RITF :: Volume #4

#304: We are low-key! 【Fourth!】

Feng Zhiling, do not go too far!” Shining Sun School another person of corner of the eye wants crack scolded: Bullies the weak by relying on powerful connections, what thing are you actually?” 风之凌,你不要欺人太甚!”照日宗另外一人睚眦欲裂的骂道:“狐假虎威,你自己却又算是什么东西?” Ye Xiao curls the lip, said lightly: I naturally am not anything, but I at least have not used my influence to bully others, has not thought must seize by force, the small advantage occupies not to suffice.” 叶笑撇撇嘴,淡淡道:“我自然是不算什么的,但我起码并没有利用我的势力来欺压别人,更没有想到过要强取豪夺,便宜占起来没够。” Shining Sun School that person of anger said: How could the matter of today did we take your advantage? Your present this time hit a person when he is down, can it be that the [say / way] of gentleman?” 照日宗那人愤怒地说道:“今日之事我们何曾占到了你的便宜?你现在这时候来落井下石,又岂是君子之道?” Ye Xiao laughs: „The [say / way] of gentleman? Shining Sun School obeys the [say / way] of conduct gentleman unexpectedly? Your before then pressure Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion time, as if hasn't been fastidious about the [say / way] of gentleman? How I have not discovered! Said that now saw House of the Chaotic Storm unable to stir up, started to be fastidious about the [say / way] of gentleman, but can also ask all people to accompany you to be fastidious about the [say / way] of gentleman together?” 叶笑哈哈大笑:“君子之道?照日宗竟是遵照君子之道行事的么?只是你们在此之前威压灵宝阁的时候,似乎没有讲究君子之道吧?我怎么一点都没发现呢!还是说,现在看到翻云覆雨楼惹不起了,就开始讲究君子之道,还要叫所有人都陪你们一起讲究君子之道?” His coldly said: Your Shining Sun School, knows really what is the [say / way] of gentleman?” 冷冷说道:“你们照日宗,真的知道什么是君子之道么?” These words come out, immediately lets present many will of the people bottom labor pains to be quick! 这句话出来,顿时让在场许多人心底一阵痛快! In these years, House of the Chaotic Storm sinks not to dive, has been quiet \; Shining Sun School and Stars Sect two big super School dominate the world, along my Chang, counter I perishes seriously. 这些年里,翻云覆雨楼沉潜未出,一直沉寂\;照日宗星辰门两大超级宗门把持天下,当真是顺我者昌,逆我者亡。 The [say / way] of what gentleman? 什么君子之道? Shining Sun School always said slandered orally is: The absolute strength, is the absolute truth! 照日宗向来挂在嘴边的口头谗就是:绝对的实力,就是绝对的道理! At this moment, Shining Sun School have also come across such matter! 此时此刻,照日宗自己也遇到了这样的事情! Also wants to draw the moral coat as the final fig leaf, does not think that this final fig leaf be relentless had also been pulled. 还想拉道德外衣作为最后的遮羞布,不想这最后的遮羞布也被人毫不留情的扯了下来。 Not to be how could exciting. 岂能不大快人心。 In Shining Sun School people corner of the eye wants under the ashamed and resentful gaze of crack, Ye Xiao leisure saying: Absolute strength, is the absolute truth!” 照日宗众人睚眦欲裂的羞愤注视之下,叶笑慢悠悠的说道:“绝对的实力,就是绝对的道理!” These words, are the Shining Sun School motto! 这句话,正是照日宗的座右铭! But at this moment said from the Ye Xiao mouth, Shining Sun School several people completely were the air/Qi result in the five internal organs to vibrate, the vitality turned wells up! 但此刻的从叶笑嘴里说出来,照日宗几人尽都是气得五脏震动,气血翻涌! wow! 哇! Shining Sun School that old man puts out a blood finally again, the surface like the spirit money, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: We walk!” 照日宗那位老者终于再一次吐出一口鲜血,面如金纸,低声喝道:“我们走!” Actually could not stay. 却是一刻也呆不下去了。 This Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, simply is Shining Sun School the place of disaster! 这个灵宝阁,简直就是照日宗的灾难之地! The Shining Sun School three people stand up, must walk outward. 照日宗三人站起身来,就要往外走。 In this time, from a day character room theater box , the Young Master Bai sound leisurely transmits: Oh, so not to be how careful, Medicine Pill well, how fell on the ground...... Looks quickly, but can also find?” 就在此时,自天字一号房包厢里,白公子的声音悠悠传来:“哎呀,怎么这么不小心,好好的一颗丹药,怎地就掉在地上了……快找找,还能找到么?” Only hears the Wan Of The Clouds sound saying: Does not know that which ran went, could not find.” 只听云端之婉的声音说道:“不知道跑哪去了,找不到了。” Young Master Bai said: Oh, what to do that may, this be knockdown price 5 billion Spirit Pill, can could it be that also compensate Shining Sun School 50 hundred million?” 白公子说道:“哎呀,那可怎么办啊,这可是成交价格5000000000的灵丹啊,难道还要赔偿照日宗50个亿么?” His sound is very disconsolate, as if not give up these money: Big sum of money, how can we repay?” 他的声音很惆怅,似乎舍不得这些钱:“好大一笔钱啊,咱们怎么赔得起?” All people spit the trough in the heart: I did not believe you to fall Medicine Pill...... Does not believe that fell Medicine Pill in such small space, unexpectedly will unable to find...... 所有人都在心中吐槽:我才不信你会将丹药掉了呢……更加不相信,就在这么小的空间里掉了丹药,居然会找不到了…… This is a shoddy excuse. 这是一个何等拙劣的借口。 Merely is a excuse, has nothing to do other! 或者,就仅仅是一个借口而已,无关其他! But, even if clearly knows this excuse is very shoddy, is very incredible, but did not have any person to dare to stand saying that a just words everybody took pleasure in others'misfortunes also without enough time. 但,纵然明知道这个借口很拙劣,很荒诞,但却没有任何一个人敢站出来说一句公道话大家幸灾乐祸还来不及呢。 Where will speak what just words? 哪里会说什么公道话? Best is Young Master Bai simply Shining Sun School these people altogether all killed...... 最好是白公子干脆将照日宗这些人一股脑的全都杀了…… That really has suited the regard of people. 那才真是合了众人的心意。 As if responds to the aspiration of people, only hears the Wan Of The Clouds sound saying: This grade of minor matter what cares with young master, but is Medicine Pill, Shining Sun School these people do not know mostly the Medicine Pill anything appearance, rubs one with the sludge a while to them also and that's the end, I visit them to eat, this medicine not verifies!” 仿佛是回应众人的心声,只听云端之婉的声音说道:“这等小事何用公子放在心上,不过就是一颗丹药,照日宗这些人多半也不知道丹药什么样子,等会儿用污泥搓一颗给他们也就是了,我会看着他们吃下去的,这样岂不是药无对证!” The Young Master Bai sound is very seemingly scruple: This...... Isn't good?” 白公子的声音貌似很迟疑:“这……不好吧?” The Wan Of The Clouds sound said: Who made them disturb young master’s interest, the young master came out one time to relax rarely, was actually destroyed the mood \; If not for young master Sir has massive, does not lower oneself to the same level with them, otherwise, on this day next within, so long as young master a few words, what Shining Sun School Shining Moon School, blew the tone not to have, where had their places of taking shelter? The young master makes their medicine, that is gives their faces......” 云端之婉的声音说道:“谁让他们打搅了公子的兴致,公子难得出来一次散散心,却被人把心情破坏了\;若不是公子大人有大量,不和他们一般见识,否则,这天下间,只要公子一句话,什么照日宗照月宗,吹口气也就没了,哪里有他们的容身之地?公子弄掉他们的药,那是给他们脸呢……” Young Master Bai said: Embarrassment that your this girl, I said a moment ago, yes...... Took on the heart my hand, Wan'er, you made me rub the sludge unexpectedly...... This young master thought that is hard to endure that dirtiness.” 白公子说道:“你这丫头,我刚才说的不好意思,是……担心脏了我的手,婉儿,你居然让我搓污泥……本公子觉得难以忍受那种肮脏。” Below, several hundred people have one type the impulsion that once again wants to spit blood. 下面,几百人再度生出一种想要吐血的冲动。 This you were hard to endure, then, how did your wish make Shining Sun School endure? 这您就难以忍受了,那么,你想要让照日宗如何忍受? Wan Of The Clouds, the reputation vibrates the Cold Sun Continent several thousand years for the character, how completely to offer this grade of advice certainly, did this also too destroy in our hearts to the image of super great person? 云端之婉,名声震动寒阳大陆数千年的绝代人物啊,怎么尽出这等主意,这也太破坏我们心中对超级大人物的形象了吧? The Wan'er sound said: Young Master has misunderstood, on you naturally does not have the sludge, the sludge that I said looks from the ground, when the time comes I rubbed to you, and that's the end. Also, the Shining Sun School person not necessarily has recognized anything is the sludge, anything is Medicine Pill...... That sludge deceives them, complements each other appropriate.” 婉儿的声音说道:“公子误会了,您身上自然是没有污泥的,我说的污泥是从地上寻摸的,到时候我搓好了给您,也就是了。再说了,照日宗的人未必就认得什么是污泥,什么是丹药……那污泥糊弄他们,正是相得益彰、恰如其分。” One group of people show the whites of the eyes crazily: Did your this master and servant two people regard others Shining Sun School were silly and compelled? Unexpectedly does not recognize the sludge and Medicine Pill...... Said again others also did inherit several thousand years of big Sect to be good? 一群人狂翻白眼:你们这主仆二人将人家照日宗当成了何等傻、逼?居然不认得污泥和丹药……再怎么说人家也是传承了几千年的大门派好不好? Young Master Bai clearly has nod of same feeling: This saying said is reasonable, but, we want to be lower-key. Works do not make widely known, so as to avoid has exposed my status, waited for you to act......” 白公子显然是颇有同感的点点头:“这话说的有道理,不过,咱们要低调一些。做事不要太张扬,免得暴露了我的身份,等下你自己出面好了……” Yes, Young Master.” Sound that Wan'er suppresses the happy expression. “是,公子。”婉儿强忍笑意的声音。 In the field all people also shake the sides. 场中所有人同时绝倒。 You have done Heaven and Earth turning upside down the entire world, has made Shining Sun School thorough did not have the honor, went the high-sounding talk to Heavens simply, unexpectedly here said any low key, you stick to play tricks...... 您都已经将整个天下搞得天翻地覆,已经让照日宗彻彻底底的没了脸面,简直都高调到了天上去了,居然在这里说什么低调,你糊弄鬼呢…… The Shining Sun School three people have arrived at the entrance position at this moment, but hears this dialog, immediately everybody seethe with rage, at present one black, almost at the scene has fainted. 照日宗三人此刻已经走到门口位置,可是一听见这一段对话,顿时人人都是七窍生烟,眼前一黑,几乎就当场晕了过去。 That white bearded old man turns head suddenly, the lip shivers, stubbornly gazes at fixedly a day character room, corner of the eye is wanting to crack, as if wanted to say several anything. 白须老者霍然回头,嘴唇颤抖,死死的瞪视着天字一号房,睚眦欲裂,似乎想要说几句什么。 But at once is stopped up by the other two is quiet, the doom has towed. 但旋即就被另外两人生生堵住嘴,死命地拖了出去。 This and other times, what can also say? Spoke a few words again, is the fatal disaster, perhaps also incessantly is the lives of our several people, but is the entire Shining Sun School life or death. 这等时候,还能说什么?再多说一句话,就是杀身之祸,也许还不止是咱们几个人的命,而是整个照日宗的存亡。 In a day character room. 天字一号房之中。 The Young Master Bai sound said: „The old man turns head finally, probably is the appearance that refuses to accept very much...... Wan'er, how do you see?” 白公子的声音说道:“那老头最后回头,好像是一副很不服的样子啊……婉儿,你怎么看?” The Wan Of The Clouds sound said: Or...... Do the servants pursue to ask one? Asks that his refuses to accept, gives lip-service and is convinced the mouth to refuse to accept, does the Chest refuse to accept?” 云端之婉的声音说道:“要不……奴婢追上去问一句?问问他那不服,口服心不服、心服口不服,还是心口都不服?” Young Master Bai said: Ok, by our status, why the ignorant people haggles over with this and other? Puts them to walk. Em, if Shining Sun School refuses to accept truly, that day could not say that will cross the lively point.” 白公子说道:“算了,以咱们的身份,何必与这等愚昧之徒计较?放他们走吧。恩,若是照日宗真正不服,那日子说不得就会过得热闹一点了。” Wan'er purses the lips to say with a smile: Good good, if refuses to accept , the Shining Sun School following day definitely will have prosperously, steams, but on......” 婉儿抿嘴笑道:“不错不错,若是真的不服,照日宗接下来的日子肯定会过得红红火火,蒸蒸而上……” The Young Master Bai clear and resonant voice laughs. 白公子朗声大笑。 ...... ……
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