RITF :: Volume #4

#302: Is mindless! 【Second!】

The opposite party moved Young Master Bai, so long as dare most idle talk, the situation to toward be more serious again, and even the terror direction develops! 对方已经搬出来白公子,只要自己敢再多数一句废话,事态就要向着更加严重、乃至恐怖的方向发展了! Although do not want so not to have begging for mercy of dignity, but own face had pulled out in any case not like the human appearance, did could it be that kneel finally had also knelt down inadequately? 虽然自己绝不想这般没有尊严的求饶,但反正自己的脸已经被抽得不像人样了,难道最后一跪还跪不下了不成? The Miss Wan'er as if finally intent moved, said: You leave to 5 billion! Really wins, I cannot spend that much money, even if my some that much money, will not be used to purchase Washes Marrow Pill, my where can such as be Shining Sun School is like that filthy rich, here is the auction market, the financial resource is inferior to throughout, even if wins , can only the disciple pay whistling. I gave up. You won.” 婉儿姑娘似乎终于意动了,说道:“你出到5000000000!果然是志在必得,我是拿不出那么多钱的,就算我有那么多钱,也决计不会用来购买一颗洗髓丹,我哪里能如是照日宗那般财大气粗,这里始终是拍卖场,财力不及,纵然志在必得,也只能徒付呼呼。我放弃了。你们赢了。” !” “噗!” Hence, Shining Sun School this old man cannot bear finally again, a blood has spurted, when spurts the blood, still whistling puffs. 至此,照日宗这位老者终于再也忍不住,一口血喷了出来,喷血之余,兀自呼呼喘着粗气。 People look at each other in dismay. 众人面面相觑 This Miss Wan'er...... Really ruthless! 这位婉儿姑娘……真狠! So-called light clubs 99, does not hit one, is this Miss Wan'er, this where hits one, hit radically has hit again, fires off repeatedly, finished up then hits again! 所谓光棍打99,不打加一,可是这位婉儿姑娘,这哪里是打加一,根本就是打了再打,打完一遍又一遍,完事再接着打啊! You use this method, is restraining by force others, on value about 300 million Washes Marrow Pill, stiffly will make others buy by 5 billion prices! 你用这种手段,强压着人家,将原本也就值300000000左右的一颗洗髓丹,硬生生让人家以5000000000的价格买下来! Has spent almost 20 times of wasted money, now unexpectedly must taunt, even is one by the person by the wealth oppression, has to the victim stance independently? 多花了差不多20倍的冤枉钱,现在居然还要来冷嘲热讽,甚至是一副被人以财压迫,不得不放手的受害者姿态? This a little, too that what?! 这有点,太那啥了吧?! However, Wan'er this time procedure, everybody besides having a feeling of like grieve for like, but more is actually in the heart carefree. 不过,婉儿这次的做法,大家除了生出一股兔死狐悲的感觉之外,但更多的却是心中畅快。 After all Shining Sun School in these years, in Cold Sun Continent almost one alone big, various respected family major School, almost do not have by the Shining Sun School air/Qi \; Everybody always angries but not dare say anything. 毕竟照日宗在这些年中,在寒阳大陆几乎一家独大,各大家族各大宗门,几乎就没有没受过照日宗气的\;大家向来就是敢怒而不敢言。 Now, rare Shining Sun School under glare of the public eye, ate such big one to owe stuffily, but must like the grandson was enduring, completely does not dare to manifest suddenly. 如今,难得照日宗在众目睽睽之下,吃了这么大的一个闷亏,还要像孙子一样的忍着,全然不敢发作。 This situation is exciting! 这个情况可谓是大快人心! Also it can be said that is in favor with the public! 亦可说是众望所归吧! Only then in the field the Mu Clan person actually has mixed emotions. 只有场中慕氏家族的人却是百感交集。 Initially, in this auction market \; Also auctions Supreme Pill Beads \; The people of own family|home the method that uses present Shining Sun School to use, wants to pat Supreme Pill Beads forcefully, finally annoyed Xiu Of The Heavens to come out, the result by the shame, more than 100 people that finally also implicated is lost the life. 当初,也是在这个拍卖场\;也是拍卖丹云神丹\;自己家的人用了现在照日宗用的手段,想要强行拍走丹云神丹,最终惹了天上之秀出来,结果是备受羞辱,最后还连累的100多人丢了性命。 Now, is here, is the similar auction \; Shining Sun School uses the similar method, but, unexpectedly same annoyed the House of the Chaotic Storm person to come out. 如今,还是在这里,还是同样的拍卖\;照日宗还是用同样的手段,但,居然还是同样的惹了翻云覆雨楼的人出来。 But these time changed into Wan Of The Clouds. 只不过这一次换成了云端之婉 But, the shame of withstanding, actually be fiercer than the previous Mu Clan person! 但,承受的羞辱,却要比上一次慕氏家族的人更加厉害! Twice, same scene, same plot, same story...... 两次,相同场景,相同情节,相同故事…… The Mu Clan person only felt that on the vest cold air has only braved: could it be that, this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, with House of the Chaotic Storm...... Is a body? Or radically is House of the Chaotic Storm? 慕氏家族的人只感觉背心上一股凉气只冒了出来:难道,这灵宝阁,与翻云覆雨楼……乃是一体?或者说,根本就是翻云覆雨楼的? Otherwise, where can so fortunately? Twice annoyed House of the Chaotic Storm to come out? Even if the coincidence, does not have such skillfully? 要不然,哪里会如此凑巧?两次都惹了翻云覆雨楼出来?就算是巧合,也没有这么巧的吧? The people on the scene are well-informed, matter that the mind exquisitely carved person, Mu Clan can think , can't they think? 在场众人一个个都是消息灵通,心眼玲珑剔透的人,慕氏家族能够想到的事情,他们怎么会想不到? Now, everyone at heart, lived such similar question: Is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, the House of the Chaotic Storm amassing money organization? 现在,每个人的心里,都生起了这样同样的疑问:灵宝阁,就是翻云覆雨楼的敛财机构? Thinks that immediately everyone is in the heart frightened. 这么一想,顿时每人都是心中惴惴。 Miss Wan'er, your this view rather was also ruthless......” Shining Sun School that old man corners of the mouth to bleed, said grieved: Our Shining Sun School, has not offended House of the Chaotic Storm......” 婉儿姑娘,您这说法也未免太赶尽杀绝了……”照日宗那老者嘴角流血,惨然说道:“我们照日宗,可从来没有得罪过翻云覆雨楼……” These words come out, a miserable flavor, fills the audience. 这句话出来,一股凄凉的味道,弥漫全场。 Does in the end for what, make House of the Chaotic Storm so aim at unexpectedly? 到底是为了什么,竟让翻云覆雨楼如此针对? People also vertical ear, wanted to listen to House of the Chaotic Storm to say? Is the acknowledgment? Denied? 众人也都竖直了耳朵,想要听听翻云覆雨楼怎么说?是承认呢?还是否认? If denied, then this in the end is a matter? 若是否认,那么这到底是怎么一回事? The atmosphere falls into an awkward silence unexpectedly once again! 气氛竟再度陷入一个冷场之中! In this time, in a House of the Chaotic Storm day character room, a sound long biography, light saying: „Did tendering compete 5.00001 billion grains of Washes Marrow Pill? This young master really has not seen...... Wan'er, you take this grain of value 5 billion Washes Marrow Pill to me, making me also open mind.” 就在此时,翻云覆雨楼的天字一号房之中,一个声音悠悠的传出来,淡淡的说道:“竞价竞争到了5000010000粒的洗髓丹?本公子还真是没有见过……婉儿,你把这粒价值5000000000的洗髓丹拿上来给我,让我也开开眼界。” This is a voice of young man. 这是一个年轻男子的声音。 However this sound comes out, presents in the hearts of all people, is thump, jumped maliciously! 然而这声音一出来,在场所有人的心中,都是‘咚’的一声,狠狠的跳了一下! In an instant, almost could not feel including a oneself breath. 刹那间,几乎连自己个的呼吸都感觉不到了。 This young master? 本公子? Wan'er? 婉儿 Dares such to call to Wan Of The Clouds, as if only then...... 敢对云端之婉这么称呼的,似乎就只有…… This...... 这…… the next moment, only hears the Wan Of The Clouds respectful sound saying: Yes! Servants this brings.” 下一刻,只听到云端之婉恭敬的声音说道:“是!奴婢这就去取来。” In all person hearts layer on layer jumps: Servants! 所有人心中又是重重一跳:奴婢! This...... The person of speech unexpectedly seriously is...... Is that person?! 这……说话的人竟当真是……是那人?! Although everyone has guessed who comes out that person is, but actually nobody dares to say. 虽然每一个人都猜了出来那人是谁,但却没一个人敢说出口。 No wonder, no wonder a today's Wan Of The Clouds counter- past gently may the disposition of person, become so strong, originally...... Unexpectedly because of that person also here! 怪不得,怪不得今天的云端之婉一反以往温婉可人的性格,变得如此强硬,原来……竟是因为那个人也在这里! This no wonder! 这就难怪了! Since this person here, do not say that is Elder that Shining Sun School sends \; Even if all Elder Law Protector of Shining Sun School under together with Sovereign, all high levels here are standing completely, so long as this person spoke, that is the absolute authority! 既然这个人也在这里,不要说是照日宗派出来的一个长老\;就算是照日宗连同掌门之下所有长老护法,所有高层全部都在这里站着,这个人只要说了话,那就是绝对的权威! Definitely will not have half individual opposition! 绝对不会有半个人反对! Even, must respect hundred times of thousand times compared with the present old man! 甚至,比现在的老者还要尊敬百倍千倍! The vision of all people, are full of the gaze of sympathetic meaning the Shining Sun School theater box. 所有人的目光,充满同情意味的注视着照日宗的包厢。 Inside, simply continually the loud breathing did not have now, an only silence. 里面,现在干脆连粗重的呼吸声都没了,只余一片寂静。 Only hears the Wan Of The Clouds sound to shout to clear the way: „Haven't you heard? Ear deaf? young master must have a look at that grain of value 5 billion Washes Marrow Pill! Hasn't hurried to deliver? Looks down upon my family young master?” 只听见云端之婉的声音喝道:“你们没有听到么?耳朵都聋了么?公子爷要看看那一粒价值5000000000的洗髓丹!还不赶紧送上来?看不起我家公子么?” Such remarks, the people stare first, at once sees the light suddenly, performs is almost a blood spurts. 此言一出,众人先是一愣,旋即顿悟,尽都是几乎一口血喷出来。 The House of the Chaotic Storm conduct, really did not reason with the pinnacle. 翻云覆雨楼行事,果然是不讲理到了极致。 First pressed others to raise the price forcefully, you did not bid are not good, bid to lower were not good, finally from 300 million lifted the price 5 billion. Forces others to buy. 先是强行压着人家将价格提了上来,你不出价也不行,出价低了还不行,最后生生将价格从300000000抬到了5000000000。强迫人家买下来。 This is the stance that clarifies to want others to lose everything! 这就已经是摆明要人家倾家荡产的架势! However this has not calculated, after others buy, only because of a few words, unexpectedly also makes the thing that others will spend 5 billion to buy deliver! 然而这还不算完,在人家买下来之后,就只因为一句话,居然还让人家将花了5000000000才买到的东西送上去! Obviously, must let your white bloom that 5 billion! 显而易见,就是要让你白花那5000000000! Throws away carelessly does not calculate, because a water splash has not seen. 连打水漂都不算,因为连个水花都没见到。 This has not gone too far purely, was ruthless directly! 这已经不是单纯的欺人太甚了,直接就是赶尽杀绝了! But, even if others said clearly must be ruthless, can you be what kind of? 但,就算人家旗帜鲜明的说要赶尽杀绝了,你又能怎么样呢? Takes a broad view at this world, who dares the disobedient Young Master Bai words? 放眼这个天下,又谁敢忤逆白公子的话? Is disobedient, is not looks for itself not to be comfortable, but directly was the meaning of courting death! 敢忤逆的,都不是自己找自己不自在,而直接就是找死的意思了!
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