RITF :: Volume #3

#290: Heavens Punishment disability 【Second!】

We did not deny the world true feelings, the game that but multiplied regarding this authority, actually did not spare a glance.” “我们不否认人间真情,但对于这种权力滋生的游戏,却是不屑一顾。” „Since the ancient times, the ordinary people can draw support from such game, coming achievement own sovereign to attempt the hegemony \; Then, why can't we subvert it?” “既然自古以来,一个又一个的凡夫俗子能够借助这样的游戏,来成就自己的皇图霸业\;那么,我们为何不能将其颠覆?” Since the world common people are doomed unable to be incapable of avoiding the arrival of that misery, then, whose hand this misery raises from, what also there is to distinguish?” “既然天下苍生注定无法无力避免那一场苦难的到来,那么,这一场苦难从谁的手中掀起,又有什么区别?” Wan'er coldly heavy asking. 婉儿冷冷沉沉的问道。 The Ye Xiao booth lets go, helpless saying: Indeed has not distinguished.” 叶笑摊摊手,无奈的说道:“的确没有区别。” Wan'er pursues tightly asks: You were saying a moment ago also some don't have? could it be that line of gab is your so-called assurance?!” 婉儿紧追问道:“那你刚才又在说那些有的没的?难道夸夸其谈就是你所谓的把握?!” Ye Xiao truncation tastes: „The girl view is penetrating, regarding common people, truly does not have the big distinction, but regarding raising the people of these chaos caused by war, in the heart actually not necessarily has no qualms!” 叶笑截口道:“姑娘论调精辟,对于苍生来说,确实是没有多大的分别,但对于掀起那些战乱的人来说,心中却未必无愧吧!” „The world feels emotion, the heaven is correct!” “人间有情,苍天有道!” A Ye Xiao character character said: World sentiment, dark green Heavenly Dao, ancient since, is gazing at this boundless world! So-called is leisurely along day, going against heaven's will perishes, disobeys Heavenly Dao, to attempt to control to provoke fate, must suffer Heavens Punishment!” 叶笑一字字说道:“人间情,苍天道,亘古至今,便在注视着这苍茫人世!所谓顺天者逸,逆天者亡,违逆天道、妄图操控拨弄运数者,必遭天谴!” Heavens Punishment! 天谴 Wan'er numerous snort|hum, has not opened the mouth unexpectedly once again. 婉儿重重的哼了一声,竟没有再度开口。 Ye Xiao said: Wind some had looked up this Cold Sun Continent history book \; Since 90,000 years ago, first-generation dynasty established \; Since the first emperor has ascended the throne, the multiplication hence, had 99,000 years of years!” 叶笑道:“风某曾经查过这寒阳大陆史书\;自从90000年前,第一代皇朝成立\;第一位皇帝登基以来,繁衍至此,前后已有99000年岁月!” „Since this long years, the entire mainland experienced several hundred dynasty, perished over ten thousand countries!” “这段漫长的岁月以来,整个大陆经历了数百个朝代,灭亡了上万国家!” Each generation of kings, in being acclaimed as emperor to ascend a height to get a broad view extremely, established the dynasty dozens years and even several hundred years later, can definitely encounter the result that the bloodlines cut off \; The cigarette extinguishes completely! Die without a heir! Certainly without exception!” “每一代帝王,在黄袍加身登临绝顶,建立皇朝的数十年乃至几百年后,必然会遭遇血脉断绝的结局\;香烟灭尽!断子绝孙!绝无例外!” Each king, regardless of there are not becomes, the monarchy of promising inactivity, once was fantasizing throughout the ages, is thinking the landscape will be forever solid. However, often after several years, is the beacon rises from all directions, the flames of war set the prairie afire.” “每一个帝王,无论有成无成,有为无为的君主,都曾经幻想着千秋万代,都想着江山永固。然而,往往数年后,就是烽烟四起,战火燎原。” However although common people common people suffering the pain of chaos caused by war, but actually throughout such as in original green grass, spreading like wildfire \; Always has the bloodlines inheritance, can be said as true throughout the ages. But these attempt the extravagant demands kings throughout the ages, after into 95 Venerable, in dozens years several hundred years, the bloodlines will actually exterminate!” “而百姓苍生虽然饱经战乱之苦,但却始终如原上青草,野火烧不尽\;总有血脉传承,才可说是真正的千秋万代。而那些妄图奢求千秋万代的帝王们,在成为95之尊之后,却会在数十年数百年之间,血脉灭绝!” This reality biggest satire unexpectedly is, the common people still might escape difficult of blood relationship middle course die young, but the honored king bloodlines are actually how regardless of unable to escape, destiny of dying without a heir.” “这个现实最大的讽刺竟是,百姓尚有可能逃过血嗣中道夭折之难,而尊贵的帝王血脉却是无论如何也逃不脱,断子绝孙的命运。” As all can see this Human World vanishes the surname finally in history, most likely is king's families?” “君不见这人世间最终消失在历史之中的姓氏,十之八九都是帝王之家?” The Ye Xiao sinking sound said: This is Heavenly Dao, regarding these destruction worlds peaceful and Heavens Punishment of person! This, punishes! Is backlash!” 叶笑沉声说道:“这便是天道,对于那些破坏人间安和之人的天谴!这,就是惩罚!就是反噬!” „Do trillion life flesh and blood, how could easily speak to spoil?” “亿万生灵血肉,岂能轻言糟蹋?” „A person of Supreme ancestral tablet, must try hard to practice to by oneself come, builds the king throne that becomes by all living things flesh and blood \; If by backlash, where didn't have the natural justice to be just?” “一人之至尊神位,要靠自己努力修炼得来,以众生血肉堆砌而成的帝王宝座\;若是不受反噬,哪里还有天理公道?” Miss Wan'er Zeng [say / way], common people nowhere wanted the justice a moment ago, can only withstand silently, waited for that newly toward establishing to hope peacefully \; However I actually must tell girl now, the common people truly nowhere obtain the justice, regulations non- pass/test nowhere, because only, does not need to ask! The people are doing, the day was looking that the heaven has eyes, the friendly bad end has the report! Full hand innocent bloodiness, the retribution of heaven, only struggles early and late!” “刚才婉儿姑娘曾道,百姓无处求公道,只能默默承受,等待新朝建立才能期盼安乐\;但是我现在却要告诉姑娘,百姓确实无处求得公道,实则非关无处,只因为,不必求!人在做,天在看,苍天有眼,善恶终有报!满手无辜血腥者,苍天之报应,只争早与迟!” Wan'er also wanted to say anything, but had not said finally. 婉儿似是还想要说什么,但却终于没有说。 These matters, have the clear history book record. 这些事情,都是有明明白白的史书记载。 Even if these founding emperors, has the authority to have the qualification to write off the person of revision history book, has not covered up these matters, can it be that person words, can dispute! 纵然是那些开国皇帝,有权力有本钱抹杀修订史书之人,都没有将这些事情遮掩,又岂是一个人一番话,所能辩驳得了的! Most important also lies, Ye Xiao has not spoken incorrectly. 最重要的还在于,叶笑并没有说错。 These once ruled the world, one generation of kings in rich all sea, overlords, their male offspring, to last generation of dynasties time, all changes to the tool that next dynasty Government Official promoted all, head, turned into the road of promotion \; Turned into the military officer meritorious service! 那些曾经君临天下,富有四海的一代帝王,霸主们,他们的子嗣,到了最后一代王朝的时候,无不悉数化作了下一个王朝官员升级的工具,一颗一颗的人头,变成了升迁之路\;变成了将领功勋! When initial one generation of overlords ascended the throne, which king also there is to conceive, the shortly after future, oneself poured into countless painstaking care, to pour into innumerable emotion great expectations descendants' head, high was hanging in the top, warned the people? Is hanging in some people of waist, becomes important proof that seeks undeserved credit and rewards? 在当初的一代霸主登基的时候,又有哪一位帝王曾经设想过,在不久后的将来,自己倾注了无数心血、倾注了无数情感厚望的子孙的人头,就那么高高悬挂在城头,警示民众?或者悬挂在某一人的腰间,成为邀功请赏的重要凭据? King is never recurring, or because of Heavens Punishment backlash \; However, our House of the Chaotic Storm has not wanted to occupy the position of overlord \; We do is only, when each dynasty will be soon decayed, adds a strength much, making this piece of world quicker step changing from one dynasty to another \; Based on this point, regarding the world common people, instead is the greatest good deed! Many flames of war chaotic situations, are because of our involvements, but quicker finished subsiding \; After so-called chaos must have great order, it may be said that the common people common people bring safely pleasant, multiplication living minimum hundred years of years, these several hundred years of peaceful days, how could it not be are our merits, merit Wuliang!” “帝王绝后,或者是因为天谴反噬\;不过,我们翻云覆雨楼从来没有想要占据霸主之位\;我们作的就只是,在每一个王朝即将腐朽的时候,多加一把力气,让这片天下更快一步的改朝换代而已\;基于这一点来说,对于天下百姓,反而是莫大的好事!许多战火乱局,正是因为我们的介入,而更快的结束平息\;所谓大乱之后的必有大治,可谓百姓苍生带来平安喜乐、繁衍生息最少数百年岁月,这数百年的太平日子,岂非是我们的功德,功德无量!” Wan'er vision cold Lin, strong saying: Therefore, the Great Monarch Feng view, was untenable, but argued in refutation, at least one-sided said! The so-called Heavenly Dao circulation, to me and others, is not suitable.” 婉儿目光冷凛,强硬的说道:“所以,风君座刚才的论调,并不成立,只是驳论,至少是片面之说!所谓的天道循环,对我等来说,并不适用。” Ye Xiao said easely: If so is not seriously suitable, then, shocking below Young Master Bai now bad in Hang, actually because of like that?” 叶笑悠然说道:“若然当真并不适用,那么,名震天下的白公子如今不良于行,却是因为那般呢?” His vision, cold Dian gazed on the leg of Young Master Bai generally. 他的目光,冷电一般注视到了白公子的腿上。 The counter-attack of these words, looked like penetrated the lightning of everywhere dark cloud suddenly. 这一句话的反击,就像是突然间穿透了漫天乌云的闪电。 Incisive, sharp! 尖锐,犀利! Is unstoppable! 无可抵挡! Wan'er is at a loss for words suddenly, however the vision actually transfers the woods to be cold, overflows to kill anybody's ice to be cold sufficiently. 婉儿突然语塞,然而目光却转为森寒,流溢出足以杀死任何人的冰寒。 Ye Xiao all does not pay attention, still saying slowly: I had said a moment ago, I had glanced through the ancient book in detail \; About always introduction of House of the Chaotic Storm \; Also is 11 understands clearly in the heart...... Before, regarding mysterious, but Ruler world House of the Chaotic Storm Young Master Bai, once had the record.” 叶笑全不理会,仍旧慢慢的说道:“我刚才说过了,我曾经详细翻阅过典籍\;关于翻云覆雨楼的历来介绍\;也是11了然于心……在之前,对于神秘而主宰天下的翻云覆雨楼白公子,也曾有过记载。” Although the material is few, is limited, but, in these limited material records, will present such a few words frequently.” “虽然资料为数不多,有限得很,但,在那些有限资料记载上,却常常会出现这样一段话。” Ye Xiao, said: „...... Some toward some generation, chaos caused by war rises from all directions suddenly, beacon ten thousand li (5.000 km) \; In, the mysterious rivers and lakes influence, played the crucial role, this influence, is House of the Chaotic Storm...... But, especially strange, his Young Master Lou said white, cultivation level was exceedingly high, wisdom deep like sea, mapped out strategic plans in an army tent, determining the final outcome thousand li(500 km) \; Universe in hand, world in heart...... The body has the disability......” 叶笑顿了顿,说道:“……某朝某代,突然战乱四起,烽烟万里\;在其中,有一个神秘的江湖势力,起到了关键作用,这股势力,便是翻云覆雨楼……而,尤其奇者,其楼公子曰白,修为通天,智深如海,运筹帷幄,决胜千里\;乾坤在手,天下在心……却身具残疾……” Language that these words, Ye Xiao related fast extremely slow \; Especially when spoke of final five characters ‚the body to have disability five characters, said slowly. 这一段话,叶笑诉说的语速极慢\;尤其是在说到最后五个字‘却身具残疾’五个字的时候,说得更慢。 Almost was every single word or phrase, speak unhurriedly and clearly, likely has pushed from the gap between teeth, each character, was similar to ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) great hammer, from sky numerous pounded. 几乎就是一字一句,一字一顿,像是从牙缝里挤了出来,每一字,都如同万斤巨锤,从天空中重重的砸下来。 Pounds in the heart of listener. 砸在听者的心头。 The Wan'er complexion a blanch, has bitten the lip immediately gently. However is looking at the Ye Xiao vision, actually becomes sharp inexplicable, even is killing intent overflows, does not have to conceal. 婉儿脸色顿时一阵发白,轻轻的咬住了嘴唇。然而望着叶笑的目光,却变得更加锐利莫名,甚至是杀机四溢,全无掩饰。 What is more interesting, during many records \; Young Master Bai so-called each time body has disability...... Is unexpectedly different.” Ye Xiao said lightly. “更加有趣的是,在诸多记载之中\;白公子每次的所谓‘身具残疾’……竟然都是不一样的。”叶笑淡淡说道。 ............ ………… <\; today erupts, asks the monthly ticket! >\; <\;今天爆发,求月票!>\;
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