RITF :: Volume #3

#293: Seizes the Heaven Divine Pill! 【First!】

In this moment, Ye Xiao clearly feels that own mental state, is sublimating unexpectedly . Moreover the sublimation of enormous scope! 在这一刻,叶笑分明感觉到,自己的心境,竟在升华,而且还是极大幅度的升华! Under the limit suppression of Young Master Bai dreadful imposing manner, Ye Xiao, since comes, was compelled to fall in the absolute leeward condition, has been pressed uncomfortably already extremely \; But this all at once, forms the negative impact that cannot release for a very long time. 白公子滔天气势的极限压制之下,叶笑自从进来,就被逼落到了绝对的下风状态之中,一直被压得难受已极\;而这一股气,也就形成久久不能释放的负面影响。 Presses in the feelings, circles reciprocation unable to divulge, does not know uncomfortably! 压在胸臆之间,盘旋往复不能宣泄,不知道有多难受! If this tone cannot divulge finally, strives the suppression, will only create the internal injury, moreover that extremely not easy healing internal injury! 若是这口气最终不能宣泄出去,勉力压制,只会造成暗伤,而且还是那种极端不容易痊愈的暗伤! However, in this moment, actually with insistence that in oneself heart invariable does not move, with protection emotion that oneself assigning is, said these words. 然而,就在这一刻,却是用自己心中不变不移的坚持,用自己命之所在的守护情感,说出这一番话。 Lets own mental state unexpectedly after was oppressed intensely, rebounds certainly, broke through the 1-layer mental state limit accidentally. 竟然让自己的心境在被人强烈压迫之后,绝地反弹,意外地突破了一层心境极限。 Young Master Bai two eyebrow astonished expansions, two Azure Dragon flying apsaras leap suddenly, is gazing at Ye Xiao, if has become aware, looking pensive. 白公子两道眉毛惊异的展开,两道青龙飞天猛然腾起,注视着叶笑,若有所悟,若有所思。 In the Young Master Bai pupil actually passed over gently and swiftly certainly the disappointed appearance that is difficult to realize. 只是,白公子眸子中却掠过一丝绝难察觉的失望神采。 Really. 果然。 This person, unexpectedly is that legend gentleman of loyalty. 这个人,竟是那种传说之中的忠义之士。 But before oneself, expected that during that possibility and that person, is actually absolutely should not have this mood. 而自己之前预想之中的那种可能、那个人,却是绝对不应该存在这种心情。 Therefore , absolutely is not that person. 所以说,绝对不是那个人。 Since has been doomed is not...... 既然已经注定不是…… Then on this Feng Zhiling, absolutely will not have itself to seek for a long time that thing. 那么这个风之凌身上,就绝对不会存在自己找寻了许久的那件东西。 In other words ,...... One were once again disappointed. 换言之……自己又一次失望了。 Young Master Bai lowered the head, taunted, was having also a respect, said in a soft voice: I, although does not approve, even despises your idea very much, but I understood very much your choice, to your insistence, I also very much respects.” 白公子低下头,不无嘲讽,却又带着一丝尊重,轻声道:“我虽然不认同,甚至很鄙视你的理念,但我很理解你的选择,对你的坚持,我也很尊重。” Ye Xiao calmly chewed to taste this in the heart to sound for the first time seemingly is the somewhat contradictory words, a character character said: I understand, many thanks.” 叶笑静静地在心中咀嚼回味了一下这一句乍听起来貌似是很有些矛盾的话,一字字道:“我明白,多谢。” Young Master Bai light smiling, said: Now, to your issue \; I do not want to discuss your family|home country world again, your idea, I only want to know that your assurance makes me believe.” 白公子淡淡的笑了笑,道:“现在,到了你的问题\;我不想再谈论你的家国天下,你的理念,我只想要知道,你的把握让我相信。” Ye Xiao smile: Young Master and Miss Wan'er being proud peerless cultivation level, the profound story, own experience excels by far the world, if my insignia is only pure Supreme Pill Beads, is actually only a joke, Pill Clouds level Medicine Pill, although was known as that is Heavenly Dao Spirit Pill, after all was known as that is not necessarily effective to the disability that the young master carries!” 叶笑微笑:“公子、婉儿姑娘自负绝世修为,深远阅历,自身见识更是冠绝天下,我的仪仗若只是单纯的丹云神丹,却只是一个笑话,丹云级数丹药,虽然号称是‘天道灵丹,终归只是号称,未必就对公子身负的残疾有效!” Young Master Bai said with a smile gently: Is very good, you passed my another 1-layer test, if you take Supreme Pill Beads to be known as that Heavenly Dao Spirit Pill is at for your assurance confidence, could not say that I have to deliver you to leave!” 白公子轻轻笑道:“很好,你通过了我的另一层测试,若你以丹云神丹号称天道灵丹为你的把握信心所在,说不得我只好送你离开了!” This delivers you to leave, the significance is it may be said that good, can be delivers you to leave this room, can be delivers you to leave this world! 这句送你离开,可谓意义不俗,既可以是送你离开这间房间,亦可以是送你离开这个世界! Ye Xiao has smiled: Young Master erroneous to praise. Young master’s wound, the principal factor is the heaven disciplinary punishment, therefore the world medicine and stone acupuncture needle, completely is useless. The world has cultivation technique, is also adiaphorous, but, Young Master Bai whether has heard, Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill.” 叶笑已是一笑:“公子谬赞。公子的伤,主因乃是上天惩戒,所以人间药石,根本全然无用。人间现有之功法,亦无作用,不过,白公子是否有听说过,夺天灵丹。” In Young Master Bai suddenly explodes the eye-catching appearance, a character character said: Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill?” 白公子目中蓦然爆起来夺目的神采,一字字道:“夺天灵丹?” Good, is Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill.” Ye Xiao nods slowly. “不错,就是夺天灵丹。”叶笑缓缓点头。 Young Master Bai breathed a sigh of relief gently, said: Hence, I somewhat have believed you.” 白公子轻轻舒了一口气,道:“至此,我才有些相信了你。” Wan'er at the same time is also more excited on much the face slightly to blush. 一边的婉儿也是激动得俏脸上微微发红。 Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill, taking advantage of Ye Xiao unexpectedly is Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill! 夺天灵丹,叶笑的依仗竟然是夺天灵丹 Young Master Bai and Wan'er have looked one, in two people of eyes clear(ly) became aware. 白公子婉儿对望了一眼,两人眼中都有一丝明悟。 Truly, truly already should think. 确实,确实早就该想到的。 Since this person can refine these many types Supreme Pill Beads, or can refine with for Divine Rank Spirit Pill Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill in legend! 这个人既然能够炼制这么多种类的丹云神丹,或者就能够炼制同为传说中的神品灵丹夺天灵丹 This is the smooth to become Zhang matter. 这本是顺利成章的事情。 Does not see the forest for the trees, does not see the mountain. 偏偏一叶障目,不见大山。 One and the others have neglected this possibility unexpectedly...... 自己等人竟然忽略了这个可能…… Then, this not strange Young Master Bai cannot think but actually, is really this Spirit Pill, nearly several thousand years, will not have appeared in each contact surface. 说起来,这倒也不怪白公子想不到,委实是这种灵丹,已经将近数万年,没有在各个界面出现过了。 Exists in the legend, has Divine Rank Spirit Pill in myth! 只是存在于传说,存在于神话之中的神品灵丹 Actually this Seizes the Heaven Spirit Pill, generally also sounds the reputation to throw a bluff on, its effect said carefully that actually also such as is.” Ye Xiao said with a smile: To fall through ancient times, the legend has Great Expert, the entire life pleased love and hate, the murder are countless, but his only son, is actually since was born, is meridians withers, cannot exercise martial arts . Moreover, being doomed is exactly 18-year-old.” “其实这夺天灵丹,大抵也就听起来名头唬人,其功效仔细说起来,却也不过如是。”叶笑微笑道:“亘古以降,传说有一位大能者,生平快意恩仇,杀人无数,但他唯一的儿子,却是自从出生,就是经脉萎缩,不能练功,而且,注定是活不过18岁的。” On the Young Master Bai face has the smile. 白公子脸上有微笑。 He knows that Ye Xiao was telling any story. 他知道叶笑在说一个什么故事。 But this story, he also knows actually, has not actually prevented Ye Xiao to say. 而这个故事,他其实也知道的,却没有阻止叶笑说下去。 This Great Expert divine ability are seriously general, induces Heavenly Dao by own cultivation level, practices divination a trigram for own son, measured that asked the number of days \; The accident knew that unexpectedly is because the entire life murders excessively, there are innumerable innocent people, dies directly indirectly in his hands...... But reason that his son so, is because...... Slaughters too, heaven disciplinary punishment.” “这位大能者当真神通广大,以自身修为感应天道,为自己儿子占卜一卦,测问天数\;意外得知竟是因为自己生平杀伐无度,有无数的无辜者,也直接间接地死在他手里……而他儿子之所以如此,便是因为……杀戮太多,苍天惩戒。” Also so-called...... Heavens Punishment!” “也就是所谓的……天谴!” Young Master Bai said: Good, since mother 's womb, innate with this illness, looks like in the ordinary people, perhaps is the incurable disease \; But only here, pursues in detail probes the source, finally the comprehension, this unexpectedly is the heaven gives in the penalty.” 白公子说道:“不错,自从娘胎里,先天就是伴随着这种病症,在凡夫俗子看来,或许便是不治之症\;但只有在我们这里,详细追根究源,终于领悟,这竟是苍天给于的惩罚。” „A person in the life, the good and evil to the end finally has the report, this is...... Does not evade, cannot avoid. Perhaps because I certain factors can be lucky, but his direct line bloodlines posterity, will happen one day, will actually continue this disciplinary punishment.” “一个人在一生之中,善恶到头终有报,这是……躲不过,避不开的。或许本人因为某些因素可以侥幸,但其直系血脉子孙后代,却终有一天,会将这惩戒承接下来。” The Ye Xiao nod said: Is so.” 叶笑点头道:“就是如此。” He continues saying: Already knows the basic issue to be, this Great Expert detected one treat not to have the method to the son unexpectedly, in fact, before Heavenly Dao asked the divination, this former had already tried the innumerable methods, performed invalid, this used Heavenly Dao to ask divination nearly illusory last resort \; After the determination treats and cures is hopeless, that Great Expert loses, matter of not the good slaughtering, the [say / way] of medicine, spreads innumerable Plane with concentration, treats the illness to save the patient, provides relief for the bosom, perhaps is the divine intervention cares, he when some Plane, wants rescues a hopeless patient, the law of use when things reach their extreme they turn back darkest before dawn refines Spirit Pill, when the success life-saving, has discovered the solution accidentally.” 他继续说道:“既知根本问题所在,这位大能者发觉自己竟对儿子治疗全无手段,事实上,在天道问卜之前,这位前者早就已经尝试了无数法门,尽都无效,这才用到了天道问卜这一近乎虚无缥缈的最后手段\;自觉救治无望之后,那位大能者失落之余,再不行杀戮之事,潜心医药之道,遍走无数位面,治病救人,济世为怀,也许是天意眷顾,他在某个位面,欲救助一个无望病者之时,使用物极必反否极泰来之法炼制灵丹,在成功救人之余,意外地发现了解决方法。” That Great Expert sudden enlightenment, do not collect Heaven and Earth Treasure that Heavens has underground does not have, can treat this grade of illness. But is...... Must from the root, refine one type to go against heaven's will, but the good unique medicine, starts to seep from meridians most deep place, can melt the root damage that Heavenly Dao backlash causes gradually.” “那位大能者顿悟,并非要搜罗天上有地下无的天材地宝,才能够治疗这等病症。而是……要从根源着手,炼制一种可以逆天而行的独特药物,从经脉最深处开始渗透,才能够渐次化解天道反噬造成的根源损伤。” The raw material for medicine that this Medicine Pill, needs although and was inferior that what difficulty looking is difficult to seek, actually in addition has an enormous difficult problem...... pill success level must be Way of Pill peak Pill Clouds level, can play the role.” “这种丹药,所需要的药材虽然并不如何难找难寻,却另存在着一个极大的难题……成丹级数必须是丹道巅峰丹云级数,才能够起到作用。” If cannot reach to Pill Clouds level, is not Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, empties from the consumption manpower and resources.” “若是不能臻至丹云级数,便不是夺天神丹,空自耗费人力物力而已。” Actually so-called Supreme Pill Beads, reason that is called Heavenly Dao Spirit Pill, the regulations are actually because it has the air/Qi of good fortune other level Spirit Pill do not have, only has to reach to Pill Clouds level Spirit Pill, but only has to grow the air/Qi of good fortune voluntarily, can go against heaven's will the line, illness that this heaven grants, the melt snow slowly, belongs to the nihility...... Because this Medicine Pill is makes up for the birth defect from plant root, is equal to the arrangement with ascending the sky doing right, therefore, this Spirit Pill, is then called...... Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill! In other words, Heaven Seizing Supreme Pill, does not have other Rank, has Pill Clouds Rank!” “其实所谓丹云神丹,之所以被称为天道灵丹,实则却是因为它具有其他级数灵丹所没有的造化之气,唯有臻至丹云级数灵丹,而唯有能够自行衍生造化之气,才可以逆天而行,将这种上天赐予的病症,慢慢的融冰化雪,归于虚无……由于这种丹药乃是从根子上弥补先天缺陷,等于是与上天的安排做对,所以,这种灵丹,便叫做……夺天神丹!换言之,夺天神丹,没有其他品阶,就只有丹云一个品阶!” ............ ………… <\; has saying that I caught cold, then has sent one ** said: Caught cold...... Received several hundred to praise instantaneously, dozens recovery happy big rushes. Then innumerable stupid ideas: Drinks a white liquor, highly strong liquor least two jin (0.5 kg). Then: Escaped the pants avenue bare, to rush to the self-respect! Then: Has cut under good...... Then: Takes a bath with hundred degree celsius boiling water...... <\;不得不说,我感冒了,然后发了一个**说:感冒了……瞬间收到了几百个赞,几十个回复‘喜大普奔’。然后无数的馊主意:喝点白酒,高度烈酒最少两斤。然后:脱了裤子大街裸、奔自好!然后:切了下面就好了……然后:用一百度开水洗个澡…… I have depended, you swell can the dark reddish purple ............ >\; 我了个靠,您们肿么能酱紫…………>\;
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