飞虎队》。” Ning Hao nods, said: „The «Flying Tigers» future light/only the box office in North America, may reach hundreds of millions USD magnitudes, the global box office can arrive at many, I do not dare to imagine.” 宁昊点了点头,说:“《飞虎队》未来光在北美的票房,就有可能达到几亿美元的量级,全球票房能到多少,我都不敢想象。” Li Mu said with a smile: „The «Flying Tigers» box office must break the global box office to record, even if puts up the cash also to pound this altitude, because of its significance, did not lie in making how much money, but lay in being looked by many people!” 李牧笑道:“《飞虎队》的票房必须要打破全球票房纪录,哪怕砸钱也要砸到这个高度,因为它的意义,不在于赚了多少钱,而在于被多少人看!”
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