RITF :: Volume #3

#289: You have destiny backlash!

Ye Xiao said: I, since such came, if no considerable assurance, how I will come?” 叶笑道:“我既然这么来了,若是没有相当的把握,我又怎么会来?” This moment idle talk spoken lines words were already useless, I am interested in having a look at your assurance really very much.” In the Young Master Bai eye has an interest, looks at Ye Xiao, the sinking sound track: Is only, if so your relying on cannot touch me finally, then, today here, is your burial ground. Your assurance has 50%, my assurance is actually ten tenths!” “此刻空口说白话已然无益,我真的很有兴趣看看你的把握。”白公子眼中有一种趣味,看着叶笑,沉声道:“只是,若然你的凭恃最终不能打动我,那么,今天这里,就是你的葬身之地。你的把握只得五成,我的把握却是十成!” His saying slowly: Under this sky, nobody can be so dissolute after me certainly, but can also live.” 他慢慢的说道:“在这片天空下,绝没有人能够在我面前如此放肆之后,还能活着。” I hope actually very much you can be an exception.” On the Young Master Bai pretty face, belongs to indifferently, does not have the least bit change mood to fluctuate again. “我其实很希望你会是一个例外。”白公子俊秀的脸上,归于淡然,再没有半点变化情绪波动。 However the aura of entire space, actually flickers the time becomes cold cold. 然而整个空间的气息,却瞬时间变得冷凛凛的。 Airborne agalloch eaglewood smog , at this moment scattered in disorder becomes one after another, chaotic, no longer beforehand rule. 空中的沉香烟雾,亦在此刻散乱成一团一团,杂乱无章,不复之前的规则。 Ye Xiao he he smiles, said: „The young master rich world, waves chaotic storm, unknowingly, may the Ruler dynasty prosperity and decline \; Moreover, in several thousand years, always enjoying time and time again, if so has treated as a game all these, is rather senseless, is more unamusing.” 叶笑呵呵一笑,道:“公子富有天下,挥手翻云覆雨,在不经意间,就可主宰王朝兴衰\;而且,在数千年间,一次又一次的乐此不疲,若然就只是将这一切当做了一个游戏,未免无趣,更加不好玩。” The Young Master Bai calm face, has not spoken. 白公子沉着脸,并没有说话。 However what now can conclude is...... The young master and Wan Of The Clouds, Xiu Of The Heavens two girl, are the president who during these several thousand years continuously carry on to subvert, the person, is the millennium ago people, the matter, is the millennium ago matters, therefore, young master with two girl, although dares to annoy in this day next within nobody, but...... The strength actually should not, only then present this point.” “而现在可以断定的是……公子与云端之婉,天上之秀两位姑娘,便是这数千年间不断进行颠覆的主持者,人,还是千年前的人,事,还是千年前的事,所以,公子与两位姑娘虽然在这天下间无人敢惹,但……实力却是绝不应该只有现在的这一点。” Ye Xiao methodical saying: Moreover, such many time subversion, decide however have some goal to exist.” 叶笑有条不紊的说道:“而且,这么许多次的颠覆,定然有某种目的存在。” Should not to enjoy this chaotic storm process, even if the amusing game, will be eventually tasteless!” “不应该只是为了享受这个翻云覆雨的过程,纵然是再好玩的游戏,终究会乏味!” Therefore, turns the cloud not necessarily duplicate rain, rivers and lakes not necessarily world.” “所以,翻云未必覆雨,江湖未必天下。” Ye Xiao said that while is reorganizing own mentality \; He said is not quick, but, each character, bites very clearly. 叶笑一边说,一边整理着自己的思路\;他说的并不快,但,每一个字,都咬得很清楚。 Young Master Bai calmly is also sitting, calmly is listening, has not broken. 白公子也在静静地坐着,静静地听着,并不曾打断。 If Young Master Bai breaks suddenly, perhaps, means Ye Xiao way finally! 若是白公子突然打断,也许,就意味着叶笑的终途! Life end point! 生命的终点! The agalloch eaglewood smog lingers in again his at present, has covered his eyes, has covered his face, lets his whole person, during falls into to be illusory suddenly. 沉香烟雾再一次萦绕在他的眼前,遮挡了他的眼,遮挡了他的脸,让他的整个人,突然间陷入虚无缥缈之中。 Illusory, just likes does not have the least bit real feeling. 虚幻,恍如没有半点真实的感觉。 As if so long as gust has blown, he can be the same to these smog, disappears without a trace. 似乎只要一阵风吹过,他就能与这些烟雾一样,消失得无影无踪。 Three people in room knows, each character that Ye Xiao said that Young Master Bai listened in the ear. 只是在房中的三个人都知道,叶笑所说的每一个字,白公子都听在了耳朵里。 Certainly not the omissions of half characters. 绝不曾有半个字的遗漏。 Dynasty subverts, particularly in a dynasty of prosperous time, makes the world transformation, the universe relapse...... Involved to be too many. It is not a satisfied matter......” “王朝颠覆,尤其是在一个鼎盛时期的王朝,进行世界改造,乾坤反复……这其中牵扯到了太多。并不是一件心安理得的事情……” Ye Xiao sighed gently: Perhaps Young Master Bai has the difficulties that some type has to make, but, this throughout is not a happy matter.” 叶笑轻轻叹了一口气:“或许白公子有某种不得不做的苦衷,不过,这始终不是一件愉快的事情。” After all, people are plunged into an abyss of misery, the reverse situation, artificially makes the bound­less blood disaster forcefully, soars to the heavens the courage vigor, innumerable ghosts, needs the suitable price. The destiny of this world, is not which person wants to change can change, if especially also changes over and over.” “毕竟,生灵涂炭,强行扭转大势,人为制造无边血灾,冲天血气,无数冤魂,也需要相当的代价的。这个天下的气运,可不是哪一个人想要改变就能够改变的,尤其还要是一改再改。” Ye Xiao lifts the eye, looks at Young Master Bai, said in a soft voice: These that I said that do not know that Young Master Bai to be so otherwise?” 叶笑抬起眼睛,看着白公子,轻声道:“我说的这些,不知道白公子以为然否?” Young Master Bai complexion again no longer indifferent, slightly is cloudy, has not spoken, the vision no doubt still looked at fixedly, actually not with Ye Xiao looking at each other, but looked to did not have the place of thing void. 白公子的脸色再不复淡然,略显阴沉,并没有说话,目光固然仍旧凝注,却没有与叶笑对视,而是望向了虚空无物之处。 This is Young Master Bai avoids from another person of vision gaze for the first time! 这是白公子首次回避来自另一人的目光注视! Does not know that many years, he has not avoided anybody's vision, this time, Young Master Bai does not want to avoid, but, facing in the look to grid, recalled that during several thousand years, subverted several times, that trillion bone, fill up the ghost of entire hell sufficiently...... 不知道多少年了,他从来没有回避过任何人的目光,这一次,白公子也不想要回避,但,面对对方眼中的神色,回想起数千年来,数次颠覆之中,那亿万白骨,足以填满整个地府的亡魂…… Young Master Bai first time has avoided others' vision. 白公子第一次回避了别人的目光。 Although his complexion is still tranquil, light, his vision still unmoving, but, his heart, actually also vibrated in this moment. 虽然他的脸色依然平静,平淡,他的目光依然凝定,但,他的心,在这一刻却也是震动了一下。 At the same time, Wan Of The Clouds is actually light smiling, said in a soft voice: Great Monarch Feng this word is bad.” 一边,云端之婉却是淡淡的笑了笑,轻声道:“风君座此言差矣。” Ye Xiao said: „? Wish to hear the girl enlightening remark.” 叶笑道:“哦?愿闻姑娘高论.” Wan'er light saying: Since the ancient times, the Human World book is flooding the life and death, the analysis and synthesis \; A country is popular a nation to extinguish inevitably \; Since old times nobilities, for one's own selfish interests, for right of the, wreaking havoc world, rocket world, beacon-fire ten thousand \; But, common people common people actually what Gu? However, even if innocent actually where can sue, only then passive withstands a way silently, after all after beacon-fire end and dynasty establishing a capital city, is peaceful gentle, always such as is!” 婉儿淡淡的说道:“自古以来,人世间本就是充斥着生生死死,分分合合\;一国兴必然一邦灭\;自古王侯将相,为了一己之私,为了一己之权利,肆虐天下,狼烟天下,烽火万家\;但,黎民百姓却又何辜?然而,纵然无辜却又何处能诉,只有被动默默承受一途,毕竟烽火尽头、一朝定鼎之后,便是安乐平和,从来如是!” To fall through ancient times, is this kind of samsara!” “亘古以降,便是这样一个轮回!” Starts once again, the circulation continues, dynasty is endless, the flames of war do not extinguish!” “周而复始,循环不止,王朝不尽,战火不熄!” One becomes the merit, in addition bleached bone full mountain \; Let alone, prosperity and decline of the country, being annexed of dynasty?” “一将功成,尚且枯骨盈山\;更何况,一国之兴衰,一朝之沦亡?” Wan'er incisive saying: So-called common people common people, when, can control own destiny? The flames of war ignite, homeland Tu Tan, breaks up a family, can say to whom? In the world, can where give them to be just?” 婉儿尖锐的说道:“所谓的黎民百姓,又在什么时候,能够掌握自己的命运?战火燃起,家园涂炭,妻离子散,又能向谁去说?天地之间,何处能够给予他们公道?” Ye Xiao is just about to speak to deal, that side Wan'er already continued to relate incisively: Great Monarch Feng do not say anything to enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, overthrows tyranny excuse so forth, all these kind of slogans, but is only a excuse, magnificent reason that to seek the person of superior, builds.” 叶笑正要说话应对,婉儿那边已然继续尖锐的诉说了下去:“风君座不要说什么替天行道,推翻暴政诸如此类的说词,所有这类口号,不过就只是一个借口,一个为了谋求上位之人,营造出来的华丽理由而已。” As all can see these kept on proclaiming enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, hang the person who the people cut down the crime, once the achievement king, mounted the imperial throne \; Also before there is which has not continued these , a rule of dynasty?” “君不见那些口口声声替天行道,吊民伐罪的人,一旦成就帝王,登上帝位\;又有哪一个不是延续了那些之前王朝的统治?” Paid lip service to the landscape throughout the ages, but, after several generations, was the sores all over the eye, people have no means to make a living?” “口口声声江山万代,但,不过数代人之后,何尝不是满目疮痍,民不聊生?” By this all sorts, but is...... Excuse! Is the authorities! Rights! Right! All these all are causing trouble!” “以此种种,不过就是……借口!都是权力!权益!权利!这一切的一切在作祟!” Wan'er sound gradual is gentle, actually was still the words like the blade: „The world common people, are always the tool of ruler! Demands everything, has one's wish!” 婉儿声音逐渐的柔和下来,却仍是言辞如刀:“天下苍生,向来就是统治者的工具!予取予求,随心所欲!” However the pain of common people, from beginning to end, never has subsiding!” “而苍生之苦,自始至终,从未有过平息!” This is Human World!” “这便是人世间!” This is the common people world!” “这便是苍生天下!” This is the king plan!” “这就是帝王心术!” This is under a vault of heaven, all mainland, common situation!” “这就是苍穹之下,所有大陆,共同的情况!” Never has the change!” “从未有过改变!” The Wan'er sound becomes gentle: Great Monarch Feng, to be so otherwise?” 婉儿声音变得温柔:“风君座,以为然否?” Ye Xiao is low and deep: „The opinion of girl is precise, I show the approval, but, the rise and falls of the nation substitution, actually inevitably follows the destiny to take off and land! Has the destiny to support \; Has the merit of flesh and blood, has the gentleman of loyal will......” 叶笑低沉道:“姑娘的见解精到,我表赞同,不过,国家兴亡替代,却必然伴随气数起落!有气运撑持\;有血肉之功,有忠志之士……” He He......” the Wan'er taunt has smiled: „Does destiny take off and land? What destiny? Does the destiny support? What is the destiny?” “呵呵……”婉儿嘲讽的笑了起来:“气数起落?何谓气数?气运撑持?何为气运?” Ye Xiao helpless smiling. 叶笑无奈的笑了笑。 Regarding this topic, even if by Monarch Xiao knows, knows it however not to know its reason why, regarding the true understanding destiny and destiny, and even can control the person of manipulation, Ye Xiao insufficiently looked obviously, argued reluctantly, only from exposing his clown, was useless at the matter. 对于这个话题,就算是以笑君主的所知,也只是知其然不知其所以然,对于真正了解气数、气运,乃至能够操控摆弄之人,叶笑显然是不够看的,勉强争辩,只会自曝其丑,于事无益。 About is a murder is full, game of fighting for power and profit, that is all.” The Wan'er sound is gentle, the complexion is temperate, the words that but said that brought the infinite ice to be cold, one such as superior despised World of Mortals, the ants common people. “左右不过乃是一场杀人盈野,争权夺利的游戏,仅此而已。”婉儿声音温柔,脸色温和,但说出来的话,却是带着无限的冰寒,一如上位者藐视红尘,蝼蚁苍生。 ...... …… <\; pony rolls, I come back truely! >\; <\;筒子们,我真真正正的回来啦!>\;
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