RITF :: Volume #4

#307: Is this money? 【Second!】

Then at this time. 便在这时。 In a day character room again passes on the Wan'er sound: My family young master these time comes out is relaxes purely, does not want to buy any thing. Reason that a moment ago take action, was really because two big Sect conduct methods went too far...... Is only because cannot tolerate, this take action one time.” 天字一号房之中又再传出来婉儿的声音:“我家公子爷这一次出来纯粹是来散散心,并不想要买走什么东西。刚才之所以出手,委实是因为两大门派的行事手段过于欺人太甚了……就只是因为看不过去,这才出手一次。” Here, Wan'er smart-alecky smiling, said: Said that perhaps everybody does not know, young master very long has not arranged any matter personally, this time, these two big Sect can result in young master take action to call personally, really is really the good luck.” 说到这里,婉儿俏皮的笑了笑,道:“说起来,大家也许不知道,公子爷已经很久没有亲自安排过什么事情,这一次,这两大门派能得公子爷亲自出手招呼,真真是好运气。” Below laughs immediately. 下面顿时一阵哄笑。 Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈……” „...... Ha Ha, said right! Good that Miss Wan'er said! Said too well!” “……哈哈,说得对!婉儿姑娘说的好!说得太好了!” Cracks a joke, Wan Girl of clouds cracks a joke with great difficulty, where has the truth that does not support? 开玩笑,云端婉姑娘好不容易开个玩笑,哪有不捧场的道理? Also who dares not to support?! 又有谁敢不捧场呢?! Many people almost roared the throat mutely, showed has striven truly, left fully. 不少人几乎把喉咙都吼得哑了,以示自己是真正出力了,出全力了。 „... Therefore...... How the auction should continue how to continue, everybody wants to buy anything, buys anything. Person who disturbs has expelled, some people will not have disturbed again, what scruples therefore everybody shouldn't have again is?” “…所以呢……拍卖会原本该怎么继续就怎么继续,大家想要买什么,就买什么。捣乱的人已经赶走了,不会再有人捣乱了,所以大家也就不该再有什么顾忌了是不是?” Wan'er said: I and my family young master original intention here watches the fun, such as is, now also such as is, therefore everybody does not need to worry us, perhaps does not know when we walked he he......” 婉儿说道:“我和我家公子爷在这里的初衷就是看个热闹,原本如是,现在也如是,所以大家不用顾虑我们,说不定不知道什么时候我们都已经走了呵呵……” In the field the instant cheers get up, flatter like tide. 场中瞬时欢呼声起,马屁如潮。 Young Master Bai military might!” 白公子威武!” Many thanks Miss Wan'er, many thanks Young Master Bai, has built a peaceful auspicious auction market for us!” “多谢婉儿姑娘,多谢白公子,为我们营造了一个安乐祥和的拍卖场!” Young Master Bai and Miss Wan'er really think through a matter, I moved the tears to get down......” 白公子婉儿姑娘真是用心良苦,我感动得眼泪都下来了……” Yes, Young Master Bai and Miss Wan'er, not necessarily are at this moment what kind.” “是啊是啊,要不是白公子婉儿姑娘,此刻还不一定怎么样呢。” Right. That Two Great Sects was really too overbearing, Miss Wan'er the actions, really enforced justice on behalf of Heaven a moment ago, exciting, after I went back, must be girl today's grand occasion surely, well drank Qing Gongjiu!” “对。那两大宗门实在是太霸道了,婉儿姑娘刚才所作所为,真是替天行道,大快人心,等我回去后,定要为姑娘今日的盛举,好好的喝一顿庆功酒!” Right! Said well, I also meet such as am the imitation!” “对!说得好,我也会如是效法!” ...... …… Ye Xiao shows the whites of the eyes, looks at the following this group of people, only felt that heart 10,000 damn galloping howls to speed past. 叶笑翻着白眼,看着下面这群人,只感觉心头10000头草泥马奔腾呼啸疾驰而过。 Bastard of this crowd of trimming one's sails! 这群见风使舵的王八蛋! Also frightened the fart not to dare to put a moment ago, but arrived at flattering time, is actually everybody courageously, all strives to be the first, each glib lips are incomparably agile, was really difficult to imagine here group of people, unexpectedly was that group of people in Cold Sun Continent most peak. 刚才还都吓得屁都不敢放,但是一到了拍马屁的时候,却是人人奋勇,个个争先,每一个的嘴皮子都是无比利索,真难想象这里的这群人,居然就是寒阳大陆最顶端的那群人。 What was called Young Master Bai to build one for you peacefully auspicious, auction market? 什么叫做白公子为你们营造了一个安乐祥和的,拍卖场? That clearly is father's merit! 那分明是老子的功劳! After what is called, drinks Qing Gongjiu? Also he such as is imitation, really talks nonsense really! 什么叫做回去后喝庆功酒?还他么的如是效法,真真是放屁! You go back to drink the helping get over a shock liquor also almost. Qing Gong? What merit do you celebrate? 你回去喝压惊酒还差不多。庆功?你庆哪门子的功? All people must imitate! 所有人都得效法! Really he one crowd of nonsense gadget! 真他么的一群狗屁玩意! No matter how in the Ye Xiao heart to despise unstated criticism, but, then the auction was actually restores normally to carry on. 不管叶笑心中如何鄙视腹诽,但,接下来拍卖会却是恢复正常进行了。 Moreover, fiery of atmosphere, it may be said that super unprecedented, let be directly Guan Wanshan Guan Da of auctioneer consecrates to frighten several to jump! 而且,气氛之火热,可谓超级空前,直接让身为拍卖师的关万山关大供奉吓了好几跳! Were this group of people? 这群人都是咋了? Here also only with enough time said a few words: Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill, starting bid price......” 这边也就只来得及说出一句话:“丹云级数洗髓丹一颗,起拍价……” Below immediately some people called: 300 million!” 下面就立即有人叫:“300000000!” Then some people called: 350 million!” 接着有人叫:“350000000!” Then some people called: 360 million!” 然后就有人叫:“360000000!” 370 million!” “370000000!” 400 million!” “400000000!” 450 million!” “450000000!” ...... …… Guan Wanshan was needless to say again any instigation words, the price made fire arrow same whish spontaneous upward to leap up. In the wink of an eye, rose dramatically 450 million. 关万山这边根本就不用再说任何煽动的话,价格就做了火箭一样飕飕的自发往上蹿。瞬息之间,就飙升到了450000000。 Then whispers in all directions...... 然后四面八方交头接耳…… Guan Wanshan was shocked obviously, unexpectedly has gawked staring, this then said: 450 million, some people have bid 450 million, higher? Also has is higher? This is Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill, the eternity has not seen...... Um, is the eternity has not seen, Washes Marrow Pill that in the present several see finally...... Um, the 450 million first time...... The second time...... If not higher, then this Washes Marrow Pill is...... Well, is on the several th holds the sign to come?” 关万山显然是被震撼了,居然愣了愣,这才接着说道:“450000000,已经有人出价450000000,还有更高的么?还有没有更高的?这可是丹云级数洗髓丹,千古未曾一见……嗯,是千古未曾一见,今朝终得几见的洗髓丹……嗯,450000000第一次……第二次……若是没有更高的,那么这颗洗髓丹就是……咦,是几号举得牌来着?” The condition of selling quotation was a moment ago chaotic, Guan Wanshan this mainland most established auctioneer, was made unexpectedly also to be confused, finally what did not remember directly bids is who...... That a series of offer was really too quick! 刚才喊价的状况可谓杂乱无章,关万山这位大陆最老牌的拍卖师,居然也被弄晕了头,直接没记住最后出价的是谁……那一连串的出价实在是太快了! Moreover was also too chaotic! 而且也太乱了! Has this aspect, because of a few words: Young Master Bai wants to watch the fun...... 出现这个局面,就只是因为一句话:白公子想要看看热闹…… Perhaps I paid these much money, Young Master Bai look that my this person intelligent may associate cleverly...... 说不定我出了这么多钱,白公子看着我这人聪明伶俐可交往…… Henceforth has the little attendance to me? 从此对我有一点点照顾呢? Even if not look, so long as House of the Chaotic Storm does not look for my trouble...... That has also burnt the huge good deed of eight lifetime high-grade incense...... 就算不照顾,只要翻云覆雨楼不来找我的麻烦……那也是烧了八辈子高香的天大好事啊…… Whose although Young Master Bai not necessarily notes price, but, everybody in disbursing money enthusiastically , he if only noted not to bid? How could it not be if I didn't bid have become Venus in dark night? 虽然白公子未必注意到谁出的价,但,大家都在踊跃的出钱,他若是只注意到了没出价的呢?那我若是不出价岂不就成了暗夜中的启明星? Too dazzling?! 太耀眼了?! Under the thoughts of this various wonderful ideas urge, everybody is shouted that broke throat general disbursing money. 在这各种各类奇思妙想的念头促使之下,大家都是喊破了嗓子一般的出钱。 Must make Young Master Bai look at one greatly lively! 务必要让白公子看一个大热闹! If can cause Young Master Bai to note own manner that to be better...... 若是能引起白公子注意到自己的态度那就更好了…… The success of this auction, has been doomed to go to the mainland pinnacle! 这一场拍卖会的成功,已经注定将去到了大陆极致! Also or is creating a mainland new pinnacle! 又或者说是正在缔造一个大陆新的极致! Also directly fainted including Wan Zenghao: I have depended, although I also know that Supreme Pill Beads is the good thing, the eternity rare good thing, but...... Also is always insufficient to this grade of situation? Especially all of a sudden has under several conditions in today's this, at an auction, duplicate presented many same good things several times, the book is the big death anniversary of auction, certainly will create the considerable degree the price buckle, on according to Washes Marrow Pill, 300 million no doubt was the sky-high price, but on the auction market, still had the leeway of promotion, but on today's situation, behind also have several Washes Marrow Pill, was actually doomed to be hard to lay out the highest knockdown price theoretically, but...... 万正豪也直接晕了:我靠了,我虽然也知道丹云神丹是好东西,千古难得一见的好东西,但是……总也不至于好到这等地步吧?尤其还是在今天这个一下子出现好几颗的状况下,在一场拍卖会上,复数次出现多个同样的好东西,本就是拍卖会的大忌,一定会造成相当程度的价格折损,就以洗髓丹而言,300000000固然是天价了,但就拍卖场而言,仍有提升的余地,但就今天的场合,后面还有数颗洗髓丹,却是注定了难以拍出理论上的最高成交价格,可是…… But today's condition in turn? 可是今天的状况怎么就反过来了呢? Value 20 million did Medicine Pill, pound one directly hundred million? 价值20000000的丹药,直接砸成了一个亿? This. 这也就罢了。 But the Washes Marrow Pill theory highest knockdown price, at most also about 480 million, today's situation in 300 million deals, was acceptable, was, in the bidding process of latter half, lifted six unexpectedly hundred million! 洗髓丹的理论最高成交价格,至多也不过480000000左右,今天的场合在300000000成交,还是可以接受的,可是,在后半段的竞拍过程中,竟然生生抬到了六个亿! This this...... could it be that inflation, hasn't money worked as money now? 这这这……难道现在通货膨胀,钱已经不被当钱了? The theory highest knockdown price that we calculate was not right, from the beginning miscalculated?! 还是我们计算出来的理论最高成交价格不对,从一开始就算错了?! Ten thousand big boss heads are dizzy, only felt the own gigantic head was pounded by a series of mountain of gold directly, in an instant Venus braves randomly, two exit shortly, no matter sees anything, is mountain of gold! 万大老板脑袋晕乎乎的,只感觉自己硕大的脑袋直接被一连串的金山砸中,刹那间金星乱冒,两眼看出去,不管看到什么,都是一座金山 Today altogether several hundred Medicine Pill will carry on bidding! 今天可是一共有几百颗丹药都将进行竞拍啊! My God! 我的老天爷! In these Medicine Pill, currently the cheapest rate also has 60 million! 这些丹药中,目前最便宜成交价也有60000000! Most expensive 50 100.02 million, among half also 5678 hundred million...... 最贵的50个100020000个,一半中间的还都5678个亿啊…… What this he is money? 这他么的是钱么? Is money? 是钱么? ...... ……
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