RITF :: Volume #3

#297: Delivers Monarch Spirit Pill 【First!】

Great Monarch Feng harnesses to visit, does not know...... What has?” Lan Langlang these words asked was quite careful, was still the manner was appropriate, was really famous in the Capital City three calamities, is unworthy of the name. 风君座大驾莅临,不知道……有何事?”兰浪浪这句话问的极为小心,却仍是举止得当,委实于京城三害鼎鼎大名,名不副实,。 Em, is must ask Young Master Lan to help this majesty one slightly busy.” Ye Xiao said lightly: Some things, must ask Young Master Lan to transmit to Great General Lan.” “恩,乃是要请兰公子本座一个小忙。”叶笑淡淡道:“有些东西,要请兰公子转交给兰大将军。” Lan Langlang said: Um? What thing is may I ask?” 兰浪浪说道:“嗯?敢问是什么东西呢?” Ye Xiao turns the hand, in the hand presented three jade bottle. 叶笑一翻手,手中出现了三只玉瓶 In each jade bottle, is full Medicine Pill of dense and numerous soybean size. 每一只玉瓶里面,都充盈着密密麻麻黄豆大小的丹药 All was sees this person, the vision completely has locked that three bottles of Spirit Pill, cannot move again, somewhat was rapid including the breath. 举凡是见到这一幕的人,目光尽都锁定了那三瓶灵丹,再也移动不开,连呼吸都有些急促了。 Can Spirit Pill that Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion and Great Monarch deliver, how with slightly? 灵宝阁君座送出来的灵丹,岂同小可? Does not know that is Supreme Pill Beads? 就是不知道,是不是丹云神丹呢? Changes mind thinks that radically is the wishful thinking, dream of a fool, according to the approximate estimate of range estimate, inside each only jade bottle Medicine Pill, at least must have more than 100, if is Supreme Pill Beads, bought to be similar entire Cold Sun Continent sufficiently! 只是转念一想,那根本就是痴心妄想,痴人说梦,按照目测的大致估量,每只玉瓶里边的丹药,至少也得有100多颗,若全都是丹云神丹,足以将整个寒阳大陆买下来都差不多了! This was I a while ago the developed small gadget...... Knife wound Spirit Pill.” Ye Xiao looks at Lan Langlang, heavy [say / way]: In this each bottle, altogether 200 \; In use, only need hydrate with a large bowl Medicine Pill, can use for three people, treats the injury...... Within three days, the package guarantees the weight flesh wound, all recoverable.” “这是我前段时间研制出来的小玩意……金创灵丹。”叶笑看着兰浪浪,沉沉道:“这每一瓶中,共得200颗\;使用时,只需将一颗丹药用一个大碗将水化开,便可供三个人使用,治疗伤势……三天之内,包保轻重外伤,皆可痊愈。” Lan Langlang hearing this sigh has stood, the eye stares like the bell, the breath shortness: „Do this words take seriously?” 兰浪浪闻言“呼”的一声站了起来,眼瞪如铃,呼吸急促:“此话当真?” Presents other people of hearing these words, completely all of a sudden reddens all over the face, two illumination! 在场其他的听到这句话的人,也尽都是一下子满脸通红,两眼发光! So wonderful Medicine Pill, really has these many! 如此神妙的丹药,竟然有这么多! May suffice three people to use, one bottle of 200, here has three bottles! 一颗可够三人用,一瓶200颗,这里有三瓶! To say that has 2000 severely injureds, was almost sufficient! 岂不是说就算是有2000名重伤者,也差不多够用了! This specifically aimed at flesh wound knife wound Spirit Pill, regarding the battlefield serviceman, is to save a life without doubt divine medicine! 这等专门针对外伤的金创灵丹,对于战阵军人来说,无疑是救命神药 Had these three bottles of Medicine Pill, many should the severely wounded incurable serviceman, count can restore during the day! 有了这三瓶丹药,许多原本应该重伤不治的军人,数日间就能够恢复! Can maintain a livelihood! 就能够活命! Even, but can also continue to fight! 甚至,还能够继续战斗! The weight of this gift, is it may be said that unequalled! 这份礼物的重量,可谓无与伦比! Supreme Pill Beads this occasion was hounded by these many people and these many influences, regards, if unsurpassed treasure \; But regarding the serviceman in battlefield, Supreme Pill Beads was actually well below that these three bottles of Medicine Pill are valuable. 丹云神丹此际被这么多人、这么多势力追捧,视若无上珍宝\;但对于战场上的军人来说,丹云神丹却远远不如这三瓶丹药有价值。 Because, these bottles of Medicine Pill, are then representing the brothers robe Ze's life! 因为,这几瓶丹药,便是代表着自己兄弟袍泽的性命! A pair of hand of Lan Langlang shivered. Tight grasps these three bottles of knife wound Spirit Pill in the hand, is similar to is holding own life, saying of language inadequate sound: Many thanks! Many thanks......” 兰浪浪的一双手都颤抖了起来。紧紧的将这三瓶金创灵丹握在手中,如同捧着自己的命,语不成声的说道:“多谢!多谢了……” Ye Xiao smiles, the racket his shoulder. 叶笑微笑一下,拍拍他的肩膀。 This medicine, if give Lan Langlang by the Ye Xiao status, the Lan Langlang potential then necessity owes a huge favour. Moreover, everybody brothers, Ye Xiao do not think such. 这药,若是自己以叶笑的身份给兰浪浪,那么,兰浪浪势便必要欠自己一个天大的人情。而且,大家兄弟,叶笑也不想那样子。 Since the ancient times, the debt of gratitude is always the most difficult debt also! 自古以来,人情债从来都是最难还的债! However, delivers from the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch Feng Zhiling hand, was different. 然而,从灵宝阁君座风之凌手中送出去,却又不同了。 Because of this Great Monarch...... Is the donation, is actually not the donation between friends. 因为这个君座……乃是捐赠,却不是朋友之间的赠予。 This significance is different. 这个意义是不同的。 Temporarily rushing a job, only makes these many.” Ye Xiao smile: Said again the material also uses was similar, first is the Great General Lan south regiment treats the sick and wounded, as for other...... I try to find the solution again, excuses me.” “临时赶工,只做出来这么多。”叶笑微笑:“再说材料也用的差不多了,先为兰大将军的南面军团治疗一下伤患,至于其他的……我再想办法,见谅则个。” I went, what view this is, gives such rich good thing, unexpectedly must excuse me, where this is the theory? 我了个去,这是什么说法,给出这么丰厚的好东西,居然还要见谅则个,这是从哪里论的呢? Wait / Etc., what that did Feng Zhiling finally say a moment ago? 等等,那个风之凌刚才最后说什么了? It is not excuses me, is excuses me front that as for other...... I try to find solution again! 不是“见谅则个”,是“见谅则个”前面那句“至于其他的……我再想办法”! could it be that said that such big writing skill has not calculated unexpectedly, following also has??! 难道说,这么大的手笔居然还不算完,后续还有??! Hears these words, these big influence big School people and hidden world loose cultivator fortunately, their after all extremely few contamination world country dust of travel, however the Hero of these sides, a place overlord, actually from these words, heard many overtones. 听到这番话的,那些大势力大宗门中人、隐世散修还好点,他们毕竟极少沾染人间国家征尘,然而那些一方之雄,一地霸主,却自这番话中,听到了许多弦外之音。 Great Monarch Feng Zhiling, and even entire Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, to Chen Emperor Empire, at least is Great General Lan I have the enormous favorable impression, even is some relation, the wrong non- so how so upright and frank conduct, so procedure what Yi will be declaring to the common people that dares to start to Great General Lan, will be hostile'oppose with Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion! 君座风之凌,乃至整个灵宝阁,对辰皇帝国,至少是兰大将军本人有极大好感,甚至是某种联系,错非如此岂会如此正大光明的行事,这般作法何异是在向世人宣称,敢对兰大将军下手,就是与灵宝阁为仇作对! This does not see in forcing of surface, if before today, or before Feng Zhiling enters House of the Chaotic Storm, although also has the considerable potency, but regarding presenting most people, does not have the big significance, is at this moment, the people actually must consider again and again, if from now on will have the opportunity, whether must to Great General Lan express good intentions, the side will give Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion and Great Monarch face! 这番不见于表面的胁迫,若是在今日之前,又或者说是在风之凌进入翻云覆雨楼之前,虽也有相当的效力,但对于在场绝大多数人而言,没有多大意义,可是在此时此刻,众人却须再三斟酌,今后若有机会,是否要对兰大将军表示一下善意,侧面给一下灵宝阁君座面子! Lan Langlang already was at this moment deeply moved. 兰浪浪此刻已然感动得说不出话来。 In these period of time, obtains Ye Xiao to send out many Spirit Pill Lan Langlang to sweep the beforehand dispirited, starts to be uplifting \; Not only starts to practice Martial Arts, strongs and healthy body, has opened own company, prepared to go all out one. 这段时间里,得到叶笑送出多种灵丹兰浪浪一扫之前的萎靡,开始奋发向上\;不但开始修炼武学,强身健体,也开设了属于自己的商号,准备大干一场了。 No matter what no one can think that this fellow unexpectedly is the material of doing business \; The short time, his under the hand/subordinate company unexpectedly greatly shows improvement after illness, the source of wealth is billowing. But this is also he today dares to be at to the energy that Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion attended the auction: We are rich! The money of especially making, how wants to spend how to be colored, all spent not to have the issue! 任谁也想不到这家伙居然是个经商的材料\;前后不过短短时间,他手下的商号竟是大有起色,财源滚滚。而这也是他今天敢到灵宝阁来参加拍卖会的底气之所在:咱有钱啦!尤其还是自己挣的钱,想怎么花就怎么花,全花了都没问题! Young Master Lan to own achievement very some meanings of being pleased with oneself, but, this sense of pride, when facing these three bottles of knife wound Spirit Pill, was suppressed the dregs instantaneously! 兰大公子对自己的这份成就很有些沾沾自喜的意思,但,这份自豪感,在面对这三瓶金创灵丹的时候,瞬间就被打压成渣! He thinks gains laboriously astronomical figures wealth, Don't said is Supreme Pill Beads, it is estimated that links such half bottle of knife wound Spirit Pill unable to afford. 他自认为辛辛苦苦赚到的‘天文数字’财富,莫说是丹云神丹,估计连这么半瓶金创灵丹都买不起。 But opposite that Great Monarch Feng can actually the eye not wink three bottles to deliver conveniently, even this is also only a start, following has one after another. 而对面的那位风君座却可以眼睛都不眨一下的随手三瓶送出去,甚至这还只是一个开始,后续陆续有来。 Three Prince see that in the eye has emitted the green light, snatches to exchange greetings with this Great Monarch Feng. 三位皇子见状,眼睛里都冒出了绿光,纷纷抢上来与这位风君座寒暄。 Since Great Monarch Feng has such favorable impression to Great General Lan, to be how could it not be equal to has the considerable favorable impression to Chen Emperor Empire, oneself are Chen Emperor Empire Prince, naturally also during the friendly attention of opposite party! 既然风君座兰大将军有如此好感,岂不也等同是对辰皇帝国有相当的好感,自己身为辰皇帝国皇子,自然也在对方的友好关注之中吧! In the Ye Xiao surface no doubt well-mannered, neither arrogant nor servile dealt with several, the moral nature only has actually sneered. 叶笑表面上固然彬彬有礼,不卑不亢的应付了几句,心底却唯有冷笑。 „...... Great Monarch Feng. These medicines, are only then these? Has......”, however at this time, actually another sudden infant voice suddenly resounded, although in the expression was polite, but in has actually doped some discontented meaning. “请问……风君座。这些药,是就只有这些呢?还是有更多……”然而在这时,却又一个突如其来的童音骤然响起,语气中虽然还算客气,但个中却掺杂了些许不满的意味。 Hears this suddenly not veryand 骤闻这个不很“和 Harmony ” the sound, Ye Xiao following the sound looks that sees only a kid, on the 8 or 9-year-old age, is generally long the powder toot toot, the extremely adorable young boy, is opening the big eye of round to stare him. 谐”的声音,叶笑循声看去,只见一个小家伙,大抵也就八九岁年纪,长得粉嘟嘟的,极为可爱的小男孩,正睁着圆溜溜的大眼睛瞪着他。 Um, medicine these, temporarily did not have. The kids, who are you?” Ye Xiao asked. “嗯,药就这些,暂时没了。小家伙,你是谁啊?”叶笑问道。 I am Chen Zhi.” The kids raise head, said: South army had these medicines, can little dying many people, is east side west north also so many armies, they hit similarly very much bitterly, why doesn't give them also to prepare?” “我是辰志。”小家伙仰着头,道:“南面的军队有了这些药,能少死很多人,可是东面西面北面还有那么多的军队呢,他们同样打得很苦啊,为什么不给他们也准备呢?” This issue, nearby some people and other simultaneously were scared! 这个问题一出,附近的一干人等齐齐傻眼! ............ …………
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