RITF :: Volume #3

#294: You have your insistence, I have my protection! 【Second!】

Ye Xiao looks at Young Master Bai, a character character said: Young Master Bai present physical condition, although is not this that innate is brought by mother 's womb sickness, but actually was still the heaven penalty, courage vigor backlash. Is goes against heaven's will, but after the line, the inevitable result of produces, although the young master himself strength is also tyrannical, actually to the boundary of Expert, cannot resist the Heavenly Dao prestige to corrode.” 叶笑看着白公子,一字字说道:“白公子现在的身体状况,虽然并非是由母胎先天带来的此症,但却仍是苍天惩罚,血气反噬。乃是逆天而行之后,所产生的必然结果,公子本身实力虽然亦是强横,却仍未至大能之境,未能抗拒天道威能侵蚀。” Naturally, the Young Master Bai itself prestige can still play the suitable role, withstands heaven backlash successively repeatedly, cannot claim your life unexpectedly, even lets your body is not very healthy...... That is all. Young master’s injuring degree, in the Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill treatment range.” “当然,白公子本身威能仍旧起到了相当的作用,先后多次承受苍天反噬,竟也没有能够夺走你的性命,甚至只是让你身体不是很健康……仅此而已。以至于,公子的伤损程度,也就在夺天神丹的治疗范围之内了。” Only needs to take time, practices Divine Pill, all chronic diseases can be easily solved.” “只需要假以时日,练成神丹,一切痼疾便可迎刃而解。” Most minimum...... Restores the strength of basic walk, can achieve absolutely.” “最起码的……恢复基本的行走之力,是绝对可以做得到的。” Ye Xiao shows a faint smile: This is I today arrived here energy to be. If not there is such energy and an assurance, by my present cultivation level, how possible one person alone to violate the danger, arrives at a House of the Chaotic Storm day character room that Young Master Bai is at rashly?” 叶笑微微一笑:“这便是我今天来到这里的底气之所在。若非有这样的底气与把握,以我现在的修为,怎么可能孤身犯险,贸然来到白公子所在的翻云覆雨楼天字一号房?” Young Master Bai smiled lightly: But, even if you have the confidence assurance, even if you have the considerable chip, but...... If I want not to comply, your anything is not, decision-making power throughout in me.” 白公子淡淡的笑了:“不过,就算你有信心把握,就算你有相当的筹码,但……我若是想要不答应,你还是什么都不是,决定权始终在我。” That is natural, I want to cooperate with the young master at best, never wants the extravagant demands more.” Ye Xiao sprinkles however smiles: „The situation of but, facing so being at a loss, this is the maximum limit that I can make diligently.” “那是当然,我充其量只是想要与公子合作,从未想要奢求更多。”叶笑洒然一笑:“不过,面对如此束手无策的局势,这已经是我能够做出的最大极限努力。” If Young Master Bai agrees to cooperate, naturally is each other happy, if Young Master Bai does not want this partnership opportunity, the worst result we also had discussed then a moment ago, how I leave finally, still did not have much difference.” “若是白公子同意合作,自然是彼此皆大欢喜,若是白公子不想要这个合作机会,那么,最坏的结果我们刚才也已经讨论过了,我最终如何离开,仍是没有太大区别。” The Young Master Bai vision is sharp, said lightly: How to do not have much difference, you do not have another 1-layer status, when necessary maintained life to escape always does not have the issue. Discards some existing things at most, that is all, you biggest card in a hand is Supreme Pill Beads, is always not Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion.” 白公子目光犀利,淡淡道:“怎么会没有太大区别,你不是还有另一重身份,必要时保命逃生总没有问题。至多不过是舍弃一些现有的东西,仅此而已,你最大的底牌乃是丹云神丹,从来都不是灵宝阁。” Ye Xiao relaxed smiling of: If wants to adopt that method, then I will not come here today.” 叶笑轻松的笑了笑:“若是想要采取那种方法,那么今天我就不会来到这里。” No matter my another 1-layer status why, I now always am the Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion present head of household. If the matter that tries to preserve oneself subordinate is not willing to attempt, goes on living, can the nail in this type of heart, when eliminate? In the chest the anger does not eliminate, this life generally is also finally common.” “不管我另一层身份为何,我现在始终已经是灵宝阁现在的当家人。若是连尝试一下保全自己属下的事情都不肯尝试,那么,就算活下去,这种心中的钉子,何时能够消除?胸中块垒不除,终此一生大抵也不过碌碌。” He laughs: Young Master Bai is also a leader, should understand that I spoke these words, is any meaning.” 他哈哈一笑:“白公子亦是一个领导者,应该明白,我说这句话,是什么意思。” In Young Master Bai eye slowly appears a happy expression, the nod: I naturally am understand that cannot think in the Great Monarch Feng heart the ambition not to be small.” 白公子眼中慢慢的浮现出来一点笑意,点头:“我自然是明白的,想不到风君座心中志向不小。” Ye Xiao hēi hēi smiles: „In the heart thinks, in the heart insisted that full of vigor is not willing to disappear. Then such as is today's Young Master Bai...... If some day, meets the dangerous condition, needs Young Master Bai to discard the Miss Wan'er life, then can maintain life to escape, how does Young Master Bai choose?” 叶笑嘿嘿一笑:“不过就是心中所想,心中坚持,一点血气方刚不肯泯灭罢了。便如是今天的白公子……若是有朝一日,遇到险恶状况,需要白公子舍弃婉儿姑娘的生命,便能够保命逃生,请问白公子如何抉择?” White clothing young girl Wan'er at the same time gains ground, calmly looks at Young Master Bai. 一边的白衣少女婉儿抬起头,静静地看着白公子 In the eye full trusts and tender feelings. 眼中满是信赖与柔情。 No matter the young master makes the what kind choice finally, Wan'er endures gladly.” “不管公子最终做出来何等抉择,婉儿都是甘之如饴。” The Young Master Bai corners of the mouth show a spring water general happy expression, smiled gently, said: Does not abandon!” 白公子嘴角露出一丝春水一般的笑意,轻轻笑了笑,道:“不舍!” Relaxedness that the short two characters, said that is actually the aftertaste endless. 短短两个字,说的轻轻松松,却是余韵无尽。 He does not want to reply. 他本来是不想回答。 So long as because replied this issue, the aspect of cooperation is equal to forming. 因为只要回答了这个问题,合作的局面就等于形成。 Also was equal to that in this Great Monarch Feng showdown, lost half move. 也等于是自己在与这位风君座对决之中,输了半招。 According to the opposite party topic, makes own choice completely. 完全按照对方的话题,来做出自己的选择。 This is result that Young Master Bai does not want. 这是白公子不想要的结果。 But, facing vision that Wan'er mild such as the water with heart and soul entrusts, in Young Master Bai heart actually only then inexplicable gentle, although clearly knows, oneself did not reply that Wan'er will not have the least bit to blame itself, will not lose a wee bit confidence to oneself. 但,面对婉儿温润如水全心托付的目光,白公子心中却只有一阵莫名温柔,虽然明知道,自己就算是不回答,婉儿也不会有半点怪罪自己,更不会对自己失去一丁点信心。 But because of this, Young Master Bai chose replied immediately. 但正是因为这样,白公子才选择了立即回答。 Dynasty hegemony, world wind and cloud, what also there is, how can arrive at my Wan'er?” “王朝霸业,天下风云,又有什么,如何能够抵得过我的婉儿?” Young Master Bai smile looks at Ye Xiao. 白公子微笑的看着叶笑 This was also I a moment ago the answer that wanted to say.” The Ye Xiao section said: You have your insistence, I have my protection, just like this.” “这也是我刚才想要说的答案。”叶笑截口说道:“你有你的坚持,我也有我的守护,如此而已。” Young Master Bai smiled. 白公子笑了。 This smiles, is equal to announcing both sides cooperation starts! 这一笑,等于是宣告双方合作关系的初步建立! Sees the young master to agree that at the same time the heart hangs the long time Wan'er instant whole face to be happy, the brilliance overflows. Said in a soft voice: But does not know that Great Expert son, has cured finally?” 见到公子首肯,一边心悬半晌的的婉儿瞬时满脸幸福,光彩四溢。轻声道:“但不知那位大能者的儿子,最终治好了没有?” Young Master Bai has smiled gently, with sound track: Naturally has cured, but, has actually wasted such as mountain Ruhai the material, does not like that Great Expert general infinitude support mistakenly, wants pill success, even if knows perfectly well the direction before, all difficulties achieve...... As for this little master, finally becomes one generation of powerhouse, achievement several not under your father......” 白公子温婉的笑了,和声道:“自然是治好了,不过,却也浪费了如山如海的材料,错非有如那位大能者一般的无限量支持,想要成丹,就算明知方向在前,也万难做到……至于这位小公子,也终于成为一代强者,成就几不在乃父之下……” Wan'er hearing this, the vision shines clearly. 婉儿闻言,目光更显明亮起来。 And other physical qualities might as well can cure compared with it common Heavens Punishment sick and wounded including that small gift that the young master carries? 连那等身体素质比之寻常都还不如的天谴伤患都能够治好,那么,公子身负的那种岂不是更加的小意思? In other words, perhaps in soon , the young master can regain the sound condition?! 换言之,也许就在不久之后,公子就可以恢复完好状态?! Is only... As far as I know that Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill needs, is not difficult of raw material for medicine, but is...... Difficult of refinement.” Young Master Bai said: Only then achievement Pill Clouds level Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill, may call Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill \; If cannot achievement Pill Clouds level, then be waste pill, is useless.” “只是…据我所知那夺天神丹所需要的,并非是药材之难,而是……炼制之艰。”白公子说道:“只有成就丹云级数夺天灵丹,才可称之为夺天神丹\;若不能成就丹云级数,便是废丹,毫无用处。” Even, Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, no doubt truly exists, but from ancient to present, only presents that Great Expert to refine the successful that furnace, I said right?” In the Young Master Bai sound has faint sighing to sigh. “甚至于,夺天神丹,固然确实存在,但自古至今,也就只出现过那位大能者炼制成功的那一炉而已,我说的对么?”白公子声音中有一种隐隐的喟叹。 The Wan'er vision slightly was dim, actually in instant has reappeared luminously, as if she had the greatest confidence to be common to Feng Zhiling. 婉儿目光不禁稍稍黯淡了一些,却又在瞬时重现光亮,仿佛她对“风之凌”有莫大信心一般。 Actually she is confident to Feng Zhiling, it would be better if said that she filled to Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill pill success had yearned infinitely, was not willing this to yearn to be disillusioned! 其实与其说她对风之凌有信心,莫如说她对夺天神丹成丹充满了无限向往,绝不愿这丝向往破灭! Because she every time sees young master to sink into the disabled condition, is always very at heart uncomfortable. 因为她每一次看到公子陷于残废状况之中,心里总是很难受。 So when peerless powerhouse, waves Xing Chen / stars to disappear, raises the arm mountains and rivers turbulent super expert, now actually can only sit above a small wheelchair sleepily, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, such as the average person generally most basic free activity unexpectedly is also unavailable. 如此一位绝世强者,挥手间星辰泯灭,振臂时山河动荡的超级高手,如今却只能困坐在一张小小的轮椅之上,手无缚鸡之力,连如普通人一般最基本的自如活动竟也不可得。 This grade of hero is helpless, doesn't the brave soldier weak dreary situation, how could make the person heart suspect stop up? 这等英雄无奈,壮士无力的惨淡情况,岂能不让人心头犯堵? Even if Young Master Bai can see through, has not cared this matter, but, as his personal maidservant, almost every for a while each time Wan'er and Xiu'er, actually each time saw that wants to burst into tears sadly. 纵然白公子自己能够看得开,从来没有将这件事放在心上,但,作为他的身边人,几乎每一时每一个时刻都跟着过来的婉儿秀儿,却是每次看到都想要流泪伤悲。 Now, unexpectedly accidental obtained the hope. 如今,竟意外的得到了希望。 But this Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill...... 但这夺天神丹…… This Feng Zhiling, what said is real? 这个风之凌,说的是真的么? Certainly real! 一定是真的! ............ …………
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