RITF :: Volume #3

#291: My card in a hand 【Third!】

However three have made many great fables under this sky...... Only by year Duan Kuadu, three ages, only feared that was also an average man the digit that was hard to imagine, quite terrifying fact!” “而三位已经在这片天空下制造了许多次伟大传说……单是以年段跨度来说,三位的年龄,只怕也是一个常人难以想象的数字了吧,相当恐怖的事实啊!” The Ye Xiao dew tooth smiles, toward reveals the angry look Wan'er to nod with a smile gradually. 叶笑露齿一笑,向着逐渐露出怒色的婉儿颔首微笑。 However this age, this terror \; The average people cannot achieve absolutely \; Therefore I drew a conclusion, three inevitably are extremely expert! Moreover, does not belong to super powerhouse of this world.” “而这种年纪,这种恐怖\;普通人是万万做不到的\;所以我得出了一个结论,三位必然是绝顶高手!而且,还是不属于这个世界的超级强者。” Even, three real cultivation level once, if explodes, this entire mainland is likely not necessarily able to hold a person!” “甚至于,三位的真实修为若是一旦暴发出来的话,这整个大陆很可能都未必能够容得下其中一个人!” Therefore, is not the present displays absolutely...... This ability.” “所以,绝对不是现在表现出来的……这种能力。” Ye Xiao heavy saying: This was I said a moment ago...... No matter the princes, are...... House of the Chaotic Storm, so long as saves is subverting the heart of world \; Let the common people common people be destitute and homeless surely, courage vigor is filling the heavens \; Definitely will receive penalty that ascends the sky!” 叶笑沉沉的说道:“这正是我刚才所说……不管是帝王将相,还是……翻云覆雨楼,只要存着颠覆天下之心\;让千万百姓黎民流离失所,血气弥天\;就必然会受到上天的惩罚!” This is so-called backlash!” “这就是所谓的反噬!” However this backlash, even if the Young Master Bai like this shocking talented person and super powerhouse, is inevitable.” “而这种反噬,纵然是白公子这样的惊世人才、超级强者,也是无可避免的。” In summary, the wind some asserted one boldly...... Young Master Bai nowadays bad in Hang, is the reason, because this......” Ye Xiao gains ground, is facing the Young Master Bai continuously quiet indifferent eye pupil, light saying: However our cooperation, my biggest card in a hand is, is this, does not know that this card in a hand, whether can touch the young master?” “综上所述,风某大胆断言一句……白公子现如今的不良于行,就是缘由于此……”叶笑抬起头,面对着白公子一直沉静淡然的眼眸,淡淡的说道:“而我们这一次的合作,我的最大的底牌是,便是这个,不知道这个底牌,是否可以打动公子呢?” The Young Master Bai look is entirely still. 白公子眼神纹丝不动。 Returns to the indifferent complexion is mighty waves is also outmoded, dried-up well does not have ripples. 重归淡然的脸色亦是波澜不兴,古井不波 As if basic the speech to Ye Xiao is completely aloof. 似乎根本对叶笑的说话全然无动于衷。 Instead is Wan'er long inspired, the sound somewhat is slightly urgent, pursues asks: You explained again, until now, still did not have the solid benefit, discussed that what moves or not.” 反而是婉儿长长地吸了一口气,声音稍稍有些急迫,追问道:“你再说得明白一些,迄今为止,仍是没有实在的利益,谈何打动与否。” Ye Xiao sprinkles however said: My meaning is very clear \; No matter Heavens Punishment is also good, overstated, although I not necessarily had ability to treat completely \; But has certain aiming at method, or can make that issue of Young Master Bai and two girl puzzles, ahead of time some solutions.” 叶笑洒然道:“我的意思很明白\;不管是天谴也好,还是走火入魔也罢,我虽然未必有能力完全治疗\;但却有一定的针对手段,或者可以令白公子和两位姑娘困扰的那个问题,提前一些解决。” This is my card in a hand.” “这就是我的底牌。” Ye Xiao said confidently: Now, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion faced with greatest crisis, Two Great Sects is aggressive \; Once Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion to preserve own submits to any side, Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion oneself then considers does not save, House of the Chaotic Storm, is the final hope that we can think is.” 叶笑坦然说道:“如今,灵宝阁面临莫大危机,两大宗门咄咄逼人\;灵宝阁一旦为保全自身而屈服于任何一方,灵宝阁自身便告不存,翻云覆雨楼,也已经是我们能够想到的最后希望所在。” „The country that although the goal of House of the Chaotic Storm this subversion, our Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion is not at fortunately, may say that each other hostile position was already doomed \; Really should not so conspire. However now, one has no way out, two come......” “虽然翻云覆雨楼此次颠覆的目标,不凑巧正是我们灵宝阁所在的国家,可说彼此敌对立场已然注定\;实在不该这般密谋。不过现在,一来走投无路,二来……” Ye Xiao smiled: Some wind not take action, but several thousand years of experience told us in the past, even if disabled Young Master Bai, same can subvert the world......” 叶笑笑了笑:“就算风某不出手,但以往数千年经验告诉我们,就算是残疾的白公子,也一样可以颠覆天下的……” 50% assurances I just mentioned, about my sincerity, the qualification, instead were not looked that Young Master Bai and Miss Wan'er want not to make this awkward living condition finish ahead of time \; If intends, then, we naturally can cooperate. If not want such to do, the wind some considered any words not to say. Even, can sit here, stretches out the neck to treat unites. Unintentional, success or failure half-and-half, read may decide!” “我刚才提到的五成把握,非关于我的诚意,本钱,反而是看白公子婉儿姑娘想还是不想让这种尴尬的生活状况提前一些结束\;若是有意,那么,我们自然可以合作。若是并不想要这么做,风某就当是什么话也没有说。甚至,可以就坐在这里,引颈待戮。有意无意,成败参半,一念可决!” Ye Xiao free and easy smiling of: Cultivates the behavior in this Human World, must always take some risks. But my this time since this day character room, or is my this life, a biggest risk.” 叶笑洒脱的笑了笑:“做人在这人世间,总是要冒一些风险的。而我这一次进入这天字一号房,或者就是我这一生,最大的一次冒险。” Wan'er has turned the head, is looking at Young Master Bai. 婉儿转过头,望着白公子 In the look contained intense hope meaning faintly. 眼神中隐隐包含了强烈的祈求意味。 If possible, she already readily agreed the Ye Xiao condition. 如果可以的话,她早就一口答应叶笑的条件。 Before for a long time is very very long, at the beginning of Heavenly Dao for the first time backlash, the young master starts to withstand various types body to have disability, blind, deaf, odorless wait / etc. flaws, at their levels, already had naturally tried too many too many aiming at methods, entirely is what a pity invalid. 在很久很久之前,天道首次反噬之初,公子就开始承受各种“身具残疾”,盲目、失聪、无嗅等等缺陷,以他们的层次,自然早已尝试了太多太多的针对手段,可惜,统统无效。 At this moment, if changed a person to say one possibly had the pointed method, can melt disappears Heavenly Dao backlash, Wan'er will snort contemptuously mostly, but this saying came from Feng Zhiling, actually must regard as another matter. 此刻,若是换一个人说自己可能有针对性手段,可以化消天道反噬,婉儿多半会嗤之以鼻,可是这话来自于风之凌,却得另当别论了。 The reason is very simple, Feng Zhiling is Spirit Treasure Pavil­ion Great Monarch, is the Supreme Pill Beads genuine owner. 理由很简单,风之凌灵宝阁君座,亦是丹云神丹的真正拥有者。 Originally such as Cultivating Yuan Pill and Washes Marrow Pill, and even Broken Bans Pill, even Medicine Pill of higher level, regarding Young Master Bai and the others, cannot really be regarded anything, but, reaches to Pill Clouds level Medicine Pill is actually no comparison between them, Young Master Bai in view of own Heavenly Dao backlash, no doubt had taken innumerable Spirit Pill, even includes Nine Revolution Gold Pill in legend, but these Medicine Pill did not have any itself level to reach to Pill Clouds level, in the level division of Way of Pill, Pill Clouds level, was the pinnacle in Medicine Pill, was so-called Heavenly Dao level. 本来诸如培元丹洗髓丹,乃至破禁丹,甚至更高层次的丹药,对于白公子等人而言,实在算不得什么,但,臻至丹云级数丹药却又不可同日而语,白公子针对自己的天道反噬,固然曾经服用过无数灵丹,甚至包括传说中的九转金丹,但这些丹药却没有任何一颗的本身层次臻至了丹云级数,在丹道的层次划分中,丹云级数,乃是丹药之中的极致,亦是所谓的天道级数 Wants in view of Heavenly Dao backlash, or only has same reaches to Heavenly Dao the level matter, can melt disappears. 想要针对“天道反噬”,或者唯有同样臻至“天道级数的物事,可以化消。 Naturally, did not say has eaten a Pill Clouds level Cultivating Yuan Pill anything can melt immediately, the issue definitely does not have is so simple, refines some special pointed medicine pill mostly, is most essential, this Medicine Pill must result is Pill Clouds level, possibly useful! 当然,不是说吃了一颗丹云级数培元丹什么的就能即时化解,问题肯定没那么简单,多半是炼制某种专门针对性药丹,最关键的,这种丹药必须得是丹云级数的,才可能有用! Wan'er understands truth, so ardently is looking at the young master, she hopes that the young master can comply! 婉儿正是明白其中道理,才会如此殷殷的望着公子,她希望公子能够答应! But, even if in this time, she still a few words does not dare to say. 但,纵然在这种时刻,她仍旧一句话也不敢多说。 Because, this is young master’s matter, only then young master, can decide that can take responsibility. 因为,这是公子的事情,只有公子自己,才可以决定,可以做主。 Different is faintly rude from Wan'er, Young Master Bai complexion still tranquil Wubo. 不同于婉儿隐隐失态,白公子的脸色仍旧平静无波 the next moment, he has lifted the eyelid gently. 下一刻,他轻轻地抬起了眼皮。 Three degrees gaze at Ye Xiao. 三度注视叶笑 The look seriously is similar to two advantage arrows of making a great show of one's talents. 眼神当真如同两支锋芒毕露的利箭。 In this moment, Ye Xiao even feels, on own face is similar to by the sharp needle maliciously is gripping. 在这一刻,叶笑甚至感觉到,自己的脸上如同被尖针狠狠的扎着。 That is one type can sufficiently the fierce pain of burningly painful soul. 那是一种足以能灼痛灵魂的剧烈痛楚。 Then, Young Master Bai does not need Ye Xiao to react, lowered the head without consulting anybody, is looking at own leg. 然后,白公子不待叶笑做出反应,径自低下头,望着自己的腿。 This both legs, already did not have the least bit consciousness now, when looks like two decayed were already many blockhead. Young Master Bai can feel clearly that on oneself, is hiding the enormous force. 这双腿,现在早已没有半点知觉,就像是两节已然腐朽多时的木头。白公子能够清楚地感觉到,在自己身上,隐藏着的巨大力量。 That is...... Puts out a hand to be able the world to overturn, the incomparable strength of mainland sunken land. 那是……一伸手就能天地翻覆、大陆陆沉的无匹力量。 If own cultivation level restores, even does not need to begin, only needs together the vision, can pierce in this world any expert, disregards any defense! 若是自身修为恢复,甚至不需要动手,只需要一道目光,就能够洞穿这世上任何高手,无视任何防御! Even, only needs a look, can let in the world various country monarchy subject, worships on bended knees all in the place. 甚至,只需要一个眼神,就能够让世上诸国君主臣民,尽数跪拜在地。 The left has Wan Of The Clouds, right has Xiu Of The Heavens \; The waving wind and cloud all comes, raising the arm universe full Xiu! 左有云端之婉,右有天上之秀\;挥手风云全来,振臂乾坤满袖! In bystander opinion, these words simply were fierce to the pinnacle \; But, only some know, any waving wind and cloud Qi to come, raising the arm universe full Xiu...... 在外人看来,这几句话简直是厉害到了极致\;但,唯有自己才知道,什么挥手风云齐来,振臂乾坤满袖…… If the strength, this had not described! 若是自己实力还在,这根本就不是形容! But is the fact! 而是事实! Even is disparaging! 甚至是一种贬低! Even if the universe mountains and rivers, only needs itself to wield the sleeves, can carry off completely, rubs the circle to rub as one desires flatly! 纵然是乾坤山河,也只需要自己挥一挥衣袖,就能全部带走,随心搓圆搓扁! Gods? 神祗? In the Young Master Bai heart only then sneers. 白公子心中只有冷笑。 What is the god? 什么是神祗? I, am! 我,就是! All over the world, is it possible that King earth, leads the shore of earth, is it possible that King Chen...... These words, regarding oneself, are only the joke, a through joke! That is all. 普天之下,莫非王土,率土之滨,莫非王臣……这句话,对于自己来说,只是笑话,一个彻头彻尾的笑话!仅此而已。 But now, oneself actually can only sit silently here. 但现在,自己却只能默默地坐在这里。 That shocks the vault of heaven, to collapse sufficiently destroys the earth the side day strength, cannot use! 那足以震撼苍穹、崩毁大地的极天实力,一点也不能动用! ............ …………
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