RITF :: Volume #3

#298: Prince Chen Zhi 【Second!】

I go, what issue this is, what view is this? Others give you Spirit Medicine are the favour, does not give is the duty, has given the good thing to you, is such great writer, how also to draw on to interrogate! 我去,这是啥问题,这是什么说法?人家给你灵药是人情,不给是本分,都给你送了好东西,还是这么大手笔,怎么还招来质问了! This asked the law, truly speaking, was really unconsidered said! 这个问法,说实在的,实在是欠考虑的说! Has also gawked including Ye Xiao staring, even is some surprise. 叶笑也愣了愣,甚至是有些诧异。 Front three Prince, no doubt is competes for Chen Empire in the future the advantageous competitor of throne, but regarding Feng Zhiling, simply does not have any occurring together, is only \; Three people saw the Feng Zhiling great writer, thinks that Feng Zhiling has the enormous favorable impression to Chen Emperor Empire, naturally also in the future emperor also will fill favorable impression in addition to give favored treatment to Chen Emperor Empire, naturally is attempt of unremitting ample force wins over Great Monarch Feng, completely is actually indifferent regarding the battlefield situation, has medicine anything as for another three battlefields, does not pay attention. 面前的三个皇子,固然是争夺辰皇未来皇位的有利竞争者,但对于风之凌而言,根本没有任何的交集,只是\;三个人看到了风之凌的大手笔,更以为风之凌辰皇帝国有极大的好感,自然也会对辰皇帝国未来皇帝也充满好感加优待,自然是不懈余力的试图拉拢风君座,却对于战场形势全然漠不关心,至于另外三面战场有没有药什么,更加不予理会。 Is this absolutely does not have any to hope to compete for the throne on the contrary smallest Prince, very accidental asking these words. 反倒是这个绝对没有任何希望争夺皇位的最小皇子,很意外的问出来了这句话。 This was just born, had been defined lifetime small Prince by His Majesty the Emperor with the name! 这个刚刚出生,就被皇帝陛下用名字限定了一生的小皇子 Although, this question, asked very much does not have the level, was very in addition unreasonable! 虽然,这个问话,问得很没水平,外加很没道理! This medicine pill, the entire system takes time, needs the suitable raw material for medicine, temporarily surely did not have......” Ye Xiao heart miraculous glow to dodge inexplicably, takes advantage of opportunity to dope saying of some test flavors: But, you can discuss with Young Master Lan, having a look at him to branch out, pays to another three battlefields, I have given him Medicine Pill, takes responsibility by him, how regardless of he distributes, I do not have the opinion!” “这个药丹,整制需时,亦需要相当的药材,暂时是肯定没有了……”叶笑心头灵光莫名一闪,顺势掺杂了一些考验味道的说道:“不过,你或者可以跟兰公子商量一下,看看他能不能分出一些,交付给另外三面战场,我把丹药给了他,就由他做主,无论他怎么分派,我都没意见!” The Chen Zhi hearing this cheek roused the drum, actually shook the head: That is considers as finished \; The south had these medicines, can reduce many casualties, or can rewrite a victory or defeat of campaign \; If the minute were thin, unavoidably falls into the aspect of futile attempt, is difficult to receive the effect. The similar truth, was divided Medicine Pill regarding other three unable to play the major role thinly.” 辰志闻言腮帮子鼓了鼓,却摇摇头:“那还是算了\;南面有了这些药,可以减免许多伤亡,或者可以改写一场战役的胜败\;若是分薄了,不免落入杯水车薪的局面,难收奇效。同样的道理,分薄了丹药对于另外三面也不能起到大作用。” Ye Xiao somewhat was really surprised regarding the opinion of this little rascal, said: „Does the south need these many therapy Medicine Pill really?” 叶笑对于这小鬼的见解真的有些惊讶了,又道:“南面真的需要这么多的疗伤丹药么?” Chen Zhi hearing this stares, black eyeball transferred the revolutions, said: Um, by the south present condition, not necessarily needs these many therapy holy medicine!” Then is at once suddenly enlighted, loses the sound track: Unexpectedly is this...... I understood.” 辰志闻言一愣,黑眼珠子转了转,道:“嗯,以南面现在的状况,未必需要这么多的疗伤圣药啊!”旋即便恍然大悟,失声道:“竟是这样的……我明白了。” When Ye Xiao moral nature dark to praise, on mouth also intentionally asked: What did you understand? How talking incoherently so!” 叶笑心底暗赞之余,嘴上却又故意问道:“你明白什么了?怎地这般的前言不搭后语呢!” Three Prince and Lan Langlang Zuo Wuji this occasion is also concentrates the eye looks like, obviously is some are not very clear, this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, so is why interested in this also less than ten -year-old small Prince, obviously is the unreasonable interrogation, instead serious talking. 三位皇子兰浪浪左无忌此际亦都是凝目看来,显然是很有些不明白,这位灵宝阁君座,为何对这个还不到十岁的小皇子如此感兴趣,明明是无理的质问,反而一本正经的搭话。 Although Chen Zhi has the Chen Empire Prince status, Prince that most is actually not in good graces, actually also Don't said is Chen Zhi, even if Crown Prince, even is Emperor Chen Empire rules, by the Feng Zhiling Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch status, not necessarily needs to show due respect for the feelings! 辰志虽然有辰皇皇子身份,却是最不得宠的皇子,其实也莫说是辰志,就算是太子,甚至是辰皇皇帝本人君临,以风之凌灵宝阁君座的身份,也未必需要多给面子! Small Chen Zhi had not realized obviously these not participating the things, in the eye shine, said: Chen Emperor Empire, although four sides the enemy, the situation is all less optimistic, but south , since inexplicable day present phenomenon, actually presents in the special condition that one type firm cannot be urged, the attack in ordinary significance, does not have the significance \; However every day has the wars of many expert, is carried the considerable strength by the enemy side expert, the breakthrough geography barrier, sneak attacks the mountain pass forcefully, as the matter stands, soldier casualties, although has been short, but in the armed forces the damage of expert is actually big increased......” 辰志显然没有意识到那些局外的东西,眼睛里发着光,说道:“辰皇帝国虽然四面皆敌,情况不容乐观,但南面自从莫名天现异象之后,却呈现出一种牢不可催的特异状况之中,普通意义上的进攻,根本全无意义\;然而每一天却都在发生许多高手之战,由敌方身负相当实力的高手,强行突破地理屏障,偷袭关隘,这样一来,士兵伤亡虽然少了,但军中高手的损伤却是大大的增加了……” Taking this into consideration, the south results in two commanders to guard, although quite had the suspicion of waste, is in such a case, actually does not dare to withdraw troops easily, after all happens the eventuality, words that this bestowed by heaven barrier changed hands, the entire war a round will be beyond redemption.” “有鉴于此,南面得两位统帅驻守,虽然已颇有浪费之嫌,可是在这样的情况下,却又是不敢轻易撤军,毕竟一旦发生万一,这道天赐屏障易手的话,整个战局将会一发而不可收拾。” However after there are this batch of Best Quality medicine, Great General Lan can through taking turns to make in the armed forces expert relieve a garrison, first cures the injured expert injury \; Is only strength in the hand to defend Southern Border steadily like the mountain. But the Royal Highness Hua Yang respective army, can actually seize the chance to withdraw, the revolutions attacks thing both sides, as the matter stands, can make the empire crisis reverse inevitably greatly.” “然而有了这批极品伤药之后,兰大将军可以通过轮换着让军中高手换防,第一时间将受伤高手的伤势治好\;单凭着自己手中的力量就能守得南疆稳如大山。而华阳王爷所属的大军,却可以趁机撤回,转攻东西两面,这样一来,必然可以令帝国危局大大扭转。” The kids are suddenly enlighted immediately general saying: No wonder this batch of medicines must hold Young Master Lan to transmit, moreover is indicates to give Great General Lan, not to the present in Royal Highness Hua Yang that Southern Border takes responsibility, originally Great Monarch Feng wants with this means that reminds Royal Highness Hua Yang and Great General Lan, should have a person to withdraw troops, where stationed, too the waste military strength.” 小家伙随即又恍然大悟一般的说道:“难怪这批药要托兰公子转交,而且是指明交给兰大将军,并不是给现在正在南疆做主的华阳王爷,原来风君座是想要用这种办法,来提醒华阳王爷兰大将军,该有一个人撤兵了,都驻留在哪里,太浪费兵力了。” Hears kid explanation, the people completely are suddenly enlighted. 听得小家伙这一番解释,众人尽都恍然大悟。 Really cannot think of this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, but sends out three bottles of medicines, inside unexpectedly also so many [say / way]. 真是想不到这位灵宝阁君座,不过只是送出三瓶药,内里竟还有这么多的道道。 At this time, Zuo Wuji at the same time inserted tastes: But young your highness whether knows...... Why didn't Great Monarch Feng simply state clearly?” 这时,一边的左无忌插口道:“但小殿下是否知道……风君座为何不干脆明说呢?” Small Chen Zhi stares to think that said: This...... Great Monarch Feng throughout is not a deliberation hall people, something, must avoid suspicion, even if he does not care, other person will care.” 辰志瞪着眼睛想了想,说道:“这个……风君座始终不是朝堂中人,有些事情,还是要避嫌的,就算他不在意,别的人还是会在意的。” Zuo Wuji vision one bright, claps saying: Good good, insightful.” 左无忌目光一亮,拍手说道:“不错不错,有见地。” Immediately added one: Very good to be very good.” 随即又加了一句:“很好很好。” Ye Xiao also again looked at one to Chen Zhi \; The intelligence of this small Prince, stems from itself to expect obviously greatly beside. 叶笑辰志也是再多看了一眼\;这个小皇子的聪慧,显然是大大出乎自己预料之外的。 ...... …… At this time, auction has carried on middle stage, was in the superheating stage, Supreme Pill Beads Cultivating Yuan Pill, this meeting has sold completely not to have, last, pats 60 million high prices directly. 此时,拍卖会已经进行到了中期,进入了白热化阶段,丹云神丹培元丹,这会已经全部都卖没了,最后一颗,直接拍出来60000000的高价。 Other Medicine Pill, have also patted similar half now. Lowest knockdown price, has achieved one hundred million! 其他的丹药,如今也已经拍了差不多一半。最低的成交价格,也达到了一个亿! Although other Medicine Pill, are Supreme Pill Beads, the drug efficacy must above Cultivating Yuan Pill, but the lower limit was hundred million knockdown prices, was still shocking, shocked everybody! 虽然其他的丹药,亦都是丹云神丹,药效也要更在培元丹之上,但下限为一个亿的成交价格,仍是骇人听闻,惊世骇俗! This is auctions in history directly the auction of best fork most high-end \; The rough estimate, after this auctions, the amount of pats, only feared that compared with this year during, the sum totals of entire mainland all auction turnovers must be higher. 这直接就是拍卖史上最牛叉最高端的一场拍卖会\;粗略估计,这场拍卖完毕之后,所拍出来的金额,只怕要比这一年之中,整个大陆所有拍卖会成交金额的总和还要更高。 Even, possibly is much higher than that digit. 甚至,可能是远远高于那个数字。 Different from under irritable auction grand occasion, reserves a room on the 23 rd the complexions of two big Sect six people during situated in the day character, at this moment was cloudy to drop the water leakage as if. 不同于下方火爆的拍卖盛况,位于天字23号包房之中两大门派六个人的脸色,此刻已经阴沉得仿佛能滴出水来。 They have been able to determine a matter basically: Obviously, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion has not planned to leave their any advantage! 他们已经基本可以确定一件事了:显而易见,灵宝阁并没有打算留给他们任何的好处! The front threat, has not affected completely, if so is silly is treating, really must have no harvest at all! 前面的威胁,完全没有作用,若是再这么傻愣愣的待着,就真的要颗粒无收了! Taking this into consideration, they prepared take action. 有鉴于此,他们准备出手了。 How to say again that these Medicine Pill, oneself Sect must take. 再怎么说,这些丹药,自己门派是必须要拿回去一点的。 Disregards own dignity as for Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, this account, does not calculate that is unavailable! 至于灵宝阁无视自己的尊严,这笔账,也是非算不可得! Dares not to give me Stars Sect / to fall the Sun Sect face unexpectedly, you to me...... 竟然敢不给我星辰门/落日宗面子,你给我记着…… Snort! 哼! At this time, only did not have participation, and even prepares to involve the auction, throughout in a silencing day character room. Since that Great Monarch Feng exits, quiet Young Master Bai has started talking towering. 这时,唯一一个没有参与、乃至准备介入拍卖,始终静寂的天字一号房之中。自从那位风君座出去之后,一直沉静的白公子突兀地开口说话了。 Wan'er, do you look what kind of?” 婉儿,你看怎么样?” Wan'er stares, immediately understands that said: Feng Zhiling? Person who he is one has ability without doubt very much.” 婉儿一愣,随即明白,道:“风之凌?他无疑是一个很有能力的人。” Young Master Bai smiled: Has ability?” 白公子笑了:“只是有能力?” ............ …………
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