RITF :: Volume #3

#300: Doesn't bid? It is not good! 【Fourth!】

Right now, presents all people to fall into the complete silence once again lonesome however. 这下子,在场所有人再度陷入鸦雀无声的寂然之中。 On Shining Sun School selling quotation that face red white. 照日宗喊价那人脸上一阵红一阵白。 House of the Chaotic Storm the meaning of threat, is unexpectedly obvious, but must not have to conceal. 翻云覆雨楼的威胁之意,竟是比自己还要明显,还要全无掩饰。 Is simply the direct point comes out the Shining Sun School name! 更是干脆直接点出来照日宗的名字! You pressed others with the Shining Sun School reputation a moment ago, I use House of the Chaotic Storm to press you now! 你刚才用照日宗的名头来压别人,我现在就用翻云覆雨楼来压你! Aren't you win? Welcome to increase price bidding! 你不是志在必得么?欢迎加价竞拍! Do you dare?! 你敢么?! Then called the losing face report, was the natural justice circulation, the retribution is not feeling well seriously! 这才叫现眼报呢,当真是天理循环,报应不爽! Besides the Shining Sun School person, other people completely felt a heartfelt comfort. 除了照日宗的人之外,其余所有人尽都感觉到了一阵由衷的舒爽。 We cannot stir up your Shining Sun School, but some people can stir up! 我们是惹不起你们照日宗,但是有人惹得起! Moreover, that person has made noise, even if your Shining Sun School, honestly. 而且,那人出声了,就算是你们照日宗,也得老老实实的。 Shining Sun School that person has not spoken, was pale a face to sit. Facing House of the Chaotic Storm this unfathomable and mysterious, to the special organization of suitable situation, Shining Sun School also only has been formidable able to choose to pretend ignorance , to continue to get down strongly, will form the unnecessary open fight between factions inevitably, the gain does not equal the loss. 照日宗那人没有说话,铁青着一张脸坐了下来。面对翻云覆雨楼这种神秘莫测,强大到了相当地步的特殊组织,照日宗也只能选择装聋作哑,继续强硬下去,势必形成不必要的火并,得不偿失。 Another side, Stars Sect Li Wanchun almost happy smiles to make noise: This! Your isn't Shining Sun School very flamboyant? Now suffered loss without redress? Ha Ha Ha...... 另一边,星辰门李万春差点高兴的笑出声来:该!你们照日宗不是很牛逼么?现在吃了哑巴亏了吧?哈哈哈…… Saw that the Shining Sun School person has burnt out, the Guan Wanshan spirit shakes, said: Pill Clouds Washes Marrow Pill, the 300 million first time, the 300 million second time......” 眼看着照日宗的人熄火了,关万山精神一震,道:“丹云洗髓丹,300000000第一次,300000000第二次……” Holds on a minute!” Wan'er said. “且慢!”婉儿说道。 People surprised: Another holding on a minute, what can this make? 众人一阵惊讶:又一个‘且慢’,这又要做什么啊? Only listens to the Wan'er speaker saying: Shining Sun School, installed the mute not to make noise had not finished up on behalf of the matter, weren't you claiming of beautiful mouth won a moment ago? How I bid, your mute? Is this so-called super School enunciation?” 只听婉儿扬声说道:“照日宗的,装哑巴不出声不代表事情就完事了,您们刚才不是红口白牙的声称志在必得么?怎么我一出价,你们就哑巴了?这就是所谓超级宗门的口齿么?” Shining Sun School was selected the head once again. 照日宗又一次被人点到了头上。 This time truly concerned the Shining Sun School prestige, did not make noise definitely is incorrect, if continued to pretend ignorance again, even if has mixed at present this pass/test, returned to School, they must pay the extremely heavy price! 这次确实关乎到了照日宗的声誉,再不出声肯定是不行的,若是再继续装聋作哑,就算混过眼前这关,回到宗门,他们也得付出极其沉重的代价! On the Shining Sun School three faces turned into the big scarlet cloth, looks the vision that entire hall all people shoot, wishes one could to drill to the table under. 照日宗三个人脸上都变成了大红布,看着整个大厅所有人射过来的目光,恨不得钻到桌子底下去。 In the heart is also the infinite surprise: Had not heard House of the Chaotic Storm and Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion have any friendship. 心中也是无限诧异:没听说过翻云覆雨楼灵宝阁有什么交情啊。 Now such helps Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion? Is spares no effort simply! 现在怎么这么帮助灵宝阁?简直是不遗余力啊! Only feared that has strangely. 这其中,只怕是另有古怪啊。 Is, that Wan Of The Clouds calmly, was waiting for obviously they answered. 还有就是,那位云端之婉静静地,显然是在等待着他们回话。 Shining Sun School that old man has stood, a kindness of face, said with a smile: Although our Shining Sun School really very pleasing this Washes Marrow Pill, but, since Wan Girl has a mind, exit / to speak tendering, we from, when makes concessions.” 照日宗那位老者站了起来,一脸的和颜悦色,微笑道:“虽然我们照日宗真的很中意这洗髓丹,但,既然婉姑娘有心,出口竞价,我们自当退让一步。” You think that who you are? Do I need you to make concessions?” Wan'er said: We do not need your making concessions, is only my such a few words, others also think that I have adopted any ignominious method, threatens others by the House of the Chaotic Storm power and influence, that and other evil reputations, I cannot shoulder, cannot undertake, how could this building prestige falls lightly.” “你以为你是谁?我需要你退让么?”婉儿说道:“我们不需要你们的退让,只是我自己这么一句话,别人还以为我采取了什么不光彩的手段,以翻云覆雨楼的威势来威吓别人,那等恶名,我可不能担负,也承担不起,本楼威名岂能轻坠。” These words in fact have been cursing at people, implied that the opposite party intimidates the generation of threat, simultaneously has not been serious with oneself School reputation, sees steps on lowly, sees tall Bai. 这句话实际上已经是在骂人了,更暗指对方乃是威逼恐吓之辈,同时还不拿自家宗门名声当回事,见低踩,见高拜。 The Shining Sun School three people clench teeth secretly, actually does not dare to open the conflict lightly, strives says with a smile dry: Wan Girl spoke discreetly. On this day next within, who dares so to slander House of the Chaotic Storm? The price that Wan Girl pays is very just, conforms with that Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill value, that Washes Marrow Pill turns over to girl by rights ought to obtained.” 照日宗三个人暗暗咬牙,却仍是不敢轻启争端,勉力干笑道:“婉姑娘言重了。这天下间,谁敢如此污蔑翻云覆雨楼?况且,婉姑娘出的价钱很公道,整合那丹云级数洗髓丹的价值,那颗洗髓丹理当归姑娘所得。” My where speaks discreetly, fact all at present.” Wan Girl coldly said: But, since you said the price that I pay is very just, you a moment ago by starting bid price 10 million bidding, is what's the matter? could it be that your Shining Sun School wealth is specially valuable, do 10 million arrive at other people 300 million?” “我哪里有言重,事实俱在眼前。”婉姑娘冷冷道:“不过,既然你说我出的价钱很公道,你刚才以起拍价10000000竞拍,又算是怎么回事?难道你们照日宗的钱财特别值钱,10000000抵得他人300000000?” The Shining Sun School person almost air/Qi broke the belly. 照日宗的人几乎气破了肚皮。 This woman in the end? We so were submissive, does she also such hold us not to put? 这娘们儿到底是咋地了?我们都已经这么低声下气了,她怎地还就这么抓住我们就不放了? We have not offended you. 我们可没有得罪你丫。 Where he actually knows, if before again half quarter , said that House of the Chaotic Storm will not have managed, is glad to look at the joke, is not necessarily impossible, makes them buy Medicine Pill by 10 million prices. 他却哪里知道,若是再半刻钟之前这么说的话,翻云覆雨楼还真的不会管,乐得看笑话,未必不可能,就让他们以10000000的价格将丹药买走。 After all, House of the Chaotic Storm these time sends out, a bigger degree accompanies young master to relax, from the start has not wanted to compete for any thing. 毕竟,翻云覆雨楼这一次出动,更大程度是陪着公子爷来散散心的,压根就没想要争夺过什么东西。 But now the situation is entirely different. 但现在情况却是截然不同了。 Original intention that Feng Zhiling goes upstairs for what? Isn't this matter? If the auction were taken really away by the base price 10 million prices by Shining Sun School, has the cooperation that both sides established a moment ago how could it not be become to talk nonsense? 风之凌上楼的初衷是为了什么?不就是这件事?若是拍品真的被照日宗以底价10000000的价格就拿走了,那么,刚才双方才确立的合作关系岂不就成了放屁? No matter Miss Wan'er, is Young Master Bai, or House of the Chaotic Storm, cannot be throwing this person: Was the partner who just admitted, so bullied in front of oneself? 不管是婉儿姑娘,还是白公子,或着翻云覆雨楼,都丢不起这个人:才刚刚接纳的合作伙伴,就在自己面前被人如此欺负? Facing Miss Wan'er about 10 million interrogations, the Shining Sun School people have not spoken. 面对婉儿姑娘关于10000000的质问,照日宗的人都没有说话。 At this time, has not facilitated speaks any words again. 这时候,已经不方便再说任何话了。 So long as spoke again, was equal to offended House of the Chaotic Storm thoroughly. 只要再说话,就等同彻底得罪了翻云覆雨楼 But, they did not speak, made concessions with every effort, Wan'er still will not actually let off them, said: Convention of auction is price high results, timeless, your Shining Sun School claimed wins a moment ago to this Medicine Pill, but I bid, you do not bid, the reversed image was I oppresses others by the potential has bullied you, this evil reputation I cannot shoulder, therefore you hurried to give me to bid!” 但,他们不说话,尽最大可能退让,婉儿却仍旧不会放过他们,道:“拍卖的惯例就是价高者得,亘古不变,你们照日宗刚才声称对这颗丹药志在必得,可是我才一出价,你们就不出价了,倒像是我以势压人欺负了你们,这个恶名我可不能背负,所以你们赶紧给我出价!” These words come out, in all person hearts bright as snow: This Miss Wan'er, it seems like today clarifies looks for Shining Sun School troubled! 这句话出来,所有人心中雪亮:这位婉儿姑娘,看来今天摆明就是找定了照日宗的麻烦了! Is facing her, no doubt does not bid good, does not bid is not better! 面对着她,固然是出价不行,不出价却更不行! Shining Sun School of this little while awkwardly...... 这会儿的照日宗可是尴尬得要死了…… You pressed others to take 10 million intent to plan to be stronger a moment ago to buy. 你们刚才压着人家要10000000意图强买。 Now the retribution came. Others are pressing your forced sale! 现在报应来了。人家压着你强卖! Looked how you deal. 看你们怎么应对。 Shining Sun School that old man whole face wrinkle, sighed saying: Since girl said that our Shining Sun School naturally cannot make House of the Chaotic Storm think of as worthless, such being the case, we bid 500 million!” 照日宗那老者满脸皱纹,叹了口气说道:“既然姑娘这么说了,我们照日宗自然是不能让翻云覆雨楼被人看扁了,既然如此,我们出价500000000!” This old man also has the boldness role. 这老者也算是有魄力的角色。 The bidding price from 300 million, added two directly all of a sudden hundred million. 直接把竞拍价从300000000,一下子多加了两个亿。 Moreover explained clearly: We so tender, to pat your flatters, flatters you. Otherwise, we will not bid, were we make the foot the face to you? 而且明明白白说明了:我们这般竞价,就是为了拍你们的马屁,讨好你们。要不然,我们不会出价,我们算是把面子做足给你们了把? These words exit / to speak is easy, in the heart is actually is similar to the blade shears the general discomfort. 这句话出口容易,心中却是如同刀割一般的难受。 As super School that the entire mainland ranks among the best, has received this grievance? 作为整个大陆数一数二的超级宗门,什么时候,受过这种委屈? So applied makeup, compensation that but must get down in a low voice smiled to compensate saying that compensated tendering. 被人如此打脸,还要低声下去的赔笑赔说赔竞价。 He became prostitute! 他么的都成“三陪”了! In the field the people also completely felt the aggression of House of the Chaotic Storm, the moral nature cannot help but flood heartfelt frightened: Too was really good! A few words press Shining Sun School so to lower the head unexpectedly! 场中众人也尽都感受到了翻云覆雨楼的霸气,心底不由得泛起一股由衷的惊悚:真是太牛了!竟然一句话就压得照日宗这般低头! ............ ………… <\; four! Asked the monthly ticket! <\;四更!求月票! Cold, dizziness momentarily can fall asleep, I whistling go first. >\; 感冒,头眩晕的随时都能睡着,我先呼呼去。>\;
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