RITF :: Volume #4

#303: Hit a person when he is down! 【Third!】

The Shining Sun School other two focused attention on white bearded old man similarly, in the eye completely have been being full of the meaning of blame. 照日宗的另外两人同样注目着白须老者,眼中尽都充满了责怪之意。 You said you, has knelt, the huge grievance has also eaten to the end, wanted any matter not to have shortly, on the past. To say such a few words finally, making the matter evolve a more fearful situation. 你说说你,一路都已经跪过来了,天大的委屈也已经吃到头了,眼看着就要什么事情都没有了,就过去了。偏偏要在最后说出那样的一句话,让事情演变到了更可怕的地步。 Although said depending on the conscience that those words are not considered as excessive, but has revealed the anger throughout. 虽然凭本心说,那句话也不算是多过分,但始终是表露了愤怒的情绪啊。 Doesn't your this anger send toward whom good? Toward Wan Of The Clouds! Really was the date, altogether 100 steps, 99 steps have knelt, has kowtowed, could it be that also lacked this final trembled? 你这种愤怒的情绪向着谁发不行?偏偏向着云端之婉!真是日啊,一共100步,99步都跪了,都磕头了,难道还缺这最后的一哆嗦么? Must itself look for trouble to oneself, right now may be booing, Wan Of The Clouds does not make noise, actually changed into Young Master Bai...... Was more terrorist than 10.01 million times of Young Master Bai personally to act Wan Of The Clouds. 非得自己给自己找不自在,这下子可倒好了,云端之婉是不出声了,却换成了白公子……比云端之婉更恐怖10010000倍的白公子亲自出面了。 His acts, face countenance trampling of Shining Sun School maliciously in sole! 他这一出面,就是将照日宗的颜面狠狠的践踏在了脚底! Will not allow the slight leeway again! 不会再留丝毫余地! 5 billion, buy Washes Marrow Pill, even if that Washes Marrow Pill is Supreme Pill Beads, was still a huge joke! 5000000000,买一颗洗髓丹,就算那洗髓丹丹云神丹,仍旧是一个天大的笑话! But now, 5 billion have spent, actually links this Washes Marrow Pill, cannot preserve. 但现在,5000000000已经花了,却连这一颗洗髓丹,也保不住。 How could it not be has this become a bigger joke in huge joke? 这岂不就成了天大的笑话之中的更大笑话? 5 billion, has this kind of astronomical figures wealth, only bought in the end an air? 5000000000,这样一个天文数字财富,到头来就只买了个空气? But, Young Master Bai said wants, who dares not to give? 但,白公子说要,谁敢不给? Shining Sun School several everybody person surface like dying embers, everybody want to obtain: After today, Shining Sun School will degenerate into the laughingstock of entire mainland inevitably, the reputation sweeps the floor! 照日宗几人人人面如死灰,大家都想得到:从今天之后,照日宗势必沦为整个大陆的笑柄,名声扫地! A that white bearded old man face has stood drearily, deeply grows sighed: „.” 白须老者一脸惨淡的站了起来,深深地长叹了一口气:“罢了,罢了。” Since has been doomed disgraced, then, even if loses face, even if loses goes proficiently, how can actually?” “既然已经注定了丢人,那么,就算再丢人一些,纵然丢到家去,却又能如何?” Manner Xiao Suo holds Supreme Pill Beads Washes Marrow Pill that may just spend 5 billion to buy, walks outward. 神态萧索地捧起来那可刚刚花了5000000000才买到的丹云神丹洗髓丹,往外走去。 Has arrived at outside a day of character room, said: Wan Girl, Washes Marrow Pill has sent to you, please search and collect.” 一直走到了天字一号房之外,说道:“婉姑娘,洗髓丹给您送来了,请查收。” „Out places, what cherishes the gadget, but also wants me to receive personally?” “放在门外吧,什么稀罕玩意,还要我亲自接收么?” The Wan Of The Clouds sound is faint, but the disgruntled flavor still revealed in speech and appearance. 云端之婉的声音淡漠,但不悦的味道仍是溢于言表。 white bearded old man clenches teeth, careful putting down jade bottle, stands up, suddenly asked loudly: Although the matter was in such situation, but the obsolete moral nature has a matter to be puzzled, asking Miss Wan'er to dispel doubt surely.” 白须老者咬咬牙,小心的放下玉瓶,站起身来,突然大声问道:“虽然事情已经到了此等地步,但老朽心底有一件事不解,请婉儿姑娘千万解惑。” Wan Of The Clouds resounds once again: What matter?” 云端之婉的再度响起:“什么事?” The following two Shining Sun School people hit the meaningful glance again and again, attempted that stops the rash action of white bearded old man non- wisdom, but white bearded old man actually completely ignores, saying of whole face grief and indignation: Obsolete wants to know that actually today where to offend Young Master Bai? Also or was where offended House of the Chaotic Storm, to our Shining Sun School such didn't keep the face countenance?” 下面两个照日宗的人连连打眼色,希图制止白须老者不智的妄动,但白须老者却是全然置之不理,满脸悲愤的说道:“老朽只是想知道,今天究竟是什么地方得罪了白公子?又或者是何处得罪了翻云覆雨楼,以致于对我们照日宗如此的不留颜面?” Inside hears one to sneer at once. 里面旋即传来一声冷笑。 Wan'er saying of sound coldly: Makes you spend 5 billion, buys the value at least 300 million things, you thought that lost the honor? Then, you planned to use 10 million a moment ago, buys others value at least 300 million things time, had others' honor, actually been placed where by you?” 婉儿的声音冷冷的说道:“让你花5000000000,买价值至少300000000的东西,你就觉得丢了脸面了?那么,你刚才打算用10000000,去买别人价值至少300000000的东西的时候,别人的脸面,却又被你放在了何处?” white bearded old man hearing this stares, is startled however long time, this suddenly, at once warm-blooded almost rushed to the mouth. 白须老者闻言就是一愣,怔然半晌,这才恍然,旋即一口热血几乎又冲到了嘴边。 These words, making him have the impulsion that wants dead! 这句话,让他生出一股想要死的冲动! All, unexpectedly for this? 一切的一切,竟然都是为了这个? For this? 就只是为了这个? Wan'er sound coldly said: 10 million, but is a base price, wants to buy Supreme Pill Beads, so-called seizes by force, is this! At least 30 times of price differences! I planned wants to be makes you similarly with being higher than 30 times of price bidding, but the young master stops temporarily! Otherwise, your this Washes Marrow Pill value, is not merely 5 billion, but is...... 9 billion! Now, can you understand?” 婉儿的声音冷冷道:“10000000,不过是一个底价,就想强买丹云神丹,所谓强取豪夺,莫过于此!至少30倍的差价!我原本的打算想是让你们同样用高出来30倍的价钱竞买,但公子临时制止!否则,你这一颗洗髓丹的价值,就不会是仅仅5000000000,而是……9000000000!现在,你可明白了?” The white bearded old man body shook shaking, clenches teeth saying: Understood, but has not the clear place, is House of the Chaotic Storm with this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, what in the end relates?” 白须老者身子晃了晃,咬牙说道:“明白了,但却还是有不明白的地方,翻云覆雨楼与这灵宝阁,到底是什么关系?” These words one, all people completely were vertical the ear. 这句话一出,所有人尽都是竖直了耳朵。 This is an extremely essential major issue. If this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion and House of the Chaotic Storm have been connected, even is the branch of his subordinates, the future manner needs to change. 这可是一个极为关键的重大问题。若是这灵宝阁翻云覆雨楼有所关联,甚至就是其麾下的一个分支,那么,今后的态度可是需要变了。 Without any relations!” The Young Master Bai sound spreads leisurely. “没有任何关系!”白公子的声音悠悠传出。 Obviously, Young Master Bai knows that Wan'er receives the Feng Zhiling sentiment very much, during the spoken languages, can be said as regarding Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion quite looks after \; But if said that is inadequate, House of the Chaotic Storm is equal to is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, Feng Zhiling transfers. 显然,白公子知道婉儿很是承风之凌的情,言语之间,对于灵宝阁可说是颇为照顾\;但若是这么说下去,却是不成的,翻云覆雨楼等于是在为灵宝阁,风之凌作嫁。 „The action of this young master today, cannot get used to seeing you so to bully the person, that is all. The auction, is always compares the physical resource financial resource the place, not compared with the place of influence.” “本公子今日之举,就只是看不惯你们如此欺负人,仅此而已。拍卖会,从来就是比较物力财力的地方,绝不是比势力的地方。” Today this young master makes an exception take action, thinks that also has annoyed for this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion many troublesome?” Young Master Bai he he smiled in inside: „After your Shining Sun School can, looks for the trouble of Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, will you certainly do? Relax, this young master not take action intervention.” “今天本公子破例出手,想必也为这灵宝阁惹了许多麻烦?”白公子在里面呵呵笑了笑:“不过你们照日宗可以以后找灵宝阁的麻烦嘛,你们一定会做的,是不是?放心,本公子绝不出手干预。” In the Young Master Bai sound, is overflowing the light density. 白公子的声音之中,流溢着淡淡的森然。 Does not dare.” Shining Sun School this white bearded old man over the face dead grey, lowered the head to draw back. “不敢。”照日宗这位白须老者满面死灰色,低头退了回去。 Later also looks for the trouble of Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion!? 以后还找灵宝阁的麻烦!? Has Young Master Bai these words to come out, who also dares to look? You looked for the trouble of Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, is equal to is looking for the trouble of Young Master Bai! After all, the trouble is Young Master Bai annoys. 白公子这句话出来,谁还敢找?你找了灵宝阁的麻烦,就等同是在找白公子的麻烦!毕竟,麻烦是白公子惹出来的。 could it be that do you want to stand by? 难道你想袖手旁观? Can? 能么? Regarding anything...... Not take action intervention? Do you deceive the ghost? 至于说什么……绝不出手干预?你骗鬼呢吧? If there is believed perhaps your this take action intervention, in the future will not die does not know how dead! 若是相信了你这一句绝不出手干预,恐怕将来死都不知道怎么死的! take action was not good, you can make noise, talk, even must want a look, countless people on own initiative will help! 出手就行了,你可以出声,动嘴,甚至要只要一个眼神,就会无数人主动帮忙! When we are the fools?! 当我们是傻子么?! The Shining Sun School white bearded old man step limps the back, has filled the humiliation and desolate! 照日宗白须老者步履蹒跚走回去的背影,充满了屈辱与落寞! That hates the day not to hate the least bit not to dare to reveal ringless and actually the grief and indignation, everybody can feel. 那份恨天无眼恨地无环、却偏偏半点都不敢表露出来的悲愤,人人都能感觉得到。 But, facing House of the Chaotic Storm this grade of colossus, is actually any means that can only withstand silently. 但,面对翻云覆雨楼这等庞然大物,却是任何办法,就只能默默承受着。 Even, could not say including a polite speech. 甚至,连一句场面话也说不出来。 Most common such as has another chance to meet, the mountain does not transfer water revolutions and so on words, was not does not want to say that but does not dare to say! 最常见的诸如‘后会有期,山不转水转’之类的话,不是不想说,而是不敢说! Stars Sect Shining Sun School two big super School no doubt inherit for several thousand years, the foundation is vigorous, but, during these several thousand years are actually wielding by the different people \; But House of the Chaotic Storm Young Master Bai legend, actually several thousand years ago has continued now. 星辰门照日宗两大超级宗门固然传承几千年,根基雄浑,但,这几千年之中却是由不同的人在执掌\;而翻云覆雨楼白公子的传说,却是从几千年之前一直持续到现在。 Even links Wan Of The Clouds and Xiu Of The Heavens, is the character at the same time. 甚至连云端之婉天上之秀,也是同一时期的人物。 : Facing three ten thousand years of undying old monsters, moreover is ten thousand years of invariable three characters, who can have that type to have a grudge to revenge the opportunity that the resentment seeks vengeance? 请问:面对三个万年不死的老妖怪,而且还是万年不变的三个人物,谁能够有那种有仇报仇有怨报怨的机会? Shining Sun School has eaten a turtle stubbornly, although has not died thoroughly, but was also similar!. 照日宗已经死死的吃了一次鳖,虽然没有死彻底,但也差不多了!。 But nearby Stars Sect, but also does not have take action, already in heart icy cold! 而旁边的星辰门,还没有出手,就已经心中冰凉! Does not dare to have any point rash action. 再也不敢有任何一点的妄动。 The rash action, Shining Sun School is best learning from another's mistakes. 妄动,照日宗就是最好的前车之鉴。 Moreover, dares to act rashly again the fate will be absolutely more pitiful than Shining Sun School! Had has taught, did you also make same mistakes over again? To violate the law knowingly, does the crime add first-grade? 而且,再敢妄动者的下场绝对会比照日宗更凄惨!有了教训了,你还重蹈覆辙?岂不是知法犯法,罪加一等? Taking this into consideration, Stars Sect that several people simply shrank the neck, one does not dare to put. 正是有鉴于此,星辰门的那几个人干脆缩了脖子,连一个屁也不敢放了。 However in this time, a long sound suddenly resounds: Shining Sun School School is really good power and prestige, the good malignant influences, not to be famous, today opened mind!” 然而就在此时,一个悠悠的声音骤然响起:“照日宗宗门果然是好威风,好煞气,不负盛名,今天可是开了眼界!” People neat turning the head of following the sound looks. 众人整齐的转头循声看去。 This flattery in ordinary day said at this time, was actually the ratio most virulent satire must be more excessive, was more sinister! 这句在平日里的恭维话在这个时候说出来,却是比最恶毒的讽刺还要更过分,更加毒辣! The Shining Sun School various person simultaneously angry glare looks, except for Young Master Bai and Wan Of The Clouds, the House of the Chaotic Storm person we cannot stir up, but also who dares to touch our mildew heads in this during, even if the opposite party is the Stars Sect person, the father must make them! 照日宗诸人齐齐怒目看去,除了白公子云端之婉,翻云覆雨楼的人我们惹不起,还有谁敢在这个当口触我们的霉头,就算对方是星辰门的人,老子也要弄他们! Actually sees making noise Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch Feng, this occasion both hands holds the chest, is gazing at fixedly them desolately. In the vision, has been full of the taunt. 却见出声者正是灵宝阁风君座,此际正双手抱胸,冷淡地瞪视着他们。目光中,充满了嘲讽。 Behavior of Great Monarch Feng this hitting a person when he is down, scarlet, bare and bare not mincing matter! 风君座这种落井下石的行为,赤、裸、裸的毫不掩饰!
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