RITF :: Volume #4

#310: Meeting on the way 【Before down!】

Oh, how my should in the end process this intriguingly to the extreme relations?” In the Wenren Chuchu heart sighs woefully. “天哪,我到底该如何处理这等错综复杂到了极点的关系?”闻人楚楚心中哀叹不已。 In the Bing Xinyue eye is at a loss complex look to fluctuate, unclearly, on the face appears several points blushes unexpectedly. 冰心月眼中迷惘复杂的神色变幻,隐隐然,脸上竟现出几分红晕。 If the Wenren Chuchu thoughts are not such chaotic, by her the experience of intelligent, story and worldly wise, decides however one to look master is not normal \; But, now actually radically has no time to care about these aspects time, where also has the thoughts energy to think that some do not have. 若是闻人楚楚心思不是这么乱,以她的聪明、阅历、人情世故方面的练达,定然一眼就能看出来师父的不正常\;但,现在却是根本无暇顾及这些方面的时候,哪里还有心思精力去想那些有的没的。 The master and disciple immerses in own concern. 师徒二人都沉浸在自己的心事之中。 Is individually uncorrectable. 不可自拔。 Ye Xiao with two sleeve Golden Phoenix, full load goes, does not stay left city gate, outside nonstop directly soaring city, went to that dropping from the clouds on marvelous Bing Shan (iceberg), vanished in light of this trace. 叶笑携两袖金风,满载而去,一路毫不停留的出了城门,马不停蹄的直奔城外,去到了那座“从天而降”的奇迹冰山上,就此消失了踪影。 Almost during the same period of time, a white clothing youth, is riding a white horse of god steed, however entered city gate leisurely. 几乎就在同一时间里,一个白衣少年,骑着一匹神骏的白马,施施然进入了城门 The defense officers salute in abundance: Young Master Ye.” 守城官兵纷纷施礼:“叶公子。” Ye Xiao returns a courtesy with a smile: Brothers were laborious.” 叶笑含笑回礼:“兄弟们辛苦了。” The officers exchanged greetings, gazed after the Young Master Ye big tall horse to tread to enter a city. And a garrison commander fan confuses flexure that is puzzled own scalp: Well...... Today does a day has not seen Young Master Ye to go out of town, how return from the city suddenly? Was I have remembered incorrectly, was mistaken?” 众将士寒暄一番,目送叶公子高头大马踏踏踏进城。其中一位守将迷迷惑惑的挠着自己的头皮:“咦……今天一天可没见到叶公子出城啊,怎么突然从城外归来?是我记错了,还是看走眼了?” Saying that another person of despising: On your this pig head, can remember what? Spoke disorderly, you do not think that for serveral days city gate place back and forth these many people, passed and out more than hundreds of thousands people, can you be able to remember completely? You think that who you are?” 另外一人鄙夷的说道:“就你这猪脑袋,能记得住什么?说个话都颠三倒四的,你也不想想,这些天城门处来来回回这么多人,进进出出不下十几万人,你能全部记得住?你以为你是谁啊?” This garrison commander is still the doubts: „, city gate is not crowded, naturally cannot remember too, but such as Young Master Ye this person, specially will always pay attention, should not remember incorrectly, definitely was mistaken.” 这位守将依然是疑惑不已:“不是不是,城门人来人往,自然不会记得太多,但如叶公子这种人,总是会特别留心的,不该记错啊,肯定是走眼了。” Perhaps Young Master Ye was actually yesterday exits? Also, you have been all right how many spies ponders over to catch to be good? Young Master who ponders over General Ye family|home...... Really idled you!” “又或许叶公子其实是昨天出去的呢?再说了,你没事的时候多琢磨琢磨抓几个奸细多好?琢磨叶大帅家里的公子……真是闲得你了!” Another assistant general discontented stares to berate. 另一位偏将不满的瞪眼喝斥。 Yes, Humble Officer is compliant.” This garrison commander cups one hand in the other across the chest to comply, no longer suspicion this matter, actually did not have anything to suspect, but is being all right between common soldiers pulls idle, where so many question. “是,卑职遵命。”这位守将拱手答应,不再怀疑这件事,其实本就没啥怀疑,不过就是兵士之间的没事扯闲篇,哪里有那么多的质疑。 Ye Xiao is riding the big tall horse, blatantly seeks publicity, the high-sounding talk conduct, this does not lose the names of Capital City three big playboy, has the manner of head unclearly. 叶笑骑着高头大马,一路招摇过市,高调行事,这才不负京城三大纨绔之名,隐隐然更有之首的派头。 Before just arrived at the Ye Residence gate unexpectedly time, sees only opposite one team of troops from another direction enormously and powerful. 不意刚刚走到叶府门前的时候,只见对面一队人马自另一个方向浩荡而来。 Focuses attention on to look that sees only, opposite comes the person including the Crown Prince master, Second Prince, three Prince, smallest Prince Chen Zhi, Zuo Wuji, Lan Langlang...... In brief is good troop people enormous and powerful, to be accompanied by a retinue. 注目看去,只见,对面来人包括太子爷,二皇子,三皇子,还有最小的皇子辰志,还有左无忌,还有兰浪浪……总之就是好一大群人浩浩荡荡、前呼后拥而来。 The opposite party saw for the first time the Ye Xiao cross horse comes, resembling is all people are at present one bright. 对方乍一看到叶笑跨马而来,似是所有人都是眼前一亮。 Xiao Xiao, did your this bastard do, early did not exit, late did not exit, leaning this time exited...... Really was a pity that has missed that big one lively attractive.” Lan Langlang shouts and wrangles, flushed. 笑笑,你这混蛋干啥去了,早不出去,晚不出去,偏这个时候出去……真是可惜啊,错过了那么大一场热闹好看。”兰浪浪大呼小叫,率先冲了过来。 Ye Xiao is still nodding the head working as that greeted with all people, early was grasped by Lan Langlang, perhaps excitedly excessively, unexpectedly the Ye Xiao whole person lifting. 叶笑还在跟所有人颔首打招呼的当,早被兰浪浪一把抱住,许是兴奋过度,竟是将叶笑整个人给举了起来。 Lan Langlang is very excited, in hand is pinching 600 Spirit Pill. 兰浪浪真的很兴奋,手里捏着600颗灵丹 This is the priceless treasure! 这可是无价之宝! Although regarding School people, rivers and lakes people and even major influences, 600 knife wound Spirit Pill although can be said as traumatology department holy medicine, but only limits to the flesh wound, the effect is one-sided, the significance is not very necessarily big. 虽然对于宗门中人、江湖人乃至各大势力而言,600颗金创灵丹虽然可说是伤科圣药,但只局限于外伤,效果过于片面,意义未必很大。 But slaughters regarding the battlefield, actually absolutely is to save a life divine medicine, or compared with any Supreme Pill Beads, but must come, how your Supreme Pill Beads is mysterious, made one person be out of danger, the sinking sickness completely to go, knife wound Spirit Pill can actually make three severely injureds come back to life to continue the life, cured the duplicate wound body, the practical effect high under stood sentences. 但对于战场厮杀,却绝对是救命神药,或者比什么丹云神丹,还要来得更实在,你一颗丹云神丹再怎么神奇,也就令一人转危为安、沉疴尽去,一颗金创灵丹却可以令三名重伤者还魂续命,疗复伤体,实用效果高下立判。 This moment Lan Langlang was said unexpectedly what did not dare to go back, what to do if had been taken by force? These Spirit Pill, perhaps are in 2000 armed forces the life of son, eyeball one revolution, immediately has projected on Crown Prince some people the idea on and others: How could it not be is this ready-made bodyguard? 此刻兰浪浪竟是说啥也不敢自己一个人回去了,万一被人打劫了怎么办?这些灵丹,也许就是2000条军中男儿的性命,眼珠一转,顿时将主意打到了身边的太子一干人等身上:这岂不就是现成的保镖? Therefore Lan Langlang clings to for dear life hits rottenly, dragging this group of people to go hand in hand together, first delivers itself to rotate the Great General Lan palace \; Under adding fuel to the flames that Zuo Wuji intends, officers life, national safety the big hat buckles, Crown Prince adds several other Prince also to hold one's nose, is leading the bodyguard, escorts Lan Langlang to go home. 于是兰浪浪死缠烂打,拖着这伙人一起结伴而行,首先送自己回转兰大将军府\;在左无忌有意的推波助澜之下,一顶‘将士命脉,国家安危’的大帽子扣下来,太子加其他几位皇子也只好捏着鼻子,带着侍卫,护送兰浪浪回家。 Has not actually thought in the halfway has met return Ye Xiao by coincidence. 却没想到在半路上无巧不巧遇到了归来的叶笑 In three Prince hearts is one intermittent is not comfortable. 三位皇子心中都是一阵阵的不自在。 His, said today in the auction market, Three Young Masters of the Capital three lack one, has not thought that unexpectedly here collected...... 丫的,原本还道今天拍卖场中,京城三少三缺一,没想到居然在这里凑齐了…… That liveliness, I do not collect. If while were hit Melting Bone Palm randomly again, that may really trouble, the previous time has harmed my family old man Essence Qi to damage severely, comes again one time, I and my family old man, means of livelihood?!” Ye Xiao light smiling, digs up to pull down from oneself Lan Langlang. “那种热闹,我才不去凑呢。万一趁乱再被人打一记化骨掌,那可就真麻烦了,上次已经害得我家老头子元气大伤,再来一次,我和我家老头子,还有活路么?!”叶笑淡淡的笑着,将兰浪浪从自己身上扒拉下来。 He said these words time, the people on the scene do not have to care, after is not the litigant, as Ye Xiao of litigant, the life hung one at that time, momentarily plays, at this moment voices several complaints, is very ordinary. 他说这句话的时候,在场众人也没有太在意,毕竟不是当事人,作为当事人的叶笑,当时命悬一线,随时玩完,此刻发几句牢骚,实在平常得很。 However the expression on another litigant Crown Prince master face actually unavoidably slightly changes. 然而另一个当事人太子爷脸上的表情却不免微微一变。 But in Guan Zhengwen of Crown Prince behind and wide robe big sleeve is also the look one stiff. Full is the look that dreads, the view is regarding front this white clothing playboy secretly, unexpectedly inexplicably flood a heartfelt dilutedness. 而在太子身后、宽袍大袖的关正文也是神色一僵。满是忌惮的眼神,偷偷观视着面前这个白衣公子哥儿,竟莫名地泛起一种由衷的无力感。 „The Young Master Ye heaven protects the good, turns bad luck into good, now recovers similarly.” Crown Prince kind saying with a smile: „During remembers previous time the lofty one goes to your family to visit, Young Master Ye is in remains unconscious, unexpectedly then several days, Young Master Ye is so face glowing with health, acts like a different person, is really the good and virtuous person has the day.” 叶公子吉人天相,逢凶化吉,如今身体可是恢复得差不多了吧。”太子笑吟吟的亲切的说道:“想起上次孤去你家探望之时,叶公子还是处于昏迷不醒之中,、不意这才几天,叶公子已经是这般容光焕发,判若两人,果然是吉人自有天相。” Are many Crown Prince great fortune to bless.” Ye Xiao saying with a smile: „The same day really had also been lucky the Crown Prince master, he he, Crown Prince in every way runs, only feared that could not have towed my father to hurry back, slightly may the life whether to preserve in two may, the idle talk wound is better such quickly, this matter really wants many thanks, when there is a time, I suspended one table well, official thanks.” “多得太子鸿福庇佑。”叶笑笑吟吟的说道:“说起来当日还真的多亏了太子爷,呵呵,要不是太子多方奔走,只怕还真拖不到家父赶回,小可之命能否保全都在两可,更遑论伤好得这么快,这件事委实是要多谢的,等有时间了,我好好摆一桌,正式答谢。” Crown Prince complies with a smile. 太子含笑答应。 Their this dialogs, logical and reasonable, appropriate, seriously probably a side vast is magnanimous, cares to the official, another side from feeling grateful of bottom of one's heart, reveals in speech and appearance, is put into action. 两人这番对话,入情入理,恰如其分,就当真好像一方泱泱大度,对臣子关怀备至,另一方则是发自肺腑的感恩,溢于言表,付诸行动。 But, in the Crown Prince heart actually faintly felt, the words that Ye Xiao speaks today, do have in a little words to have the words flavor probably? 但,太子心中却是隐隐感觉,叶笑今天说的话,好像有那么一点话中有话的味道? Is the misconception? Isn't the misconception? Should be the misconception! 是错觉么?不是错觉么?应该是错觉吧! Even if knew perfectly well that perhaps the matter has there not to suit, the Crown Prince heart was still forced itself not toward the bad direction tentative plan, rather this was the misconception, was only the misconception, because only, if not for misconception, if that matter were exposed, the consequence will be serious to oneself is unable to withstand! 纵然明知事情也许有那里不对劲,太子心头仍是强迫自己不往坏的方向设想,宁愿这是错觉,就只是错觉,只因为,若不是错觉,若是那件事东窗事发,后果将沉重到自己无法承受!
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