RITF :: Volume #4

#305: Thunder method!

The following person actually completely is the turning very quiet breath of doom, but is listening. 下面的人却尽都是死命的屏住呼吸,只是听着。 But hears here, actually cannot bear in the heart spit the trough. 但听到这里,却也纷纷忍不住心中吐槽。 Wan'er spoke of ‚the Shining Sun School following day definitely to cross a moment ago prosperously, steams, but on these words time, the sound intonation was said very much strangely. 婉儿刚才说到‘照日宗接下来的日子肯定会过得红红火火,蒸蒸而上’这句话的时候,声音语调很是怪异的说。 Let the association that the person does not control self get down: Prosperous, is actually a prosperity? Em, was, red, was red of blood \; ‚Is fire, the fire of fire...... As for steams, but on...... Does not know because of the fire, but dense transpiration, said that has killed all people, soul along with air steams, but on? 让人不自禁的联想下去:‘红红火火’,究竟是怎么个红红火火?恩,是了,‘红红’,是不是是鲜血的红\;‘火火’,是不是大火的火呢……至于‘蒸蒸而上’……不知道因火而氤氲蒸腾,还是说把所有人都杀了,灵魂随着空气的‘蒸蒸而上’呢? Shining Sun School walked. 照日宗走了。 Super Sect of scene, only remaining Stars Sect. 现场的超级门派,就只剩下了星辰门 But Li Wanchun of person of Stars Sect leading at this moment is shrinking the head, a few words do not dare saying that a sound does not dare to make. 可是星辰门带队之人的李万春此刻缩着头,一句话也不敢说,一点动静也不敢弄出来。 In, looks at Wan Of The Clouds to renovate the Shining Sun School person from the beginning, Li Wanchun is very comfortable. 在一开始的时候,看着云端之婉整治照日宗的人,李万春还是十分舒爽的。 Really crisp! 真的挺爽的! Looks that the past old match was such shamed by others in front of oneself, Li Wanchun only felt own bone light 32, the delight of being filled with, excited, hopes simply one shames Shining Sun School that person!. 看着当年的老对手在自己面前被别人这么羞辱,李万春只感觉自己骨头都轻了32,满心的欢欣,兴奋,简直盼望自己就是羞辱照日宗的那人!。 But, as the improvement trend more and more is intense, exaggerates more and more, leaves no ground more and more, until that meeting that afterward Young Master Bai entered the stage, delighted excited was already nothing left, only remaining full cold sweat that Li Wanchun is filled with, endless frightened. 但,随着整治趋势越来越是激烈,越来越夸张,越来越不留余地,及至后来白公子出场的那会,李万春满心的欢欣兴奋早已荡然无存,就只剩下满头冷汗,无尽惶然。 Must know that on the same day has pressure Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, may not only have Shining Sun School. 要知道,当日有份威压灵宝阁的,可不仅仅只有照日宗而已。 Own Stars Sect. 还有自己的星辰门 At that time was discussing, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion is a common custom chamber of commerce organization, at most is a little money, even if has bullied, can be what kind of? Richly is better, the harvest is not how! 当时商量着,灵宝阁不过就是一个世俗商会组织,顶多就是有点钱,就算欺负了,又能怎么样?越有钱越好,收获不是更多么! But now is knows finally that this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion unexpectedly is together the super big sheet iron! 但现在终于算是知道,这个灵宝阁居然乃是一块超级大铁板! Moreover heat that. 而且还是烧红了的那种。 Others back backers, were the young fellow for a lifetime have not married to be hard directly! 人家背后的靠山,直接就是小伙子一辈子没结婚硬死了! And a Shining Sun School person such foot trampled. 偏偏自己与照日宗的人就这么一脚踹了上去。 This may really have bad luck. 这可真是倒了血霉了。 Now although the Shining Sun School person fully suffered humiliation, but walked after all, at least today will again not have the matter. 现在照日宗的人虽然饱受屈辱,但毕竟已经走了,至少今天是不会再有事了。 Then, then the Young Master Bai goal, all falls to remaining that on. 那么,接下来白公子的目标,就得全落到剩下的那个身上。 Who is that goal? 那一个目标是谁呢? Yes...... One?! 是……自己?! Thinks of here, Li Wanchun full cold sweat, in constant anxiety. 一想到这里,李万春满头冷汗,惶惶不可终日。 In the heart was praying secretly: Hadn't I initially done, is small has threatened, has not handled the matter said certainly that particularly today, I am a reputation have not shouted. Young Master Bai your Sir let off me massively...... After all your air/Qi also left . Moreover the effect of punishing one as a warning to others also achieved...... 心中暗暗祈祷着:我当初可没干什么啊,就是小小的威吓了一下而已,没把事情做绝的说,尤其是今天,我可是一声价都没有喊呢。白公子您大人大量就放过我了吧……毕竟您的气也出了,而且杀鸡儆猴的效果也达到了…… I certainly honestly. 我一定会老老实实地。 I am willing to make that monkey...... 我愿意做那只猴…… But, the world matter, is often contrary to what expects. 但,天下事,往往就是那么事与愿违。 Only hears the Young Master Bai sound to say spookily: World two big super Sect, as if came, but now Shining Sun School walked, what Sect another is Sect? Wan'er do you know?” 只听白公子的声音幽幽说道:“天下两大超级门派,似乎都来了,但是现在照日宗的已经走了,另外一个门派是什么门派婉儿你知道么?” Came. 来了来了。 Li Wanchun in this moment, the tears flows copiously! 李万春在这一刻,眼泪夺眶而出! Does not evade eventually. 终究还是躲不过啊。 These words, were equal to that is the start of another prologue. 这句话,等于就是另一个序幕的开始。 If were replied by Wan Of The Clouds, then did not have the opportunity. 若是由云端之婉自己个回答了,那么自己就没有机会了。 Li Wanchun makes noise hurriedly: Stars Sect Li Wanchun pays a visit Young Master Bai.” 李万春急忙出声:“星辰门李万春拜见白公子。” Young Master Bai ‚’, meaningful saying: Stars Sect...... No wonder sporty.” 白公子‘哦’了一声,意味深长的说道:“星辰门啊……怪不得底气十足。” The Li Wanchun head soybean big cold sweat fell immediately. 李万春头上黄豆大的冷汗顿时就落了下来。 Tick-tock tick-tock falling on the ground, said with a smile dry: Young Master chatted, before young master, anyone, dares to say all over the world one have the energy......” 滴答滴答的落在地上,干笑道:“公子说笑了,在公子面前,普天之下又有谁,敢说自己有底气……” Young Master Bai seemingly very satisfied saying: Such being the case, that is good, person who I like not having the energy before me, looked that you are also honest enough, this, you arrive here, cannot make you return empty-handed, here also Medicine Pill, you with 5 billion come out, will buy. Had this Medicine Pill, enough you reported on accomplishments.” 白公子貌似很满意的说道:“既然如此,那就好啊,我还是很喜欢在我面前没底气的人了,看你也足够老实,这样吧,你们来到这里一趟,怎么也不能让你空手而归,我这里还有一颗丹药,你拿5000000000出来,将之买过去吧。有了这颗丹药,足够你交差了。” Li Changchun stares, two eyeballs almost must rouse the eye socket. 李长春瞪着眼睛,两个眼珠子几乎都要鼓出眼眶了。 What did I hear a moment ago? 我刚才听到什么? My! 我的个天哪! Young Master Bai planned unexpectedly must take 5 billion by oneself, buys his Medicine Pill? 白公子居然打算要让自己拿5000000000,去买他的丹药 Spending of Shining Sun School 5 billion, bought a lot of air/Qi to go back, I spent 5 billion, what can also buy? 照日宗的花了5000000000,买了一肚子气回去,我花5000000000,又能买到什么? Actually sees the Li Wanchun hollow laugh, said: Good.” 却见李万春干笑着,道:“好。” Does not have the means unable to reach an agreement, does not dare saying that must say is really not good, own fate will be more miserable than Shining Sun School! 没办法说不好,也不敢说,真要说了一句不好,自己的下场可能会比照日宗更惨! Under glare of the public eye, Li Wanchun neatly and quickly completely pulled out up the family property, then practiced fraud on side that two people, has all pulled out the places of all storehouse money, although these three people, in mortal world was also considered as on is the net worth rich generation, but gathered insufficiently finally 5 billion \; Also had to be thick the facial skin to look for another Sect to borrow ten hundred million, this sufficiently collected 5 billion this great sums of money, was holding a day of character room. 就在众目睽睽之下,李万春三下五除二将自个家底全部掏光了,然后又在身边那两个人身上上下其手,把所有藏钱的地方全掏了一遍,虽然这三人在世俗界也都算得上是身家丰厚之辈,可是凑到最后还是不够5000000000\;却又只得厚着脸皮找另外一个门派借了十个亿,这才凑足了5000000000这笔巨款,捧着去了天字一号房。 Scurries to waste money to visit, waited in out unexpectedly some little time, in the room some people received the paper money, comes out from hand over personaaly...... A wax pill? 上赶着送钱上门,在门外居然还等了好一会,房间里才有人将银票收了进去,跟着,从里面递出来……一个蜡丸? Um? Washes Marrow Pill?” Li Wanchun saw that was immediately silly, cannot help but asked one. “嗯?洗髓丹呢?”李万春见状立马就傻了,不由自主的就问出来一句。 Young Master Bai there not on Medicine Pill? 白公子那里不就一颗丹药么? Not that Washes Marrow Pill that blackmails from Shining Sun School there? 不就是从照日宗那里讹诈来的那颗洗髓丹么? In the original heart is also thinking, has the Young Master Bai pressure to get down, oneself spend 5 billion to buy Washes Marrow Pill, although the above the price in value, pours many also to have the leeway of boasting slightly high-rankingly. Returns to School, others asked that some made excuses. 本来心中还想着,有白公子威压下来,自己花5000000000买回去一颗洗髓丹,虽然物超所值,稍显贵点,倒多少还有说嘴的余地。回到宗门,别人问起来,有的是托词。 Young Master Bai such manages, changes into you, can you be what kind of? Is shirks, questions and rejects?” 白公子这么办,换成你,你能怎么样?是推脱、质疑、还是拒绝?” Same hasn't recognized with me instigated?” “还不是跟我一样认怂?” But now, the situation also has difference \; The present situation turned...... Washes Marrow Pill anything, completely wooden has. 但现在,情况又有不同\;现在的情况变成了……洗髓丹什么的,完全木有。 Has, is only a wax pill! 有的,就只是一个蜡丸! Even, inside that radically is not Medicine Pill. 甚至,那里边根本就不是丹药 Wan Of The Clouds has not made an appearance, replied in without consulting anybody said: What Washes Marrow Pill? When young master said that can sell to your Washes Marrow Pill?” 云端之婉根本就没露面,在里面径自回答说道:“什么洗髓丹公子爷什么时候说要卖给你洗髓丹了?” Li Wanchun is at a loss for words immediately. 李万春立时张口结舌。 Has a mind to get angry, but is actually in any event does not dare. 有心发火,但却又是无论如何都不敢的。 But, if anything did not say that he spends 5 billion, buys Coins to buy three wax pills to go back...... 但,若是什么都不说,自己花5000000000,买一个一文钱能买三个的蜡丸回去…… What view is also? 又是什么说法? True having no way confession! 真正的没法交代啊! Looks Li Wanchun here silly is standing, the complexion is pale, appearance that being in a dilemma, Wan Of The Clouds sound biography gently: Goods leave do not draw back, if Li Elder is seriously unsatisfied, can come in the apologizing tea that drinks one cup of me to offer?” 看着李万春在这里傻愣愣的站着,脸色青青白白,一副进退维谷的样子,云端之婉的声音轻轻的传出来:“货出不退,李长老若是当真不满意,可进来喝一杯我奉上的赔罪茶?” Li Wanchun stands disappointed the long time, finally deep sigh one breath: „, The old man recognized.” 李万春怅然站立半晌,终于长叹一口气:“罢了,老夫认了。” Turns around walks. 掉头就走。 Saying that inside, the Wan'er sound is inwardly angry: Halts to me! Li Wanchun, you come not to greet, walk do not greet, where when here is? How to tolerate you to suddenly come, goes ahead? I spoke to you in a kindly manner, you dared so to fold my face!?” 里面,婉儿的声音愠怒的说道:“给我站住!李万春,你来不打招呼,走不打招呼,当我这里是什么地方?岂能容得你说来就来,说走就走?我好声好气跟你说话,你竟敢这般折我的面子!?” Along with these words, suddenly together the cold brightness like rushing to the thunder is as fast as lightning generally from a day character room crazy whirlwind. 随着这句话,突然一道寒光有如奔雷掣电一般从天字一号房狂飚而出。 Just Li Wanchun that turned around to walk outward called out pitifully, right hand Qi Jianduan fell! 刚刚才转身向外走去的李万春惨叫一声,一条右手齐肩断落! ............ ………… Fierce that <\; second later some, I am dizzy, the nose has been air-tight, suppresses the forehead to hurt...... >\; <\;第二更稍晚些,我头晕的厉害,鼻子一直不透气,憋得脑门疼……>\;
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