RITF :: Volume #4

#301: Do you dare to look down upon me? 【First!】

Just, wants to come Wan Girl of this clouds, should receive the hand. After all others Shining Sun School has given you such a huge face! Kills people not the excessive point place, although did not have a place, was similar to the place! 只不过,想来这位云端婉姑娘,也应该收手了。毕竟人家照日宗给了你们这么一个天大的面子!杀人不过头点地,尽管头还没点地,却也跟点地差不多了! However...... 然而…… The development of situation stems from unexpected of people once more, what also or is all people have not thought is...... 事态的发展再次出乎众人的意料之外,又或者说是所有人都没想到的是…… Wan'er does not plan to give up unexpectedly. 婉儿居然并不打算善罢甘休。 After the Shining Sun School old man bids 500 million, sound clear saying of Wan'er: Really wins, raises the price directly two hundred million? Our House of the Chaotic Storm leaves ten hundred million! How many Shining Sun School do you leave? Since wins, won't instigate in light of this?” 照日宗老者出价500000000之后,婉儿的声音清脆的说道:“果然是志在必得,直接提价两个亿么?我们翻云覆雨楼出十个亿!照日宗你们出多少?既然是志在必得,不会就此怂了吧?” This is not speaks the last words visibly, simply applied makeup. 这已经不是明着叫板,干脆就是生生打脸了。 In the field a sound in an uproar rises from all directions. 场中一片哗然声四起。 Cannot think absolutely the matter will change to this situation unexpectedly. 万万想不到事情居然会变化到这种地步。 Shining Sun School that old man opens mouth, long time is speechless, obviously was silly, does not know one should say anything. 照日宗那老者张着嘴,半晌无语,显然是已经傻了,不知道自己该说点什么了。 Kills people not the excessive point place, I said that has placed under your foot to trample for you face, but you are not willing to give up and come such one unexpectedly! 杀人不过头点地,我都已经那么说了,已经是将脸放在您的脚底下供您践踏了,但你竟然不肯善罢干休又来了这么一手! This he what matter called? 这他么的叫什么事呢? This is...... I know that I did the wrong thing, to apologize, extended own face, said submissively: Please pull out, so long as you calm down become. 这就是……我知道自己做错事了,为了赔不是,将自己的脸伸过去,低声下气地说:请您抽,只要您消气就成。 But the opposite person actually pulls out does not pull out, instead came one: Does not pull out! Has pulled out dirty my hand! However, matter that since dares to make the mistake, must have hurrying that continues to be wrong , to continue to get down to me wrong! 但对面的人却是连抽都不抽,反而来了一句:不抽!抽了脏了我的手!但是,既然敢做错的事情,就得有继续错下去的赶紧,给我继续错下去! Does not do good, I do not comply! 不做不行,我不答应! Shining Sun School that old man long time meets taste to come, the air/Qi results in the whole face purple bulge, belly toad general fluctuate, several times want to call out one: What your can in the end make? Really goes too far! Bullies the person also to bully, takes advantage own is powerful, bullied the person not to have? Is in the end what kind of? Is happier!” 照日宗那老者半晌会过味来,气得满脸紫胀,肚子癞蛤蟆一般的起起伏伏,有好几次想要暴喝一声:“你们到底要做什么?实在是欺人太甚!欺负人还想怎么欺负,依仗自身实力强大,欺负人起来没完了么?到底想怎么样?痛快些!” But, these words transferred several in the mouth, finally does not have the courage to say. 但,这句话在嘴边转了好几圈,终于还是没有胆子说出来。 Hesitant over and over, this submissively said: I looked that girl wins, this Washes Marrow Pill we no longer tendered. Miss Wan'er you take away are.” 犹豫再三,这才低声下气地说道:“我看姑娘才是志在必得,这颗洗髓丹我们不再竞价了。婉儿姑娘您拿走就是。” These words come out, all people felt for him sad. 这句话出来,所有人都为他感到了难过。 However, showing weakness of these words went to the pinnacle! 不过,这句话的示弱已经去到了极致! Believes has not compared this stance again lowly, how flamboyant your House of the Chaotic Storm is. At this moment should also lift the hand? 相信再也没有比这个姿态更低的了,你翻云覆雨楼就算是再如何的牛逼。此刻也该抬抬手了吧? However, to a day character room, sound strong saying of Miss Wan'er: What did you say?! What is I wins? What is called you not to bid? Visits me to win, therefore gives me? To be saying that I do oppress others by the potential? Said that our House of the Chaotic Storm does oppress others by the potential? I do not need you to modestly decline, everybody wins, that then price high results, continues to bid to me! You do not bid, looks down upon me!” 然而,到天字一号房之中,婉儿姑娘的声音强硬的说道:“你说什么?!什么叫我才是志在必得?什么叫做你不出价了?看我志在必得,所以才让给我?岂不是在说我以势压人?还是说我们翻云覆雨楼以势压人?我不用你谦让,大家都是志在必得,那便价高者得,给我继续出价!你不出价,就是看不起我!” Instant, people complete silence, entire room fell silent. 瞬时,众人鸦雀无声,满室寂然 Did I go? Including oppressed others to put in order by the potential, so-called distorted the facts, confuses right and wrong is also mediocre?! 我了个去?连以势压人都整出来了,所谓颠倒黑白,混淆是非也就不过如此了吧?! This is the stance of being unforgiving! 这是不依不饶的架势啊! The face of Shining Sun School, the past pulled out in turn! Pulls out not to end! Various postures is trading pulling out! 照日宗的脸,反过来正过去一个劲地抽!抽起来就没完!各种姿势的换着抽! If you cannot bear dare to choke the sound, I in the past killed you! 你要是忍不住敢呛声,我就过去弄死你! If you do not choke the sound...... Also the line , to continue to bid, I have bid in any case, you continue to leave, must with leaving! 你要是不呛声……也行,继续出价,反正我出价了,你持续跟着出吧,必须跟着出! To this situation, all people clearly knew this Miss Wan'er wants to make anything: At least the value 300 million things, do you bully, wanting 10 million to take away? I cannot! You dare to bully, I dare to depend upon bully you! Don't you want to profit? I make you to surpass the original price several times to take away! 到了这地步,所有人都是明明白白地知道了这位婉儿姑娘想要做什么:至少价值300000000的东西,你仗势欺人,想要10000000拿走?我偏偏就不许!你敢仗势欺人,我就敢仗势欺你!你不是想要占便宜么?我偏偏让你以超出本来价钱的好几倍来拿走! Such procedure was stands this side Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion very much explicitly. 这样的做法是很明确地站在了灵宝阁这一边。 In was Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion supports. 在为灵宝阁撑腰了。 Liu Changjun and other Assassin and Wan Zenghao and the others, this meeting sincerity feeling comfortably! 柳长君杀手万正豪等人,这会真心地感觉舒爽得不行了! Was similar to is the big hot days has eaten a delicious ice piece suddenly. 如同是大热天突然吃了一口香甜可口的冰块。 From top of the head continuously properly to foot heart. 从头顶一直熨帖到了脚心。 Real Zhengtai was crisp! 真正太爽了! Cannot be crisp simply! 简直是不能再爽了! Including Liu Changjun that has pulled a long face all year round unexpectedly also rare has revealed the smiling face, although dodges to pass, but can make this person reveal the smiling face, that is including the matter that Ye Xiao cannot achieve! 连一年到头一直绷着脸的柳长君居然也难得的流露了笑容,虽然只是一闪而逝,但能让此君露笑脸,那可是连叶笑都做不到的事情! Make your Shining Sun School flamboyant! Let your pressure we! Let you only want to profit wholeheartedly! Snort, right now profits to occupy, to compel silly? Right now can't the onset and retreat? 让你照日宗牛逼!让你威压我们!让你一心只想要占便宜!哼,这下子占便宜占成傻、逼了吧?这下子进退不能了吧? Reserves a room, a that old man almost old blood of Shining Sun School has spurted in light of this. 包房中,照日宗的那老者几乎一口老血就此喷了出来。 Felt one type the chatty disgusting feeling of clearly having eaten the bowel movement. 清晰地感受到了一种吃了大便的腻歪恶心感觉。 To explode innumerable roars: Must look down upon you, how to drop! 无数次想要爆吼一句:就是要看不起你们了,怎么滴吧! But, the opposite is actually the origin not measured that the strength not measures House of the Chaotic Storm that influence not measures, these words, how can exit / to speak? 但,对面却是来历莫测,实力莫测、势力莫测的翻云覆雨楼,这句话,如何能够出口? Even, even if others lets your eat shit, you also eating of little darling! 甚至于,就算是人家真的让你吃屎,你也得乖乖的吃! After eating meal, must thank others entertainments mostly, but must commend loudly delicious! 吃饭之后,多半还要感谢人家的招待,还要大声称赞好吃! Otherwise, so long as others is not satisfactory, entire School all every large or small old and young young, must have bad luck with you! 否则,只要人家一个不满意,整个宗门上上下下所有的大大小小老老幼幼,都要跟着你倒霉! Trembles the lip saying: I understood, we leave 1.5 billion.” 哆嗦着嘴唇说道:“我明白了,我们出1500000000。” Until speaking these words, the whole person was similar to screened out the backbone, the whole face was grayish white, as if whole person in this moment baseless old over 100 years old. 及至说完这句话,整个人就如同被抽走了脊梁骨,满脸灰白,似乎整个人在这一刻凭空老了100多岁。 At this moment was grieved and miserable, making person see, must have must skim tears of the sympathy. 这一刻惨然与凄凉,让人看到了,少不得要掬一把同情之泪。 Too miserable! 太惨了! However opposite Miss Wan'er or has not seen his present sad scene, or dislikes him to be not very miserable, the clear delightful sound resounds once again: Really wins, is really the big School writing skill, enhances three times! But I also win, 3 billion were good!” 然而对面婉儿姑娘或者是没看到他现在的惨象,又或者还是嫌他不够惨,清脆悦耳的声音再度响起:“果然是志在必得,果然是大宗门的手笔,又多提高三倍么!可我也是志在必得,就3000000000好了!” The words come here, first did not say that old man how, the light is other people in field has the impulsion that wanted to spit blood: girl, what degree your can in the end bully to be willing to give up person? Others that side is full of admiration kneeling! 话到这里,先不说那老者如何,光是场中的其他人都生出了一股想要吐血的冲动:姑娘,你到底要把人欺负到什么程度才肯罢休呢?人家那边都已经是五体投地的跪了呀! This Shining Sun School old man, in Shining Sun School, that is also the pivotal and High level character as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced. 这位照日宗的老者,在照日宗之中,那也是举足轻重、言出法随的高级人物。 But at this moment, so was been red 但此时此刻,却是被人如此赤 Bare The shame of bare, leaving no ground. 裸、不留余地的羞辱。 With one stuffy, the old man catches a blood that in the mouth overflows with the sleeves, sad and shrill saying: I leave 5 billion! Miss Wan'er, was this price always OK?” 随着一声闷哼,那老者用衣袖接住口中溢出来的一口血,凄厉的说道:“我出5000000000!婉儿姑娘,这个价钱总可以了吧?” Above stopped, the Miss Wan'er sound said: My family young master Zeng speech/words, since offended, that must offend to dying, offends in the end to be good. The enmity has had in any case...... Offends some not to relate simply again.” 上面停顿了一下,婉儿姑娘的声音说道:“我家公子爷曾言,既然已经得罪了,那就更加要向死里面得罪,得罪到底才好。反正仇已经结下了……索性再多得罪一些也没有关系。” Shining Sun School old man anxious illness said loudly: This matter has only self to blame obsolete, what to come did becoming enemies say? Miss Wan'er, this matter head-family actually does not recognize. Our two are always friendly, today temporary misunderstanding......” 照日宗老者急疾大声道:“此事乃是老朽咎由自取,何来结仇之说?婉儿姑娘,这件事本宗却是不认的。我们两家历来友好,今日不过一时的误会……” ............ ………… <\; asked the monthly ticket! >\; <\;求月票!>\;
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