RITF :: Volume #3

#299: The price is too low 【Third!】

Wan'er nods, said: Naturally continues, any person who such has ability, is generally very fearful. No matter is evil, this Feng Zhiling, is a fearful person, particularly his disposition that calm, such person, has an achievement inevitably.” 婉儿点点头,道:“当然不止,凡是这么有能力的人,一般都很可怕。不管是正是邪,这个风之凌,都是一个可怕的人,尤其是他的心性那么的沉稳,这样的人,必然有所成就。” Young Master Bai nods slowly, said: I can feel that he deeply is very very thick to my hostility, is that melted unable to disappear.” 白公子缓缓点头,道:“我能感觉到,他对我的敌意很深很浓,是化消不了的那种。” Wan'er smiles, said: This is not strange, that should be, if no this hostility not to be normal. After all, the young master wants to subvert, is country that he is, but his idea, then protects, protects his family|home country, if he does not have the hostility to the young master, perhaps we this specially pay attention.” 婉儿一笑,道:“这个不奇怪啊,那本就是应该的,若是没有这种敌意才不正常的。毕竟,公子想要颠覆的,乃是他所在的国家,而他的理念,便是守护,守护他的家国,若是他对公子没有敌意,或许我们才该特别注意。” Perhaps was Ji Mo (lonely) too long, had a match to jump rarely.” Young Master Bai light smiling of: If this Feng Zhiling can make me treat as a genuine match to treat, that is the how rousing matter.” “或许是寂寞得太久了,难得有一个对手跳出来。”白公子淡淡的笑了笑:“若是这个风之凌能够让我将之当做一个真正对手来对待,那将是多么令人兴奋的事情。” His long sighing: „Since, has been you and Xiu'er take action, I too for a long time too long have not moved......” 他长长的叹了口气:“一直以来,都是你和秀儿出手,我已经太久太久没有活动活动了……” Wan'er said in a soft voice: This Feng Zhiling, although the talented person is outstanding, does not fall mediocre...... But also unqualified lets young master take action, and lets me and Xiu'er deals with him first one...... If he has that ability to socialize with both of us, and even defeats both of us, young master again take action was not at that time late, the match who after is good to deal with, young master take action is also personally hard to enjoy oneself to the full.” 婉儿轻声道:“这个风之凌虽然人才出众,不落凡俗……但还不够资格让公子出手,且让我和秀儿先应付他一下……若是他真的有那个能力与我们两人周旋,乃至击败我俩,彼时公子再出手也不迟,毕竟太好应付的对手,公子亲自出手也难以尽兴。” Young Master Bai smile, nod. 白公子微笑,点头。 But, the prestige is the book \; Although my conscience does not want to cooperate with him, but, since pledged the cooperation to achieve, these two big Sect matters, then must be solved, this cannot give any discount.” “不过,信誉为本\;虽然我的本心并不想与他合作,但,既然承诺合作达成,这两大门派的事情,便要解决掉,这点决计不能打任何的折扣。” Young Master Bai heavy saying: In battlefield, the standpoint opposes, naturally can stop at nothing, but, so long as has complied with the matter, no matter the enemy is a friend, must achieve!” 白公子沉沉的说道:“战场上,立场对立,自然可以无所不用其极,但,只要是答应过的事情,不管是敌是友,都一定要做到!” Wan'er nods: That is natural, Wan'er understands.” 婉儿点头:“那是自然,婉儿明白。” In Wan'er heart joyful infinite, today the accident seriously is the happiness of accident, this or then means that young master’s both legs, in soon after must restore to move! This regarding Wan'er and Xiu'er, without doubt is a huge celebration! 婉儿心中喜悦无限,今日变故当真是意外之喜,这或者便意味着,公子的双腿,在不久之后就要恢复行动了!这对于婉儿秀儿来说,无疑是一件天大的喜事! A person, when infinite delighted, often some people will jump to pour cold water, destroy the interest, even if has no interest at one fell swoop, same is makes one abhor. 只是,一个人在无限欢欣的时候,往往就会有人跳出来泼冷水,破坏兴致,就算是无心一举,一样是令人深恶痛绝。 At this moment, matter of feeling disappointed came. 此刻,扫兴的事儿真个就来了。 In Wan'er is filled with the happy time, on the hearing following person cloudy voice of said: This Washes Marrow Pill, our Shining Sun School bids, 10 million! Wins!” 正在婉儿满心高兴的时候,就听到下面一个人阴沉沉的声音说道:“这颗洗髓丹,我们照日宗出价,10000000!志在必得!” Immediately, during the field falls into one piece to be silent. 随即,场中陷入一片寂静之中。 Many person stunned looking to acoustic source defense line , many people lowered the head in light of this, no longer acts. 不少人错愕的望向声源防线,也有不少人就此低下了头,不再动作。 Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill, in the first several rounds auctions, the lowest knockdown price, has achieved three hundred million! 一颗丹云级数洗髓丹,在前几轮的拍卖中,最低成交价格,都已经达到了三个亿! Starting bid price also from 10 million rackets! 起拍价也是从10000000起拍的! But Shining Sun School opens the mouth to shout out the price unexpectedly directly 10 million! 照日宗居然直接开口叫价10000000! Tiny bit has not risen in prices, simply at starting bid price selling quotation! 一丝一毫都没有涨价,干脆以起拍价喊价! This clarifies is bullying person! 这摆明就是在欺负人! Moreover is clear acting perversely: Our Shining Sun School, bids 10 million, wins! 而且还是明明白白的耍无赖:我们照日宗,出价10000000,志在必得! The subtext is obvious: I am the Shining Sun School person, do not snatch with us! We want 10 million to buy! Who dares to snatch me to remember you...... 潜台词显而易见:我是照日宗的人,都别跟我们抢!我们就要10000000买下来!谁敢抢我就记住你了…… This does not have to conceal, scarlet, bare and bare threat! 这是全无掩饰,赤、裸、裸的威胁! Wan Zenghao hearing this almost jumped, murderous aura that Liu Changjun just diverged, condenses once again. 万正豪闻言几乎跳了起来,柳长君刚刚散去的杀气,也再度凝聚。 They have turned the head to look at Ye Xiao, obviously he showed, how then must do. 两人都转过头去看叶笑,显然是在等他示下,接下来要怎么做。 Unexpectedly Ye Xiao unexpectedly there peaceful is standing, the corners of the mouth have a smile, the meaning of completely not having acted. 不意叶笑竟就在那里安安静静的站着,嘴角含笑,全然没有动作的意思。 Guan Wanshan on stage consecrated to hear this tendering also all of a sudden to stare greatly, suddenly actually does not know how to deal. After long time, holds up to decide sound hammer, said: Shining Sun School bids 10 million, the first time, but also there are to increase price? Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill! Has over 10 million?” 台上的关万山大供奉听到这个竞价也是一下子愣了,一时间竟然不知道如何应对。半晌后才举起定音锤,说道:“照日宗出价10000000,第一次,还有没有要加价的?丹云级数洗髓丹!有没有超过10000000的?” Fatigue that these words said that with is popular high-spirited and leisurely flies horizontally widely divergently. 这句话说的有气无力,与刚才的意气风发、逸兴横飞大相径庭。 Because Guan Wanshan realized that this Washes Marrow Pill, likely must take by 10 million offers by Shining Sun School. In the field some people do not dare to stand to oppose with Shining Sun School. 因为关万山意识到,这颗洗髓丹,很可能就要被照日宗以10000000的出价拿下来。场中不会有人敢站出来跟照日宗作对。 This face, everybody must give, after all Shining Sun School is Cold Sun Continent first School. 这个面子,大家怎么也是要给的,毕竟照日宗寒阳大陆第一宗门 But, value at least 300 million things, had 10 million to sell, the most primitive starting bid price, this was at the auction...... If finalized like this , was too rather unthinkable. 但,价值至少300000000的东西,只得10000000卖出去了,就只是最原始的起拍价,这可是在拍卖会上……若是这样子成交,未免也太匪夷所思了吧。 Saw that people nobody makes noise, on Shining Sun School that face shows the light smile: Your Wan Zenghao did not agree that our conditions, is unimportant, we use this style, achieves goal, similarly has the harvest. 眼看着众人无人出声,照日宗那人脸上露出淡淡的微笑:你万正豪不同意我们的条件,不要紧,我们就用这种方式,来达成目的,同样有收获。 Afterward must do accounts with you! 事后还是要跟你们算账! That Pill Master, we must carry off! Not only need carry off, but also the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion person, will not let off! How even if you can do the occasion unmatched in grandeur auction today, even if we cannot obtain most Supreme Pill Beads, but your incomes actually completely will be our, must world to know that offended our Shining Sun School, even if you will be First Under Heaven auction hall, will unable to survive in this mainland. 那个丹师,我们也是一定要带走!不仅要带走,而且灵宝阁的人,一个都不会放过!就算你们今日能将拍卖会搞得盛况空前又如何,就算我们得不到大多数的丹云神丹,但你们的收益却将全部都是我们的,就是要让天下人都知道,得罪了我们照日宗,就算你是天下第一拍卖堂,在这个大陆上也生存不下去。 „The 10 million second time......” this moment Guan Wanshan time obviously exhausted, if the senile old person is common, the voice becomes worn out. “10000000第二次……”此刻关万山倍显疲惫,直若老态龙钟的老人一般,话音愈趋有气无力。 But in a day character room. 而在天字一号房之中。 Wan'er complexion this occasion became pale. 婉儿的脸色此际已经变得铁青。 Obviously when is happiest, suddenly hears Shining Sun School these words, unexpectedly was also threatened then...... When Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion just reached the cooperation agreement with House of the Chaotic Storm, face to face was such threatened! 明明在最高兴的时候,突然听到照日宗的这句话,然后居然还被威胁了……在灵宝阁刚刚与翻云覆雨楼达成合作协议的时候,被这么当面威胁! Issue that this may not only purely feel disappointed. 这可不仅仅是单纯扫了兴的问题。 Miss Wan'er felt on face that one just piled up with smiling face, immediately has suffered a big ear and area around it, burning. 婉儿姑娘感觉自己刚刚才堆满笑容的脸上,即时挨了一个大耳光,火辣辣的。 Although is two fortunately, but this fortunately too that anything fortunately! 虽然是两相凑巧,但这个凑巧太那啥凑巧! In the heart the one breath, lived immediately. 心中一口气,顿时就生了上来。 Even if occurred fortunately, needs some people to take responsibility! 纵然是凑巧发生的,也需要有人负责任! In the Young Master Bai eye is also the cold light dodges: This Shining Sun School, rather some are too not tactful, saw obviously Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Feng Zhiling walks safely from my reserving a room, even if not the friend of mine, person who at least has occurring together with me, dares such to do unexpectedly, how could it not be is to clarify to fall my face!. 白公子眼中也是冷光一闪:这个照日宗,未免有些太不识趣了,明明见到灵宝阁风之凌安然从我的包房中走出去,就算不是我的朋友,至少是与我有交集的人,竟然还敢这么做,岂非是在摆明落我的面子!。 „The 10 million third time......” Guan Wanshan held up has decided the sound hammer, had no alternative must fall, again following, was finally two characters that most is not willing to say finalized. “10000000第三次……”关万山举起了定音锤,无可奈何的就要落下去,再接下来,就是最最不愿意说出口的最后两字成交。 Holds on a minute!” Day character room clear delightful, but actually the cloudy sound passed on, said in a soft voice: „Do 10 million want to take away Pill Clouds level Washes Marrow Pill?” “且慢!”天字一号房一个清脆悦耳,但却阴沉沉的声音传了出来,轻声道:“10000000就想要拿走丹云级数洗髓丹?” Shining Sun School that person of stunned: Do I depending on head-family strength strong beat Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Spirit Pill, what matter this close your House of the Chaotic Storm? 照日宗那人一阵错愕:我凭本宗实力强拍灵宝阁灵丹,这关你翻云覆雨楼什么事? Only hears the Wan Of The Clouds sound to reverberate in hall: This price extremely blasphemed Supreme Pill Beads, our House of the Chaotic Storm bid, 300 million! How many your can Shining Sun School also increase price?! Aren't you win? Must tender!” 只听云端之婉的声音在大厅回荡:“这个价钱太过亵渎丹云神丹了,我们翻云覆雨楼出价,300000000!你们照日宗还要加价多少?!你们不是志在必得么?必须竞价!” ............ …………
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