RITF :: Volume #4

#309: Bumper crop 【Fourth!】

1 million commutations obtain benefits are 100,000, are seemingly many, is not many, but 10 billion commutations obtained benefits to be 1 billion, but this auction transaction final obtained was 145.08 billion, all adds in the cash that on entire Cold Sun Continent circulated, did not have 50% of this digit definitely many. 1000000的折现获益是100000,貌似不少,却也不算多多,但10000000000的折现获益可就是1000000000了,而这次拍卖交易的最终所得是145080000000,在整个寒阳大陆上流通的现金全加起来,也决计没有这笔数字的一半多。 Therefore, finally needs the digit of commutation is also a quite astonishing number! 所以,最终需要折现的数字也是一个相当惊人的数目! In fact, participants who participates auction, particularly several respected family clearly knows are the participation so preciously cherishes the Spirit Pill auction, primary cause that had not carried too many cashes, is actually because has not hugged too in a big way hopes \; Because super School will meddle this auction the news already to pass on publicity \; Everybody hugs is trying one's luck, if there is an opportunity on the racket, the opportunity does not take a higher position does not force the thought to come . Moreover, the cash that they carry no doubt does not calculate too, absolutely are not few, if by Washes Marrow Pill normal price 300.01 million, although many somewhat will have too many problems to tackle, actually still had more than enough to spare. 事实上,来参与拍卖的与会人员,尤其是几大家族明知道是参与如此珍贵稀罕灵丹拍卖,仍没有携带太多现金的主要原因,却是因为没抱太大希望\;因为超级宗门将会插手这次拍卖的消息早已传得人尽皆知\;大家都是抱着‘碰运气,如果有机会就拍,机会不高就绝不勉强’的念头来的,而且,他们所携带的现金固然不算太多,却也绝对不算少,若是以洗髓丹正常价位300010000颗的话,虽然多少也会有些捉襟见肘,却仍是绰绰有余的。 But, the plan has not always changed quickly, first is the bidding irritable degree from the beginning far ultra anticipated, then Shining Sun School acts to bother, was renovated, evolves two super Sect to be renovated and extorted by a Young Master Bai person successively, finally fell directly runs. 可是,计划总是没有变化快的,先是一开始的竞拍火爆程度远超预期,接着照日宗出面搅局,被整治,跟着又演变成两个超级门派先后被白公子一个人整治、勒索,最后直接落跑了。 As Two Great Sects falls runs, the House of the Chaotic Storm aspect stated that cannot disturb the following auction, the opportunity has all of a sudden. 随着两大宗门落跑,翻云覆雨楼方面更声明不会干扰后续拍卖,机会却是一下子有了。 Moreover, is that buying with all one's might, can pat two, even three four five...... So long as your money Gou, can pat. 而且,还是那种可劲的买,能够拍两颗,甚至三颗四颗五颗……只要你的钱够,就可以多拍。 Better and better! 多多益善! Facing the heaven-sent opportunity, several respected families were so insane immediately. 面对如此天赐良机,几大家族顿时就疯了。 The money of having is insufficient, what to do? 带的钱不够啊,怎么办? Thereupon, is patting first, pats to bring in money insufficiently is owing temporarily, then sends for subpoenaing at high speed, asks for money from the family, sufficing money takes the goods again, this matter does not calculate many rare matters in the auction room. 于是乎,先拍着,拍下来钱不够暂时欠着,然后快马加鞭派人传讯,向家族要钱,给够钱再取货,这种事在拍卖行不算多稀罕的事情。 But, this time involved the wealth digit too to be many a point, but the business of various respected families were the life that itself developed is, reassigning cash how regardless of cannot kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, since could not extract such many cashes, that took the valuable commutation goods, 但,这次牵扯到钱财数字可是太多了一点,而各大家族的生意才是本身发展的命脉所在,无论如何也是不能涸泽而渔的抽调现金,既然抽不出这样多的现金,那就拿有价值的折现物品, Accumulated the warehouse in does not know that many years Heaven and Earth Treasure strange metal, took entirely, transporting to Dragon Star City one after another, was estimated by Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, then conversion money. 将仓库之中积累了不知道多少年的天材地宝奇异金属,统统拿了出来,一车一车的运往辰星城,由灵宝阁估价,然后折算金钱。 These are also most corrupt by Long Clan, patted ten Supreme Pill Beads, finally equaled to pay 3 billion \; Suddenly can there gather these much money? Almost is moves the warehouse that the Long Clan several thousand years accumulate all of a sudden cleanly, has filled in this account. 这其中又以龙氏家族最贪,前后拍得了十颗丹云神丹,最终合计下来得付出3000000000\;一时间那里能够凑到这么多钱?几乎是一下子就将龙氏家族数千年积累下来的仓库搬得清洁溜溜,才算填上了这笔账。 But finally also holds the volume to call on such entire family: The determination took advantage...... 可是就这样整个家族最终还扶额称庆:自觉占了大便宜了…… In brief...... 总而言之…… Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion this auction, the final digit in account laid out 145 billion to come out, however the complete cash, the total value of commutation goods will not have been less than 160 billion, cash that because altogether received, but also less than 80 billion, other all was all kinds of commutation goods, in other words, beyond the account income, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion also had almost 15 billion recessive income! 灵宝阁此次拍卖,账面上的最终数字是拍出了145000000000出来,然而全部现金,还有折现物品的总价值不会少于160000000000,因为总共收到的现金,还不到80000000000,其他的全都是各种各样的折现物品,换言之,在账面收入之外,灵宝阁还有差不多15000000000的隐性收入! Moreover this sum of money does not need to apportion Chen Emperor Empire. 而且这笔钱是不用分给辰皇帝国的。 According to initial agreement, by 55 conversions, 50% capital, profit total 72 billion. 按照最初的约定,以55折算,其中一半的本金,利润共计72000000000。 Except that has paid 14 billion taxes first, but must give the empire state treasury to contribute 60%. About 42 billion, then contribute to military headquarters profit 10%, 7 billion. 除了先交了14000000000的税,还要给帝国国库捐献六成。大约42000000000,然后捐献给军部利润的一成,7000000000。 Like this calculates, brushing, this has removed 63 billion. 这样算下来,“刷”的一声,这就去掉了63000000000。 After this pays completely, in the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion account has gained unexpectedly only 10 billion cashes \; 以至于这样全部付出去之后,灵宝阁账面上居然只赚了10000000000的现金\; But, Wan Zenghao is very satisfied. 但,万正豪已经是非常满足了。 Gets rich everybody together to send, the words that otherwise, a person wants to have sole possession, will choke.” This is the Wan Zenghao original words. “发财就大家一起发,要不然,一个人想要独吞的话,会噎死的。”这是万正豪的原话。 Regarding these words, making Great Monarch Feng ponder the moment, in the heart the secret passage was rational. 对于这句话,让风君座沉思了片刻,心中暗道有理。 However, turns over to advantageously rational. 不过,有利归有理。 But, totals almost 80 billion Heaven and Earth Treasure, strange metal, completely was actually monopolized by a Great Monarch Feng person! 但,合共差不多80000000000的天材地宝,奇异金属,却被风君座一个人完全独享了! Does not have the least bit to be polite. 没有半点客气。 Naturally, at present can take away from Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion directly, only then less than 10 billion already to passbook actual goods \; Ye Xiao carefully had not looked basically that entirely will have thrown into Space Spirit Ring, sweeps to enter. 当然,眼下可以从灵宝阁直接拿走的,就只有不到10000000000的已到账折现物品\;叶笑基本都没有仔细看,就将之统统扔进了空间神戒,一扫而入。 Actually many Heaven and Earth Treasure, even can say, truly has not seen including Ye Xiao, at most is also hearing, but now, these legend thing a little were seemingly many, are many naturally did not cherish, the sincerity does not have the time to go to the careful research, takes in the space completely, making nine large spaces make first wave of screening according to groups first, then said other! 其实这其中不少天材地宝,甚至可以说有很多,连叶笑都没有真正见过,顶多也就是个耳闻而已,不过现在么,那些个“传说”中的东西貌似有点多了,多了自然也就不稀罕了,真心没功夫去仔细研究,全部收进空间,让九大空间先做出第一波的分门别类甄别,然后再说其他! Regarding this harvest, even if no following value no less than 60 billion Heaven and Earth Treasure strange metal, Ye Xiao was also very satisfied. 对于这一次的收获,哪怕是没有后续的价值不少于60000000000的天材地宝奇异金属,叶笑也已经很满足了。 But does not give opportune help easily, improves on perfection is actually very easy 而雪中送炭不易,锦上添花却是很容易的 „The remaining all, various respected families pledged that in three days, must the total deliver to Dragon Star City!” Wan Zenghao said. “剩下的所有一切,各大家族承诺,在三天内,务必全数送到辰星城!”万正豪如是说。 Ye Xiao hearing this wants to face upward to laugh, to divulge heart joy. 叶笑闻言真想仰天哈哈大笑,以宣泄心头的喜悦。 Too was really crisp. 真是太爽了。 Unexpectedly so many good things. 居然有这么多的好东西。 Bing Xinyue and Wenren Chuchu look that this Great Monarch Feng departs, they very unexpected has not acted. 冰心月闻人楚楚看着这位风君座离去,两人都很出人意料的没有动作。 Wenren Chuchu is somewhat worried \; Some Bing Xinyue looks are also complex. 闻人楚楚有些心事重重\;冰心月也有些眼神复杂。 Regarding the present this and other intriguing relations, the enemy and ourselves are difficult the condition of bright, The master and disciple completely are utterly confused. 对于现在这等错综复杂的关系,敌我难明的境况,师徒二人尽都是心乱如麻。 Master, when your injury was good, I must return to Blue Wind, fights to the death with Chen Empire, I always am the empire princess, this status has entrusted with my many average man no honours and authorities , the autumn of empire life or death, I work as completely my responsibility!” Wenren Chuchu looks at the direction that Ye Xiao departs, in the eye the look unmoving, as if set firm resolve: He has his protection, don't I never have my responsibility? “师父,等您的伤势好了,我要回到蓝风,与辰皇决一死战,我始终是帝国公主,这层身份赋予了我许多常人没有的尊荣、权力,帝国存亡之秋,我当尽我的责任!”闻人楚楚看着叶笑离去的方向,眼中神色凝定,似乎是下定了决心:他有他的守护,我何尝没有我的责任? Bing Xinyue sighed gently, said: „, When I was good, I will go back Heaven Realm immediately, something, need to make clear to understand. The cultivation sinks the matter of Ke lotus root, cannot be slow, must hurries to Sect say one, has a look to have any means that can some resources, making some Great Monarch Feng multi- cultivation Rejuvenation Jade Lotus as far as possible come out...... This, is our entire Misty Cloud Palace survival life is converted at present...... neat / Chuchu, he is makes no mistake.” 冰心月轻轻叹了口气,道:“也罢,等我好了,我将立即回去天域,有些事情,需要搞清楚明白。培植沉珂莲根之事,不能迟缓,须得赶紧要跟门派说一声,看看有没有什么办法,可以多出一些资源,让风君座尽可能的多培育一些沉疴玉莲出来……这,已经是目前我们整个缥缈云宫的生存命脉之依归了……楚楚,他是不容有失的。” In Wenren Chuchu look dim, said: Yes, neat / Chuchu understands.” 闻人楚楚目中神色黯淡了一下,道:“是,楚楚明白。” Lowered the head. 低下头去。 Yes, Feng Zhiling makes no mistake, but the reality is the Feng Zhiling standpoint is stands in a Chen Emperor Empire side \; But Chen Emperor Empire, now already the potential became the water and fire with Blue Wind Empire, did not have the swivel leeway again. 是的,风之凌不容有失,但现实是风之凌的立场乃是站在辰皇帝国一方\;而辰皇帝国,与蓝风帝国现在已然势成水火,再无转圜余地。 But, are the Blue Wind Empire princess. 但自己,偏偏就是蓝风帝国的公主。 What awfully is, oneself seemingly have somewhat liked this Feng Zhiling. 更加要命的是,自己貌似已经有些喜欢上这个风之凌了。 If the struggle of pure family|home country world, at the worst wields the bright sword to cut the emotions, is grieved for a lifetime, does not have anything to be extraordinary. However, this Feng Zhiling regarding Misty Cloud Palace, actually last straw to grasp. 若只是单纯家国天下之争,大不了挥慧剑斩情丝,便是心痛一辈子,也没什么了不得的。然而,这个风之凌对于缥缈云宫来说,却还是最后一根救命稻草。 But Misty Cloud Palace, is own master gate. 缥缈云宫,还是自己的师门。 Thinks that the intriguing connection and hobbling, Wenren Chuchu also immediately felt in this way big such as fights, the headache wants to crack. 只是这么想一想,如斯错综复杂的关联、牵绊,闻人楚楚也顿时感觉头大如斗,头痛欲裂。
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