RITF :: Volume #4

#306: Awkward silence! 【First!】

The cold brightness instant breaks arm this not to be most extraordinary, true extraordinary is actually the wound locates smooth, does not see the blood to flow out unexpectedly slightly. 寒光瞬时断臂这还不算最出奇的,真正出奇的却是伤口处一片平滑,竟然不见有丝毫鲜血流出。 You......” Li Wanchun being near accident, the hand cover the sores suddenly, corner of the eye wants the crack are staring in a day character room, the hissing shouted to clear the way. “你……”李万春骤临变故,手捂伤处,睚眦欲裂的瞪着天字一号房里面,嘶声喝道。 Your anything! Hasn't apologized in a big hurry the graciousness of Wan Girl not killing? Hurries to depart? What also rubs gently? To make me also offer one cup of apologizing tea?” Outside a day character room, is the black clothed guy hand of head presses the hilt, grins fiendishly was saying to Li Wanchun. “你什么!还不快快谢过婉姑娘不杀之恩?赶紧离去?还磨蹭什么?想让我也奉上一杯赔罪茶么?”天字一号房之外,为首的黑衣大汉手按刀柄,狞笑着对李万春说道。 The Li Wanchun deep inspiration, deeply aspirates, such as consecutively for several times, nods finally maliciously: House of the Chaotic Storm, is really First Under Heaven! Li has remembered, the lasting forever, our rivers and lakes said goodbye, at the appointed time, had the opportunity inevitably, repaid the Miss Wan'er obligation cardinal virtue!” 李万春深深吸气,深深吐气,如是连续好几次,终于狠狠点点头:“翻云覆雨楼,果然是天下第一!李某记住了,山高水长,我们江湖再见,届时,必然有机会,报答婉儿姑娘大恩大德!” Wan'er in inside snort|hum, said lightly: Does not want to leave behind your life, but, rare young master is happy today, comes out to relax, does not want to be flushed by your courage vigor...... If there is not gone, leaves behind the head.” 婉儿在里面哼了一声,淡淡道:“本不想留下你性命,不过,今天难得公子爷开心,出来散散心,不想被你的血气冲了……若是还不快滚,就留下脑袋来吧。” The Li Wanchun whole face hatred, holds is breaking the arm, turns around to walk. 李万春满脸怨毒,捧着断臂,掉头而走。 Until at this moment, airborne the section of white clothing streamer slowly sways to fall. 直至此刻,空中中才有一截白衣飘带缓缓飘摇落下。 Cut that cold brightness of Li Wanchun arm a moment ago, unexpectedly is only a section of clothes belt! 刚才斩去李万春一条手臂的那道寒光,竟然只是一截衣带! Li Wanchun is near to go out, turns the head to look at Ye Xiao, a character character said: Great Monarch Feng, seriously good method! My Li Wanchun remembered! The lasting forever, your I have another chance to meet.” 李万春临出门,转头看着叶笑,一字字道:“风君座,当真好手段!我李万春记住了!山高水长,你我后会有期。” Ye Xiao surprise has selected eyebrow, said: Strange, you made into this by the House of the Chaotic Storm person, cannot stir up others, swallows an insult but actually. This everybody will understand, can understand \; But you actually must look for my trouble in turn, what view is actually? Really unreadable!” 叶笑诧异的挑了挑眉毛,道:“怪哉,你被翻云覆雨楼的人打成这样子,惹不起人家,忍气吞声倒也罢了。这大家都会理解,也都能理解\;但你反过来却要找我的麻烦,却算是什么说法?真让人难以理解啊!” Li Wanchun pitiful smiling, nods: You understand that I also understand. We wait and see!” 李万春凄惨的笑了笑,点点头:“你明白,我也明白。咱们走着瞧!” Such goes out, swaggers away without consulting anybody. 就这么出门,径自扬长而去。 The Ye Xiao whole face completely has doubts, sound follows: What I understand that you also understand, I am not clear, what do I understand? Your does in the end is know that what you were saying? Who this is, how to speak also so disorderly, muddleheaded!” 叶笑满脸尽是疑惑,声音追随而出:“什么我明白你也明白,我不明白,我明白什么啊?你到底是知道不知道你自己在说什么?这是什么人啊,怎地说话也是这般的颠三倒四,稀里糊涂!” In Li Wanchun behind two Stars Sect expert completely receive in these words the ear, has not talked, obviously knows that in this case again said anything, will only annoy the joke, stared at Ye Xiao one maliciously, goes out, the anxious illness goes. 李万春身后的两个星辰门高手将这段话尽收耳中,却没有搭话,显然知道在这个情况下就算再说什么,也只会更惹笑话,狠狠的盯了叶笑一眼,跟着出门,急疾而去。 Ye Xiao was still a bewilderment of face: These three person in the end what's the matter, personality how so strange...... Your had been bullied, in heart had the resentment, this is the way things should be, why may probably look for our Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion air vent, really is really...... Unexpected misfortune, bewildered! Among the world also has such mindless person unexpectedly......” 叶笑仍是一脸的莫名其妙:“这三个人到底是怎么回事,性情怎地这般古怪……你们被人欺负了,心中有了怨气,这是人之常情,可为何要找我们灵宝阁出气,真真是……无妄之灾,莫名其妙之极!天下间居然还有这么不讲理的人……” Immediately the surrounding piece echoes the sound to rise from all directions: Yes, is really too unreasonable.” 顿时周围一片附和声四起:“是啊是啊,真是太不讲理了。” In a regulations people of heart is shouting'mother-fucker': If not your moving comes out Young Master Bai to support, Stars Sect and Shining Sun School can be so pitiful? Thanks to you also here ships out one innocently the appearance that must die, does to whom looks. 实则人人心中都在骂娘:如果不是你丫的搬出来白公子撑腰,星辰门照日宗能这么凄惨?亏你还在这里装出一副无辜的要死的样子,做给谁看呢。 What has worked as that but can also set up the chastity memorial arch? 当了那啥,还要立贞节牌坊? What is most annoying, but must encourage us to wave the flag and shout, beats a drum to cheer! 最可气的是,还要鼓动我们摇旗呐喊,擂鼓助威! More annoying, we must create a disturbance stalk, who makes others backers enough hard! 更加可气的,我们偏偏就要给起哄架秧子,谁让人家靠山够硬呢! Places common corner Wenren Chuchu and Bing Xinyue The master and disciple simultaneously jade-like stone is quiet, goes all out to bear smile, the good belly hurts. 身处不起眼角落处的闻人楚楚冰心月师徒二人齐齐珉住嘴,拼命地忍住笑,好一阵的肚子疼。 Their this time arrived here, original intention also wants certainly to pat some Supreme Pill Beads to go back, but the deep 1-layer goal is actually...... If Feng Zhiling cannot resist two big Sect pressure, then Bing Xinyue take action help! 两人此次来到这里,初衷当然也想要拍一些丹云神丹回去,但深一层的目的却是……万一风之凌不能抵挡两大门派的威压,那么冰心月就会出手帮忙! Cancels the threats of two big Sect. 将两大门派的威胁打消。 Stars Sect Shining Sun School in Cold Sun Continent or is influence most tyrannical super School, but regarding Bing Xinyue, really cannot actually be regarded anything, destroys them, perhaps must come House of the Chaotic Storm aspect take action is more relaxed than! 星辰门照日宗寒阳大陆或者是势力最强横的超级宗门,但对于冰心月而言,却实在算不得什么,毁灭他们,也许比翻云覆雨楼方面出手还要更来的轻松一些! Naturally, this is only the relative comparison, after all behind Stars Sect Shining Sun School also has in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory mainstream School Stars Heavenly Sect and Shining Sun Heavenly School! 当然,这只是相对比较,毕竟星辰门照日宗背后还有在青云天域的主流宗门星辰天门照日天宗 Bing Xinyue may have no alternative to them, not Young Master Bai, even if Stars Heavenly Sect and Shining Sun Heavenly School knew the matter of today, will not have any movement, because of Cold Sun Continent super School, is Blue Clouds Heaven Territory super School, to Young Master Bai, has not distinguished! 冰心月对他们可就没奈何了,不似白公子,就算星辰天门照日天宗知道了今日之事,也不会有任何动作,因为无论是寒阳大陆的超级宗门,还是青云天域的超级宗门,对白公子而言,没有区别! What a pity after auction starts, Bing Xinyue they the first goal, buy the plan of Supreme Pill Beads, cancelling clean, the reason is very pure, does not have money! 可惜在拍卖会开始之后,冰心月两人就把第一目的,买下丹云神丹的打算,给打消的一干二净,原因很单纯,没钱啊! These time comes is very hurried, has not prepared too many wealth, saw the exaggeration of Supreme Pill Beads knockdown price again, immediately ceased all activities! 这一次来的很是匆忙,并没有准备太多的钱财,再看到丹云神丹成交价格之夸张,顿时偃旗息鼓了! Only remaining that deeper 1-layer goal. 以至于,就只剩下了那个更深一层的目的。 Does not think that has waited till that crucial point, two talented people plan take action, not with enough time take action, even with enough time has not made noise, Feng Zhiling extinguish to germinate unexpectedly this matter, the method is to play ever changingly, attractive. 不想,等到了那个节骨眼,两人才打算出手,还未来得及出手,甚至都没来得及出声的时候,风之凌居然自己就将这件事情消弭在萌芽之中,手段更是耍得千变万化,漂亮之极。 Especially the matter passed, this Great Monarch Feng must install in that side unexpectedly greatly innocently, seeking sympathy distinct nobody of going all out believes nonsense that he spoke! 尤其事情都过去了,这位风君座居然还要在那边大装无辜,拼命的博取同情分明没有一个人相信他说的鬼话! Two Great Sects people who bothers walked. 搅局的两大宗门中人都已经走了。 The auction only has also carried on half. 拍卖会还只进行了一半。 Actually is thorough was cold., the rare person bid to bid 却已经是彻底的冷了场,罕有人出价竞买了。 Has House of the Chaotic Storm Young Master Bai here, bidding that who also dares to feel relieved? 翻云覆雨楼白公子在这里,谁还敢放心的竞拍? If I bid, Young Master Bai came the interest suddenly, comes one again: I leave 1 billion, you continue! Does not leave good!”...... 万一我出了价,白公子突然又来了兴致,再来一个:“我出1000000000,你继续出!不出不行!”…… Can that persecute to death the person while still alive? 那岂不是要把人给活活的逼死了? Two big super School background are thick enough, others spend 5 billion no doubt to love dearly, actually not necessarily the multi- wounds, only feared that has a fracture continually is not! 两大超级宗门底子够厚,人家花5000000000固然心疼,却未必多伤,只怕连伤筋动骨都算不上! We are not but good, let alone 5 billion, 1.8 billion mean that loses everything! 可是咱不行了,别说5000000000,1800000000都意味着倾家荡产啊! Also, even if rich, can spend, no matter but you have much money, so long as Young Master Bai a few words, your money, will turn into his money! Moreover, the thing that you buy cannot fall in your hand mostly. 再说了,就算有钱,花得起,可不管你有多少的钱,只要白公子一句话,你的钱,就都会变成他的钱!而且,你买的东西多半还是落不到你手里。 The fact performs at present, two big super School have spent 50 hundred million, has bought a lot of air/Qi, another has also spent 50 hundred million, has bought a wax pill...... 事实尽在眼前,两大超级宗门其中一个花了50个亿,买了一肚子气,另一个也花了50个亿,就买了一枚蜡丸…… That is 50 hundred million! 那可是50个亿啊! This is astronomical figures in the true sense. 这可是一个真正意义上的天文数字。 Therefore , stops, leaves that head, Supreme Pill Beads is good, does not fall in the hand is also not useless! 所以说,还是消停点吧,别出那个头,丹云神丹再好,落不到手里还不是白搭! Everybody gets the same idea, heart synchronous principle! 人同此心,心同此理! Auction awkward silence. 以至于拍卖会冷场。 However the awkward silence is a matter, all people do not dare to go back is a different matter: Young Master Bai had not said that asks you to leave, do you dare to walk? 然而冷场是一回事,所有人不敢回去则是另一回事:白公子没说让你走,你敢走? Many people, simply start not to go to the restroom from the auction, this moment some physiological needs have suppressed soon could not bear, actually was still honest sitting, moved does not dare to move. 有好些人,干脆就是从拍卖会开始就没去过厕所,此刻某种生理需要已经憋得快要受不了了,却仍然是老老实实的坐着,一动也不敢动。 Even if cannot hold in finally, that what, but did that what pants total ratio lose to assign? 就算最后真憋不住,那啥了,但那啥一裤子总比丢了命好吧? Own background is big, actually also greatly that two big super School. 自己来头再大,却也大不过那两大超级宗门啊。 Including Two Great Sects by Young Master Bai such entire dirty, shameful, goes distressedly, are oneself what? 两大宗门都被白公子这样整的灰头土脸,无地自容,狼狈而去,自己算老几? If stood saying: I must go to the restroom, must facilitate the convenience. 若是自己站起来说:我要去厕所,要去方便方便。 Finally Young Master Bai said: Did I like the clean person you actually saying the restroom before me so much? Wants conveniently, has killed, later can save to facilitate...... Is that undeserved? 结果白公子说:我这么喜欢干净的人你竟然在我面前说厕所?想要方便是吧,杀了杀了,以后可以省下方便了……那多冤枉? ...... …… <\; yesterday evening went to the hospital, said that I was suppuration, needed to be clear first a Qing \; Tossed about half the night, went home dizzy taking a drug to sleep, causes, only then one, sorry, I make up today. <\;昨晚上去了医院,说我是已经化脓了,需要先清一清\;折腾了半宿,回到家昏昏沉沉的吃了药就睡觉了,导致只有一更,抱歉,我今天补回来。 Today the symptom reduced. >\; 今天症状减轻多了。>\;
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