RITF :: Volume #3

#292: The heart settles, the righteousness is at! 【Fourth!】

Young Master Bai long sighing , the look is spooky, as if in this moment, changed to the bound­less galaxy, innumerable Xing Chen / stars, in his eyes flash. 白公子悠悠的叹了一口气,眼神幽幽,似乎在这一刻,化作了无边星河,无数的星辰,在他的眼睛里闪光。 Ye Xiao affirmative nod. 叶笑肯定的点了点头。 Although this meets Young Master Bai to lower the head, but Ye Xiao knows that he can see! 虽然这会白公子低下了头,但叶笑知道,他看得到! Young Master Bai gains ground suddenly, has smiled lightly, said in a soft voice: You is a smart person, is very intelligent, your inference ability is also very strong. You saw unexpectedly really thing that some others cannot see.” 白公子突然抬起头,淡淡的笑了,轻声道:“你是个聪明人,真的很聪明,还有,你的推理能力也很强。你竟然真的看到了一些别人看不到的东西。” He is somewhat disappointed, said lightly: „Since many years, innumerable matches, even if has luck, can see my true colors, but also thinks that I accidentally have the disability.” 他有些怅然,淡淡道:“多少年以来,无数对手,就算是有幸运者,能够看到我的真面目,不过也都以为我只是偶然身有残疾。” Although his vision seems like falls on Ye Xiao, but as if looks at a nihility, the vision is bottomless: „The first time, I am cultivation level all lose, the second time, cultivation level all loses, two cannot lift \; The third time, cultivation level all loses, meridians completely breaks \; The fourth time, cultivation level all loses, meridians completely breaks, two blind......” 他的目光虽然看似落在叶笑身上,但又似乎是看着一片虚无,目光无底:“第一次,我是修为全失,第二次,修为全失,两手不能抬起\;第三次,修为全失,经脉尽断\;第四次,修为全失,经脉尽断,两眼瞎了……” „...... The seventh time...... This is the ninth time \; This time, cultivation level all loses, both eyes are all blind \; Two legs are all waste \; meridians completely breaks \; Divine Sense entire mourning!” “……第七次……这是第九次\;这一次,修为全失,双目皆盲\;两腿全废\;经脉尽断\;神识全丧!” This disability is...... Heaven backlash! The retaliations of trillion blood tribulations!” “这种残疾乃是……苍天反噬!亿万血劫的报复!” This in the sick and wounded with ordinary significance has nothing to do, has nothing to do with the pain.” “这与普通意义上的伤患无关,亦与病痛无关。” Young Master Bai deeply inspired, saying that somewhat taunted: „Can you govern? Even if you have Pill Clouds level Medicine Pill, however Supreme Pill Beads, even if were known as that is Heavenly Dao level Spirit Pill, but by all your common Medicine Pill, can have an effect seriously?” 白公子深深地吸了一口气,有些嘲讽的说道:“你能治?纵然你拥有丹云级数丹药,然而丹云神丹纵然号称是天道级数灵丹,但以你所有的寻常丹药,当真能起作用么?” Ye Xiao light smiling of: In this world, the organization and influence that has almost not dreaded the young master, and even individual, nobody indeed receives with the young master is an enemy, but similarly, the moral nature wants to kill the young master also proliferates the world after the quick person, everyone wants to kill you to create a new legend, but nobody can achieve \; However...... Dares to deceive your person face to face, moreover was bored to with the person who a impossible reason teased you to play...... Should not be many?” 叶笑淡淡的笑了笑:“在这世上,几乎就没有不畏惧公子的组织、势力、乃至个人,无人敢自承与公子为敌,但同样的,心底欲杀公子为后快的人亦是遍布天下,每个人都想要杀你缔造一段新的传奇,只是没有人能做到罢了\;不过……敢当面欺骗你的人,而且是无聊到了用一个绝不可能的理由来涮着你玩的人……应该还不多吧?” Young Master Bai light smiling, in the foreheads the indistinct dew comes out a arrogance! 白公子淡淡的笑了笑,眉宇之间隐隐约约露出来一种至极的傲气! That is one type shows disdain for the heaven earth, anybody does not place the intense stubbornness in eye. 那是一种傲视苍天大地,任何人都不放在眼中的强烈的桀骜。 Also came from the moral nature, in arrogance from bone! 亦是源自心底,源自骨子里的傲气! He dry and pure fair two hands gently have knocked knocking on their knee, smiles was saying: „It is not not many, but until now, simply does not have, but, at present or had one.” 他干燥而洁净白皙的两只手就在自己的膝盖上轻轻的敲了敲,微笑着说道:“不是不多,而是迄今为止,根本没有,只不过,眼前或者就有一个了。” Ye Xiao laughs: Or, present is actually only a favorable turn.” 叶笑哈哈大笑:“又或者,眼前的其实只是一个转机。” Young Master Bai has been full of the interest visits him: „?” 白公子充满了兴趣的看着他:“哦?” Actually, according to my conscience, I do not think absolutely, should not...... Provides this for you conveniently.” Ye Xiao honest saying. “其实,按照我的本心而言,我是绝对不想,更加不该……为你提供这个便利的。”叶笑坦诚的说道。 Because, what I must subvert is Chen Emperor Empire?” “因为,我要颠覆的是辰皇帝国?” Good.” “不错。” Young Master Bai vision profound: Has not thought of you to this country...... Has the so deep sentiment unexpectedly, or is...... Fetters?” 白公子的目光深邃了起来:“没想到你对这个国家……竟有如此深的感情,或者说是……羁绊?” Ye Xiao inspired gently, earnest nod, earnest reply: Yes!” 叶笑轻轻地吸了一口气,认认真真的点了点头,认认真真的回答道:“是!” The Young Master Bai vision were also more several points of dimness. 白公子的目光又更多了几分朦胧。 As if whole person went to fog, suddenly unexpectedly did not see clearly. 似乎整个人又去到了云雾之中,一时间竟看不清楚了。 Because, he discovered very much accidentally own judgment unexpectedly somewhat left a fault. 因为,他很意外地发现自己的判断竟多多少少的出了一点失误。 He thinks that at present this Great Monarch Feng should be the upper boundary person. 他本以为,眼前这个风君座应该是上界的人。 Most at least, should be the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory person \; But such person, should not absolutely to this piece of Cold Sun Continent, and even sets up the country of body to have the too deep affection to him. 最起码,也应该是青云天域的人\;而这样的人,绝对不应该对这片寒阳大陆,乃至对他立身的这个国家有太深厚的感情。 Blue Clouds Heaven Territory practitioner, overwhelming majorities are tyrannical and tenacious, especially is selfish. 青云天域修炼者,绝大多数都是强横而固执,尤其自私。 Rather my defeated/carrying world person, do not make world person defeated/carrying me! 宁我负天下人,勿令天下人负我! This person, clearly is the family|home country mood is but serious at present . Moreover, very deep fetters. 可是眼前这个人,却分明是家国情怀严重,而且,还有很深的羁绊。 In this conclusion Young Master Bai heart confirmed that had not said that finally was that possibility who simply will guess very much cancels in the belly. 这个结论白公子心中已经确认,一直没有说出口,最后更是很干脆地将自己猜测的那种可能自己打消在了肚子里。 This Feng Zhiling, it seems like unexpectedly is really Cold Sun Continent indigenous . Moreover, is the Chen Emperor Empire subject! 这个风之凌,看来竟真的就是寒阳大陆的土著,而且,还是辰皇帝国的臣民! Otherwise, will not have such response. 要不然,绝不会有这样的反应。 A such person, has such hobbling, to oneself, without doubt is a good deed, can wantonly the good deed of use, although not necessarily filings in using this method, but were at least many 1-layer balance method. 一个这样的人,有这样的牵绊,对自己而言,无疑是件好事,是可以大肆利用的好事,虽然自己未必屑于使用这种手段,但至少是多了一层制衡手段。 Meanwhile, but also is equal to grasping at present the soft rib of this person, under present this environment atmosphere, were many such a helper, without doubt will be many many convenience, can make more convenient smooth, if from this viewpoint that own plan was conducted, the cooperation request of opposite party but were actually not feasible, after all the initiative oneself, momentarily can the reverse aspect, grasp all, grasped the absolute strength, throughout was. 同时,还等于是掌握了眼前这个人的软肋,在现在这个环境氛围下,多了这么一个帮手,无疑会多了许多便利,可以令自己的计划进行的更加便捷顺利,若是从这个角度考虑,对方的合作要求倒也不是不可行,毕竟主动权在自己这边,随时可以反转局面,掌握一切,掌握绝对实力的,始终是自己这边。 But, once survived in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, the plant root the person who comes up from Cold Sun Continent...... Seemingly had not heard has this grade of talented person? 但,曾经在青云天域之中生存,根子又是从寒阳大陆上去的人……貌似没听说过有这等人才呀? Country is a quite big influence organization in World of Mortals earthliness...... But, the so-called mood, is the princes is generally used to rule one method of brainwashing......” Young Master Bai light saying: Great Monarch Feng is also experienced person, holds this and other ignorant thought that this thoughts in Great Monarch Feng with my impression are really hard to tally.” “国家不过是红尘俗世之中的一个比较大的势力组织……而,所谓情怀,大抵也不过就是帝王将相用来统治洗脑的一种手段……”白公子淡淡的说道:“风君座也是见多识广之人,怎么也抱有这等愚昧的思想,这种心思实在与我印象中的风君座难以吻合。” He spoke these words time, in eye stellar scintillation. 他说这句话的时候,眼中星光闪烁。 These words sound is serious, brings not to conceal puzzled some. 这句话声音沉重,带着不曾掩饰一些不解。 Because is at Young Master Bai, these words, the regulations are also a probe. 因为在白公子而言,这句话,实则亦是一次试探。 Probes this fellow, in the end is putting on airs at present? 试探一下眼前这个家伙,到底是不是在装模作样? Ye Xiao dignified saying: Perhaps is only the method \; However...... Loyal filial piety knot righteousness, was still the foundation of personhood, set up a base, knocked on doubting of heart. I and others lived on this day within, always has the thing that some consciences believe that but these things, are called the belief, is a person can have a clear conscience by oneself, and goal and direction that struggles.” 叶笑凝重的说道:“或许只是手段\;不过……忠孝节义,仍是做人之本,立身之基,叩心之疑。我等生在这天地间,总存在着一些本心相信的东西,而这些东西,就叫做信仰,也是一个人可以让自己问心无愧,并且为之奋斗的目标、方向。” Young Master Bai knits the brows, said: „?” 白公子皱皱眉,道:“哦?” When he knits the brows, two eyebrows wrinkle, looks like two dragons, occupies in the mountains, like hidden dragon in deep pool. 在他皱眉的时候,两道眉毛皱起,就像是两条龙,盘踞在山川,有如潜龙在渊。 When wrinkles the eyebrow, then stretches, actually likely is two Azure Dragon, suddenly leap in day, Azure Dragon Chongxiao, Wyvern in day. 而等到皱完眉,接着舒展的时候,却又像是两条青龙,陡然飞跃在天,青龙冲霄,飞龙在天。 Ye Xiao noted this \; In heart unexpectedly also fierce shakes. 叶笑无意间注意到了这点\;心中竟也猛的一震。 In the past had never seen the eyebrows of some people were wrinkling among exhibitions, can live such profound different change unexpectedly. But this change clearly is not the day after tomorrow trains, because, this radically is the instinct that has no way to train. 以往从未见到过有人的眉毛在一皱一展之间,竟然能生有这样玄异的变化。但这变化分明不是后天训练,因为,这根本就是没法训练的本能。 Innate grows into, the talent becomes. 只是先天长成,天赋所趋。 In the Ye Xiao heart pondered over, in the mouth said slowly: As a man, or as a person, needs the thing that oneself care about, needs the thing that oneself protect...... Needs to have the firm faith, must have one type...... Sense of shame, the soul of loyalty \; The soul of newborn baby, regardless of any method, original intention why, so long as finally have a clear conscience, in this period the process, was unimportant.” 叶笑心中思忖,口中缓缓说道:“作为一个男人,又或者说作为一个人,需要有自己在乎的东西,需要有自己守护的东西……需要有自己坚定的信念,更加要有一种……羞耻之心,忠义之魄\;赤子之魂,不论什么手段,初衷为何,最终只要自己问心无愧,其间过程,不重要。” However family|home country world that I come, is my faith is, cannot leave, cannot abandon, cannot abandon.” “而我出身的家国天下,便是我的信念所在,不能离,不能弃,更不能舍。” Ye Xiao said these words time, suddenly in heart inexplicable happy. 叶笑说出这番话的时候,突然间心中一阵莫名舒畅。 In chest that since passes through the gate suppressed foul air, has spat suddenly! 就连胸中那一股自从进门就被压制的一口浊气,也突然间吐了出来! Does not have the indication, is actually happily already extremely! 全无征兆,却是舒畅已极! ...... ……
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