RITF :: Volume #4

#308: Balls fat Feng Monarch Place 【Third!】

Wan Zenghao goes all out to turn meat on the thigh, hurts contorts one's face in agony, is actually happy came out including the tears. 万正豪拼命地扭着自己大腿上的肉,疼得呲牙咧嘴,却是乐的连眼泪都出来了。 Now, Wan Zenghao only wants to shout a few words! 现在,万正豪只想要大喊一句话! Paralysis! This made money too to be also easy! Amassing money to be easier than!” “麻痹的!这赚钱也太容易了!比抢钱容易多了!” ...... …… This money rather earned is too easy!” Bing Xinyue looks picture that in the field seethes with excitement, sighed one. “这钱未免赚得太容易了!”冰心月看着场中沸腾的景象,不由的感叹了一句。 Although the Cold Sun Continent wealth cannot really be regarded in the Bing Xinyue eye anything, the significance is limited , the terrifying deal digit, was attacking her mentally lower limit in this way time and time again, finally blurted out that said this not to conform to her super powerhouse status very much the words! 虽然寒阳大陆的钱财在冰心月眼中实在算不得什么,意义有限得很,在如斯恐怖的成交数字,一次又一次的冲击着她的心理底限,终于脱口而出说出了这句很不符合她超级强者身份的话! The Wenren Chuchu look is complex, Bei Chiyao the red lip, was sighing gently: Yes, this money was really to earn is too easy...... Has wanted to kill the Feng Zhiling situation to me easily urgently......” 闻人楚楚眼神复杂,贝齿咬着红唇,轻轻叹息了一声:“是的,这钱委实是赚得太容易了……容易到了我迫切想杀了风之凌的地步……” Bing Xinyue hearing this is startled, immediately understood. 冰心月闻言就是一怔,随即就明白了。 Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion already indicated the standpoint, toward Chen Emperor Empire, but this auction obtained, will have a large number, will turn to the Chen Emperor Empire military headquarters, to so far the business volume judgment, Chen Emperor Empire be equal to being all of a sudden many several hundred hundred million military expenses! 灵宝阁早已表明立场,是向着辰皇帝国的,而这次的拍卖所得,将有相当一部分,会上缴给辰皇帝国军部的,以到目前为止得交易量判断,辰皇帝国等于一下子多了几百个亿的军费! But these several hundred hundred million income, in which major part, wants to pound on Wenren Chuchu Blue Wind Empire! 而这几百个亿的收入,其中的一大部分,都要要砸到闻人楚楚蓝风帝国身上来! Do not look that the Cold Sun Continent wealth is not big regarding the Bing Xinyue significance, but was too significant on the significance to other people, sufficiently in rewriting this world the results of most matters! 别看寒阳大陆的钱财对于冰心月意义不大,但对其他人就意义太重大了,足以改写这个世上绝大多数事情的结局! For example, war! 例如,战争! What goes to war to hit is what? Nothing more than is money! 打仗打的是什么?不外就是钱! If both sides suddenly are hard to decide the victory and defeat, the lasting war, looked that which one side fund was ampler: After all, the officers must eat meal! Also must wear the clothes! Also must keep a family. 双方若是一时间难以分出胜负,持久的战下去,那么,就看哪一边的资金更雄厚了:毕竟,将士们也要吃饭!也要穿衣服!还要养家糊口的。 Also, weapon that every day damages, is magnanimous, can these supplement with what? Money! 还有,每一天损坏的兵器,都是海量的,这些要用什么补充?钱! Including the horses, what eats? What drinks? 包括马匹,吃什么?喝什么? Sums up in the end to have a character: Money! 归根到底就只得一个字:钱! Chen Emperor Empire has such a strong support of super making money machine Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion here this appearance, Wenren Chuchu now can affirm a matter: After this auction, even if this weaponry must hit for ten years, even is longer, Chen Emperor Empire can also very relaxed brace. 辰皇帝国有这么一个超级赚钱机器灵宝阁在这里这个样子的强力支持,闻人楚楚现在就可以肯定一件事:经过这一次拍卖会之后,哪怕是这一仗要打十年,甚至更久,辰皇帝国也可以很轻松的撑下来。 Even during these ten years, but can also exempt the payment of taxes of common people, rests and builds up strength, seeks the general people by this from the support of moral nature! 甚至这十年之中,还可以免去百姓的赋税,休养生息,以此博取广大民众源自心底的支持! But, reviews Blue Wind Empire 但,反观蓝风帝国 Sought for in the process of ally before, the country for long accumulated the stock to use the larger part, at present still during continually the consumption, absolutely was also hard to maintain the too long day! 在之前寻找盟友的过程中,国家长久以来积存下来库存已经用去了一大半,眼下还仍在持续消耗之中,断断难以维持太长的日子! Money that rough estimate, this auction pats, will not be less than 120 billion! But on the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion beforehand manifesto, Chen Emperor Empire can take away 60 billion! This 60 billion! This digit routs in this world sufficiently 99% people of nerves......” “粗略估计,这一场拍卖会拍到的钱,不会少于120000000000!而就灵宝阁之前的宣言,辰皇帝国能够拿走其中的60000000000!这60000000000!这个数字足以击溃这个世上99人的神经……” Wenren Chuchu pain has closed the eye: Now I see no longer is these money, but was these money turned into the long gun|spear short sword arrow arrow lance...... Fell on the head of my Blue Wind Empire officers......” 闻人楚楚痛苦的闭上了眼睛:“我现在看到的已经不再是这些钱了,而是这些钱变成了长枪短刀箭矢长矛……落在了我蓝风帝国将士的头上……” Bing Xinyue deep sigh. 冰心月深深的叹息。 Wenren Chuchu, except for is own apprentice, is the Blue Wind Empire princess, this relations are doomed...... 闻人楚楚,除了是自己的徒弟,还是蓝风帝国的公主,这层关系注定…… ...... …… Before one such as Miss Wan'er , said that Young Master Bai and Wan Of The Clouds they do not know really when vanished to disappear. 一如婉儿姑娘之前所言,白公子云端之婉两人真的不知道什么时候就那么消失不见了。 Does not have the sound! 全无声息! But this auction, has obtained the unprecedented success! 而这一场拍卖会,也是取得了空前的成功! Created Cold Sun Continent to auction Shi Dexin the legend, or was a very difficultly surmounted myth! 缔造了一个寒阳大陆拍卖史的新传说,又或者说是一个很难被超越的神话! This auction final obtained, has surpassed Ye Xiao originally anticipated two times! 这次拍卖的最终所得,足足超出了叶笑原本预期的两倍! Therefore, when Ye Xiao listens to Wan Zenghao is almost being dashes to jump for joy, but news, suddenly was also startled. 所以,当叶笑听着万正豪几乎是‘飞奔雀跃’而来说出的消息的时候,一时间也是怔住了。 Even neglects the disgusting feeling that more than 1000 jin (0.5 kg) fat jumping for joy has caused...... 甚至忽略了1000多斤肥肉‘雀跃’而引起的恶心感觉…… 145.08 billion......” “145080000000……” Hears this digit time, Ye Xiao in that flash is true was silly. 听到这个数字的时候,叶笑在那一瞬间是真正的傻了。 When, 80 million did such figure, turn into the odd change of some wealth unexpectedly? 什么时候,‘80000000’这样的数字,居然变成了某笔财富的零头了? This...... Even if in legend, does not have myth such, such legend?! 这……就算是神话传说中,也没有这么神话,这么传说的吧?! But, the reality unexpectedly is such so astonishing, so shocks! 可是,现实竟就是这么如此的惊人,如此震撼! My God......” “我的天哪……” Ye Xiao long air vent. 叶笑长长的出了一口气。 Through the ages, single field auction, my Wan Zenghao can boast extravagantly here: Will not have any time, can be higher than the obtained price of this single field auction! This auction, is not only unprecedented, is more never recurring!” “古往今来,单场拍卖会所得,我万正豪可以在这里夸下海口:再也不会有任何一次,能够比这一次单场拍卖会的所得价格更高!这一场拍卖会,不但是空前的,更是绝后的!” Wan Zenghao is excited the whole body fat to dance. 万正豪兴奋得浑身肥肉都在跳舞。 Unprecedented view I can approve...... However never recurring......” the Ye Xiao faint smile was saying, suddenly thinks a matter: Was right, Young Master Bai blackmails Stars Sect that 50 hundred million, has stayed behind to us?” “空前的说法我可以认同……不过绝后么……”叶笑似笑非笑的说着,突然想起来一件事:“对了,白公子讹诈星辰门那50个亿,给咱们留下了没有?” Wan Zenghao tarries: No.” 万正豪呆住:“没有啊。” Ye Xiao is angry saying: This bastard, turned unexpectedly our 50 hundred million! Too excessive! I remembered this matter, your bastard was waiting for me! Dares to turn my money!” 叶笑大怒道:“这个混蛋,居然拐走了咱们50个亿!太过分了!我记住这件事了,你个混蛋等着我的!敢拐走我的钱!” Wan Zenghao was silly. 万正豪傻了。 That 50 hundred million...... How is our? 那50个亿……怎么是咱们的呢? Your this saying mentioned from where...... 您这话从何说起啊…… Also, this auction, reason that can be like this successful, and even late stage exploding field, 100% because of Young Master Bai here, moreover stood will have caused such extreme to be irritable us! 再说了,这次拍卖会,之所以能够这样成功,乃至后期的爆场,百分百都是因为白公子在这里,而且站在了咱们这边才会造成这样的极端火爆! Otherwise, the rate can have the present half to be good! 否则的话,成交价能够有现在的一半就不错了! According to this logic, Young Master Bai has not taken away is very good the money of this auction...... 这样说来,白公子没有将这次拍卖会的钱都拿走就已经很不错了…… Do you want also to leave unexpectedly the money in his hand? 您居然想要把他手里的钱也留下来? You were really too can think! 你真是太敢想了! This really is really...... 这真真是…… Wan Zenghao is pulling out the cold air/Qi, suddenly a few words do not dare to say. 万正豪抽着冷气,一时间一句话也不敢说了。 Has saying that the courage of Great Monarch Feng, is really...... Really fat. 不得不说,风君座的胆子,真的是……真肥啊。 Is simply fatter than my fat! 简直比我身上的肥肉还肥! After auction Perfect terminates, Ye Xiao had confessed after some following business, two sleeve Golden Phoenix swagger away. 拍卖会圆满完结之后,叶笑交代了一些后续事务之后,两袖金风扬长而去。 Participants who this auction, all participates in the auction, because has not thought that the price of this auction will be lifted to such high degree, the paper money number that therefore the most person, has is insufficient. 这一次拍卖会,所有参加拍卖的与会人员,由于根本就不曾想到,这次拍卖的价格会被抬到如此之高的程度,所以绝大部分的人,带的银票数目都不够。 Insufficient, naturally has insufficient means. 不够,自然有不够的办法。 But most direct means certain things come the commutation to make up the amount, since is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, the commutation goods of general sense are not good, for example the real estate, shop and property, have beautiful woman beautiful male anything, these are not good, but in other words ,...... Some Spirit Medicine, some Heaven and Earth Treasure, some strange metal...... So forth these, all comes are welcome, even if after the commutation finished, you planned that is exchanging a floating capital not to have the issue additionally. 而最直接的办法某些东西来折现抵数,既然是灵宝阁,一般意义的折现物品是不行,比如房产、店铺、物业、还有美女美男什么的,这些都不行,但反过来说……某种灵药,某种天材地宝,某种奇异金属……诸如此类这些则都可以,来者不拒,就算折现完毕之后,你打算在额外换点流动资金也没问题。 Naturally, since is the commutation makes up the amount, the value of commutation goods slightly will definitely have the discount, regarding this, the commutation person expressed that the understanding as well as approves, after all Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion did very much in this aspect is typical, gives the commutation goods actual value to surpass 90% prices, on Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion of auction room family background, this had the touch of humanity really very much proper in addition very much. 当然,既然是折现抵数,折现物品的价值肯定会略有折扣的,对于这点,折现人表示理解以及认可,毕竟灵宝阁在这方面做得还是很地道,给出了折现物品实际价值超过九成的价格,就拍卖行出身的灵宝阁而言,这真的很到位外加很有人情味了。 The guest of commutation is very no doubt satisfied, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion is also very satisfied, in the commutation makes up the amount on this 1-layer, the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion aspect also has the considerable terrifying income, although only then 10% and even less than 10% basic earnings, but rides the base number? 折现的客人固然很满意,灵宝阁也很满意,在折现抵数这一层上,灵宝阁方面也有相当恐怖的收益,虽然只有一成乃至不到一成的基础收益,可是乘上基数呢? ............ ………… <\;>\; <\;>\;
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