RITF :: Volume #3

#296: Felt relieved 【Fourth!】

Among us cooperation, is only restricted in...... Supports Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion, passed the Two Great Sects crisis \; That is all.” Young Master Bai coldly light saying: Other matters, all not in this range, after this event ended, the price that I give was then full.” “不过我们之间的合作,也仅限于……支持一下灵宝阁,度过两大宗门的危机\;仅此而已。”白公子冷冷淡淡的说道:“其他事情,全都不在此范围之内,这次事件结束之后,我给出的代价便已十足。” Ye Xiao said decidedly: This is natural, my request also only just like this, my Feng Zhiling is also insufficient not to that situation, coerces at the phase. Everybody has the respective goal respectively, in this Human World, you wants chaotic storm, tilts the world, I will actually want the landscape to be forever solid, peaceful country and safe people, seriously to, everybody respectively depending on skill and that's the end.” 叶笑断然道:“这是当然,我的要求也就只如此而已,我风之凌还不至于没品到那种地步,以物相胁。大家各自有各自的目标,在这人世间,你想要翻云覆雨,倾覆天下,我却想要河山永固,国泰民安,当真对上,大家各凭本事就是了。” Young Master Bai light smiling, not again opening the mouth view. 白公子淡淡的笑了笑,没有再开口说法。 At that time the battlefield slaughtered, various is in the heart the idea, the life and death victory or defeat, settles Heaven Fate respectively.” Ye Xiao looks at Young Master Bai, a character character said: Actually in this world, does not have what hatred, some are only the goal is different, the standpoint is different! Nothing more than such as is.” “彼时战场厮杀,各为心中理念,生死胜败,各安天命。”叶笑看着白公子,一字字道:“其实这世界上,并没有什么仇恨,有的只是目标不同,立场迥异!不外如是。” Young Master Bai to these words, has pondered for a long time , after long time long time, finally said one: Friendly!” 白公子对这句话,沉思了好久,又过了良久良久之后,才终于道了一声:“善!” ...... …… Ye Xiao strides bravely forward flickers, the attention strength of all strength walks from a day character room almost simultaneously focuses to his body. 叶笑昂首阔步从天字一号房走出来的一瞬,各方实力的关注力几乎同时聚焦到他的身上。 Great Monarch Feng at this moment, the whole face happy expression, school of unflustered, as if has not had anything. Seemed is only goes to a friend room, said several words, has drunk one cup of tea. 此刻的风君座,满脸笑意,一派从容不迫,似乎根本就没有发生任何事情。就好似只是去到了一个朋友房间里,说了几句话,喝了一杯茶。 Such simply came out. 就这么简简单单的出来了。 Anybody, cannot see the slight difference from his face. 没有任何人,能够从他的脸上看出丝毫的异样。 However, this is biggest is not normal! 然而,这才是最大的不正常! Reserving a room of House of Chaotic Storm, so is can it be that easy, that simple coming out? 翻雨覆雨楼的包房,岂是那么容易进去,又那么简单的出来的? Everybody was guessing that this Great Monarch Feng, in clouds Wan Girl of this room, what in the end did say? Continues that long time, so is unexpectedly tranquil throughout, the mighty waves are outmoded. 大家都在猜测,这位风君座,与这间房里的云端婉姑娘,到底是说了一些什么?持续那么长的时间,竟始终那么平静,波澜不兴。 To the present, all people also simply has known that in this room, has a Wan Of The Clouds high-end character, but this high-end character, was too enough, does not know, that House of the Chaotic Storm actual master, Ruler world prosperity and decline Young Master Bai, unexpectedly also here! 一直到现在,所有人也仅仅是知道,这房间里,就只得云端之婉一个高端人物,而这一个高端人物,就已经太足够了,根本就不知道,那位翻云覆雨楼的真正主人,主宰天下兴衰的白公子,竟然也在这里! Only then Ye Xiao know that oneself these goes, is representing anything, means anything. 只有叶笑自己心里知道,自己这一趟进去,代表着什么,意味着什么。 Actually to bear the how tremendous pressure! 在这其中,究竟是承受了多么大的压力! Each for a while each quarter, during seeming like the talk of tranquil Wubo, performs follows the concealment the fatal disaster! 每一时每一刻,在看似平静无波的谈话当中,尽都伴随着隐匿的杀身之祸! These at first sight safe tranquil, each other is very peaceful auspicious, hello I am also good, but Ye Xiao know, bad risk, perhaps in person who live two lifes, when is this time is most dangerous, is soul-stirring, even if already left now, the heart has the lingering fear especially! 这一趟乍看起来平安平静,彼此很是安乐祥和,你好我也好,但叶笑自己知道,这其中的凶险,恐怕自己两世为人之中,当属这一次乃属最危险,最是惊心动魄,纵然如今已然离开,心头尤有余悸! Because, in this room, in the talk, Ye Xiao very much accidentally had discovered a matter, far exceeds the Ye Xiao ability limit the matter. 因为,就在这个房间里,就在刚才的谈话中,叶笑很意外地发现了一件事,一件远远超出叶笑能力极限的事情。 That is: Even if previous life Monarch Xiao in most peak time \; When facing this Young Master Bai, perhaps...... Also collapses at the first blow! 那就是:就算是自己前世笑君主在最巅峰的时期\;在面对这个白公子的时候,恐怕……也是不堪一击! Young Master Bai on this wheelchair. 这个轮椅上的白公子 This Young Master Bai that looks like lacks the strength to truss up a chicken! 这个看起来手无缚鸡之力的白公子 This looks like mild-mannered and cultivated, the demeanor is matchless, the appearance arrives at the extreme prettily, almost simultaneously will regard as by all over the world all men the enemy, can simultaneously be presented by the world female for Young Master Bai of male god...... 这个看起来温文尔雅,风度举世无双,容貌俊秀到极点,几乎会被普天下所有男子同时视为敌人、也可以被天下女子同时奉为男神的白公子…… Unexpectedly, is such fearful existence! 竟然,真的,是一个这么可怕的存在! However, after infinite shock, has the indescribable excitement! 然而,在无限震撼之后,却又有难以言喻的兴奋! In this Human World, was lucky...... Such a match! 在这人世间,多亏了……还有这么一个对手! Otherwise, this life, only feared that will be very senseless is very senseless. 否则,这一生,只怕会很无趣很无趣。 Has in such high-end atmosphere the match of scale, can determine, during this Cold Sun Continent present will go on an expedition, can definitely be colorful, inspiring days! 有这样的一个高端大气上档次的对手,可以确定,在这寒阳大陆的今后征战之中,必然会是多姿多彩,可歌可泣的一段日子! On the Ye Xiao face is having the quiet calm smiling face, walks the staircase slowly. 叶笑脸上带着沉静从容的笑容,缓缓走下来楼梯。 Is full of the questionnaire in Wan Zenghao the vision master clock, Ye Xiao returned to one relieved the look. 万正豪充满征询的目光主时钟,叶笑回了一个‘安心’的眼神。 I dropped mother......” the Wan Zenghao obese body to sit in the chair finally, steel wooden chair that then the according to special trees, for firm durably was usually famous, in that flickered, almost the load bearing that sudden bound­less pressure, the danger was instant, fortunately finally has supported reluctantly, although has supported, but if above that came again such one time, actually absolutely could not withstand, after flickered, the pressure seemingly flickered to reduce, was actually Wan Zenghao sees with own eyes the crisis to extinguish, mentioned that the heart of throat, settled down finally, one toward relaxing, the great strength that tied tight. More than half of dissipation, that chair was escaped, torn to pieces dreary fate. “我滴妈啊……”万正豪肥胖的身躯终于一屁股坐在了椅子里面,那把以特种树木,素来以坚固耐用著称的钢木椅子,在那一瞬,几乎承载不了那突如其来的无边压力,险险瞬时支离破碎,所幸最终是勉强撑住了,虽然撑住了,但若是上面那位,再来这么一次,却是万万顶不住的了,一瞬之后,压力貌似瞬减,却是万正豪眼见危局消弭,一颗提到嗓子眼的心,终于尘埃落定,一朝放松,紧绷的巨力也。消散的半数以上,那张椅子算是逃过了,支离破碎的惨淡下场。 Another side, gazed at the form that Ye Xiao however was passing through leisurely similarly, in the Liu Changjun eye in shadow has also sent out the light. 另一边,同样注视着叶笑施施然走过的身影,暗影之中的柳长君眼中也发出了光。 Is this. 就是这样子。 Really is this. 果然是这样子。 No matter facing what huge crisis, in this superficial atmosphere, shortly completely will have solved. In wind light Yun Dan, all crisis crisis danger threats completely extinguish in invisible. 不管是面对何种天大危机,就是在这种轻描淡写的氛围中,前后不过顷刻之间就已经完全解决。在风轻云淡之中,一切危局危机危险威胁尽都消弭在无形之中。 Even, he does not need anybody to know that in the end in this process had anything, he withstood anything, but, makes the under the hand/subordinate person feel at ease: The matter, has been solved! 甚至,他不需要任何人知道,在这个过程中到底发生了什么,他本身又承受了什么,但,却只是让手下的人安心:事情,已经解决! With such leader, is really the luck of follower! 跟着这样的领导者,实在是跟随者的幸运! If one day, I can also such as be...... 若是有一天,我也能够如是…… Liu Changjun static is standing, javelin general straight! 柳长君静静的站着,标枪一般的笔直! Heartfelt respect in eye, vivid. 眼中的由衷敬意,呼之欲出。 Because he knows that facing House of the Chaotic Storm, that is the huge pressure! 因为他知道,面对翻云覆雨楼,那是何等巨大的压力! But Great Monarch Feng has gone, has faced, withstood, Perfect returns! 风君座进去了,面对了,承受了,更圆满归去! Among the whole world for several thousand years can so, only then this person! 举世之间数千年来能够如此者,也就只有这一个人而已! Is the present person! 就是眼前的这个人! Ye Xiao however passes through leisurely, to Lan Langlang, the direction that Zuo Wuji is. 叶笑施施然走过,去往兰浪浪,左无忌所在的方向。 But what fortunately is, Chen Empire Crown Prince, three Prince, in that direction. 而凑巧的是,辰皇的一位太子,三位皇子,也在那个方向。 Presents in all person eyes, Great Monarch Feng Zhiling the trend, without doubt is very beyond comprehension! 在场所有人眼中,君座风之凌的这个动向,无疑很是令人费解! Because of people on the scene, if status discussed that Chen Emperor Empire some people and others, although had the strength of home game, many Prince on the scene, but was one's turn the real power, was only the last stage, in audience numerous influences, or only had the reciprocal, can appear their existence! 因为在场众人之中,若是身份而论,辰皇帝国一干人等虽然有主场之力,更有多位皇子在场,但轮到真实权能,只属末流,全场众多势力之中,或者唯有倒数,才能显现出他们的存在! Looked only this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch strolls walks, suddenly, here some people and others do not know that whose this recently causes a stir in Great Monarch in the end of entire mainland to look, including several Prince, was the bewildered feeling a horridness, the frightened sentiment, revealed in speech and appearance. 单看这位灵宝阁君座闲庭信步的走来,一时间,这边的一干人等并不知道这位近来轰动整个大陆的君座到底是要找谁的,包括几位皇子在内,都是莫名其妙的感觉到了一阵惶恐,惶然之情,溢于言表。 Ye Xiao walks, first has arrived in front of Lan Langlang without consulting anybody. 叶笑走过来,先是径自走到了兰浪浪面前。 These days does not see, buddy before this, now were many several points of elite valiant flavor, that originally to cross-eyed, had the distinct improvement unexpectedly. 这段时间不见,这位之前的死党,现在已经是多了几分精锐彪悍的味道,原本的那对斗鸡眼,居然也有了明显的改善。 Lan Langlang looks at Ye Xiao to walk, in eye has filled puzzled. 兰浪浪看着叶笑走过来,眼中充满了不解。 Does not understand that this Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, why will look for itself suddenly. One are it can be said that unknown with this person, has never had any occurring together. 不明白这位灵宝阁君座,为何会突然来找自己。自己与这个人可说是素不相识,从来没有过任何交集。 ............ ………… «asked the monthly ticket 《求月票!》
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