RITF :: Volume #3

#295: Cooperation! 【Third】

Young Master Bai looks at Ye Xiao: You, since can understand that Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill historical records, thinks that also knows who that Great Expert is.” 白公子看着叶笑:“你既然能够了解夺天神丹的掌故,想必也知道那位大能者是谁。” Ye Xiao nods: This nature, all of my very clear this legend, more transparent this Great Expert status background, the past grand occasion, the book was the greatest grand occasion that Pill Master lineage/vein to fall through ancient times, grand occasion that was also difficult to duplicate!” 叶笑点头:“这个自然,我很清楚这个传说的一切,更加明了这位大能者的身份背景,当年的盛况,本就是丹师一脉亘古以降的莫大盛事,亦是再难复制的盛事!” Has also consumed three years of merit including him. Gathered numerous Plane, totals 90,000 Alchemy grandmaster simultaneously Alchemy, in the universe all suitable medicines collects, experienced too many too multiple failures, finally in a situation of chance coincidence, was built up furnace Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill by a Master Way of Pill!” “连他也是耗费了三年之功。聚集了众多位面,合共90000名丹道宗师同时炼丹,宇宙之内所有适用药物采集一空,经历了太多太多次的失败,才终于在一次机缘巧合的情况下,被一位丹道大师炼出来一炉夺天神丹!” This matter has solved finally no doubt the urgent matter, causes the child of solution Great Expert to go to Heavenly Dao backlash. However henceforward, does not have new Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill to be published again. Even if which succeeds to refine Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill Alchemy grandmaster, after that time, once repeatedly attempted, hopes that can refine this pill again, actually throughout makes a futile effort, that Master Way of Pill in deathbed, was still elegant to this matter, belongs to luckily that success, a chance coincidence.” “此事最终固然解决了燃眉之急,令到大能者之子解去天道反噬。然而自此以后,再也没有新的夺天神丹问世。纵然是哪位成功炼制出夺天神丹丹道宗师,在那次之后,亦曾多次尝试,希望可以再炼此丹,却始终徒劳无功,那位丹道大师在临终之时,仍对此事郁郁,将那一次的成功归于幸运,一次机缘巧合。” Young Master Bai said lightly: You can take Supreme Pill Beads, this is the fact, cannot deny, your Way of Pill strength, is astonishing, truly will be able be said as the eternity rare Way of Pill rare talent, however you until now Spirit Medicine of present world, even if completely will be Pill Clouds level Spirit Pill, but these Spirit Pill itself levels will be extremely low, can only be practice \; If applies in other aspects reluctantly, the effect is small, but Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, although has a Supreme Pill Beads level, is actually Heavens Punishment Divine Pill in the true sense, only by the Way of Pill level, but must above Nine Revolution Gold Pill, in other words, before you these Medicine Pill that refines, the difference altogether world, is unable to be mentioned in the same breath, some of my interests know very much that your in the end has what confidence, can refine this pill successfully, the achievement eternal inadequate cause?” 白公子淡淡道:“你能拿出来丹云神丹,这是事实,不容抹杀,你的丹道实力,亦属惊人,确实可说是千古难得一见的丹道奇才,然而你迄今为止现世的灵药,纵然尽都是丹云级数灵丹,但那些灵丹本身层次极低,只能作为修炼之用\;若是勉强应用于其他方面,效果可谓甚微,而夺天神丹,虽然只得丹云神丹一个位阶,却是真正意义上的天谴神丹,单论丹道位阶,还要在九转金丹之上,换言之,与你之前所炼制的那些丹药,差共天地,根本无法同日而语,我很有兴趣知道,你到底有何信心,可以成功炼成此丹,成就万古不成之伟业?” Ye Xiao said confidently: Good that young master said that refines this pill truly several big difficulties, first, pill pill success Yun Bian refines this pill's first difficulty, is the base element, but before reason me, mentioned that here no longer superfluous word, but the second refinement difficulty, actually because of this pill's refinement raw material for medicine, refined the Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill raw material for medicine not to calculate rare, however in these raw materials for medicine, actually enough 9981 oppositions.” 叶笑坦然道:“公子所说的不错,炼制此丹确实有几大难点,首先,丹成丹云便是炼制此丹的第一个难点,亦是基本要素,而原因我之前有提到,这里就不再赘言,而第二个炼制难点,却是因为此丹的炼制药材,本来炼制夺天神丹的药材不算多稀罕,然而在那些药材,却足足有9981种对立。” 162 types of raw materials for medicine, divide to make 81 cliques, 22 correspondences, and is the hedge \; Every two types of raw materials for medicine, and other raw material for medicine respective hedges, each other are more incompatible...... So all sorts of contradictory overlay, several nearly may not count. When I concentrate on study, obtains a deduction, this Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, or during this type of trillion types of contradictions simultaneously exist, searches one nearly not the balance that is possible to have \; Can refine pill success, so long as has the deviation slightly, is the former merit completely is then waste.” “162种药材,分作81个派系,22对应,而且是对冲\;每两种药材,又与其他的药材各自对冲,彼此更加不能相容……如此一种种矛盾叠加,几近不可计数。我潜心研究之余,得出一个推论,这夺天神丹,或者就是在这种亿万种矛盾同时存在之中,寻觅出一个近乎不可能存在的平衡\;才能够炼制成丹,只要稍有偏差,便是前功尽废。” These, is not only efficacy pharmacology, the technique crucial moment of drugs manufacture dispensing, mental state Divine Sense, various balances in aspects...... Refines truly , is not only difficult such as to ascend to heaven, because ascends to heaven so is not absolutely difficult.” “这其中,不光是药力药理,还有制药配药的手法火候,心境神念,方方面面的各种平衡……真正炼制起来,又岂止是难如登天,因为登天绝对没有这么难。” Therefore, one such as the young master said that uses the Supreme Pill Beads difficulty compared with the general practice, indeed is no comparison between them.” “所以,一如公子所说,比起一般的修炼所用丹云神丹难度,的确是不可同日而语。” Ye Xiao smiles proudly: But, refines the Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill main point, still lay in Pill Clouds level, refined the Medicine Pill method, even if to be how difficult, the drugs manufacture had a mind, still had to be \; Instead is Pill Clouds level this condition, looks over various day of entire world, to fall, Pill Clouds Spirit Pill that presents through ancient times, altogether must few number, almost be few.” 叶笑傲然一笑:“不过,炼制夺天神丹的要点,仍在于丹云级数,炼制丹药手段纵然如何艰难,制药有心,仍有可为\;反而是丹云级数这一条件,纵观诸天寰宇,亘古以降,出现的丹云灵丹,一共也只得寥寥之数,几乎屈指可数。” Implied meaning: Only then I! Can! 言下之意:只有我!能! Young Master Bai nods: You were to the point on, since near millennium various day of entire world, have not had the Pill Clouds level Spirit Pill reality for a long time, actually did not intend to this and other preliminary Plane. Presents such many Supreme Pill Beads unexpectedly, therefore, if said that can also have a person to practice becomes Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, this person besides you, truly does not make the second person to think.” 白公子点头:“你说到点子上了,近千年以来的诸天寰宇,却是已久未有丹云级数灵丹现实,却不意在这等低级位面。竟尔出现如此之多的丹云神丹,所以,若说是还能有一个人能够练得成夺天神丹,那么,这个人除了你之外,确实是不作第二人想的。” The Wan'er spirit shakes. Delighted meaning unexpectedly, this matter, since the young master approves, was the young master also had determined Feng Zhiling can be, ultimately had the Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill opportunity, at least had over 50%.. 婉儿精神一震。欢欣之意竟尔更甚,此事既然得公子认可,便是公子也确定了风之凌的能为,最终得到夺天神丹的机会,至少有五成以上。。 Ye Xiao said with a smile: „, The young master has agreed our cooperation, each other establishing diplomatic relations.” 叶笑微笑道:“如此说来,公子是首肯了我们这一次合作,彼此建交。” Young Master Bai light smiling, said: Good, I have approved your card in a hand, but, how long do you need to be able with obtaining Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill? This is actually another issue, what is also more essential is the topic.” 白公子淡淡的笑了笑,道:“不错,我认可了你的底牌,不过,你需要多长时间才能够拿得出夺天神丹呢?这却是另一个问题,亦是更为关键的为题。” This issue said that is easy, but said that difficult not necessarily to be also hard to solve.” Ye Xiao said: I should at the latest within one year, when may refine to have. But if material really sufficient, 89 months are also possible.” “这个问题说易不易,但说难也未必就难以解决。”叶笑道:“我最迟应该在一年之内当可炼制有成。但若是材料真个充足的话,89个月也未尝不可能。” Material completely is not the issue.” Wan'er said immediately: You may list to need the drugs documentary evidence as fast as possible, at most three days, I can collect!” “材料完全不是问题。”婉儿立即说道:“你可尽速列出所需药品单据,至多三天内,我就能凑齐!” I naturally do not suspect Miss Wan'er ability, but another issue is actually...... Cannot have Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill raw material for medicine.” Ye Xiao smiles bitterly: I, although ten tenths assurances can refine it, actually not necessarily one time can make it reach to Pill Clouds level, but pill success did not say that level Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, is only waste pill, regarding young master, without significance, actually, I, if said that the first furnace can refine, Young Master Bai and Miss Wan'er letter?!” “我自然是不怀疑婉儿姑娘能力,但另一个问题却是……不能只得一枚夺天神丹的药材。”叶笑苦笑一声:“我虽然有十成把握可以将之炼制出来,却未必一次就能令其达至丹云级数,而不成丹级数夺天神丹,只是废丹,对于公子而言,没有意义,其实,我若说第一炉就能炼出来的,白公子婉儿姑娘信么?!” Wan'er is very obviously happy, has chortled one unexpectedly, said: Naturally does not believe that if not there are this many Pill Clouds level Spirit Pill before, I only feared that will let the opportunity that you will attempt not to you, if Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill in legend so will be really good to refine, how could also will become the legend, in this mystery, I naturally will be understand that the raw material for medicine will not be the issue, you can carry on the unceasing fumble, the inquisition. Finally, so long as to me saw that achievement is good!” 婉儿的心情现在显然十分好,竟然咯咯笑了一声,道:“自然是不信的,若非有这许多丹云级数灵丹在前,我只怕连让你尝试的机会都不会给你,若是传说中的夺天神丹真的那么好炼制,又岂能成为传说,这个中玄虚,我自然是明白的,药材不是问题,你可以进行不断的摸索,探究。最终,只要给我看到成果就好!” Incessantly is the achievement, within one year I must see Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill......” Young Master Bai look unmoving, said: No, I can only give you ten months. If the time grew again, I can restore...... Your that Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, was useless.” “不止是成果,一年之内我一定要看到夺天神丹……”白公子眼神凝定,道:“不,我只能给你十个月的时间。若是时间再长了,我自己都能恢复过来了……你的那夺天神丹,也就无用了。” One such as Miss Wan'er said that in mystery, clear(ly) self-evident.” Ye Xiao nods: I will certainly do utmost. If when the time comes cannot put out, how House of the Chaotic Storm wants then how \; This less than one year of short time, among is expensive my both sides the strength disparity not to have the significance!” “一如婉儿姑娘所说,个中玄虚,明者自明。”叶笑点头:“我一定会竭尽全力的。若是到时候拿不出,翻云覆雨楼想要如何便如何\;这不到一年的短暂时光,对于贵我双方之间的实力差距没有意义!” Young Master Bai silent nod, indicated that approves the view of Ye Xiao. 白公子沉默的点点头,表示认同叶笑的说法。 Regarding this both sides cooperation, or is a transaction \; In the Young Master Bai heart the regulations have the infinite contradiction. 对于这一次的双方合作,又或者说是一次交易\;白公子心中实则有着无限的抵触。 This is he since birth, first time cooperates with the person in these circumstances. 这是他有生以来,第一次在这样的情况下与人合作。 That is one type is forced, even enticed subtle feeling. 那是一种被胁迫,甚至被诱惑的微妙感觉。 This feeling, making in the Young Master Bai heart not be feeling well very much. 这种感觉,让白公子心中很是不爽。 But sees the hope of Wan'er that difficult word, jumping for joy of that revealing in speech and appearance, the delight of that from the heart, actually in the heart does not endure to reject pointedly. 但看到婉儿那种难言的期盼,那份溢于言表的雀跃,那种发自内心的欢欣,却又心中不忍断然否决。 Since arrives at this Human World, my personality, changed unexpectedly much.” Bai Chen looks on the Wan'er face as if to shine the general joy, in the heart unexpectedly cannot help but soft. “自从来到这人世间,我的性情,竟也是变化了不少。”白沉看着婉儿脸上似乎要发光一般的喜悦,心中竟是不由自主地柔软了起来。
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